Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This guide describes list of API services that are provided by OmniVista Cirrus portal system.
REST interface is used for sending/receiving API messages. HTTP requests GET/POST/PUT/DELETE are used. Standard HTTP responses are used to provide requested information or error status. There is no session notion in OmniVista Cirrus system, so requests could be issued according stateless model, without transport conservation between them. JSON is used as a main format for data encoding in message body part. Each request is started with the following pattern /api/{version}/{resource} where {version} is the API version number and {resource} is the name of the resource object to address.
Each request should contain some credential information to authenticate itself. Standard HTTP authentication with basic/bearer modes is used. JSON Web Token mechanism is used to provide authentication information. JWT has an expired timeout that is controlled by the OmniVista Cirrus portal to prevent very long token usage. Also authentication with application token is used. The token must be provided in the request HTTP header, using the Authorization header. At server side, token is verified, and if it doesn’t match, 403 Not Allowed response is sent. TLS is used as a transport protocol to support message exchanges between OmniVista Cirrus portal and an application.
The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the following "ASCII Encoding Reference" table before putting them into the URL path. Examples:
=> The value of the query parameter "name" is encoded from the string "Name 01".
=> The value of the query parameter "name" is encoded from the string "@Name#02".
Character | From Windows-1252 | From UTF-8 |
space | %20 | %20 |
# | %23 | %23 |
? | %3F | %3F |
& | %26 | %26 |
+ | %2B | %2B |
, | %2C | %2C |
. | %2E | %2E |
: | %3A | %3A |
; | %3B | %3B |
= | %3D | %3D |
$ | %24 | %24 |
@ | %40 | %40 |
! | %21 | %21 |
~ | %7E | %7E |
{ | %7B | %7B |
} | %7D | %7D |
[ | %5B | %5B |
] | %5D | %5D |
( | %28 | %28 |
) | %29 | %29 |
' | %27 | %27 |
" | %22 | %22 |
` | %60 | %60 |
^ | %5E | %5E |
| | %7C | %7C |
< | %3C | %3C |
> | %3E | %3E |
\ | %5C | %5C |
/ | %2F | %2F |
This API allows to check if user is required to update account security (Two-factor Authenticator or password) .
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "level": "MSP",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": true,
- "role": {
- "id": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "user": "string",
- "msp": {
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "is2FARequired": true
}, - "organization": {
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "is2FARequired": true
}, - "enforcementPolicy": "WEAK",
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastChangedPwd": "string",
- "token": "string"
This API allows to get user's profile for the logged user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastLoginDate": "2024-09-13T14:33:27.875Z",
- "createdAt": "2023-04-06T13:46:32.439Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:33:27.879Z",
- "id": "642ecd31efcb50deb5cea",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "DOE",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "AT",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "Alcatel Lucent Enterprise",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "tempSecret": "XXXXXX",
- "secret": "",
- "enforcementPolicy": "WEAK",
- "accessLevelRole": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "msp": "642ec51efc3e53eb5ced"
This API allows to update user's profile for the logged user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
firstname | string Firstname of the user. |
lastname | string Lastname of the user. |
country | string Country address of the user. |
lastLoginDate | string Last login date of the user (in ISO 8601 format). |
verified | boolean Indicates if the user account has been verified by the user. |
companyName | string Company Name of the user. |
closestRegion | string Country address of the company. |
address | string Address of the company. |
zipCode | string Zip code of the company. |
city | string City of the company. |
phoneNumber | string Phone number of the user. |
string Email address of the user. | |
preferredLanguage | string Preferred language of the user. |
isTwoFAEnabled | boolean Indicate if Two factor authentication is activated. |
faMethod | string Enum: "EMAIL" "GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATOR" Two factor authentication method. |
isSuperAdmin | boolean Indicate if the user is a super admin user. |
{- "firstname": "string",
- "lastname": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "lastLoginDate": "string",
- "verified": true,
- "companyName": "string",
- "closestRegion": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "zipCode": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "preferredLanguage": "string",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": true,
- "faMethod": "EMAIL",
- "isSuperAdmin": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastLoginDate": "2024-09-13T14:33:27.875Z",
- "createdAt": "2023-04-06T13:46:32.439Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:33:27.879Z",
- "id": "642ecd31efcb50deb5cea",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "DOE",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "AT",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "Alcatel Lucent Enterprise",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "tempSecret": "XXXXXX",
- "secret": "",
- "enforcementPolicy": "WEAK",
- "accessLevelRole": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "msp": "642ec51efc3e53eb5ced"
This API allows to get permission for an unique MSP of the logged user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All permissions has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER"
This API allows to get permission for the organizations of the user. The user doesn't have acces to the not included organizations
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All permissions has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "organization": "5f7c3desdf1f263041d17d"
This API allows to get permission for the sites of the user. The user doesn't have acces to the not included sites
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All permissions has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER",
- "site": "5f7c3deba0401f263041d17e"
This API allows to register a new device in a given organization, site, building and floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The user-configured device name. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
ipAddress | string The IP v4 address of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
ipAddressV6 | string The IP v6 address of the device. |
macAddress | string The MAC address of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
type | string The type of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
version | string The version of the device. |
deviceLocationLldp | boolean The option to get device location from LLDP or not if the device is a Stellar AP. |
physicalLocation | string The physical location of the device, with a maximum of 50 characters allowed. |
description | string The description of the device. |
geoLocation | string The geoLocation of the device. |
systemContact | string The systemContact of the device. |
location | object The location of the device. |
floorElevation | number <float> The floorElevation of the device. |
managementMode | string The Management mode on OVNG. "FullManagement" for full management by OVNG or "AnalyticsOnly" for only analytics by OVNG |
groupId | string The group of the device. |
deviceFamily | string Enum: "AP" "AOS" The family name of the device (default value is AP). |
provisioningTemplate | string The Initial Provisioning template if the device is a Switch. |
valueMappingTemplate | string The Value Mapping of Provisioning template if the device is a Switch. |
mgmtUsersTemplate | string The Management User Template if the device is a Switch. |
saveAndCertify | boolean The option allows to save configuration of the Running directory and copy to Certify. |
deviceLabelIds | Array of strings The ID array of Device Labels will be attached to the device. |
{- "name": "string",
- "ipAddress": "string",
- "ipAddressV6": "string",
- "macAddress": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "deviceLocationLldp": true,
- "physicalLocation": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "geoLocation": "string",
- "systemContact": "string",
- "location": { },
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "managementMode": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "provisioningTemplate": "string",
- "valueMappingTemplate": "string",
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "string",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "deviceLabelIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The device has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66f62086f5bcc010b525c362",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-27T03:03:34.948Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T03:03:34.948Z",
- "name": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "",
- "serialNumber": "SN0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "OmniAccess Wireless Access Point",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "AUTO_ASSIGN",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": false,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "group": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "building": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "floor": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "license": null,
- "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "deviceLocationLldp": true,
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-26T03:24:41.155Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T04:07:25.390Z",
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
This API allows to fetch all devices declared in one site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T04:28:22.836Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SN0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727410680,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": {
- "id": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "name": "default device group",
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade"
}, - "building": {
- "id": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "name": "Building - Nine"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "name": "floor-test",
- "floorNumber": 6
}, - "license": {
- "maxCount": 8,
- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281"
], - "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727411302,
- "wiredPortLinkStatus": "",
- "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "static",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T04:28:22.836Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 159032,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727411302,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "numberOfLicensesUsed": 1,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null
This API is used to create a remote AP.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
description | string The description of the device. |
vpnSettingName required | string The name of the VPN setting that will be applied for the remote AP. |
{- "serialNumber": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "vpnSettingName": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The device has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66f648c4982888603864a52b",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-27T05:55:16.307Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T05:55:16.307Z",
- "name": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "",
- "serialNumber": "SN11223344",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "OmniAccess Stellar Remote Access Point",
- "systemContact": "",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNLICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": false,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": true,
- "vpnSettingName": "private-vpn",
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "659e5b71acea03680471397f",
- "site": "659e5b71acea036804713985",
- "group": null,
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null
This API allows to mass import devices (if MAC Address of the device exists then this device is updated otherwise it's created).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
managementMode | string The Management mode on OVNG. "FullManagement" for full management by OVNG or "AnalyticsOnly" for only analytics by OVNG |
Array of objects An array of devices to be created. |
{- "managementMode": "string",
- "devices": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "ipAddress": "string",
- "ipAddressV6": "string",
- "macAddress": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "physicalLocation": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "geoLocation": "string",
- "systemContact": "string",
- "location": { },
- "floorElevation": null,
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "provisioningTemplate": "string",
- "valueMappingTemplate": "string",
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "string",
- "saveAndCertify": true
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to import devices has been successfully sent to the server.",
- "data": [ ]
This API allows to update multiple devices group (site, group).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
siteId required | string The updated site identifier. |
groupId required | string The updated group identifier. |
devicesIds required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of updated devices |
serialNumber | string The serial number of the device. It is required when the length of 'devicesIds' is 1, other cases are forbidden. |
rfProfile required | string The name of RF Profile. It is required when the length of 'devicesIds' is 1, other cases are forbidden. |
deviceCountryCode | string The country code of the device. It is required when the length of 'devicesIds' is 1, other cases are forbidden. |
{- "siteId": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "devicesIds": [
- "string"
], - "serialNumber": "string",
- "rfProfile": "string",
- "deviceCountryCode": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "updatedDevices": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.987Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T11:46:25.605Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ123456789",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5",
- "group": {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-20T04:17:20.331Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-20T04:17:20.357Z",
- "id": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e7",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "Group is created with site, can not be modified",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null,
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-001",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile"
This API allows to update multiple devices location (site, building, floor).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
buildingId | string The updated building identifier. |
floorId | string The updated floor identifier. |
siteId required | string The updated site identifier. |
devicesIds required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of updated devices |
groupId | string The updated group identifier. It is required when the devices are Stellar AP(s). For the Switch devices, it is forbidden. |
rfProfile | string The name of the RF Profile is required if the device is a Stellar AP. It is mandatory when the 'groupId' is valid, and the length of 'devicesIds' is 1; otherwise, it is forbidden. |
deviceCountryCode | string The device country code is required if the device is a Stellar AP. It is mandatory when the 'groupId' is valid, and the length of 'devicesIds' is 1; otherwise, it is forbidden. |
{- "buildingId": "string",
- "floorId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "devicesIds": [
- "string"
], - "groupId": "string",
- "rfProfile": "string",
- "deviceCountryCode": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "updatedDevices": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.987Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T10:45:15.506Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP device",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:33:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ111222333",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5",
- "group": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e7",
- "building": "66c4193704fee529c94a38fd",
- "floor": "66c4197804fee529c94a3900",
- "license": null
This API allows you to upload files for OVAgent.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data; boundary= |
object OVAgent request containing form data for uploading configuration file |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "OVAgent configuration file has been successfully uploaded.",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "WHS231500757",
- "friendlyName": "OS6360_update",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:46:1D",
- "agentType": "ALL"
This API allows you to upload package zip file for OVAgent.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data; boundary= |
object OVAgent request containing form data for uploading agent package |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "OVAgent package upgrade is in progress.",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "JSZ225002709",
- "friendlyName": "OS6860",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB"
This API allows to fetch all devices from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T04:21:15.709Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SN0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727410680,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": {
- "id": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "name": "default device group",
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade"
}, - "building": {
- "id": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "name": "Building - Nine"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "name": "floor-test"
}, - "license": {
- "maxCount": 8,
- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281"
], - "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727410875,
- "wiredPortLinkStatus": "",
- "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "static",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T04:21:15.709Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 158605,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727410875,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "numberOfLicensesUsed": 1,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null
This API allows to fetch one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-26T03:24:41.155Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T04:07:25.390Z",
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
], - "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T04:42:37.303Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727410680,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "group": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "building": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "floor": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "license": {
- "maxCount": 8,
- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "static",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T04:42:37.303Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 159886,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727412157,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727412157,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "provisioningTemplate": null,
- "valueMappingTemplate": null,
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "Default Management User Template",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "provisioningResultState": null,
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null
This API allows to fetch all details of device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-26T03:24:41.155Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T04:07:25.390Z",
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
], - "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T04:39:34.103Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727410680,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-13T01:09:34.157Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T03:05:09.488Z",
- "id": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "name": "Unnamed site",
- "countryCode": "AR",
- "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
- "address": "Argentina",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "-85.277622",
- "-23.100825"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 19,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
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- "updatedAt": "2024-08-13T01:09:38.934Z",
- "id": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "Group is created with site, can not be modified",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d"
}, - "building": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-05T06:52:20.130Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-05T06:52:20.130Z",
- "id": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "name": "Building - Nine",
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
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- "updatedAt": "2024-09-05T06:53:55.043Z",
- "id": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "name": "floor-test",
- "floorNumber": 6,
- "floorPlanUrl": "3cdccc74-df3c-4aa7-8564-d2022a2d79a9.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
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- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
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- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727411974,
- "wiredPortLinkStatus": "",
- "vpnServers": [ ],
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- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T04:39:34.103Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 159703,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727411974,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "numberOfLicensesUsed": 1,
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 514,
- "scheduleName": "Daily Upgrade Schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727456400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727456400000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null
This API allows to update one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The user-configured device name. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
ipAddress | string The IP v4 address of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
ipAddressV6 | string The IP v6 address of the device. |
macAddress | string The MAC address of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
type | string The type of the device. It is required if device is a Stellar AP in Analytics Only. |
version | string The version of the device. |
deviceLocationLldp | boolean The option to get device location from LLDP or not if the device is a Stellar AP. |
physicalLocation | string The physical location of the device, with a maximum of 50 characters allowed. |
description | string The description of the device. |
geoLocation | string The geoLocation of the device. |
systemContact | string The systemContact of the device. |
location | object The location of the device. |
floorElevation | number <float> The floorElevation of the device. |
managementMode | string The Management mode on OVNG. "FullManagement" for full management by OVNG or "AnalyticsOnly" for only analytics by OVNG |
groupId | string The group of the device. |
deviceFamily | string Enum: "AP" "AOS" The family name of the device (default value is AP). |
provisioningTemplate | string The Initial Provisioning template if the device is a Switch. |
valueMappingTemplate | string The Value Mapping of Provisioning template if the device is a Switch. |
mgmtUsersTemplate | string The Management User Template if the device is a Switch. |
saveAndCertify | boolean The option allows to save configuration of the Running directory and copy to Certify. |
deviceLabelIds | Array of strings The ID array of Device Labels will be attached to the device. |
{- "name": "string",
- "ipAddress": "string",
- "ipAddressV6": "string",
- "macAddress": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "deviceLocationLldp": true,
- "physicalLocation": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "geoLocation": "string",
- "systemContact": "string",
- "location": { },
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "managementMode": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "provisioningTemplate": "string",
- "valueMappingTemplate": "string",
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "string",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "deviceLabelIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-26T03:24:41.155Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T04:07:25.390Z",
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
], - "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T06:48:40.939Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "OmniAccess Wireless Access Point",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727417951,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "group": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "building": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "floor": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "license": {
- "maxCount": 8,
- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "static",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T06:47:43.107Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 167392,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727419663,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727419663,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "provisioningTemplate": null,
- "valueMappingTemplate": null,
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "Default Management User Template",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "provisioningResultState": null,
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "deviceLocationLldp": true
This API allows to delete a device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "deviceId": "5f16cc58c4c105305c7773be"
This API is used to update a remote AP.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
description | string The description of the device. |
vpnSettingName required | string The name of the VPN setting that will be applied for the remote AP. |
{- "serialNumber": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "vpnSettingName": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "deviceLabels": [ ],
- "createdAt": "2024-09-27T05:55:16.307Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T06:03:20.126Z",
- "id": "66f648c4982888603864a52b",
- "name": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": null,
- "serialNumber": "SN11223344",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "OmniAccess Stellar Remote Access Point",
- "systemContact": "",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "factoryResetRequired",
- "currentSwVer": "unknown",
- "workingMode": null,
- "lastSeenTime": 1727416990,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNLICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": false,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": true,
- "vpnSettingName": "aaa",
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "659e5b71acea03680471397f",
- "site": "659e5b71acea036804713985",
- "group": "autoVlanString",
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null,
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "",
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 50,
- "cpuThreshold": 50,
- "bleMac": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": "",
- "txPower": "",
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "beaconMode": "",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": null,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "_insertedTS": "2024-09-27T05:55:15.952Z",
- "activationStatus": "factoryResetRequired",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "unknown",
- "modelName": null,
- "licenseCategory": null,
- "devicePublicKey": "<DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY>",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "",
- "vcMacAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": "<MANAGE_RAP_VPN_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY>",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T06:03:10.413Z",
- "lengthIpAddress": 1,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "callHomeInterval": 0,
- "rap": false,
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "shorthandMask",
- "deviceVpnIP": "",
- "partNumber": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": "unknown",
- "tcpMss": -1,
- "deviceLicenseMode": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": "<MANAGE_RAP_VPN_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY>",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "",
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 1,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "devicePrivateKey": "<DEVICE_PRIVATE_KEY>",
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "networkIpAddress": "",
- "workMode": "",
- "managementConnectivity": "",
- "provisioningTemplate": null,
- "valueMappingTemplate": null,
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "Default Management User Template",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "provisioningResultState": null
This API allows to update LED mode for multiple devices
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
devicesIds required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of devices. |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "devicesIds": [
- "string"
], - "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "site": "string",
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "ledMode": "DEFAULT_MODE"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to update ledmode has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "ledMode": "NIGHT_MODE",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:35:EE:60"
}, - "message": "Change LedMode request have been accepted.",
- "status": 202
This API allows to ping one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "macAddress": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The ping request has been successfully sent to the device.",
- "data": {
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:09:05:B0",
- "site": "6386b45d735a8318a053c641"
This API allows to update radio configuration on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "site": "string",
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "apRadioConfigSwitch": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to update radio config has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": {
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": true,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true
This API allows to reset action on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
devicesIds required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of updated devices |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "devicesIds": [
- "string"
], - "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The reset request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "34:E7:0B:09:05:B0"
], - "operation": "RESET_AP",
- "timestamp": 1645413944,
- "deviceIds": [
- "63ec729d911b794e6cd85e17"
This API allows to update iot radio config of one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "bleMac": "string",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": true,
- "iotMode": "string",
- "advertisingSwitch": "string",
- "frequency": 0,
- "txPower": "string",
- "txChannel": [
- null
], - "beaconMode": "string",
- "plainUrl": "string",
- "nameSpace": "string",
- "instanceId": "string",
- "scanningSwitch": true,
- "scanningInterval": 0,
- "ouiWhiteList": [
- null
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:76:00:1F",
- "frequency": 10240,
- "instanceId": "dc085676001f",
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": true,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:76:00:00",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "plainUrl": "",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 1
This API allows to save to running action on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
devicesIds required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of updated devices |
required | object |
{- "devicesIds": [
- "string"
], - "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The save to running request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "34:E7:0B:09:05:B0",
- "DC:08:56:34:63:80"
], - "deviceIds": [
- "62398b51f74fc77a83584720",
- "62330efb4e9e764895737fa7"
This API allows to reboot action on the device catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "workMode": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The reboot request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "E8:E7:32:B8:AA:A5"
This API allows to Copy Working/Running To Certified action on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMacAddresses required | Array of strings The array of MAC Addresses of the switches. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Copy Working/Running To Certified Action. |
{- "deviceMacAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "meta": { }
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The Copy Working/Running to Certified request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- "DC:08:56:77:D4:00"
This API allows to Copy Certified To Working/Running action on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMacAddresses required | Array of strings The array of MAC Addresses of the switches. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Copy Certified To Working/Running Action. |
{- "deviceMacAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "meta": { }
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The Copy Certified to Working/Running request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- "DC:08:56:77:D4:00"
This API allows to rediscover the devices on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMacAddresses required | Array of strings The array of MAC Addresses of the switches. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Rediscover Action. |
{- "deviceMacAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "meta": { }
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The Rediscover request has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- "DC:08:56:77:D4:00"
This API allows to update ip mode of one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "ipMode": "static",
- "ipv4Address": "string",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "string",
- "ipv4Gateway": "string",
- "ipv4Netmask": "string",
- "ipv6Address": "string",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "string",
- "ipv6Gateway": "string",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "ipMode": "static",
- "ipv4Address": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": ",",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv6Address": "2001:df4:2900:2::100",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::100,2001:df4:2900:2::100",
- "ipv6Gateway": "2001:df4:2900:2::100",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "1",
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:09:05:B0"
This API allows the update of multiple location devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "lldpSwitch": true,
- "deviceLocation": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "deviceLocation": "Networking Company Lab 4",
- "lldpSwitch": false,
- "serialNumber": "SSZ123456789"
}, - "message": "Update location for device 'SSZ123456789' success",
- "status": 200
This API allows to get wired ports for each device.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string Enum: "org" "site" "building" "floor" "device_sn" The scope that we want to get the resources from. |
scopeId required | Array of strings The scopeId is an array of IDs corresponding to the selected scopes. |
offset required | integer <int32> The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records (Ex: 0). The offset value must be a non-negative integer. |
limit required | integer <int32> The number of records to fetch from the total records (Ex: 10). Send the value -1 if you want to get all records that match the current filter/sort/search options. |
object The filters are applied to filter the value(s) of the specific object field(s) in the record. For example: "filters": { "portDesc": [{"condition": "ENDS_WITH","value": "SIS"},{ "joinOper": "OR", "condition": "NOT_EQUAL", "value": "SINGLE_dMARK"}]} | |
Array of objects The array of sort order for each field of object in the record. For example: "sort": [{"portNumber": "DESC"}, {"portType": "ASC"}] | |
search | string The search string is applied to filter all the fields in the object. The fields supported for searching are ["portNumber", "portDesc", "portType", "ifAlias", "specificType", "portPropsAsString", "unpName", "defaultVlan"]. |
{- "scope": "org",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": [
- {
- "joinOper": "AND",
- "condition": "EQUALS",
- "value": "string"
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "fieldName": "ASC"
], - "search": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wired ports have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "data": [
- {
- "adminStatus": "Up",
- "autoNegotiation": "On",
- "configuredSpeed": "Auto",
- "defaultVlan": 201,
- "deviceName": "OS6860",
- "esmLinkStateChanged": 1725524816,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1001,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "isVflPort": false,
- "lastTimeLinkChanged": 1725524817601,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:37:B2:00",
- "negotiatedSpeed": "1000",
- "numberOfStatusChanged": 1,
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "poEMaxWatt": 60000,
- "poEStatus": false,
- "poEWattage": 0,
- "portDesc": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/1",
- "portNumber": "1/1/1",
- "portProps": 32,
- "portPropsAsString": "802.1q",
- "portSplitStatus": false,
- "portStatus": "Up",
- "portType": "ETHERNET-CSMA/CD",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ111222333",
- "specificType": "UNSPECIFIC",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "taggedVlan": [
- 70,
- 200,
- 202,
- 203
], - "unpStatus": false,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)",
- "deviceId": "66bf0170161a70a8094278bc"
}, - {
- "VId": 4096,
- "adminStatus": "Down",
- "autoNegotiation": "On",
- "configuredSpeed": "Auto",
- "deviceName": "AP-00:00",
- "ifIndex": 4,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "isVflPort": false,
- "lastTimeLinkChanged": 0,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:6C:00:00",
- "negotiatedSpeed": "0",
- "orgId": "66dec75d6ec101f11c359e8b",
- "poEStatus": false,
- "poEWattage": 0,
- "portChanged": 0,
- "portDesc": "OAW-AP1301H LAN4",
- "portName": "LAN4",
- "portNumber": "Eth3",
- "portProps": 0,
- "portSplitStatus": false,
- "portStatus": "Down",
- "portType": "ETHERNET-CSMA/CD",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ111222333",
- "status": "SUCCESS",
- "unpStatus": false,
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "deviceId": "66f53e3b2b9821e7bd58f828"
], - "pageSize": 10,
- "total": 238
This API allows to update wired ports for each device.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects The array of devices needs updated wired ports. |
{- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "ports": [
- {
- "ifIndex": 0,
- "portNumber": "string"
], - "adminStatus": "Up",
- "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wired ports have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "adminStatus": "Up",
- "ifIndex": 1002,
- "message": "Update admin status for device: JSZ111222333 - port: 1/1/2 successfully.",
- "portNumber": "1/1/2",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ111222333",
- "status": 200
}, - {
- "adminStatus": "Up",
- "ifIndex": 1003,
- "message": "Update admin status for device: JSZ111222333 - port: 1/1/3 successfully.",
- "portNumber": "1/1/3",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ111222333",
- "status": 200
This API allows to get multiple health thresholds of devices by their serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers | Array of strings The array of serial numbers of devices, default value is empty |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The devices' Health thresholds have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 50,
- "cpuThreshold": 50,
- "serialNumber": "SN134456"
}, - {
- "flashThreshold": 30,
- "memoryThreshold": 20,
- "cpuThreshold": 10,
- "serialNumber": "SN6789041"
This API allows to update multiple health thresholds config on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "cpuThreshold": 0,
- "memoryThreshold": 0,
- "flashThreshold": 0,
- "macAddresses": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to update health thresholds has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0",
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "cpuThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 50,
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5"
}, - {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:51:36:60",
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "cpuThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 50,
- "site": "6614ec4877e5751b9eafa6de"
This API allows to update multiple health thresholds config on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "healthConfigDevices": [
- {
- "cpuThreshold": 0,
- "memoryThreshold": 0,
- "flashThreshold": 0,
- "macAddress": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to update health thresholds has been successfully sent to the device(s).",
- "data": [
- {
- "macAddresses": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "flashThreshold": 20,
- "cpuThreshold": 30,
- "memoryThreshold": 21,
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5"
This API allows to update multiple qoe&rtls status on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "site": "string",
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "switchForQoeRtls": true,
- "qoeSwitch": true,
- "rtlsSwitch": true
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to update Location/ Advanced Analytics Server has been successfully sent to the device(s)."
This API allows to fetch Qoe&Rtls value following macAddress.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
macAddress required | string This is a path param for macAddress |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0"
This API allows you to get unsupported scale-up SSID devices from a group.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
groupId required | string This is a path param for groupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "6551936efcb13f17c4f6ef42",
- "friendlyName": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5 (device001)",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "serialNumber": "AP33034734",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1231",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": ""
This API allows to update multiple IOT status on devices catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "site": "string",
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "commandType": "Enable"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:00:01:00",
- "site": "623ad84fda90e17cf9bb430c",
- "iotStatus": "Enable"
This API allows to update a device location
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
buildingId | string The updated building identifier. |
floorId | string The updated floor identifier. |
siteId | string The updated site identifier. |
required | object The device map coordinates, in geojson format. Must contain the latitude and longitude of the device location. Check response samples for expected format. |
floorElevation | number <float> The updated floor elevations |
{- "buildingId": "string",
- "floorId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "location": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- null
}, - "floorElevation": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-26T03:24:41.155Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T04:07:25.390Z",
- "id": "66cbf5795b37d2b5575e0e08",
- "name": "new",
- "color": "#b7e281",
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456"
], - "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.996Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-27T06:48:40.939Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe0d:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "OmniAccess Wireless Access Point",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727417951,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d",
- "group": "66bab2500f962eb950b4b45f",
- "building": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "floor": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "license": {
- "maxCount": 8,
- "currentCount": 2,
- "productId": "OVCX-APL-1Y",
- "expiredDate": "Tue, 19 Aug 2025 08:33:17 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "available": 6,
- "percentUsed": "25.0"
}, - "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "static",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": null,
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-27T06:47:43.107Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceLicenseMode": "",
- "deviceNaasMode": null,
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904012-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 167392,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727410812,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727419663,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201H",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "Lab-4",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727419663,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "provisioningTemplate": null,
- "valueMappingTemplate": null,
- "mgmtUsersTemplate": "Default Management User Template",
- "saveAndCertify": true,
- "provisioningResultState": null,
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile",
- "deviceLocationLldp": true
This API allows to delete a device location
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The location of the device has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-25T08:15:05.987Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T11:41:46.633Z",
- "id": "66f3c689f5bcc010b525b796",
- "name": "DEVICE-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:0D:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ0123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e5",
- "group": "66c418d004fee529c94a38e7",
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null
This API allows to delete mutiple devices identified by there ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of devices. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5faa98478ee9f71ff87d648e",
- "5faa993c8ee9f71ff87d648f"
This API allows to update Mesh Configuration of one device identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "enable": true,
- "isRoot": true,
- "band": "string",
- "mcastRate": 6000,
- "encryptionType": "BothWpaWpa2",
- "ssid": "string",
- "passphrase": "string",
- "meshMode": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "key": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:09:05:B0",
- "enable": true,
- "isRoot": false,
- "band": "2.4G",
- "mcastRate": 24000,
- "encryptionType": "BothWpa2Wpa3",
- "ssid": "mesh-2.4",
- "meshMode": "Mesh"
This API allows to update Mesh Configurations of all devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
root_mac required | string The MAC address of the root device in mesh. |
band required | string The band of the mesh network (2.4G/5G/6G). Select (6G) only if applicable for the AP model and country. |
encryptionType required | string Enum: "BothWpaWpa2" "Wpa2Personal" "BothWpa2Wpa3" "Wpa3Personal" The type of encryption to use for the connection between mesh/bridge APs. Default value of encryption type for 2.4G/5G is Wpa2Personal and Default value of encryption type for 6G is Wpa3Personal |
ssid required | string The ssid of the mesh network. |
passphrase required | string The passphrase of the mesh network. |
repeaters required | Array of strings The array of MAC Addresses of the connected devices. |
{- "root_mac": "string",
- "band": "string",
- "encryptionType": "BothWpaWpa2",
- "ssid": "string",
- "passphrase": "string",
- "repeaters": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "band": "5G",
- "encryptionType": "Wpa2Personal",
- "meshMode": "Mesh",
- "passphrase": "Stellar-MESH",
- "repeaters": [
- "DC:08:56:31:94:20"
], - "root_mac": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00",
- "ssid": "Stellar-MESH"
This API allows to retrieve the status of the device OVNG Agent .
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
agentType required | string Enum: "ALL" "CONFIG" "MONITORING" Agent Type must be one of [ALL, CONFIG, MONITORING]. |
{- "serialNumber": "string",
- "agentType": "ALL"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Agent status received successfully.",
- "data": {
- "agentInstallStatus": "installed",
- "agentStatusResponseList": [
- {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Monitoring",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 14:24:58 2023"
}, - {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Config",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 15:52:51 2023"
], - "agentVersion": "1.9",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ225002709"
This API allows to retrieve the status of the device OVNG Agent for multiple switches.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of multiple devices for ovng agent status. |
{- "ovAgentRequestList": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "agentType": "ALL"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Agent status received successfully.",
- "data": [
- {
- "agentInstallStatus": "installed",
- "agentStatusResponseList": [
- {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Monitoring",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 14:24:58 2023"
}, - {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Config",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 14:26:02 2023"
], - "agentVersion": "1.9",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ225002709"
}, - {
- "agentInstallStatus": "installed",
- "agentStatusResponseList": [
- {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Monitoring",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 14:24:58 2023"
}, - {
- "agentStatus": "Started",
- "agentType": "Config",
- "timeStamp": "Thu Dec 14 14:26:02 2023"
], - "agentVersion": "1.9",
- "serialNumber": "WHS231501077"
This API allows to retrieve the status of the device OVNG Agent .
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
agentType required | string Enum: "ALL" "CONFIG" "MONITORING" Agent Type must be one of [ALL, CONFIG, MONITORING]. |
{- "serialNumber": "string",
- "agentType": "ALL"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Agent restarted successfully",
- "data": {
- "agentInstallStatus": "Installed",
- "serialNumber": "WHS231500757",
- "friendlyName": "OS6360_update",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:46:1D",
- "agentType": [
- "Config"
This API allows to retrieve the status of the device OVNG Agent.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of multiple devices for ovng agent restart. |
{- "ovAgentRequestList": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "agentType": "ALL"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Agent restart in progress",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "WHS231500757",
- "friendlyName": "OS6360_update",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:46:1D",
- "agentType": "ALL"
}, - {
- "serialNumber": "JSZ225002709",
- "friendlyName": "OS6860",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB",
- "agentType": "ALL"
This API is used to count all devices based on field changes
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "list": [
- {
- "field": "lastAuditStatus",
- "stat": {
- "auditError": 0,
- "auditInProgress": 0,
- "goldenCompliant": 2,
- "nonCompliant": 0,
- "notSetupYet": 0,
- "setupError": 2,
- "None": 1
}, - {
- "field": "changes",
- "stat": {
- "Unsaved": 2,
- "Certified": 1,
- "Uncertified": 1
This API allows to get all of devices with naas licenses from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "pingTime": 1727668821,
- "createdAt": "2024-09-27T09:58:47.467Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-30T07:02:48.996Z",
- "id": "66f681d7f5bcc010b525c76d",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe48:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:48:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ123456789",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727679737,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548c7",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.535Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.535Z",
- "id": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d5",
- "name": "Unnamed site",
- "countryCode": "AE",
- "timezone": "Asia/Dubai",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548c7"
}, - "group": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.630Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.656Z",
- "id": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d7",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "Group is created with site, can not be modified",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d5"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null,
- "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "DHCP",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:48:E2:BF",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 2,
- 1,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": null,
- "nameSpace": null,
- "instanceId": "dc085648e2bf",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-30T07:02:48.996Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": [
- {
- "name": "Upgrade",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
}, - {
- "name": "Management",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
}, - {
- "name": "OVC Management",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
], - "deviceNaasMode": "NAAS",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904195-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 11422,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727668729,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "LAG0 Down,ENET1 Down,ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727679768,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1311",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "ovng-nation",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727679768,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "Default RF Profile",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true
This API allows to get all of devices with naas licenses from site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "pingTime": 1727668821,
- "createdAt": "2024-09-27T09:58:47.467Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-30T07:02:48.996Z",
- "id": "66f681d7f5bcc010b525c76d",
- "name": "AP-00:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe48:0000",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-00:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:48:00:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ123456789",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1727679737,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548c7",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.535Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.535Z",
- "id": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d5",
- "name": "Unnamed site",
- "countryCode": "AE",
- "timezone": "Asia/Dubai",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548c7"
}, - "group": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.630Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-18T03:15:00.656Z",
- "id": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d7",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "Group is created with site, can not be modified",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "66ea45b4b46def1078e548d5"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null,
- "iotStatus": "Enable",
- "ipMode": "DHCP",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:0000",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::000",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:48:E2:BF",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 200,
- "txPower": 4,
- "txChannel": [
- 2,
- 1,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": null,
- "nameSpace": null,
- "instanceId": "dc085648e2bf",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": null,
- "band2": null,
- "band5A": null,
- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-30T07:02:48.996Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 30,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": [
- {
- "name": "Upgrade",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
}, - {
- "name": "Management",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
}, - {
- "name": "OVC Management",
- "deviceState": "licensed",
- "startEndDay": 1801526340,
- "remainingGracePeriod": null
], - "deviceNaasMode": "NAAS",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904195-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 11422,
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1727668729,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "channel": 7,
- "linkStatus": "LAG0 Down,ENET1 Down,ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "apName": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727679768,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1311",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "deviceLocation": "ovng-nation",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727679768,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "Default RF Profile",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "upgradeSchedule": { },
- "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP"
This API allows to mass import remote aps (if remote ap exists then this device is updated otherwise it's created).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects An array of remote APs to be created. |
{- "devices": [
- {
- "vpnSettingName": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Devices have been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdDevices": [
- {
- "id": "66f50eed982888603864a4e5",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-26T07:36:13.014Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:36:13.014Z",
- "name": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "",
- "serialNumber": "SN123456",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "AnalyticsOnly",
- "isRap": true,
- "vpnSettingName": "vpn-setting",
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "659e5b71acea03680471397f",
- "site": "659e5b71acea036804713985",
- "group": null,
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "66f50eed982888603864a4e4"
], - "updatedDevices": [ ]
This API is used to get all the topology configuration for a given site identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, mac or serial_number. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Topology l2 link have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "links": [
- {
- "attributes": {
- "linkStatus": "up",
- "portType": "copper",
- "lnkAggDestNumber": null,
- "ifType": "ethernetCsmacd",
- "ifSpeed": 1000000000,
- "lnkAggSrcNumber": null
}, - "dest": {
- "macAddress": "99:AA:E1:0D:17:6B",
- "port": "1/1/48",
- "portDesc": "",
- "serialNumber": "Y183224"
}, - "src": {
- "macAddress": "66:11:59:04:01:31",
- "port": "1/1/5",
- "portDesc": "",
- "serialNumber": "WSSEE5101349"
}, - {
- "src": {
- "macAddress": "99:AA:E1:09:FD:6D",
- "port": "1/1/46",
- "portDesc": "",
- "serialNumber": "Y2182493"
}, - "dest": {
- "macAddress": "99:AA:E1:0D:17:6B",
- "port": "1/1/46",
- "portDesc": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6560 GNI 1/1/46",
- "serialNumber": "Y183224"
}, - "aggs": [
- {
- "linkStatus": "up",
- "portType": "copper",
- "lnkAggDestNumber": 32,
- "ifType": "ethernetCsmacd",
- "ifSpeed": 2500000000,
- "lnkAggSrcNumber": 32,
- "srcPort": "1/1/46",
- "destPort": "1/1/46"
}, - {
- "linkStatus": "up",
- "portType": "copper",
- "lnkAggDestNumber": 32,
- "ifType": "ethernetCsmacd",
- "ifSpeed": 2500000000,
- "lnkAggSrcNumber": 32,
- "srcPort": "1/1/47",
- "destPort": "1/1/48"
], - "attributes": { }
}, - {
- "attributes": {
- "linkStatus": "up",
- "portType": "copper",
- "lnkAggDestNumber": null,
- "ifType": "ethernetCsmacd",
- "ifSpeed": 1000000000,
- "lnkAggSrcNumber": null
}, - "dest": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:77:C0:00",
- "port": null,
- "portDesc": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OAW-AP1451 eth0"
}, - "src": {
- "macAddress": "66:11:59:04:01:31",
- "port": "2/1/7",
- "portDesc": "",
- "serialNumber": "WSSEE5101349"
], - "nodes": [
- {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OS6360-P10 8.9.226.R03 Service Release, January 03, 2024.",
- "family": "AOS",
- "macAddress": "66:11:59:04:01:31",
- "managed": true,
- "managementAddresses": [
- {
- "address": "",
- "type": "ipV4"
], - "name": "device name",
- "reachable": "on",
- "serialNumber": "WSSEE5101349",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:31:35.025Z",
- "id": "66d9b7e2bb5e3b896da91d",
- "organization": "6422efd5846ba384ad749",
- "friendlyName": " (name)",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "changes": "Certified",
- "modelName": "OS6360-P10",
- "type": "",
- "mngCon": "ON",
- "version": "8.9.226.R03",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.226.R03",
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "bleMac": "",
- "iotStt": "Disable",
- "ledMd": "default_mode",
- "devStt": "OV Managed",
- "license": null,
- "licenseStt": "LICENSED",
- "actStt": "OV Managed",
- "vcSn": "WSSEE5101349",
- "lastHrtBt": 1726238308,
- "dsrdSwVer": "doNotUpgrade",
- "building": "Bulding01",
- "floor": "Floor01",
- "chassis": [
- {
- "mac": "66:11:59:04:01:31",
- "sn": "WSSEE5101349",
- "r": "master"
}, - {
- "mac": "66:11:59:0A:52:81",
- "sn": "WHS230700109",
- "r": "slave"
}, - {
- "description": "",
- "family": "UNKNOWN",
- "macAddress": "99:AA:E1:7D:80:39",
- "managed": false,
- "managementAddresses": [ ],
- "name": "",
- "serialNumber": null,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-08T15:38:50.206Z"
], - "backgroundImageLocation": null,
- "roots": [
- "AA:22:44:55:66:77",
- "DD:11:56:2A:4B:40"
This API allows to Get the Discovery Manager Entry(s) of devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
macAddresses | string The list of Mac Addresses. Example macAddresses=DC:08:56:54:24:E1,DC:08:56:54:24:E3 |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Discovery manager entries have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdTime": "2023-12-04T09:48:04.361136",
- "ftpLoginName": "huyvo",
- "ftpLoginPasswordEmpty": false,
- "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:72:B5:CF",
- "modifiedTime": "2023-12-04T09:48:04.361136",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "secondaryPasswordEmpty": false
This API allows to Edit the Discovery Manager Entry on device catalog.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Updating Discovery Manager Entry. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Updating Discovery Manager Entry. |
{- "data": {
- "macAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "ftpLoginName": "string",
- "ftpLoginPassword": "string",
- "secondaryPassword": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Discovery manager entries have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "createdTime": "2023-12-04T09:49:37.121018",
- "ftpLoginName": "huyvo",
- "ftpLoginPassword": "*",
- "ftpLoginPasswordChanged": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "modifiedTime": "2023-12-04T09:49:37.121018",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "secondaryPassword": "*",
- "secondaryPasswordChanged": false
}, - "message": "Edit the Discovery Manager Entry with the macAddress 78:24:59:13:28:8B successfully.",
- "status": 200
}, - {
- "data": {
- "createdTime": "2023-12-04T09:48:04.361136",
- "ftpLoginName": "huyvo",
- "ftpLoginPassword": "*",
- "ftpLoginPasswordChanged": false,
- "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:72:B5:CF",
- "modifiedTime": "2023-12-04T09:48:04.361136",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "secondaryPassword": "*",
- "secondaryPasswordChanged": false
}, - "message": "Edit the Discovery Manager Entry with the macAddress 2C:FA:A2:72:B5:CF successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows to Reset Mesh Configuration of individual AP.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
macAddress required | string The MAC address of the device. |
isRoot required | boolean To Configure device as root or repeater. |
{- "macAddress": "string",
- "isRoot": true
{- "status": 0,
- "data": {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "enable": "string",
- "isRoot": "string",
- "mcastRate": 6000,
- "encryptionType": "BothWpaWpa2",
- "band": "string",
- "ssid": "string",
- "passphrase": "string",
- "meshMode": "string"
This API allows to Reset Mesh Network Configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
root_mac required | string The MAC address of the root device in mesh. |
repeaters required | Array of strings The array of MAC Addresses of the connected devices. |
{- "root_mac": "string",
- "repeaters": [
- "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "data": {
- "band": "string",
- "encryptionType": "BothWpaWpa2",
- "meshMode": "string",
- "passphrase": "string",
- "repeaters": [
- "string"
], - "root_mac": "string",
- "ssid": "string"
This API is used to add a client to the blocklist.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
clientMac required | Array of strings The array of unique MAC Address of client. |
agingTime required | integer <int32> The amount of time the client will remain on the Blocklist (in hours). The value in range [1..8760]. Once this time expires, the client is removed from the Blocklist and allowed to be associated to the valid network. |
reason | string The reason the client was added to the Blocklist. |
object Data of the selected scope. |
{- "clientMac": [
- "string"
], - "agingTime": 0,
- "reason": "string",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "value": [
- null
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The client has been successfully added to the blocklist.",
- "data": [
- {
- "clientMac": "78:78:78:78:78:78",
- "endDate": "2024-09-14T11:05:29Z",
- "id": "21925445-56f3-4332-8fb7-87a5sdfse76",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "6422e67afd5846basdfad749",
- "type": "organization",
- "value": [
- "6422e67afd5846bsdf4ad749"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:05:29Z"
This API allows to fetch all clients in the blocklist of a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The clients in the blocklist have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "clientMac": "78:78:78:78:78:78",
- "endDate": "2024-09-14T11:05:29Z",
- "id": "21925445-56f3-4332-8fb7-87asdf9345e76",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "6422e67afd5846ba384sdf49",
- "type": "organization",
- "value": [
- "6422e67afd5846ba384asdf49"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:05:29Z"
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of client. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The clients blocklisted have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "clientBlocklistIds": [
- "21925445-56f3-4332-8fb7-87a5c9dsfsdfe76",
- "e6c259f4-72b1-477a-9df3-d0ca8d1sdfsd28"
This API allows to fetch one client in the blocklist identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
clientBlocklistId required | string This is a path param for clientBlocklistId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The client blocklisted has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientMac": "78:78:78:78:78:78",
- "endDate": "2024-09-14T11:05:29Z",
- "id": "21925445-56f3-4332-8fb7-87a5c9345e76",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "type": "organization",
- "value": [
- "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:05:29Z"
This API allows to update one client in the blocklist identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
clientBlocklistId required | string This is a path param for clientBlocklistId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
agingTime | integer <int32> The amount of time the client will remain on the Blocklist (in hours). The value in range [1..8760]. Once this time expires, the client is removed from the Blocklist and allowed to be associated to the valid network. |
reason | string The reason the client was added to the Blocklist. |
object Data of the selected scope. |
{- "agingTime": 0,
- "reason": "string",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "value": [
- null
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The client blocklisted has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "clientMac": "78:78:78:78:78:78",
- "endDate": "2024-10-07T11:15:21Z",
- "id": "21925445-56f3-4332-8fb7-87a5c9345e76",
- "scope": {
- "orgId": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "type": "organization",
- "value": [
- "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:15:21Z"
This API allows to create an event configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string An event configuration name. |
description | string The description of the event configuration. |
orgId required | string An id of an organization. |
Array of objects A JSON array containing sites is required only for deviceType 'AP'. | |
Array of objects A JSON array containing apGroups is required only for deviceType 'AP'. | |
Array of objects A JSON array containing devices. | |
deviceType required | string Device type (AP or AOS 8X). |
protocol | string Enum: "SNMPv2" "SNMPv3" Protocol option will be available for switch configuration |
trapSubscriptionState | boolean Trap subscription state for switch configuration. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing events. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "orgId": "string",
- "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "deviceType": "string",
- "protocol": "SNMPv2",
- "trapSubscriptionState": true,
- "eventIds": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "family": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "trapId": "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "deviceStatus": "string",
- "deviceType": "string",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "eventIds": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "family": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "trapId": "string"
], - "id": "string",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "string",
- "orgId": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "status": [
- "string"
], - "trapSubscriptionState": true,
- "updatedAt": "string"
This API allows to get all event configurations.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "deviceStatus": "string",
- "deviceType": "string",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "eventIds": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "family": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "trapId": "string"
], - "id": "string",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "string",
- "orgId": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "status": [
- "string"
], - "trapSubscriptionState": true,
- "updatedAt": "string"
This API allows to delete multiple event configurations identified by its ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings "ids" is an array of ids corresponding to the multiple event configuration ids. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- "string"
], - "success": [
- "string"
This API allows to update an event configuration within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
configurationId required | string This is a path param for configurationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string An event configuration name. |
description | string The description of the event configuration. |
orgId required | string An id of an organization. |
Array of objects A JSON array containing sites is required only for deviceType 'AP'. | |
Array of objects A JSON array containing apGroups is required only for deviceType 'AP'. | |
Array of objects A JSON array containing devices. | |
deviceType required | string Device type (AP or AOS 8X). |
protocol | string Enum: "SNMPv2" "SNMPv3" Protocol option will be available for switch configuration |
trapSubscriptionState | boolean Trap subscription state for switch configuration. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing events. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "orgId": "string",
- "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "deviceType": "string",
- "protocol": "SNMPv2",
- "trapSubscriptionState": true,
- "eventIds": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "family": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "trapId": "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "deviceStatus": "string",
- "deviceType": "string",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "eventIds": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "family": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "model": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "trapId": "string"
], - "id": "string",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "string",
- "orgId": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "status": [
- "string"
], - "trapSubscriptionState": true,
- "updatedAt": "string"
This API allows to delete event configuration identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
configurationId required | string This is a path param for configurationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- "string"
], - "success": [
- "string"
This API allows to delete all event configurations.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- "string"
], - "success": [
- "string"
This API allows to get the mesh topology of Access Points.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
macAddress required | string This is a path param for macAddress |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "band": "string",
- "nodes": [
- {
- "bssids": [
- null
], - "encryptionType": "string",
- "friendlyName": "string",
- "level": 0,
- "macAddress": "string",
- "mcast_rate": 0,
- "parentMacAddress": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "managementConnectivity": "string"
], - "passphrase": "string",
- "ssid": "string"
This API allows to fetch all user files of given organization id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device files have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-05-24T08:47:17.712+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-24T09:44:23.811+00:00",
- "id": 272,
- "orgId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a7486",
- "fileName": "test",
- "directory": "/WHS20280006P/1/working",
- "uploadTime": 1716543863,
- "createdBy": "66029d9b07706beb61094f4f",
- "size": 128
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-05-24T07:12:05.946+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-24T07:14:26.744+00:00",
- "id": 266,
- "orgId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a7486",
- "fileName": "test1",
- "directory": "/TEST-MOVE-FILE",
- "uploadTime": 1716534866,
- "createdBy": "6602a10d07706beb61094f5a",
- "size": 200
This API allows to delete user files of given organization id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
downloadDirectory required | string The path of the file. |
fileName required | string The name of the file. |
{- "downloadDirectory": "string",
- "fileName": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device files have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-05-27T08:04:58.911+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-27T08:04:58.911+00:00",
- "id": 305,
- "orgId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a7486",
- "fileName": "test",
- "directory": "/WHS20280006P/2/working",
- "uploadTime": 1716797098,
- "createdBy": "66029d9b07706beb61094f4f",
- "size": 128
This API allows to move user file of given organization id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
subDirectory required | string The current path of the file. |
fileName required | string The name of the file. |
destination required | string The new path of the file. |
forceToOverride | boolean This attribute helps us to overwrite the file. If we want to override, the value is true. Otherwise, the value is false. |
{- "subDirectory": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "destination": "string",
- "forceToOverride": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The device file has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-05-27T08:05:20.439+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-27T08:05:41.189+00:00",
- "id": 306,
- "orgId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a7486",
- "fileName": "test",
- "directory": "/WHS20280006P/2/working/1",
- "uploadTime": 1716797141,
- "createdBy": "66029d9b07706beb61094f4f",
- "size": 128
This API allows you to get all Device Modules by MAC addresses for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
data | Array of strings The array of MAC addresses to get the modules. |
offset | integer <int32> The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records (Ex: 0). When the limit is different from -1, this field is required and the value must be a non-negative integer. |
limit required | integer <int32> The number of records to fetch from the total records (Ex: 10). Send the value -1 if you want to get all records that match the current filter/sort/search options. |
object The filters are applied to filter the value(s) of the specific object field(s) in the record. For example: "filters": {"moduleType": [{"condition": "ENDS_WITH", "value": "SIS"}, {"joinOper": "OR", "condition": "NOT_EQUAL", "value": "SINGLE_dMARK"}], "ubootMinibootVersion": [{"condition": "LESS_THAN", "value": "05"}, {"joinOper": "OR", "condition": "CONTAINS", "value": "77"}]} | |
Array of objects The array of sort order for each field of object in the record. For example: "sort": [{"ubootMinibootVersion": "DESC"}, {"moduleType": "ASC"}] | |
search | string The search string is applied to filter all the fields in the object. The fields supported for searching are [moduleType, moduleName, description, serialNumber, partNumber, macAddress, osVersion, ubootMinibootVersion, hardwareRevision, manufacturerName, slot]. |
{- "data": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": [
- {
- "joinOper": "AND",
- "condition": "EQUALS",
- "value": "string"
}, - "sort": [
- {
- "fieldName": "ASC"
], - "search": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Device Modules have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "data": [
- {
- "baseMacAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9",
- "description": "48 G POE 4 10G",
- "firmwareVersion": "0.10",
- "hardwareRevision": "14",
- "index": 65,
- "license": [
- {
- "licenseApp": "advanced",
- "licenseTimeRemain": -1,
- "licenseType": "permanent",
- "licensedMacAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9"
], - "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9",
- "manufacturerName": "Network-Corp",
- "moduleName": "OS6860E-P48",
- "moduleType": "CMM",
- "osVersion": "8.10.102.R01",
- "partNumber": "903711-90",
- "physicalContainedIn": 209,
- "serialNumber": "T2381716",
- "siteId": "652695eeb30a4074267d574a",
- "slot": "1/CMM-A",
- "ubootMinibootVersion": "",
- "friendlyName": " (switch173)"
}, - {
- "baseMacAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9",
- "description": "48 G POE 4 10G",
- "firmwareVersion": "0.10",
- "hardwareRevision": "14",
- "index": 65,
- "license": [
- {
- "licenseApp": "advanced",
- "licenseTimeRemain": -1,
- "licenseType": "permanent",
- "licensedMacAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9"
], - "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:B8:C9",
- "manufacturerName": "Network-Corp",
- "moduleName": "OS6860E-P48",
- "moduleType": "CMM",
- "osVersion": "8.10.102.R01",
- "partNumber": "903711-90",
- "physicalContainedIn": 209,
- "serialNumber": "T2381716",
- "siteId": "652695eeb30a4074267d574a",
- "slot": "1/CMM-A",
- "ubootMinibootVersion": "",
- "friendlyName": " (switch173)"
], - "pageSize": 2,
- "total": 6
This API allows you to get all IP addresses of IP Interfaces by the MAC address for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
data | string The MAC address to get the IP addresses of IP interfaces from. |
meta | object The JSON metadata for getting all IP addresses of IP interfaces. |
{- "data": "string",
- "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP interfaces have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- "",
- "",
- ""
This API allows you to get all Activation Logs by the device serial number for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device to get the Activation Logs from. |
{- "serialNumber": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Activation logs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "timestamp": 1705390362875,
- "severity": "INFO",
- "data": "(pool-7-thread-310) Final CLOUD PROCESS STATUS: vpnConnectionRetained"
}, - {
- "timestamp": 1705390362875,
- "severity": "INFO",
- "data": "(pool-7-thread-310) Final DEVICE STATUS: connectedToOV"
This API allows you to create a new Device Label within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the Device Label. The name must be unique within an organization and have a maximum length of 16 characters. |
color required | string The color of the Device Label. The value of this field must be a hexadecimal color code, for example: #f1f1f4. |
{- "name": "string",
- "color": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Device Label has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
This API allows you to get all Device Labels within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Device Labels have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
This API allows you to delete a Device Label by ID within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
deviceLabelId required | string This is a path param for deviceLabelId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Device Label has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
This API allows you to update a Device Label by ID within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
deviceLabelId required | string This is a path param for deviceLabelId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the Device Label. The name must be unique within an organization and have a maximum length of 16 characters. |
color required | string The color of the Device Label. The value of this field must be a hexadecimal color code, for example: #f1f1f4. |
{- "name": "string",
- "color": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Device Label has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
This API allows you to attach Device Labels to devices within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceIds required | Array of strings The ID array of devices to which we will attach labels. |
deviceLabelIds required | Array of strings The ID array of Device Labels will be attached to devices. If one or more Device Labels in this array are already attached to any specific device, we will ignore it for that device. |
{- "deviceIds": [
- "string"
], - "deviceLabelIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Device Labels have been successfully attached.",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "SZ8019920P",
- "attachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Floor01",
- "NeedUpgrade"
}, - {
- "serialNumber": "SZ2791776P",
- "attachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Floor01"
This API allows you to detach Device Labels from devices within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceIds required | Array of strings The ID array of devices to which we will detach labels from. |
deviceLabelIds required | Array of strings The ID array of Device Labels will be detached from devices. If one or more Device Labels in this array are not already attached to any specific device, we will ignore it for that device. |
{- "deviceIds": [
- "string"
], - "deviceLabelIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Device Labels have been successfully detached.",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "SZ8019920P",
- "detachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Floor01",
- "NeedUpgrade"
}, - {
- "serialNumber": "SZ2791776P",
- "detachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Floor01"
This API allows you to update the Device Label attachment for the device within a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
deviceId required | string This is a path param for deviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceLabelIds required | Array of strings The ID array of Device Labels. After the update, the device will only attach exactly to these Device Labels. |
{- "deviceLabelIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Device Label attachment has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "serialNumber": "SZ8019920P",
- "attachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Floor01",
- "NeedUpgrade"
], - "detachedDeviceLabels": [
- "Room02"
This API will try to authenticate your application and in case of sucess will return a token that is mandatory for calling other APIs.
Content-Type required | string application/json |
email required | string The email address of the user |
password required | string <password> The password associated to the user account |
appId required | string The id of an application on the platform created and associated to the user |
appSecret required | string The secret key of the application |
{- "email": "string",
- "password": "pa$$word",
- "appId": "string",
- "appSecret": "string"
{- "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI1Y2QwNjEzYTJjNDQyMTViYmI2ZTY2MjYiLCJpYXQiOjE1NTc3NjE5NjIsImV4cCI6MTU1OTA1Nzk2Mn0.PBIINTeq7Yqs5i2jdlHhwHBqqLLJmHPC7tmERQcR3Xo",
- "expires_in": 1296000,
- "token_type": "Bearer"
This API allows to create a new application.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the application |
description | string The description of the application. |
isInProduction | boolean Indicates if the user application is in production. |
{- "name": "string",
- "target": "WEB_APPLICATION",
- "description": "string",
- "isInProduction": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The application has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a2sdfsdf41",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T07:32:31.559Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T07:32:31.559Z",
- "name": "TEST",
- "target": "ADMIN_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a2541sdfsf",
- "appSecret": "7ec47b0c04b89e316629b99d0da6c30b4fe747dcf814e281be962b5cbsdfsfsf",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b82fea6sdf"
This API allows to fetch all applications created by the authenticated user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The applications have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:47.724Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:47.734Z",
- "id": "66e413df899b6425be530f50",
- "name": "zrtert",
- "target": "BOT_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "66e413df899b6425be530f50",
- "appSecret": "9561b9e6abcc4f2558c350ac0ac5f28ad149ab954ddc6599dc3b85a093fc7750",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b82fea6350"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:35.149Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:35.164Z",
- "id": "66e413d3899b6425be530f50",
- "name": "testAPIDOC",
- "target": "ADMIN_APPLICATION",
- "description": "testAPIDOC",
- "appId": "66e413d3899b6425be530f6f",
- "appSecret": "06ee0008daf50ff189087d599d9b90f5e6f50489f6c1c75753b808042f050431",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b82fea503b7"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T07:32:31.559Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T07:38:00.983Z",
- "id": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a25412341",
- "name": "TEST",
- "target": "ADMIN_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a255041",
- "appSecret": "7ec47b0c04b89e316629b99d0da6c504fe747dcf814e281be962b5cb1a27259",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b850ea63b7"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-04-26T12:20:52.565Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-04-26T12:23:20.605Z",
- "id": "662b9c240850e4d35850c6",
- "name": "ssssss",
- "target": "WEB_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "662b9c240850e4d3582029c6",
- "appSecret": "900ad42c656efa15cc2e9327b50fc2ab762f37589b66ca1afc7c74dd60f022",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b850063b7"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-04-26T12:19:59.888Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-04-26T12:19:59.905Z",
- "id": "662b9bef0850e45082029c5",
- "name": "sdfsdfsd",
- "target": "BOT_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "662b9bef0850e4d50029c5",
- "appSecret": "e750704c7c4cf4d42b5f5036631522884cfb55739bf2ffc8dc16f47d545115cc",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b5063b7"
This API allows to delete many applications belong to user identified by an array ids.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of application |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The application has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5f7f1ad6f5sdf240409572d",
- "5f86e271asdfe212f20d7f824"
This API allows to fetch one application identified by its id.
applicationId required | string This is a path param for applicationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The application has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:35.149Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:28:35.164Z",
- "id": "66e413d3899b6425be53ert6f",
- "name": "testAPIDOC",
- "target": "ADMIN_APPLICATION",
- "description": "testAPIDOC",
- "appId": "66e413d3899b6425be530f6f",
- "appSecret": "06ee0008daf50ff189087d599d9b90f5e6f50489f6c1c75753b80804ert01431",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7ertfea63b7"
This API allows to update one application identified by its id.
applicationId required | string This is a path param for applicationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the application |
description | string The description of the application. |
isInProduction | boolean Indicates if the user application is in production. |
{- "name": "string",
- "target": "WEB_APPLICATION",
- "description": "string",
- "isInProduction": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The application has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T07:32:31.559Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T07:38:00.983Z",
- "id": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a25412341",
- "name": "TEST",
- "target": "ADMIN_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "66e3ea8f64d7a06a254123sdf1",
- "appSecret": "7ec47b0c04b89e316629b99d0da6c30b4fe747dcf814e281be962b5cb1a27sdf",
- "isInProduction": true,
- "state": "DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500e7b82feadef7"
This API allows to delete a user application identified by its id.
applicationId required | string This is a path param for applicationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The application has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "applicationId": "5f072266af9e3872b0bb56f0"
This API update the application state identified by its id.
applicationId required | string This is a path param for applicationId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
isInProduction required | boolean Indicates if the user application is in production. |
{- "isInProduction": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The application has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-04-26T12:20:52.565Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:41:26.565Z",
- "id": "662b9c240850e4d35820sdf6",
- "name": "ssssss",
- "target": "WEB_APPLICATION",
- "description": "",
- "appId": "662b9c240850e4d3582dsffc6",
- "appSecret": "900ad42c656efa15cc2e9327b2a33fc2ab762f37589b66ca1afc7csdfs0f022",
- "isInProduction": false,
- "state": "NOT DEPLOYED",
- "user": "652e3133e500esdffea63b7"
This API allows to get retrieve the unique managed service provider (MSP) data for a given user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The MSPs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-01-02T17:16:33.555Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-02T17:16:33.555Z",
- "id": "63b3117sdf5b3d5648182c29",
- "name": "ALE",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "nbUsers": 1,
- "organizations": [
- {
- "id": "6448sdf8de52291c6d4e2f",
- "name": "Alcatel-Alstom",
- "msp": "63b31sdf95b3d5648182c29"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-01-02T16:22:14.170Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-02T16:22:14.170Z",
- "id": "63b304sdffdf6647c1b0828",
- "name": "ALE France's MSP",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "nbUsers": 1,
- "organizations": [
- {
- "id": "63b304b6sdfdsf6sdfsdfc1b0829",
- "name": "ALE Test",
- "msp": "63b304sdfsdf2f8sdfsdf47c1b0828"
This API allows to get an existing managed service provider (MSP) identified by its mspId
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The MSP has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-09T15:33:21.795Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-09T16:14:56.586Z",
- "id": "5f0738csdfsdfc46e712",
- "name": "Your MSP Name",
- "mspSetting": {
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to update an existing managed service provider (MSP)
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the msp. |
enforceStrongPassword required | boolean The option allows to enforce strong password in the msp. |
enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType required | string Enum: "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN" "NO_WARNING" The option allows configuring the notification if the user's password violates the enforcement password policy. |
{- "name": "string",
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The MSP has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-09T15:33:21.795Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-09T15:58:01.978Z",
- "id": "5f0738sdfsdf46e712",
- "name": "Your MSP Name",
- "mspSetting": {
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to fetch all users inside a MSP, as well as Organization level user and their Two-factor Authentication status
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All users have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "user": {
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastLoginDate": "2023-01-02T08:04:17.388Z",
- "createdAt": "2022-12-12T15:50:43.033Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-02T08:04:17.394Z",
- "id": "63974ddsdfsdf378366cfd56d8",
- "firstname": "test",
- "lastname": "test",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "Alcatel",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": ""
}, - "msp": "60c8sdfdfb5b4155f8b82214",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "level": "MSP"
}, - {
- "user": {
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastLoginDate": "2023-01-02T08:04:17.388Z",
- "createdAt": "2022-12-12T15:50:43.033Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-02T08:04:17.394Z",
- "id": "63974dd3sdfdsf78366cfd56d8",
- "firstname": "user2",
- "lastname": "user2",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "Ale",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": ""
}, - "organization": {
- "createdAt": "2022-12-12T15:50:49.352Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-12-12T15:50:49.352Z",
- "id": "63b2ab522sdfdsa04c70fb76e",
- "name": "Alcatel",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "countryCode": "FR",
- "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
- "idleTimeout": 3600,
- "msp": "63974dd94sdfsdf366cfd56db"
}, - "status": "CONFIGURED",
- "is2FARequired": true,
- "level": "MSP"
This API allows to set the obligation of Two-factor authentication for a group of users inside a MSP
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
activeAuthenticatorIds required | Array of strings The array of the unique MSP Id, or the Organizations Id in where you want to force the Two-factor authentication |
{- "activeAuthenticatorIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user authenticator has been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- "6095607a6sdfsdf122c07de535",
- "609a3277sdfsdf0f299818d84c",
- "60b768d8sdfdsf5955cc62ff9a",
- "60c8bce3edfsf155f8b82215",
- "60cc89fd584sdffc3b00631bf2"
This API allows to find a verified user of the managed service provider (MSP) by its ID
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "user": {
- "id": "5f58cfsdfsdf30b28fb876b",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-09T12:48:07.995Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-01T14:01:37.051Z",
- "id": "5f58cf0sdfsdf0b28fb8765",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "ALE",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "EMAIL",
- "isTechnicalSupportUser": false,
- "isSuperAdmin": false
}, - "limitedOrganizations": [
- {
- "id": "5f58csdfsdfcf6d30b28fb876c",
- "organization": "5f58cf22sdfsdf0b28fb8767"
This API allows to update the Msp level access role of a verified user in a MSP.
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
role required | string Enum: "MSP_ADMIN" "MSP_VIEWER" "MSP_LIMITED" The Msp-level role of user |
Array of objects The selected organizations and its corresponding permission for user |
{- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "userOrgPermissions": [
- {
- "orgId": "string",
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user role has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-05T14:14:49.105Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-06T05:49:09.805Z",
- "id": "5f7bsdfssdfgsdced65f3",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "user": "5f7sdffsdfgsdfcb0191ced65ee",
- "msp": "5f7bsdfsdfgsdfgsdfcb0191ced65f0"
This API allows to remove access of a user to a managed service provider and all its organizations and sites. (MSP)
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user role has been successfully revoked.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-05T14:14:49.105Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-06T05:49:09.805Z",
- "id": "5f7b2asdfgsdffdsf0191ced65f3",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "user": "5f7b2sdfgdf0191ced65ee",
- "msp": "5f7b2asdfsdfcb0191ced65f0"
This API allows to get all verified users of a managed service provider (MSP) identified by mspId parameter
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All users have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5f6a1d7060sdfsdf784cd5a4ed",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-22T15:50:11.245Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-09-23T08:01:37.570Z",
- "id": "5f6a1dsdfsfcd5a4e7",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "APAC",
- "companyName": "ALE",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "isTechnicalSupportUser": false,
- "isSuperAdmin": false
This API allows to remove access of many users by Id to a managed service provider (MSP) and all its organizations and sites.
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique user identifier, whose access you want to revoke from this MSP. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The users access has been successfully revoked.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5f7f1asdfsdff15240409572d",
- "5f86sdfsdfe212f20d7f824"
This API allows to create an invitation for a user to join a managed service provider (MSP) with specific role
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects An array of invitation to MSP. |
{- "invitations": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "firstname": "string",
- "lastname": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "orgId": "string",
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The invitation has been successfully sent.",
- "data": [
- {
- "inviterNickname": "alex guillouet",
- "invitee": {
- "id": "66e443aqsdfqsdf266f4b723",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T13:52:45.953Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T13:52:45.953Z",
- "firstname": "azertzert",
- "lastname": "zertzert",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [ ]
}, - "msp": {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-27T15:07:14.107Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-07-30T05:03:11.153Z",
- "id": "6421b12qsdf846b6e64ad743",
- "name": "ALE ",
- "is2FARequired": false
}, - "invitedBy": "652e313qsdfe7b82fea63b7"
}, - "region": "EMEA",
- "isUserSignedUp": false
This API allows to get all pending invitations of the identified managed service provider (MSP) identified by mspId parameter
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All invitations have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-02-06T05:38:11.608Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-06T05:38:11.608Z",
- "id": "65c1c5c3sdfsdff838ae6d3d33",
- "firstname": "test",
- "lastname": "test",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [ ]
}, - "msp": "6421b12sdfsdfb6e64ad743",
- "invitedBy": "652e31sdfsdf00e7b82fea63b7"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-02-06T05:52:20.813Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-06T05:52:20.813Z",
- "id": "65c1c91483dsdfdsdf94f5",
- "firstname": "drtyedrty",
- "lastname": "ertyety",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [ ]
}, - "msp": "6421b122fd5sdfsdfb6e64ad743",
- "invitedBy": "652e3133sdfsdf0e7b82fea63b7"
This API allows to resend invitation email to many users in a MSP
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings The id of invitee to resend invitation email |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All invitations have been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5f7f1ad6f54f15240409572d",
- "5f86e271a01e212f20d7f824"
This API allows to delete multiple invitation in a MSP
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of deleted invitees |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The invitations have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "inviteeIds": [
- "5ff493d6216e8e68b48ddab0",
- "5ff581d0f4cb8b810c827f0e"
This API allows to find a pending invitation of the managed service provider (MSP) by its ID
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "An invitation has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-02-06T05:38:11.608Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-06T05:38:11.608Z",
- "id": "65c1c5c356dsdfs38ae6d3d33",
- "firstname": "test",
- "lastname": "test",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_VIEWER",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [ ]
}, - "msp": "6421b122fsdf6e64ad743",
- "invitedBy": "652e313sdfs00e7b82fea63b7"
This API allows to update an invitation and resend invitation in a MSP. For resending without update: set the body an empty JSON
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
message | string The invitation message. |
role | string Enum: "MSP_ADMIN" "MSP_VIEWER" "MSP_LIMITED" The Msp-level role of user |
object The accessible organization, it is required when the role is MSP_LIMITED |
{- "message": "string",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "limitedOrganizations": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "orgId": "string",
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The invitation has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-23T14:54:57.154Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-09-24T15:56:13.963Z",
- "id": "5f6b61c18252b4a21ce34544",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "limitedOrganizations": null,
- "msp": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-22T15:51:11.930Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-09-22T15:51:11.930Z",
- "id": "5f6a1d6f600904784cd5a4e8",
- "name": "Your default MSP"
}, - "invitedBy": "5f6a1d33600904784cd5a4e7"
This API allows to delete an existing invitation identified by inviteeId in managed service provider. (MSP)
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Invitation has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-23T14:54:57.154Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-09-24T15:56:13.963Z",
- "id": "5f6b61c18252b4a21ce34544",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "limitedOrganizations": null,
- "msp": "5f6a1d6f600904784cd5a4e8",
- "invitedBy": "5f6a1d33600904784cd5a4e7"
This API allows to accept an invitation to a MSP for a user who has already signed up and who should not be attached to any entity
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Invitation(s) have been successfully accepted and removed.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-12-03T16:39:34.263Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-12-03T16:39:34.263Z",
- "id": "5fc914c608e6433f000c3f79",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "Hello",
- "role": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "limitedOrganizations": null,
- "msp": "5f6a1d6f600904784cd5a4e8",
- "invitedBy": "5fc8ac1227907f0ee8a58206"
This API allows to resend invitation email to many users in an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings The id of invitee to resend invitation email |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All invitations have been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5f7f1ad6f54f15240409572d",
- "5f86e271a01e212f20d7f824"
This API allows to create an invitation for a user to join an organization with specific role
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects An array of invitation to organization. |
{- "invitations": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "firstname": "string",
- "lastname": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "siteId": "string",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The invitation has been successfully sent.",
- "data": [
- {
- "inviterNickname": "SSSS fdfsds",
- "invitee": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "id": "5f85c287cebe8309908fb78e",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "welcome to ALE Kingdom",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "Your default site",
- "siteId": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728",
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER"
}, - {
- "name": "tetse",
- "siteId": "5f8599fc44415025e0ec4431",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
}, - "organization": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-08T13:47:08.286Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-08T13:47:08.286Z",
- "id": "5f7f185cf54f152404095726",
- "name": "zzzere",
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5f7f185cf54f152404095724"
}, - "invitedBy": "5f7f1856f54f152404095722"
This API allows to get all pending invitations of the identified organization by orgId parameter
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All invitations have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-12T11:57:24.395Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-12T11:57:24.395Z",
- "id": "5f8444a4e946ec283cfe86c6",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "Your default site",
- "siteId": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728",
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER"
}, - "organization": "5f7f185cf54f152404095726",
- "invitedBy": "5f7f1856f54f152404095722"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "id": "5f85c287cebe8309908fb78e",
- "firstname": "Emily",
- "lastname": "Waterson",
- "email": "",
- "message": "welcome to ALE Kingdom",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "Your default site",
- "siteId": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728",
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER"
}, - {
- "name": "tetse",
- "siteId": "5f8599fc44415025e0ec4431",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
}, - "organization": "5f7f185cf54f152404095726",
- "invitedBy": "5f7f1856f54f152404095722"
This API allows to delete multiple invitation in an Organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of deleted invitees |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The invitations have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "inviteeIds": [
- "5ff493d6216e8e68b48ddab0",
- "5ff581d0f4cb8b810c827f0e"
This API allows to find a pending invitation of the organization by its ID
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "An invitation has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "id": "5f85c287cebe8309908fb78e",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "Sample message",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "Site1 example",
- "siteId": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728",
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER"
}, - {
- "name": "Site2 example",
- "siteId": "5f8599fc44415025e0ec4431",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
}, - "organization": "5f7f185cf54f152404095726",
- "invitedBy": "5f7f1856f54f152404095722"
This API allows to update an invitation and resend invitation in an Organization. For resending without update: set the body an empty JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
message | string The invitation message. |
role | string Enum: "ORGANIZATION_ADMIN" "ORGANIZATION_VIEWER" "ORGANIZATION_LIMITED" The Organization-level role of user |
Array of objects The selected site and its corresponding permission for the ORGANIZATION_LIMITED role |
{- "message": "string",
- "userSitePermissions": [
- {
- "siteId": "string",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The invitation has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-13T15:06:46.977Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-13T15:08:31.214Z",
- "id": "5f85c287cebe8309908fb78e",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "Welcome to ALE International Kingdom",
- "invitedMessage": "Welcome to ALE International Kingdom",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [
- {
- "name": "Your default site",
- "siteId": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728",
- "role": "SITE_VIEWER"
}, - {
- "name": "tetse",
- "siteId": "5f8599fc44415025e0ec4431",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
}, - "invitedBy": "5f7f1856f54f152404095722"
This API allows to delete an existing invitation identified by inviteeId in an Organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Invitation has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "inviteeId": "5ff498973b0ef86f643eacff"
This API allows to accept an invitation to an organization for an exist user, who has already signed up.
inviteeId required | string This is a path param for inviteeId |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Invitation(s) have been successfully accepted and removed.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-12-03T16:39:34.263Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-12-03T16:39:34.263Z",
- "id": "5fc914c608e6433f000c3f79",
- "firstname": "John",
- "lastname": "Doe",
- "email": "",
- "message": "",
- "limitedSites": {
- "permissions": [ ]
}, - "organization": "5fc904490c73b21524ea4536",
- "invitedBy": "5fc8ac1227907f0ee8a58206"
This API allows you to create a new organization in an MSP.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the organization. |
imageUrl | string The image location name where the organization image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
mspId required | string The id of MSP which the organization belongs. |
countryCode required | string The organization ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code. |
timezone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" The organization timezone (ex: America/New_York). |
idleTimeout | integer <int32> The number of seconds, that a client session can be idle before disconnecting the user, or 0 to disable. |
auditHour | integer <int32> The hour in day in timestamp format for the Audit Configuration scheduler. Ex: with value 130; hour = 130 divide by 60 (= 2 hour); minute = the remainder of 130 divide by 60 (= 10 minute); therefore scheduled hour is 2:10. |
enforceStrongPassword required | boolean The option allows to enforce strong password in the organization. |
enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType required | string Enum: "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN" "NO_WARNING" The option allows configuring the notification if the user's password violates the enforcement password policy. |
{- "name": "string",
- "imageUrl": "string",
- "mspId": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
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- "auditHour": 0,
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
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- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T09:46:21.172Z",
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- "msp": "5f100c1ae54d9f71244476fc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "idleTimeout": 120,
- "auditHour": 130,
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
}, - "rfProfileDefault": {
- "data": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
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- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
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- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
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- "csa2": true,
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- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
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- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
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- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
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- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
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- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
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- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
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- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true,
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- "status": 201
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- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
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- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
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- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
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- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
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- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
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- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
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- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
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- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
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- "site": "63a564bce5de801169ee606d"
}, - "message": "The Provisioning Template has been created successfully.",
- "status": 201
}, - "defaultManagementUserTemplate": {
- "data": {
- "name": "Default Management User Template",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "65422fc5b8fb62e0d55b9051",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "credentialsType": "USE_EXISTING",
- "username": "admin"
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- "updatedAt": "2023-11-02T04:49:04.004006Z[UTC]",
- "organization": "63a564bce5de801169ee606a"
}, - "message": "Create new default Management User Template in the organization successfully.",
- "status": 201
This API allows to fetch all user organizations.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organizations have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
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- "name": "Your Org",
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- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5f100c1ae54d9f71244476fc",
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- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120
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- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T09:46:21.172Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T09:46:21.172Z",
- "id": "5f1567ede0e88a2424ec1d05",
- "name": "Your Org 2",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "8b69031f-bc4d-48d4-8e3f-b885eebd3e55.JPG",
- "msp": "5f100c1ae54d9f71244476fc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120
This API allows to fetch all organizations of specific MSP.
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organizations have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
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- "updatedAt": "2021-01-13T08:16:17.488Z",
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- "name": "Your Org",
- "is2FARequired": false,
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- "msp": "5ffeac519af2620f3af6fedc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120
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- "createdAt": "2021-01-13T08:23:39.156Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-13T08:23:39.156Z",
- "id": "5ffeae0b9af2620f3af6fef9",
- "name": "Your Org 2",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5ffeac519af2620f3af6fedc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2021-01-14T12:19:11.958Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-01-14T12:20:00.386Z",
- "id": "600036bfb26547b9c81b6440",
- "name": "Your Org 3",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5ffeac519af2620f3af6fedc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120
This API allows to fetch all organizations summaries of a specific MSP .
mspId required | string This is a path param for mspId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organizations have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-01-14T08:16:17.488Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-01-14T08:16:17.488Z",
- "id": "5ffeac519af2620f3af6fedd",
- "name": "Your Org",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5ffeac519af2620f3af6fedc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120,
- "subscription": {
- "createdAt": "2021-06-18T16:01:59.617Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-06-18T16:01:59.617Z",
- "id": "60ccc37781fa6a2f58ace6bd",
- "subRef": "TRIAL-20217562B8",
- "type": "TRIAL",
- "aleRepresentativeNames": {
- "list": [
- "John W"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
}, - "partnerName": "",
- "partnerCRDID": "",
- "partnerContactName": "",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2021-06-18",
- "endDate": "2022-06-13",
- "newEndDate": null,
- "expectedDuration": 360,
- "allowedDevices": 2000,
- "newAllowedDevices": 2000,
- "businessArgument": "Pour le dev",
- "plmNotes": "",
- "approvalStatus": "APPROVED",
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- "isRAPApproved": true
}, - "totalSites": 3,
- "totalDevices": 18,
- "totalOrgUsers": 1
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-01-13T08:23:39.156Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-01-13T08:23:39.156Z",
- "id": "5ffeae0b9af2620f3af6fef9",
- "name": "ALE Brest",
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- "subRef": "TRIAL-20214EB4D3",
- "type": "TRIAL",
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- "list": [
- "John W"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
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- "partnerCRDID": "",
- "partnerContactName": "",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2021-07-05",
- "endDate": "2022-06-30",
- "newEndDate": null,
- "expectedDuration": 360,
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- "newAllowedDevices": 0,
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- "plmNotes": "",
- "approvalStatus": "APPROVED",
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- "isRAPApproved": true
}, - "totalSites": 2,
- "totalDevices": 18,
- "totalOrgUsers": 1
This API allows to fetch one organization identified by its id with its settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2022-08-04T12:10:38.058Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-09-08T15:56:53.407Z",
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- "name": "ALE",
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- "alerts": 30,
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- "clientSessions": 30,
- "clientAnalytics": 30,
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- "loginAttemps": 7,
- "iotData": 7,
- "backupPerDevice": 30,
- "collectInfo": 7,
- "configurationBackup": 5,
- "qoe": 30,
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to fetch one organization identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
- "id": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90",
- "name": "ALE",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5f100c1ae54d9f71244476fc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120,
- "rfProfileDefault": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
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- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
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- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
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- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
}, - "provisioningConfigDefault": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows to update one organization identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The name of the organization. |
imageUrl | string The image location name where the organization image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
mspId required | string The id of MSP which the organization belongs. |
countryCode required | string The organization ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code. |
timezone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" The organization timezone (ex: America/New_York). |
idleTimeout | integer <int32> The number of seconds, that a client session can be idle before disconnecting the user, or 0 to disable. |
auditHour | integer <int32> The hour in day in timestamp format for the Audit Configuration scheduler. Ex: with value 130; hour = 130 divide by 60 (= 2 hour); minute = the remainder of 130 divide by 60 (= 10 minute); therefore scheduled hour is 2:10. |
upamAuthRecords | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where UPAM records data are kept in the system. |
events | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Events Traps data are kept in the system. |
alerts | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Alert data are kept in the system. |
wifiRtls | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Heatmap, client location data are kept in the system. |
networkAnalytics | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Network analytics data are kept in the system. |
clientSessions | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Client session data are kept in the system. |
clientAnalytics | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Client analytics data are kept in the system. |
auditLogs | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Audit logs data are kept in the system. |
loginAttemps | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where Organization User Login Attemps data are kept in the system. |
iotData | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where IoT data are kept in the system. |
collectInfo | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where collect support info file are kept in the system. |
backupPerDevice | integer <int32> The maximum number of backups retaining per device in the system. |
configurationBackup | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where configuration backups are kept in the system. |
qoe | integer <int32> The maximum number of days where QoE Analytics data are kept in the system. |
enforceStrongPassword required | boolean The option allows to enforce strong password in the organization. |
enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType required | string Enum: "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN" "NO_WARNING" The option allows configuring the notification if the user's password violates the enforcement password policy. |
{- "name": "string",
- "imageUrl": "string",
- "mspId": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "idleTimeout": 0,
- "auditHour": 0,
- "upamAuthRecords": 0,
- "events": 0,
- "alerts": 0,
- "wifiRtls": 0,
- "networkAnalytics": 0,
- "clientSessions": 0,
- "clientAnalytics": 0,
- "auditLogs": 0,
- "loginAttemps": 0,
- "iotData": 0,
- "collectInfo": 0,
- "backupPerDevice": 0,
- "configurationBackup": 0,
- "qoe": 0,
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-16T12:44:04.528Z",
- "id": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90",
- "name": "Your Org",
- "is2FARequired": false,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "msp": "5f100c1ae54d9f71244476fc",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "auditHour": 130,
- "idleTimeout": 120,
- "upamAuthRecords": 30,
- "events": 30,
- "alerts": 30,
- "wifiRtls": 30,
- "networkAnalytics": 30,
- "clientSessions": 30,
- "clientAnalytics": 30,
- "auditLogs": 7,
- "loginAttemps": 7,
- "iotData": 7,
- "backupPerDevice": 30,
- "collectInfo": 7,
- "configurationBackup": 5,
- "qoe": 30,
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to delete an organization identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "orgId": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"
This API allows to get the enforcement password setting of an Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to update enforcement password setting of an Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
enforceStrongPassword required | boolean The option allows to enforce strong password in the organization. |
enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType required | string Enum: "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN" "NO_WARNING" The option allows configuring the notification if the user's password violates the enforcement password policy. |
{- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The organization has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN"
This API allows to find a verified user of the organization by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "user": {
- "id": "5f58cf289cf6d30b28fb876b",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-09T12:48:07.995Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-01T14:01:37.051Z",
- "id": "5f58cf089cf6d30b28fb8765",
- "firstname": "Your firstname",
- "lastname": "Your lastname",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "ALE",
- "avatarLocation": "ff43af7f-b822-4814-8e21-95cf182fea06.PNG",
- "address": "Château de Brest, Bd de la Marine, 29200 Brest, France",
- "city": "Brest",
- "zipCode": "29200",
- "phoneNumber": "+33298221239",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "EMAIL",
- "isSuperAdmin": false,
- "isTechnicalSupportUser": false
}, - "limitedSites": [
- {
- "id": "5f58cf2a9cf6d30b28fb876c",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN",
- "site": "5f7f185cf54f152404095728"
This API allows to update the organization level access role of a verified user in an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
role required | string Enum: "ORGANIZATION_ADMIN" "ORGANIZATION_VIEWER" "ORGANIZATION_LIMITED" The Organization-level role of user |
Array of objects The selected site and its corresponding permission for user |
- "userSitePermissions": [
- {
- "siteId": "string",
- "role": "SITE_ADMIN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user role has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-05T14:14:49.105Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-10-06T05:49:09.805Z",
- "id": "5f7b2a59913cb0191ced65f3",
- "user": "5f7b2a3d913cb0191ced65ee",
- "organization": "5f7b2a59913cb0191ced65f0"
This API allows to remove access of a user to an organization and all its sites.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
userId required | string This is a path param for userId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user access has been successfully revoked.",
- "data": {
- "orgId": "5f58cf179cf6d30b28fb8766",
- "userId": "5f71a1dc855acc279421d679"
This API allows to fetch the Two-factor authentication configuration of the organization-level users in this organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "firstname": "string",
- "lastname": "string",
- "verified": true,
- "companyName": "string",
- "preferredLanguage": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "zipCode": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "closestRegion": "string",
- "avatarLocation": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": "string",
- "faMethod": "string"
}, - "organization": "string",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "is2FARequired": true,
This API allows to impose or not the Two-factor Authentication for organization-level users in this Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
is2FARequired required | boolean The Two-Factor authentication for Organization-level users in the organization |
{- "is2FARequired": true
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "imageUrl": "string",
- "is2FARequired": true,
- "msp": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "idleTimeout": 0,
- "auditHour": 0
This API allows to get all verified users of an organization identified by orgId parameter.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All users have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "5f6a1d70600904784cd5a4ed",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "2020-09-22T15:50:11.245Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-09-23T08:01:37.570Z",
- "id": "5f6a1d33600904784cd5a4e7",
- "firstname": "Your firstname",
- "lastname": "Your lastname",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "APAC",
- "companyName": "ALE",
- "avatarLocation": "ff43af7f-b822-4814-8e21-95cf182fea06.PNG",
- "address": "Château de Brest, Bd de la Marine, 29200 Brest, France",
- "city": "Brest",
- "zipCode": "29200",
- "phoneNumber": "+33298221239",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "isSuperAdmin": true,
- "isTechnicalSupportUser": false
}, - {
- "id": "5f6a1d70600904784cd5a3ef",
- "user": {
- "createdAt": "2020-10-22T15:50:11.245Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-11-23T08:01:37.570Z",
- "id": "5f6a1d33600904784cd5a3e8",
- "firstname": "Your firstname",
- "lastname": "Your lastname",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "APAC",
- "companyName": "ALE",
- "avatarLocation": "ff43af7f-b822-4814-8e21-95cf182fea06.PNG",
- "address": "Château de Brest, Bd de la Marine, 29200 Brest, France",
- "city": "Brest",
- "zipCode": "29200",
- "phoneNumber": "+33298221239",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "isSuperAdmin": false,
- "isTechnicalSupportUser": false
This API allows to remove access of many users by Id to an Organization and all its sites.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique user Id to revoke access |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The users access has been successfully revoked.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "5f7f1ad6f54f15240409572d",
- "5f86e271a01e212f20d7f824"
This API allows to create a new site in an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the site. Ex: ALE Brest |
timezone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" Timezone of the site. |
zoom required | integer <int32> Zoom value for the location of the site, minimum 17. |
address required | string The address of the site. Ex: 5 Av. Anatole France |
countryCode | string The code of country where the site is located. Ex: FR |
isDefault | boolean True if the site is default of this organization. |
object The location of the site, in geoJson format. | |
imageUrl | string The image location name where the site image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
{- "name": "string",
- "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "zoom": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "isDefault": true,
- "location": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- null
}, - "imageUrl": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The site has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e496441cedb2cf8a6fff",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "name": "site ALE",
- "countryCode": "BE",
- "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
- "address": "12, Treft, Strombeek-Bever, Grimbergen, Halle-Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, 1853, Belgium",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
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- "50.902547"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846b84ad749"
This API allows to fetch all sites of a given organization by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The sites have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "66e496441cedb2cf8a6fff",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "name": "site ALE",
- "countryCode": "BE",
- "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
- "address": "12, Treft, Strombeek-Bever, Grimbergen, Halle-Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, 1853, Belgium",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "4.334972",
- "50.902547"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846b84ad749"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-10-19T07:32:44.990Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-07-29T06:27:43.506Z",
- "id": "6530db1f8c25ac4f60bcc8",
- "name": "Alcatel",
- "countryCode": "AR",
- "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
- "address": "22, Comuna de Los Molinos, Pedanía Molinos, Departamento Calamuchita, Córdoba, X5191, Argentina",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "-64.370564",
- "-31.841502"
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- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67d584ba384ad749"
This API allows to fetch all sites (including their their buildings and floors) of a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The sites have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "66e496441cedb2cf8a6fff",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "name": "site ALE",
- "countryCode": "BE",
- "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
- "address": "12, Treft, Strombeek-Bever, Grimbergen, Halle-Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, 1853, Belgium",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "4.334972",
- "50.902547"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846b84ad749",
- "buildings": [
- {
- "floors": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-09-28T09:37:53.289Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-03-22T09:17:45.214Z",
- "id": "65154974a0a7d8736f0669",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "b4a0-58a4-48d5-a6a3-1ceef19e89f8.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
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- "updatedAt": "2023-09-28T09:29:44.362Z",
- "id": "6515478814a7d8736f0666",
- "name": "Building",
- "site": "6515476b14a0d8736f0657",
- "organization": "64e67afd5846ba384ad749"
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- "createdAt": "2023-10-19T07:32:44.990Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-07-29T06:27:43.506Z",
- "id": "6530db1f8c25ac4f60bcc8",
- "name": "Alcatel",
- "countryCode": "AR",
- "timezone": "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires",
- "address": "22, Comuna de Los Molinos, Pedanía Molinos, Departamento Calamuchita, Córdoba, X5191, Argentina",
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- "updatedAt": "2024-08-22T12:55:46.229Z",
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- "updatedAt": "2024-08-28T13:15:48.823Z",
- "id": "66cf2304e7940e1d4da548",
- "name": "NameStage",
- "floorNumber": 1,
- "floorPlanUrl": "3f5b5270-3f69-4d65-9908-6a1d0d1372ec.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
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- "areaGeometry": {
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- "coordinates": [
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- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
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], - "createdAt": "2024-08-05T13:28:06.164Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-05T13:28:06.164Z",
- "id": "66b0d36698a872788e35f9",
- "name": "Building1",
- "site": "66054490d2eb97d847be96",
- "organization": "6422e67d5846ba384ad749"
This API allows to fetch one site identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The site has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e496441cedb2cf8a6fff",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "name": "site ALE",
- "countryCode": "BE",
- "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
- "address": "12, Treft, Strombeek-Bever, Grimbergen, Halle-Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, 1853, Belgium",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "4.334972",
- "50.902547"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846b84ad749"
This API allows to update one site identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The name of the site. Ex: ALE Brest |
timezone | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" Timezone of the site. |
address | string The address of the site. Ex: 5 Av. Anatole France |
zoom | integer <int32> Zoom value for the location of the site, minimum 17. |
countryCode | string The code of country where the site is located. Ex: FR |
isDefault | boolean True if the site is default of this organization. |
object The location of the site, in geoJson format. | |
imageUrl | string The image location name where the site image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
{- "name": "string",
- "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "address": "string",
- "zoom": 0,
- "countryCode": "string",
- "isDefault": true,
- "location": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- null
}, - "imageUrl": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The site has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e496441cedb2cf8a6fff",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:13:42.908Z",
- "name": "site ALE",
- "countryCode": "BE",
- "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
- "address": "12, Treft, Strombeek-Bever, Grimbergen, Halle-Vilvoorde, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, 1853, Belgium",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "4.334972",
- "50.902547"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846b84ad749"
This API allows to delete one site identified by its id. All other objects linked to this site will be also deleted. (Floors, Buildings...)
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The site has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "siteId": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b9"
This API allows to fetch the SMS Provider settings for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The SMS Gateway Settings have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-05-31T08:18:43.890Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T11:51:45.323Z",
- "id": "647703c132d6495be5e0cc",
- "smsProvider": "TWILIO",
- "twilio_accountSid": "accountId",
- "twilio_authToken": "tokenFromCloud",
- "twilio_numberFrom": "+18182934970",
- "plivo_authId": "tokenFromCloud",
- "plivo_authToken": "tokenFromCloud",
- "plivo_numberFrom": "+18182934970",
- "organization": "6422e67a5846ba384ad749"
This API allows to update the SMS Provider settings for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
smsProvider required | string Enum: "PLIVO" "TWILIO" The current selected SMS Gateway Service that will be used to send SMS for this organization. Values can be only 'TWILIO' or 'PLIVO'. |
twilio_accountSid | string The account SID got from the Twilio web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
twilio_authToken | string The authentication token got from the Twilio web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
twilio_numberFrom | string The array of phone numbers updated. The phone numbers you bought on Twilio. Make sure to use E.164 format here. ( (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_authId | string The auth id got from the Plivo web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_authToken | string The authentication token got from the Plivo web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_numberFrom | string The array of phone numbers updated. The phone numbers you bought on Plivo. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
{- "smsProvider": "PLIVO",
- "twilio_accountSid": "string",
- "twilio_authToken": "string",
- "twilio_numberFrom": "string",
- "plivo_authId": "string",
- "plivo_authToken": "string",
- "plivo_numberFrom": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The SMS Gateway Settings have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "61c590f73613c240d2c91394",
- "createdAt": "2021-10-24T14:03:28.123Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-12-24T14:03:28.123Z",
- "smsProvider": "PLIVO",
- "twilio_accountSid": "AC906fba223110c3u7672ef593e67ea",
- "twilio_authToken": "3bfb094df77c39a064029c2ca3ff",
- "twilio_numberFrom": "+33608718569",
- "plivo_authId": "MANJEWDC1N2Y4NX",
- "plivo_authToken": "MWVhMmE0MWQ0MzZjODhjMTAwNWY1MDFiYmZk",
- "plivo_numberFrom": "+18182934970",
- "organization": "6156c72c05dcbfp6abf4d"
This API allows you to send an SMS for testing SMS Provider Settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
smsProvider required | string Enum: "PLIVO" "TWILIO" The current selected SMS Gateway Service that will be used to send SMS for this organization. Values can be only 'TWILIO' or 'PLIVO'. |
twilio_accountSid | string The account SID got from the Twilio web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
twilio_authToken | string The authentication token got from the Twilio web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
twilio_numberFrom | string The array of phone numbers. The phone numbers you bought on Twilio. Make sure to use E.164 format here. ( (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'TWILIO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_authId | string The auth id got from the Plivo web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_authToken | string The authentication token got from the Plivo web console. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
plivo_numberFrom | string The array of phone numbers. The phone numbers you bought on Plivo. (When the smsProvider attribute is set to 'PLIVO', this attribute is required). |
to required | string The phone number on which you want to receive the SMS. Make sure to use E.164 format here. |
{- "smsProvider": "PLIVO",
- "twilio_accountSid": "string",
- "twilio_authToken": "string",
- "twilio_numberFrom": "string",
- "plivo_authId": "string",
- "plivo_authToken": "string",
- "plivo_numberFrom": "string",
- "to": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The test SMS has been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "smsProvider": "PLIVO",
- "to": "+3366123123",
- "plivo_authId": "MANJEWY9C1N2Y4NX",
- "plivo_authToken": "MWVhMmE0MWQJUVjODhjMTAwNWY1MDFiYmZk",
- "plivo_numberFrom": "+18182934970",
- "orgId": "6156c725dcbfpobb6abf4d"
This API allows to create a new group in an site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the group. |
description | string The description of the group. |
provisioningTemplateName required | string The Provisioning Template of the group. |
isExtendScale required | boolean Indicates whether or not the Group enables the Extended SSID Scale option. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "string",
- "isExtendScale": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The group has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "site": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "assignmentProvisioningTemplate": {
- "deviceGroupId": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config"
This API allows to fetch all groups of a given site by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The groups have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "id": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458",
- "name": "DUY",
- "countryCode": "MA",
- "timezone": "",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "60a77edef5e98e5e3078ab58"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "numberOfDevices": 7,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": "7c9677ea017dcf36d8f516bn",
- "scheduleName": "Schedule 3",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1669827600000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1669914000000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "63564ae6a928c44d20dcdfaa"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": ""
This route is used to delete the multiple group identified by its groupIds belong to site siteId. All device linked to this group will be migrated to specific group or default group (if specific group is not exist)
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of the groupIds which are removed |
groupForDeviceMigration | string The id of the group which is the destination for device migration. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
], - "groupForDeviceMigration": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The groups has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-23T05:51:50.540Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-23T05:51:50.540Z",
- "id": "66f101f6f3d127315051c2fa",
- "name": "group1",
- "description": "test",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "64d9f04b3b6e25c0b84326b7"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-23T05:52:14.798Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-23T05:52:14.798Z",
- "id": "66f1020ef3d127315051c2fc",
- "name": "group2",
- "description": "test",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": "64d9f04b3b6e25c0b84326b7"
This API allows to fetch all groups of a given organization by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The groups have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "id": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458",
- "name": "DUY",
- "countryCode": "MA",
- "timezone": "",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "60a77edef5e98e5e3078ab58"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "numberOfDevices": 3,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": "7c9677ea017dcf36d8f516bn",
- "scheduleName": "Schedule 3",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1669827600000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1669914000000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "63564ae6a928c44d20dcdfaa"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": ""
This API allows to fetch group by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
groupId required | string This is a path param for groupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The group has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "id": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458",
- "name": "DUY",
- "countryCode": "MA",
- "timezone": "",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "60a77edef5e98e5e3078ab58"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "isAbleToEditExtendScale": true,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": "7c9677ea017dcf36d8f516bn",
- "scheduleName": "Schedule 3",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1669827600000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1669914000000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "63564ae6a928c44d20dcdfaa"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": ""
This API allows to update one group identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
groupId required | string This is a path param for groupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the group. |
description | string The description of the group. |
provisioningTemplateName required | string The Provisioning Template of the group. |
isExtendScale required | boolean Indicates whether or not the Group enables the Extended SSID Scale option. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "string",
- "isExtendScale": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The group has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-05-21T09:35:27.473Z",
- "id": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458",
- "name": "DUY",
- "countryCode": "MA",
- "timezone": "",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "60a77edef5e98e5e3078ab58"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "assignmentProvisioningTemplate": {
- "deviceGroupId": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config"
This route is used to delete the Group identified by its groupId belong to site siteId. All device linked to this group will be migrated to specific group or default group (if specific group is not exist)
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
groupId required | string This is a path param for groupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
groupForDeviceMigration | string The id of the group which is the destination for device migration. |
{- "groupForDeviceMigration": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The group has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "groupId": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b9"
This API allows to fetch all alert of given organization id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
period required | string Merging of alerts to an entry for the selected period from group by window which has list of values. The group by window values are "None", "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour", "3 hours", "6 hours", "9 hours", "12 hours", "24 hours", ex: period: 5 minutes. |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Reassoc Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Reassoc"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"siteName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "MAC". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "firstOccurrence": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "id": 1,
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "lastOccurrence": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "organization": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "recordCount": 1,
- "recurrence": 34,
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site"
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "firstOccurrence": "2022-04-01T09:15:35Z",
- "id": 2,
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "lastOccurrence": "2022-04-01T09:15:35Z",
- "organization": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "recordCount": 2,
- "recurrence": 2,
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to delete summary alerts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "alertType". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Portal Auth Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Portal"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of alert summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstOccurrence": "string",
- "lastOccurrence": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "alertType": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Alerts in the Alert Summary have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckAlerts": 0,
- "totalDeletedAlerts": 4
This API allows to get all alert details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Portal Auth Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Portal"}}. |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "alertType". |
firstOccurrence required | string "firstOccurrence" is the first time alert occurred in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
lastOccurrence required | string "lastOccurrence" is the time alert occurred in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
alertType required | string Name of the alert type. |
severity required | string Severity of the alert. |
isAcknowledged required | string The acknowledge status of the alert. |
siteId required | string Unique site identifier. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "buildingId": "NULL",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "floorId": "NULL",
- "id": "1f6535230ca042a0baafa45ad76ae3db",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "isEnabled": false,
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "orgId": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "buildingId": "NULL",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "floorId": "NULL",
- "id": "26d1bc266b314d99ae46d0032161fc38",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "isEnabled": false,
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "orgId": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "buildingId": "NULL",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "floorId": "NULL",
- "id": "4f3517c3fef44482961ab51f4199f288",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "isEnabled": false,
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "orgId": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "buildingId": "NULL",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "floorId": "NULL",
- "id": "eb81d5b3cc004e70895cc082a3363ec7",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "isEnabled": false,
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "orgId": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "buildingId": "NULL",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "floorId": "NULL",
- "id": "e96332121655456b863b797601ccea2b",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "isEnabled": false,
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "orgId": "625fccf65a370f39c8fb865e",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "Major",
- "siteId": "625fcd005a370f39c8fb8662",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
This API allows to acknowledge all alerts within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Reassoc Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Reassoc"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alerts have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "success": [
- "13051054ad2a4e0584bc5aae2b238515",
- "e4be2ab0f5a84308b7536270a538bedf",
- "2ed3f5e0729a451bba607baf606fc182",
- "a14001dc7aa042e8b86d4054ae66a192",
- "9e1c3e0ebe5e4bd18eba001c2cf18e08"
], - "failure": [ ]
This API allows to acknowledge summary alerts within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "alertType". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Portal Auth Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Portal"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of alert summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstOccurrence": "string",
- "lastOccurrence": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "alertType": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Alerts in the Alert Summary have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckAlerts": 2,
- "totalDeletedAlerts": 0
This API allows to acknowledge multiple alerts by their ids within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of alerts. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alerts have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- {
- "id": "8dde7e71765142649be56c2bb2bdc51c",
- "reason": "Alerts already updated"
], - "success": [
- "854ffbe9e09449189f5cec7b7deb48a0"
This API allows to acknowledge an alert by id within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
alertId required | string This is a path param for alertId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert has been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "81f70f8a20ce47089a18eec9cc126e12"
This API allows to delete an alert identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
alertId required | string This is a path param for alertId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "0e2157636b554a77b46d505661582c42"
This API allows to delete all alerts within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: alertType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'alertType': 'Portal Auth Failure'. ex: filter with object: {"alertType":{"contains":"Portal"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alerts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "response": {
- "success": [
- "13051054ad2a4e0584bc5aae2b238515",
- "e4be2ab0f5a84308b7536270a538bedf",
- "2ed3f5e0729a451bba607baf606fc182",
- "a14001dc7aa042e8b86d4054ae66a192",
- "9e1c3e0ebe5e4bd18eba001c2cf18e08",
- "30010f58da4b499281948623ed677e0c"
], - "failure": [ ]
This API allows to delete multiple alerts identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of alerts. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alerts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "response": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "8939138cbf2f4e7299db7b490fd5a7f2",
- "8939138cbf2f4e7299db7b490fe5b8f3"
This API allows to get all alert definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert definitions have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "alertTypeId": "01130889-079a-4656-af6f-2f38329a64fb",
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "a67052dc-3d75-4344-9f50-0a543f65ac19",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Reassoc Failure",
- "namefr": "Échec de résassociation",
- "orgId": "65a6328a3f053ab928e87354",
- "severity": "MAJOR"
}, - {
- "alertTypeId": "3b11ef44-cdb7-4582-b320-f7feb09ae63e",
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "0ef8791a-a579-421a-8edc-e31413246abe",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Portal Auth Failure",
- "namefr": "Échec d'authentification portail",
- "orgId": "65a6328a3f053ab928e87354",
- "severity": "MAJOR"
This API allows to update multiple alert definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of alert definitions. |
{- "definitions": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "severity": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert definitions have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "27f652fd-9eb4-458e-8389-02b512babfe2",
- "name": "Reassoc Failure",
- "severity": "Normal"
}, - {
- "id": "b8356eba-b0f4-435b-bff4-21175ecd5211",
- "name": "Apply configuration to AP Failure",
- "severity": "Normal"
This API allows to update an alert definition.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
severity required | string Severity of alert definition. |
{- "severity": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert definition has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "b8356eba-b0f4-435b-bff4-21175ecd5211",
- "name": "Apply configuration to AP Failure",
- "severity": "Normal"
This API allows to reset alert definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of alert definitions. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert definitions have been successfully reseted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "27f652fd-9eb4-458e-8389-02b512babfe2",
- "name": "Reassoc Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
This API allows to reset all alert definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert definitions have been successfully reseted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "15c9c031-a893-4277-9400-e598ae345ee7",
- "550aac39-8185-49cb-9b68-ba4937f2155c",
- "ec40d95d-472b-4ae2-98d7-12905608a91e",
- "1f69d0e0-3af1-4f30-bb39-610f1337c039"
This API is used to get the related alerts to a specific client identified by providing the client mac address
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"siteName":"ASC"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event details have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "acknowledged": true,
- "alertType": "Apply configuration to AP Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "2c9ec081815c2a6201815c2a7b730016",
- "buildingId": "",
- "category": "Configuration",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "enabled": true,
- "floorId": "",
- "id": "ca3ff18e13d945c3909dafd3ceb29cea",
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "namefr": "Appliquer la configuration à l'echec d'AP",
- "notes": "sampe alert",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "CRITICAL",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "fa:12:1f:f7:27:bd",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-24T08:43:28.102857Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
}, - {
- "acknowledged": true,
- "alertType": "AP Naas Degraded State Alert",
- "alertTypeId": "2c9ec081815c2a6201815c2a7b730016",
- "buildingId": "",
- "category": "Naas",
- "code": "1",
- "createdAt": "2022-04-11T14:22:22.519Z",
- "description": "{trapType=apNaasDegradedStateAlert, apNaasDegradedStatus=Entered, apLicenseSerialId=SSZ203900032, apLicenseFeatureId=Management, apTraptime=Mon Feb 28 17:46:54 2022, apUptime=341095}",
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "enabled": true,
- "floorId": "",
- "id": "1246ac3f321b4c05a9f982aca616c213",
- "issuedAt": "2022-04-11T12:22:22.519Z",
- "namefr": "Alerte AP Naas état dégradé",
- "notes": "sampe alert",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "reason": "Entered",
- "severity": "MAJOR",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "",
- "staMac": "fa:12:1f:f7:27:bd",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-24T09:14:11.742472Z",
- "vap": "",
- "version": "3.0"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get all alert types.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert types have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb390000",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "DHCP Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb3c0001",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "DHCP Declined",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb3d0002",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "EAP/802.1x Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb3e0003",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "MAC Auth Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb3f0004",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Association Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb400005",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Authentication Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb410006",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Deauth Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb420007",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Disassoc Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb430008",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Reassoc Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb440009",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Roaming Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb45000a",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Portal Auth Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb46000b",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Portal Session Timeout",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb46000c",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Portal Auth Timeout",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb46000d",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Portal Idle Timeout",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb47000f",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "PSK Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
}, - {
- "category": "Client Connection",
- "id": "2c9180827c2efd75017c2fe7bb480010",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Authorization Failure",
- "severity": "Major"
This API allows to create a new alert template.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the alert template. |
organization required | string The unique identifier of organization. |
required | Array of objects An array of alertTypes to enable and disable. |
siteScope | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of site ids. |
scope required | integer <int32> Scope is 0 for organization and Scope is 1 for site . |
{- "name": "string",
- "organization": "string",
- "alertTypes": [
- {
- "alertTypeId": "string",
- "isEnabled": true
], - "siteScope": [
- "string"
], - "scope": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The alert template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "alertTypes": [
- {
- "alertType": "DHCP Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802740001",
- "isEnabled": true
}, - {
- "alertType": "Authorization Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff808181799dca8101799dca8f530001",
- "isEnabled": true
], - "createdAt": "2021-10-08T10:01:03.850331",
- "id": "ff8081817c5edaa1017c5f595a740163",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "test template 21",
- "orgScope": "60af95b5e3de3048a8e496e9",
- "scope": "ORGANIZATION",
- "updatedAt": "2021-10-08T10:01:03.850331"
This API allows to get all alert templates.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "data": [
- {
- "alertTypes": [
- {
- "alertType": "MAC Auth Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802840004",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Association Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802880005",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Deauth Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8028b0006",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Reassoc Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8028e0007",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Roaming Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802910008",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Portal Auth Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802940009",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Portal Session Timeout",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d80297000a",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Portal Auth Timeout",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8029a000b",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Portal Idle Timeout",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8029c000c",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "Negotiation Mismatch",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8029f000d",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802740001",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "DHCP Declined",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027b0002",
- "isEnabled": false
}, - {
- "alertType": "EAP/802.1x Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d8027f0003",
- "isEnabled": true
], - "id": "ff808181783e33e80178400da2a203fd",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "AlertTemplateTemp_1",
- "organization": "604f16947b2cad4f18b6d120",
- "scope": "SITE",
- "siteScope": [
- {
- "siteId": "604b01b99135ec2d0cd9ccf2"
}, - {
- "siteId": "604b014f9135ec2d0cd9ccee"
], - "message": "The alert templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200
This API allows to delete mutiple alert templates identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of alert template |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert templates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "deleteResponse": {
- "failure": [
- "ff80818179fa36af0179fa4c6e520000",
- "ff80818179c23a210179c24fad4b0000"
], - "success": [
- "ff808181783e33e8017840195a030402",
- "ff80818179fa36af0179fa9d1c2e0012"
This API allows to update an alert template within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
alertTemplateId required | string This is a path param for alertTemplateId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the alert template. |
organization required | string The unique identifier of organization. |
required | Array of objects An array of alertTypes to enable and disable. |
siteScope | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of site ids. |
scope required | integer <int32> Scope is 0 for organization and Scope is 1 for site . |
{- "name": "string",
- "organization": "string",
- "alertTypes": [
- {
- "alertTypeId": "string",
- "isEnabled": true
], - "siteScope": [
- "string"
], - "scope": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2021-03-18T11:58:58.717256",
- "id": "ff808181783e33e80178400da2a203fd",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "AlertTemplate",
- "orgScope": "604f16947b2cad4f18b6d120",
- "alertTypes": [
- {
- "alertType": "MAC Auth Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802840004",
- "isEnabled": true
}, - {
- "alertType": "Association Failure",
- "alertTypeId": "ff8081817821d3c0017821d802880005",
- "isEnabled": true
], - "siteScope": [
- "604b01b99135ec2d0cd9ccf2"
], - "updatedAt": "2021-03-18T11:58:58.717256"
This API allows to delete an alert template identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
alerttemplateId required | string This is a path param for alerttemplateId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The alert template has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "templateId": "ff80818178c9f13e0178ca19e6e70022"
This API allows to create a new Category. Either macMapping(Mac based Category) or hierarchyMapping(Hierarchy based category) is mandatory.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the category. |
path | string The path of the category. |
description | string The description of the category. |
hierarchyMapping | Array of strings The array of hierarchial mapping names. |
macMapping | Array of strings The array of MAC addresses. |
accessRoleProfile | string The name of the access role profile |
{- "name": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyMapping": [
- "string"
], - "macMapping": [
- "string"
], - "accessRoleProfile": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The category has been successfully created",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "2ec9387aabd34c4e9a7c0d70937c4e9e",
- "name": "network",
- "fullPath": null,
- "path": null,
- "description": "team information",
- "hierarchyMapping": null,
- "macMapping": [
- "12::10::33::22::66"
], - "accessRoleProfile": "__OVNG-63",
- "macBased": true,
- "enforcementStatus": null,
- "created_at": "2021-07-21T07:25:38.774616Z",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-21T07:25:38.774631Z",
- "type": "CUSTOM",
- "orgId": "600a935f47473a43b880c213"
This API allows to get all categories.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The categories have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "b9003d9479494ed985b8035493f2c9d1",
- "name": "omnivista_category",
- "fullPath": null,
- "path": null,
- "description": "",
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "hierarchyMapping": [ ],
- "macMapping": [
- "18:21:55:66:78:80"
], - "macBased": true,
- "type": "CUSTOM",
- "enforcementStatus": null
}, - {
- "id": "06bb173903a64639ae8462d59c61e9aa",
- "name": "custom based",
- "fullPath": null,
- "path": null,
- "description": "",
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "hierarchyMapping": [
- "Apple cat"
], - "macMapping": [ ],
- "macBased": false,
- "type": "CUSTOM",
- "enforcementStatus": null
This API allows to delete mutiple categories identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of categories |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The categories have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "success": [
- "30ea8cf364914b7aa9bb410318c82319",
- "e8b909f9739f432ca5611b018bb9feb9"
], - "failure": [ ]
This API allows to get all device hierarchies. Only those category hierarchies that have been detected and displayed on the Inventory Screen are fetched
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The hierarchy categories have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "1",
- "mapping": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
- "name": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
- "categoryName": "custom1",
- "categoryExists": true,
- "macBased": true,
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc"
}, - {
- "id": "2",
- "mapping": "10:12:33:44:55:66",
- "name": "10:12:33:44:55:66",
- "categoryName": "mobile",
- "categoryExists": true,
- "macBased": true,
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc"
}, - {
- "id": "3",
- "mapping": "12:32:44:33:55:66",
- "name": "12:32:44:33:55:66",
- "categoryName": "stellar",
- "categoryExists": true,
- "macBased": true,
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc"
}, - {
- "id": "4",
- "mapping": "22:45:66:33:65:44",
- "name": "22:45:66:33:65:44",
- "categoryName": "omnivista",
- "categoryExists": true,
- "macBased": true,
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc"
This API allows to update a new Category. Either macMapping(Mac based Category) or hierarchyMapping(Hierarchy based category) is mandatory.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
categoryId required | string This is a path param for categoryId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The name of the category. |
path | string The path of the category. |
description | string The description of the category. |
hierarchyMapping | Array of strings The array of hierarchial mapping names. |
macMapping | Array of strings The array of MAC addresses. |
accessRoleProfile | string The name of the access role profile |
{- "name": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyMapping": [
- "string"
], - "macMapping": [
- "string"
], - "accessRoleProfile": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The category has been successfully updated",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "network business division",
- "fullPath": null,
- "path": null,
- "description": "team information",
- "accessRoleProfile": "__OVNG-63",
- "hierarchyMapping": null,
- "macMapping": [
- "85::10::33::22::66"
], - "macBased": true
This API allows to delete a category identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
categoryId required | string This is a path param for categoryId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The category has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "success": [
- "3198d476c58c4b47aa8113d3306ddce4"
], - "failure": [ ]
This API allows to get automatic enforcement status.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Exception lists have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "parameter": "autoenforcement",
- "value": "Enable"
This API allows to update automatic enforcement status.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
parameter required | string identifier for automatic enforcement parameter i.e. autoenforcement. |
value required | string status of the auto enforcement Enable/Disable. |
{- "parameter": "string",
- "value": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The autoenforcement status has been successfully updated."
This api allows manually enable/disable iot enforcement for specific categories
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
categoryName required | Array of strings The array of category names. |
action required | string status of the manual enforcement i.e Enable/Disable. |
{- "categoryName": [
- "string"
], - "action": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The autoenforcement status has been successfully updated",
- "data": {
- "success": [ ],
- "failure": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "44:44:44:44:44:51",
- "category": "ovng_ovc",
- "reason": "Record already up to date"
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "44:44:44:44:44:50",
- "category": "ovng_ovc",
- "reason": "Record already up to date"
This API allows to get exception list.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Exception lists have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "618dfe70c26d395204dc205b",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe4",
- "name": "default device group1",
- "site": {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe3",
- "name": "chennai"
], - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "613ed60016ee103ec0a245ce",
- "name": "houston"
], - "ssid": [ ],
- "endpointMac": [
- "11:22:33:44:55:66"
This API allows to update an Exception List.You can specify exceptions for specific devices by SSID, MAC address, AP Group. When a device matching one of these exceptions is categorized, it will not be subject to IoT enforcement configured for its category.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing devices. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing apGroups. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing sites. |
ssid required | Array of strings The array of ssid. |
endpointMac required | Array of strings The array of endpointMac. |
{- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "ssid": [
- "string"
], - "endpointMac": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Exception lists has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "618dfe70c26d395204dc205b",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe4",
- "name": "default device group1",
- "site": {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe3",
- "name": "seattle"
], - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "613ed60016ee103ec0a245ce",
- "name": "mexico"
], - "ssid": [ ],
- "endpointMac": [
- "11:22:33:44:55:66"
], - "orgId": "617fa9d595eaa93f58b8e410"
This API allows to update access role profile.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects A JSON array updating access role profile to category. |
{- "data": [
- {
- "category": "string",
- "arp": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The access role profile has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "success": [
- "ovng_ovc"
], - "failure": [ ]
This API allows to get all inventories.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
latest required | boolean 'true' to display only the latest session inventory details, 'false' to display all historic entries. |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string the start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, , ex: 0 |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: category_name. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'category_name': 'mobile'. ex: filter with object: {"category_name":{"contains":"mobile"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: endpoint_mac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"endpoint_mac":"ASC"} |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object , ex: search: "dc:08:56:04:39:ea". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The inventories have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "id": "402880ea7b71ba17017b71c9dcb2000e",
- "endpoint_mac": "Dc:08:56:04:39:EA",
- "device_mac": "44:44:44:44:44:51",
- "historyCount": 4,
- "endpoint_ip": null,
- "endpoint_name": "Apple OS",
- "device_name": "AP-7C:20",
- "friendlyName": null,
- "startTime": 1597615046633,
- "stopTime": 1660204592000,
- "prof_opt55": "1,3,6,12,15,28,42,43,66,67,138,212",
- "prof_opt60": "",
- "prof_fingerprint": null,
- "prof_dhcp6_enterprise": null,
- "prof_user_agents": "[]",
- "prof_hosts": "[]",
- "nwcontext_port": "Guest_IoT",
- "nwcontext_port_type": "Wireless",
- "nwcontext_port_description": "Guest",
- "nwcontext_vlan": 203,
- "nwcontext_vpn_id": 0,
- "nwcontext_farend_ip": null,
- "nwcontext_tunnel_type": null,
- "agcontext_unp": "__Guest",
- "agcontext_unp_type": "Default UNP",
- "agcontext_policy_list": "",
- "agcontext_auth_type": "None",
- "agcontext_auth_status": "",
- "agcontext_conn_error": "",
- "category_name": "Operating System",
- "category_type": "DEFAULT",
- "category_hierarchy": "Operating System/Apple OS",
- "endpoint_state": "Offline",
- "manufacturer": "Apple, Inc.",
- "endpointversion": "",
- "score": 78,
- "enforcement_status": "Disabled (Manual Mode)",
- "created_at": "2021-08-23T12:24:19.826889",
- "updated_at": "2021-08-23T12:24:19.826889",
- "anchor": true,
- "orgid": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc",
- "siteid": "62f35fcf6468b775e77deaa6",
- "sitename": "site-3",
- "floor": "",
- "building": "",
- "_device_managed": false
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API allows to assign custom category to devices by their mac ids within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
macs required | Array of strings The array of unique endpoint mac address of inventories. |
categoryName required | string The name of the category. |
{- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "categoryName": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The inventories have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "success": [
- "dc:08:56:04:39:e0"
], - "failure": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "dc:08:39:e1",
- "category": "mobile",
- "reason": "Endpoint mac not found"
This API allows you to get all VLANs
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: adminStatus. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'adminStatus': 'Enabled'. ex: filter with object: {"adminStatus":{"contains":"enabled"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"vlanId":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "1". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLANs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "adminStatus": {
- "disabled": 0,
- "enabled": 3
}, - "description": "VLAN 1",
- "operStatus": {
- "disabled": 3,
- "enabled": 0
}, - "routerProtocol": "unknown",
- "spanningTreeStatus": {
- "disabled": 0,
- "enabled": 3
}, - "type": {
- "fcoe": 0,
- "mtp": 0,
- "pvlan_c": 0,
- "pvlan_i": 0,
- "pvlan_p": 0,
- "spb": 3,
- "std": 0,
- "unpd": 0,
- "vcm": 0
}, - "vlanId": 1,
- "typeString": "SPB"
}, - {
- "adminStatus": {
- "disabled": 0,
- "enabled": 1
}, - "description": "VLAN 2",
- "operStatus": {
- "disabled": 1,
- "enabled": 0
}, - "routerProtocol": "unknown",
- "spanningTreeStatus": {
- "disabled": 0,
- "enabled": 1
}, - "type": {
- "fcoe": 0,
- "mtp": 0,
- "pvlan_c": 0,
- "pvlan_i": 0,
- "pvlan_p": 0,
- "spb": 1,
- "std": 0,
- "unpd": 0,
- "vcm": 0
}, - "vlanId": 2,
- "typeString": "SPB"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to delete VLAN by ID
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanId | string Unique VLAN identifier. |
{- "vlanId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "vlanId": "11"
This API allows to create VLAN(s).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects The Vlans contains objects which has information about VLAN |
{- "vlans": [
- {
- "vlanId": "string",
- "vlanDescription": "string",
- "vlanDevices": [
- {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "adminStatus": true,
- "taggedPorts": [
- "string"
], - "ports": [
- "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The VLAN has been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "vlanId": "11",
- "vlanDescription": "VLAN 11 Devices",
- "vlanDevices": [
- {
- "adminStatus": true,
- "taggedPorts": [
- "1/1/5",
- "1/1/8"
], - "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "ports": [
- "1/1/2"
}, - {
- "adminStatus": false,
- "taggedPorts": [
- "1/1/26",
- "1/1/28"
], - "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "ports": [
- "LAG-20"
This API allows to VLAN device details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: adminStatus. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'adminStatus': 'Enabled'. ex: filter with object: {"adminStatus":{"contains":"enabled"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"vlanId":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "1". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN details have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "adminStatus": "disabled",
- "authentication": "disabled",
- "description": "vlan desc 5",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "deviceName": "DEVICE-9D:C5",
- "deviceType": "AOS",
- "operStatus": "disabled",
- "routerProtocol": "unknown",
- "spanningTreeStatus": "enabled",
- "type": "spb",
- "vlanId": 5,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)",
- "version": "8.9.94.R04",
- "location": "Unknown",
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "siteId": "66d80733d9c10abedde2f50b"
}, - {
- "adminStatus": "enabled",
- "authentication": "enabled",
- "description": "vlan desc 5",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "deviceName": "DEVICE-28:8B",
- "deviceType": "AOS",
- "operStatus": "disabled",
- "routerProtocol": "unknown",
- "spanningTreeStatus": "enabled",
- "type": "spb",
- "vlanId": 5,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)",
- "version": "8.9.94.R04",
- "location": "Unknown",
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "siteId": "66d80733d9c10abedde2f50b"
This API allows to delete devices from VLAN by device mac
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMac | Array of strings The MAC address of the device. |
{- "deviceMac": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN have been successfully deleted",
- "data": {
- "deviceMacs": [
- "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5"
], - "vlanId": "11"
This API allows to VLAN port details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in the record. The field name in the filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: adminStatus. If no filter is applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead of an object for this fieldName, ex: 'adminStatus': 'Enabled'. ex: filter with object: {"adminStatus":{"contains":"enabled"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is an enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting is applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"vlanId":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "1". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, switch_sn for switch. |
scopeId[] | Array of any "scopeId" is an array of IDs corresponding to the selected scope. This field is required when the scope is "org". |
serials[] | Array of any "serials" is an array of device serial numbers. This field is required when the scope is "switch_sn". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN details have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "portDesc": "Network device OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "portState": "inactive",
- "portStatus": "active",
- "portType": "tagged",
- "vlanId": 3,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)"
}, - {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "port": "1/1/17",
- "portDesc": "Network device OS6860 GNI 1/1/17",
- "portState": "inactive",
- "portStatus": "active",
- "portType": "untagged",
- "vlanId": 3,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)"
], - "total": 60,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to VLAN link aggregate details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: adminStatus. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'adminStatus': 'Enabled'. ex: filter with object: {"adminStatus":{"contains":"enabled"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"vlanId":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "1". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN details have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "lagDesc": "Dynamic Aggregate Number 20 ref 40000020 size 2",
- "lagId": "20",
- "lagType": "untagged",
- "linkAggregate": "LAG-20",
- "vlanId": 3,
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)"
This API allows to enable/ disable VLAN admin status by VLAN ID
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanId required | string Unique VLAN identifier. |
adminStatus | boolean The VLAN's administrative status of device. |
{- "vlanId": "string",
- "adminStatus": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN has been successfully enabled.",
- "data": {
- "adminStatus": true,
- "vlanId": "4"
This API allows to Enable/ disable VLAN admin status by VLAN IDs
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanIds required | Array of strings Unique VLAN identifier. |
adminStatus | boolean The VLAN's administrative status of device. |
{- "vlanIds": [
- "string"
], - "adminStatus": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN has been successfully enabled.",
- "data": {
- "adminStatus": true,
- "vlanIds": [
- "4",
- "5"
This API allows to enable/ disable VLAN admin status by device MAC
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanId required | string Unique VLAN identifier. |
adminStatus | boolean The VLAN's administrative status of device. |
deviceMac | string The MAC address of the device. |
{- "vlanId": "string",
- "adminStatus": true,
- "deviceMac": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN admin status for selected device has been successfully disabled.",
- "data": {
- "adminStatus": false,
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "vlanId": "3"
This API allows to Enable/ disable VLAN admin status by device MACs
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanId required | string Unique VLAN identifier. |
adminStatus | boolean The VLAN's administrative status of device. |
deviceMacs | Array of strings The MAC address of the device. |
{- "vlanId": "string",
- "adminStatus": true,
- "deviceMacs": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN admin status for selected devices have been successfully disabled.",
- "data": {
- "adminStatus": false,
- "deviceMacs": [
- "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5"
], - "vlanId": "5"
This API allows to delete VLANs by IDs
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanIds | Array of strings Unique VLAN identifier. |
{- "vlanIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLANs have been successfully deleted",
- "data": {
- "vlanIds": [
- "14",
- "11"
This API allows to delete VLAN by ID
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMac | string The MAC address of the device. |
{- "deviceMac": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VLAN has been successfully deleted",
- "data": {
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "vlanId": "11"
This API allows to edit VLAN.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
vlanId | string Unique VLAN identifier. |
object An object containing a list of VLAN devices that have been added or modified. Each VLAN device includes the MAC address, description, admin status, and lists of ports and tagged ports with their respective details. | |
Array of objects An array of objects representing devices or ports to be removed. Each object includes the MAC address to remove device or MAC address and a consolidated list of ports (including ports and taggedPorts) that has to be removed. |
{- "vlanId": "string",
- "add": {
- "vlanDevices": [
- {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "adminStatus": true,
- "vlanDescription": "string",
- "taggedPorts": [
- "string"
], - "ports": [
- "string"
}, - "remove": [
- {
- "macAddress": "string",
- "ports": [
- "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Successfully edited specific VLAN info globally based on given request.",
- "data": {
- "add": {
- "vlanDevices": [
- {
- "adminStatus": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "ports": [
- "1/1/10",
- "1/1/12"
], - "vlanDescription": "VLAN 11 edited Devices"
}, - "remove": [
- {
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "ports": [
- "1/1/2"
], - "vlanId": "11"
This API allows to get VLAN device and port details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Retrieved detailed VLAN info of specific VLAN for given organization.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "adminStatus": false,
- "defaultPorts": [
- {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/17",
- "id": 65427,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1017,
- "port": "1/1/17",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/9",
- "id": 68307,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1009,
- "port": "1/1/9",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Dynamic Aggregate Number 20 ref 40000020 size 2",
- "id": 71194,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 40000020,
- "port": "LAG-20",
- "type": "untagged"
], - "description": "Vlan 3 edited",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "qtaggedPorts": [
- {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "id": 65428,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1022,
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "type": "tagged"
This API allows to get VLAN available ports details in device by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Retrieved VLAN IDs and port info for given organization.",
- "data": {
- "portsInfo": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:BF:DE:91",
- "vlanPorts": [
- {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/2",
- "id": 59950,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1002,
- "port": "1/1/2",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/5",
- "id": 59951,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1005,
- "port": "1/1/5",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/6",
- "id": 59952,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1006,
- "port": "1/1/6",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/1",
- "id": 59953,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1001,
- "port": "1/1/1",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/3",
- "id": 59954,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1003,
- "port": "1/1/3",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS NI 1/1/4",
- "id": 59955,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1004,
- "port": "1/1/4",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "vlanPorts": [
- {
- "description": " 1/1/11",
- "id": 71192,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1011,
- "port": "1/1/11",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/5",
- "id": 72282,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1005,
- "port": "1/1/5",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/8",
- "id": 72283,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1008,
- "port": "1/1/8",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/10",
- "id": 72284,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1010,
- "port": "1/1/10",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": " 1/1/12",
- "id": 72285,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1012,
- "port": "1/1/12",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/4",
- "id": 65226,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1004,
- "port": "1/1/4",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/5",
- "id": 65227,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1005,
- "port": "1/1/5",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/9",
- "id": 65228,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1009,
- "port": "1/1/9",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/6",
- "id": 65229,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1006,
- "port": "1/1/6",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/3",
- "id": 65230,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1003,
- "port": "1/1/3",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/4",
- "id": 65231,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1004,
- "port": "1/1/4",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/7",
- "id": 65232,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1007,
- "port": "1/1/7",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/2",
- "id": 65233,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1002,
- "port": "1/1/2",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6360 GNI 1/1/1",
- "id": 65234,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1001,
- "port": "1/1/1",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "null",
- "vlanPorts": [ ]
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "vlanPorts": [
- {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "id": 64135,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1022,
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/26",
- "id": 65187,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1026,
- "port": "1/1/26",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/28",
- "id": 65188,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1028,
- "port": "1/1/28",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/5",
- "id": 65423,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1005,
- "port": "1/1/5",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/7",
- "id": 67414,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1007,
- "port": "1/1/7",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Dynamic Aggregate Number 20 ref 40000020 size 2",
- "id": 71194,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 40000020,
- "port": "LAG-20",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/26",
- "id": 72278,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1026,
- "port": "1/1/26",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/28",
- "id": 72279,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1028,
- "port": "1/1/28",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/27",
- "id": 58910,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1027,
- "port": "1/1/27",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/2",
- "id": 58912,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1002,
- "port": "1/1/2",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/6",
- "id": 59807,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1006,
- "port": "1/1/6",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/18",
- "id": 59838,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1018,
- "port": "1/1/18",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/14",
- "id": 59839,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1014,
- "port": "1/1/14",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "id": 65196,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1022,
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/26",
- "id": 65197,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1026,
- "port": "1/1/26",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/17",
- "id": 65427,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1017,
- "port": "1/1/17",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "id": 65428,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1022,
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "type": "tagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/9",
- "id": 68307,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1009,
- "port": "1/1/9",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/1",
- "id": 58886,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1001,
- "port": "1/1/1",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/8",
- "id": 58891,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1008,
- "port": "1/1/8",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/10",
- "id": 58893,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1010,
- "port": "1/1/10",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/11",
- "id": 58894,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1011,
- "port": "1/1/11",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/13",
- "id": 58895,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1013,
- "port": "1/1/13",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/4",
- "id": 59249,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1004,
- "port": "1/1/4",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/3",
- "id": 59824,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1003,
- "port": "1/1/3",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/15",
- "id": 59825,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1015,
- "port": "1/1/15",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/16",
- "id": 59826,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1016,
- "port": "1/1/16",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/19",
- "id": 59836,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1019,
- "port": "1/1/19",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/23",
- "id": 59920,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1023,
- "port": "1/1/23",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/12",
- "id": 61090,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1012,
- "port": "1/1/12",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/24",
- "id": 65121,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1024,
- "port": "1/1/24",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 XNI 1/1/25",
- "id": 65122,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1025,
- "port": "1/1/25",
- "type": "untagged"
}, - {
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent OS6860 GNI 1/1/22",
- "id": 67485,
- "ifAlias": "",
- "ifIndex": 1022,
- "port": "1/1/22",
- "type": "tagged"
], - "vlanIds": [
- "74",
- "726",
- "4",
- "34",
- "41",
- "40",
- "80",
- "4094",
- "7",
- "9",
- "10",
- "35",
- "673",
- "100",
- "900",
- "6",
- "12",
- "26",
- "24",
- "81",
- "25",
- "31",
- "30",
- "50",
- "21",
- "3",
- "17",
- "22",
- "28",
- "675",
- "727",
- "1",
- "5",
- "18",
- "2",
- "27",
- "23",
- "200",
- "4091",
- "44"
This API allows you to get summary details of spanning tree protocol.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The spanning trees have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "bridgeId": "00:5C:78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "forwardDelay": "280",
- "helloTime": "40",
- "holdTime": "3",
- "lastTopologyChange": "0",
- "maxAge": "4000",
- "mode": "1X1(One STP Per Vlan)",
- "nextRootCost": "0",
- "nextRootPort": "0",
- "pathCost": "0",
- "priority": "92",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "rootId": "00:5C:78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "rootPort": "0",
- "totalTopologyChange": "0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
}, - {
- "bridgeId": "80:00:78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "forwardDelay": "280",
- "helloTime": "10",
- "holdTime": "3",
- "lastTopologyChange": "0",
- "maxAge": "4000",
- "mode": "1X1(One STP Per Vlan)",
- "nextRootCost": "0",
- "nextRootPort": "0",
- "pathCost": "0",
- "priority": "32768",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "rootId": "80:00:78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "rootPort": "0",
- "totalTopologyChange": "0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)"
}, - {
- "bridgeId": "80:00:2C:FA:A2:BF:DE:91",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:BF:DE:91",
- "forwardDelay": "150",
- "helloTime": "20",
- "holdTime": "3",
- "lastTopologyChange": "0",
- "maxAge": "2000",
- "mode": "flat",
- "nextRootCost": "0",
- "nextRootPort": "0",
- "pathCost": "0",
- "priority": "32768",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "rootId": "80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "rootPort": "0",
- "totalTopologyChange": "0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6465)"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to get STP bridge details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The spanning tree bridges have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "bridgeForwardDelay": "280",
- "bridgeHelloTime": "40",
- "bridgeId": "00:5C:78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "bridgeMaxAge": "400",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "mode": "1X1(One STP Per Vlan)",
- "priority": "92",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
}, - {
- "bridgeForwardDelay": "280",
- "bridgeHelloTime": "10",
- "bridgeId": "80:00:78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "bridgeMaxAge": "400",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:13:28:8B",
- "mode": "1X1(One STP Per Vlan)",
- "priority": "32768",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860)"
}, - {
- "bridgeForwardDelay": "150",
- "bridgeHelloTime": "20",
- "bridgeId": "80:00:2C:FA:A2:BF:DE:91",
- "bridgeMaxAge": "200",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:BF:DE:91",
- "mode": "flat",
- "priority": "32768",
- "protocol": "RSTP",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6465)"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to get STP ports details by VLAN ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The spanning tree ports have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "designatedPortBridge": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "designatedPortCost": "0",
- "designatedPortNumber": "0",
- "designatedPortPriority": "0",
- "designatedPortRoot": "00:80:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "forwardTransitionNumber": "0",
- "portAdminConnection": "autopointtopoint",
- "portAdminStatus": "enabled",
- "portManualMode": "no",
- "portNumber": "1/1/11",
- "portOperConnection": "nonsignificant",
- "portOperStatus": "disabled",
- "portPathCost": "0",
- "portPriority": "7",
- "portRole": "disabled",
- "serialNumber": "WHS231501077",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
}, - {
- "designatedPortBridge": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "designatedPortCost": "0",
- "designatedPortNumber": "0",
- "designatedPortPriority": "0",
- "designatedPortRoot": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "forwardTransitionNumber": "0",
- "portAdminConnection": "autopointtopoint",
- "portAdminStatus": "disabled",
- "portManualMode": "forwarding",
- "portNumber": "1/1/12",
- "portOperConnection": "nonsignificant",
- "portOperStatus": "disabled",
- "portPathCost": "0",
- "portPriority": "11",
- "portRole": "disabled",
- "serialNumber": "WHS231501077",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
}, - {
- "designatedPortBridge": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "designatedPortCost": "0",
- "designatedPortNumber": "0",
- "designatedPortPriority": "0",
- "designatedPortRoot": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
- "deviceIpAddress": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "forwardTransitionNumber": "0",
- "portAdminConnection": "nopointtopoint",
- "portAdminStatus": "enabled",
- "portManualMode": "no",
- "portNumber": "1/1/8",
- "portOperConnection": "nonsignificant",
- "portOperStatus": "disabled",
- "portPathCost": "0",
- "portPriority": "9",
- "portRole": "disabled",
- "serialNumber": "WHS231501077",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to update STP Port by VLAN ID within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMac required | string The MAC address of the device. |
portNumber required | string The port number on the device. |
adminStatus required | string The bridge priority value for the VLAN. The value ranges from 0 to 65535 |
adminConnection required | string The Spanning Tree status for the port (Enabled/Disabled). If disabled, the port state is set to forwarding for the VLAN Spanning Tree instance. |
priority required | string The port priority value for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority value. The value ranges from 0 to 15. |
pathCost required | string The path cost value for the port. This value specifies the contribution of a port to the path cost towards the root bridge that includes the port. The value ranges from 1 to 30. |
{- "deviceMac": "string",
- "portNumber": "string",
- "adminStatus": "string",
- "adminConnection": "string",
- "priority": "string",
- "pathCost": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The spanning tree port has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "adminConnection": "autopointtopoint",
- "adminStatus": "enable",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:46:1D",
- "pathCost": 0,
- "portNumber": "1/1/9",
- "priority": 7
This API allows to update STP Bridge by VLAN ID within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceMac required | string The MAC address of the device. |
protocol required | string The VLAN spanning tree algorithm protocol. |
priority required | string The bridge priority value for the VLAN. The value ranges from 0 to 65535 |
bridgeMaxAge required | string The amount of time, in seconds, that spanning tree information learned from BPDUs received on VLAN ports is retained. The value ranges from 6 to 40. Default: 20 |
bridgeHelloTime required | string The Hello Time value for the root bridge. The value ranges from 1 to 10. |
bridgeForwardDelay required | string The forward delay time value for the root bridge. The value ranges from 1 to 30. |
{- "deviceMac": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "priority": "string",
- "bridgeMaxAge": "string",
- "bridgeHelloTime": "string",
- "bridgeForwardDelay": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The spanning tree bridge has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "bridgeForwardDelay": 4,
- "bridgeHelloTime": 1,
- "bridgeMaxAge": 400,
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "priority": 92,
- "protocol": "stp"
This API allows to fetch all IP interfaces of given organization id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: ipInterfaceDeviceType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'ipInterfaceDeviceType': 'vlan'. ex: filter with object: {"ipInterfaceDeviceType":{"contains":"vlan"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"siteName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "ipInterfaceName". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IP Interfaces have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "ipInterfaces": [
- {
- "buildingId": "6687ffa86eb2d6bba6216dcd",
- "createdTime": "2024-07-16T08:59:59.355Z",
- "floorId": "668800dc6eb2d6bba6216dd1",
- "id": 77109,
- "index": 13600009,
- "ipInterfaceAddress": "",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceBcastAddr": "",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "VLAN",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "SNAP",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1500,
- "ipInterfaceName": "ipInterfaceVlan_04",
- "ipInterfaceOperReason": "deviceDown",
- "ipInterfaceOperState": "Down",
- "ipInterfacePrimAct": "True",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "True",
- "ipInterfaceRouterMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": 6,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "modifiedTime": "2024-07-16T11:32:14.884Z",
- "orgId": "6628ac238abf89f26416d819",
- "siteId": "6628ac238abf89f26416d82c",
- "vrfId": "default",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
}, - {
- "buildingId": "6687ffa86eb2d6bba6216dcd",
- "createdTime": "2024-07-15T16:50:39.51Z",
- "floorId": "668800dc6eb2d6bba6216dd1",
- "id": 76666,
- "index": 3,
- "ipInterfaceAddress": "2001:0db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "VLAN",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1700,
- "ipInterfaceName": "IPv6_interface",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": 3,
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": 128,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "modifiedTime": "2024-07-16T11:32:14.883Z",
- "orgId": "6628ac238abf89f26416d819",
- "siteId": "6628ac238abf89f26416d82c",
- "vrfId": "default",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to create an IP interface.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ipInterfaceAddress required | string The IP address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceAdminState | string Value: "Enabled" The administrative state of the interface (Enable/Disabled). (Default = Enabled). |
ipInterfaceDeviceType | string The type of device bound to the interface. |
ipInterfaceEncap | string The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). |
ipInterfaceIpForward | string Value: "Disabled" The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled). |
ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp | string Value: "Disabled" Local Proxy ARP status (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled). |
ipInterfaceMask required | string The IP interface subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or |
ipInterfaceMtu | string Value: 1500 The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size set for the interface. MTU field is editable only when the device type is set to VLAN; otherwise it defaults to a value of 1500 |
ipInterfaceName required | string The user-configured interface name. |
ipInterfacePrimCfg | string Value: "True" If set to true, designates the IP interface as the primary interface for the VLAN. If set to false, the first interface bound to the VLAN becomes the primary by default. (Default = True). |
ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType | string Tunnel destination address type of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelDst | string Tunnel destination address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType | string Tunnel source address type of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelSrc | string Tunnel source address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceVlanID | string VLAN ID is mandatory only if the device type is VLAN. |
ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength | string Prefix Length is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
ipv6InterfaceTunnelId | string Tunnel ID is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
macAddress | Array of strings The macAddress of the ip interface. |
vrfId | string The VRF ID. |
{- "ipInterfaceAddress": "string",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "string",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "string",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1500,
- "ipInterfaceName": "string",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "True",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDst": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrc": "string",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": "string",
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": "string",
- "ipv6InterfaceTunnelId": "string",
- "macAddress": [
- "string"
], - "vrfId": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The IP interface has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "ipInterfaceAddress": "",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "GRE Tunnel",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "Ethernet2",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1280,
- "ipInterfaceName": "GRE_Tunnel_01",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "True",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDst": "",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType": "IPv4",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrc": "",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType": "IPv4",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": 0,
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": null,
- "ipv6InterfaceTunnelId": null,
- "macAddress": [
- "78:24:59:13:28:8B"
], - "vrfId": "default"
This API allows to get an IP interface within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
ipInterfaceId required | string This is a path param for ipInterfaceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Retrieved the specific IP interface for the given organization.",
- "data": {
- "buildingId": "66d955249c8886785c86f7f0",
- "createdTime": "2024-08-16T08:46:41.042Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:37:B2:3D",
- "id": "66bf0170161a70a8094278bc",
- "friendlyName": ""
}, - "floorId": "66d955839c8886785c86f7f6",
- "id": 3895697,
- "index": 13600001,
- "ipInterfaceAddress": "",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceBcastAddr": "",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "VLAN",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "Ethernet2",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1500,
- "ipInterfaceName": "vlan201",
- "ipInterfaceOperReason": "interfaceUp",
- "ipInterfaceOperState": "Up",
- "ipInterfacePrimAct": "True",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "False",
- "ipInterfaceRouterMac": "78:24:59:37:B2:3D",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDst": "",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType": "IPv4",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrc": "",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType": "IPv4",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": 201,
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": 0,
- "modifiedTime": "2024-09-23T01:31:09.731Z",
- "orgId": "66bab24a0f962eb950b4b456",
- "site": {
- "name": "Unnamed site",
- "id": "66bab24e0f962eb950b4b45d"
}, - "vrfId": "default"
This API allows to update an IP interface within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
ipInterfaceId required | string This is a path param for ipInterfaceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ipInterfaceAddress required | string The IP address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceAdminState | string Value: "Enabled" The administrative state of the interface (Enable/Disabled). (Default = Enabled). |
ipInterfaceDeviceType | string The type of device bound to the interface. |
ipInterfaceEncap | string The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). |
ipInterfaceIpForward | string Value: "Disabled" The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled). |
ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp | string Value: "Disabled" Local Proxy ARP status (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled). |
ipInterfaceMask required | string The IP interface subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or |
ipInterfaceMtu | string Value: 1500 The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size set for the interface. MTU field is editable only when the device type is set to VLAN; otherwise it defaults to a value of 1500 |
ipInterfaceName required | string The user-configured interface name. |
ipInterfacePrimCfg | string Value: "True" If set to true, designates the IP interface as the primary interface for the VLAN. If set to false, the first interface bound to the VLAN becomes the primary by default. (Default = True). |
ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType | string Tunnel destination address type of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelDst | string Tunnel destination address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType | string Tunnel source address type of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceTunnelSrc | string Tunnel source address of the IP interface. |
ipInterfaceVlanID | string VLAN ID is mandatory only if the device type is VLAN. |
ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength | string Prefix Length is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
ipv6InterfaceTunnelId | string Tunnel ID is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
macAddress | Array of strings The macAddress of the ip interface. |
vrfId | string The VRF ID. |
{- "ipInterfaceAddress": "string",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "string",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "string",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1500,
- "ipInterfaceName": "string",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "True",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDst": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType": "string",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrc": "string",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": "string",
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": "string",
- "ipv6InterfaceTunnelId": "string",
- "macAddress": [
- "string"
], - "vrfId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP interface has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "ipInterfaceAddress": "",
- "ipInterfaceAdminState": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceDeviceType": "Unbound",
- "ipInterfaceEncap": "Ethernet2",
- "ipInterfaceIpForward": "Enabled",
- "ipInterfaceLocalProxyArp": "Disabled",
- "ipInterfaceMask": "",
- "ipInterfaceMtu": 1500,
- "ipInterfaceName": "Interface_ipip",
- "ipInterfacePrimCfg": "False",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelDstAddressType": "Unknown",
- "ipInterfaceTunnelSrcAddressType": "Unknown",
- "ipInterfaceVlanID": 0,
- "ipv6InterfaceAddressPrefixLength": null,
- "ipv6InterfaceTunnelId": null,
- "vrfId": "default"
This API allows to delete IP interface identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
ipInterfaceId required | string This is a path param for ipInterfaceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP interface has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "ipInterface_1"
This API allows to delete multiple IP interfaces identified by its ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings "ids" is an array of ids corresponding to the multiple ip interface ids. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP interfaces have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "ipInterface_1",
- "ipInterface_2"
This API is used to get the ip routers information of given vlan id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
limit required | string The number of records to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: ipInterfaceDeviceType. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'ipInterfaceDeviceType': 'vlan'. ex: filter with object: {"ipInterfaceDeviceType":{"contains":"vlan"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: siteName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"siteName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "ipInterfaceName". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP routers have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceName": "OS6360",
- "interfaceId": 65290,
- "interfaceName": "MGMT",
- "ipEncapsulation": "Ethernet2",
- "ipForwarding": "Enabled",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "routerIpAddress": "",
- "routerIpMask": "",
- "vlanID": 726,
- "vrfId": "default",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6360)"
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API is used to create a new IP Router.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
routerIpAddress required | string The IP address of the router. |
routerIpMask required | string The IP mask of the router. |
ipv6AddressPrefixLength | string Prefix Length is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
ipEncapsulation | string The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). |
ipForwarding | string The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). |
interfaceName required | string The user-configured interface name. |
vrfId | string The VRF ID. |
macAddress | Array of strings The macAddress of the devices. |
vlanID | string VLAN ID is mandatory only if the device type is VLAN. |
{- "routerIpAddress": "string",
- "routerIpMask": "string",
- "ipv6AddressPrefixLength": "string",
- "ipEncapsulation": "string",
- "ipForwarding": "string",
- "interfaceName": "string",
- "vrfId": "string",
- "macAddress": [
- "string"
], - "vlanID": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The IP router has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "deviceId": "6683dba6a196cf1d2e4a103f",
- "deviceName": "OS6360"
], - "interfaceId": 0,
- "interfaceName": "Arul1",
- "ipEncapsulation": "Ethernet2",
- "ipForwarding": "Enabled",
- "routerIpAddress": "",
- "routerIpMask": "",
- "ipv6AddressPrefixLength": 128,
- "vlanID": 2,
- "vrfId": "default"
This API allows to edit a exisiting IP router.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
vlanId required | string This is a path param for vlanId |
interfaceId required | string This is a path param for interfaceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
routerIpAddress required | string The IP address of the router. |
routerIpMask required | string The IP mask of the router. |
ipv6AddressPrefixLength | string Prefix Length is mandatory only for IPv6 Address. |
ipEncapsulation | string The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). |
ipForwarding | string The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). |
interfaceName required | string The user-configured interface name. |
vrfId | string The VRF ID. |
macAddress | Array of strings The macAddress of the devices. |
vlanID | string VLAN ID is mandatory only if the device type is VLAN. |
{- "routerIpAddress": "string",
- "routerIpMask": "string",
- "ipv6AddressPrefixLength": "string",
- "ipEncapsulation": "string",
- "ipForwarding": "string",
- "interfaceName": "string",
- "vrfId": "string",
- "macAddress": [
- "string"
], - "vlanID": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP router has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "deviceIp": "",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:1B:9D:C5",
- "deviceId": "6683dba6a196cf1d2e4a103f",
- "deviceName": "OS6360"
], - "interfaceId": 0,
- "interfaceName": "Arul1",
- "ipEncapsulation": "Ethernet2",
- "ipForwarding": "Disabled",
- "routerIpAddress": "",
- "routerIpMask": "",
- "ipv6AddressPrefixLength": 128,
- "vlanID": 2,
- "vrfId": "default"
This API allows to delete ip router identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
interfaceId required | string This is a path param for interfaceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP router has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "ipRouter_1"
This API allows to delete multiple ip routers identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
interfaceIds required | Array of strings "interfaceIds" is an array of ids corresponding to the multiple ip interface ids. |
{- "interfaceIds": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The IP routers has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "ipRouter_1",
- "ipRouter_2"
This API allows to get QoE all events.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
period required | string Merging of events to an entry for the selected period from group by window which has list of values. The group by window values are "None", "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour", "3 hours", "6 hours", "9 hours", "12 hours", "24 hours", ex: period: 5 minutes. |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: eventName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"eventName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "eventName": "QoEAssocRequest",
- "firstEventTime": "2021-08-16T12:59:51.61519",
- "id": 1,
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "lastEventTime": "2021-08-16T12:59:51.61519",
- "orgId": "61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a",
- "recordCount": 1,
- "recurrence": 1,
- "severity": "Minor",
- "siteId": "site1",
- "siteName": "Chennai",
- "type": "QoE"
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API allows to acknowledge summary QoE events within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 3,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 0
This API allows to delete summary QoE events.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 0,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 3
This API allows to get Traps all events.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
period required | string Merging of events to an entry for the selected period from group by window which has list of values. The group by window values are "None", "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour", "3 hours", "6 hours", "9 hours", "12 hours", "24 hours", ex: period: 5 minutes. |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: eventName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"eventName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "eventName": "apStationAssociation",
- "firstEventTime": "2021-08-16T12:59:51.61519",
- "id": 1,
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "lastEventTime": "2021-08-16T12:59:51.61519",
- "orgId": "61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a",
- "recordCount": 1,
- "recurrence": 1,
- "severity": "Minor",
- "siteId": "63216dffce2f45c132771a8",
- "siteName": "Chennai",
- "type": "Traps"
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API allows to acknowledge summary Traps events within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 3,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 0
This API allows to delete summary Traps events.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 0,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 3
This API allows to get summary of all Switch Traps.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
period required | string Merging of events to an entry for the selected period from group by window which has list of values. The group by window values are "None", "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "30 minutes", "1 hour", "3 hours", "6 hours", "9 hours", "12 hours", "24 hours", ex: period: 5 minutes. |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: eventName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"eventName":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, switch_sn for switch. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device serial numbers if scope is switch_sn. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "firstEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.365Z",
- "id": 1,
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "lastEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.686Z",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "recordCount": 1,
- "recurrence": 4,
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "trapOID": "\"\"",
- "type": "Switch-Traps"
}, - {
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "firstEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:42:25.073Z",
- "id": 2,
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "lastEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:42:34.256Z",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "recordCount": 2,
- "recurrence": 6,
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "trapOID": "\"\"",
- "type": "Switch-Traps"
}, - {
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "firstEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:46:52.635Z",
- "id": 3,
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "lastEventTime": "2023-09-12T05:47:20.436Z",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "recordCount": 3,
- "recurrence": 12,
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "trapOID": "\"\"",
- "type": "Switch-Traps"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to acknowledge summary of Switch Traps within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 3,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 0
This API allows to delete summary of Switch Traps.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
limit | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. | |
required | Array of objects An array of event summary. |
{- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "limit": "string",
- "offset": "string",
- "search": "string",
- "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
}, - "summary": [
- {
- "firstEventTime": "string",
- "lastEventTime": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "eventName": "string",
- "isAcknowledged": true,
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "totalAckEvents": 0,
- "totalDeletedEvents": 3
This API allows to get all QoE event details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
firstEventTime required | string "firstEventTime" is the first event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
lastEventTime required | string "lastEventTime" is the last event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
eventName required | string Name of the event. |
severity required | string Severity of the event. |
isAcknowledged required | string The acknowledge of event status. |
siteId required | string Unique site identifier. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "eventDetails": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T12:57:35.389Z",
- "definitionId": "8ade0c637dbc9a02017dbca0435102ee",
- "eventName": "QoEAssocResponseCalog",
- "id": "402880e57e9a6e4c017e9a6ebbde02bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "Association Response on Channel 36 on ssid manisha_ovng_test4,vap ath12,sta mac d0:37:45:d9:1d:69, code 2,reason Reserved",
- "type": "QoE",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T12:57:35.389Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T14:16:52.525Z",
- "definitionId": "8ade0c637dbc9a02017dbca0435102ee",
- "eventName": "QoEAssocResponseCalog",
- "id": "402880e57e9ab6f6017e9ab7526e02bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "Association Response on Channel 36 on ssid manisha_ovng_test4,vap ath12,sta mac d0:37:45:d9:1d:69, code 2,reason Reserved",
- "type": "QoE",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T14:16:52.525Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T14:21:57.94Z",
- "definitionId": "8ade0c637dbc9a02017dbca0435102ee",
- "eventName": "QoEAssocResponseCalog",
- "id": "402880e57e9abb5d017e9abbfb7502bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "Association Response on Channel 36 on ssid manisha_ovng_test4,vap ath12,sta mac d0:37:45:d9:1d:69, code 2,reason Reserved",
- "type": "QoE",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T14:21:57.94Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to acknowledge QoE events by their ids within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- {
- "id": "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda",
- "reason": "Network Event with org: 61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a and id: 8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda is already acknowledged."
], - "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc64824441bfe"
This API allows to delete QoE events identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "response": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64ba6a02f5",
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64c00402f7"
This API allows to get all Traps event details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
firstEventTime required | string "firstEventTime" is the first event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
lastEventTime required | string "lastEventTime" is the last event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
eventName required | string Name of the event. |
severity required | string Severity of the event. |
isAcknowledged required | string The acknowledge of event status. |
siteId required | string Unique site identifier. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "eventDetails": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T12:57:35.389Z",
- "definitionId": "ff808081857a6e4701857c64cde50d79",
- "eventName": "apAddStationToBlacklist",
- "id": "402880e57e9a6e4c017e9a6ebbde02bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "A station (apStaMAC: 0a:3d:80:97:b5:f9) has been added to the Blacklist",
- "type": "Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T12:57:35.389Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T14:16:52.525Z",
- "definitionId": "8ade0c637dbc9a02017dbca0435102ee",
- "eventName": "apAddStationToBlacklist",
- "id": "402880e57e9ab6f6017e9ab7526e02bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "A station (apStaMAC: 0a:3d:80:97:b5:f9) has been added to the Blacklist",
- "type": "Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T14:16:52.525Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-27T14:21:57.94Z",
- "definitionId": "8ade0c637dbc9a02017dbca0435102ee",
- "eventName": "apAddStationToBlacklist",
- "id": "402880e57e9abb5d017e9abbfb7502bb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20",
- "orgId": "123456",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "synopsis": "A station (apStaMAC: 0a:3d:80:97:b5:f9) has been added to the Blacklist",
- "type": "Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-27T14:21:57.94Z",
- "uploadTime": "2021-09-28T09:15:32.476Z"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to acknowledge Traps events by their ids within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- {
- "id": "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda",
- "reason": "Network Event with org: 61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a and id: 8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda is already acknowledged."
], - "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc64824441bfe"
This API allows to delete Traps events identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "response": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64ba6a02f5",
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64c00402f7"
This API allows to get all Switch Traps details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "eventName". |
firstEventTime required | string "firstEventTime" is the first event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
lastEventTime required | string "lastEventTime" is the last event time in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
eventName required | string Name of the event. |
severity required | string Severity of the event. |
isAcknowledged required | string The acknowledge of event status. |
siteId required | string Unique site identifier. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "eventDetails": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.365Z",
- "definitionId": "9af1ad41-22f2-4758-82e0-14c8eff648f6",
- "deviceName": "SW-Test",
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "id": "a6caad52-4e71-4b37-a832-d0631174ceb3",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8c",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "parameters": {
- "": "224 days, 21:39:36.00",
- "": "",
- "": "1",
- "": "2",
- "": "1",
- "": "43:6f:6d:6d:75:6e:69:63:61:74:69:6f:6e:20:65:72:72:6f:72:20:61:66:74:65:72:20:66:6f:72:63:65:20:6f:6e:00"
}, - "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "synopsis": "Pse Port Detection: $1.",
- "trapOID": "",
- "type": "Switch-Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.365Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.365Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.692Z",
- "definitionId": "9af1ad41-22f2-4758-82e0-14c8eff648f6",
- "deviceName": "SW-Test",
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "id": "c1f4ccb0-51c1-40f4-9599-449f012a5bde",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8c",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "parameters": {
- "": "224 days, 21:39:36.01",
- "": "",
- "": "1",
- "": "4",
- "": "1",
- "": "43:6f:6d:6d:75:6e:69:63:61:74:69:6f:6e:20:65:72:72:6f:72:20:61:66:74:65:72:20:66:6f:72:63:65:20:6f:6e:00"
}, - "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "synopsis": "Pse Port Detection: $1.",
- "trapOID": "",
- "type": "Switch-Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.692Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-09-12T05:25:56.692Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.287Z",
- "definitionId": "9af1ad41-22f2-4758-82e0-14c8eff648f6",
- "deviceName": "SW-Test",
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "id": "c02e3bf1-be59-41cd-a1f9-674b69b5ffcb",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8c",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "parameters": {
- "": "224 days, 21:39:53.00",
- "": "",
- "": "1",
- "": "2",
- "": "1",
- "": "50:6f:77:65:72:20:62:75:64:67:65:74:20:69:73:73:75:65:73:20:77:68:65:6e:20:66:72:6f:63:65:20:6f:6e:20:00"
}, - "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "synopsis": "Pse Port Detection: $1.",
- "trapOID": "",
- "type": "Switch-Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.287Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.287Z"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.686Z",
- "definitionId": "9af1ad41-22f2-4758-82e0-14c8eff648f6",
- "deviceName": "SW-Test",
- "eventName": "pethPsePortOnOffNotification",
- "id": "315d0daa-30b2-42d9-bddc-bc385f063305",
- "ip": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:13:28:8c",
- "orgId": "648c2ad1225c1f96c8c63f09",
- "parameters": {
- "": "224 days, 21:39:53.01",
- "": "",
- "": "1",
- "": "4",
- "": "1",
- "": "50:6f:77:65:72:20:62:75:64:67:65:74:20:69:73:73:75:65:73:20:77:68:65:6e:20:66:72:6f:63:65:20:6f:6e:20:00"
}, - "severity": "Warning",
- "siteId": "648c2ad2225c1f96c8c63f16",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "synopsis": "Pse Port Detection: $1.",
- "trapOID": "",
- "type": "Switch-Traps",
- "updatedAt": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.686Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-09-12T05:26:13.686Z"
], - "total": 4,
- "totalFiltered": 4
This API allows to acknowledge Switch Traps by their ids within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [
- {
- "id": "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda",
- "reason": "Network Event with org: 61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a and id: 8ade35997cc60fd1017cc617c2d11bda is already acknowledged."
], - "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997cc60fd1017cc64824441bfe"
This API allows to delete Switch Traps identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of events. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "response": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": {
- "ids": [
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64ba6a02f5",
- "8ade35997d473d3d017d4c64c00402f7"
This API allows to acknowledge all QoE events within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged."
This API allows to acknowledge all Traps events within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged."
This API allows to acknowledge all Switch Traps within an organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully acknowledged."
This API allows to delete all QoE events within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted."
This API allows to delete all Traps events within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted."
This API allows to delete all Switch Traps within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId required | Array of strings An array of scopeId. |
required | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: eventName. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'eventName': 'QoEAssocRequest'. ex: filter with object: {"eventName":{"contains":"QoE"}}. |
{- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "scope": "string",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "filters": {
- "fieldName": {
- "filterQuerry": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The events have been successfully deleted."
This API allows to get all event definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event definitions have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "definition": "Default",
- "description": "This trap shall be raised, when ever user gets failed.",
- "id": "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b26f0997",
- "name": "apColdBoot",
- "organization": "61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a",
- "parameters": [
- {
- "description": "Channel used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$1",
- "name": "Channel"
}, - {
- "description": "SSID used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$2",
- "name": "SSID"
}, - {
- "description": "Vap used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$3",
- "name": "Vap"
}, - {
- "description": "Sta_Mac used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$4",
- "name": "Sta_Mac"
}, - {
- "description": "RSSI used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$5",
- "name": "RSSI"
}, - {
- "description": "Session used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$6",
- "name": "Session"
], - "severity": "Major",
- "synopsis": "Failure Trap: Channel: $1, SSID: $2, vap: $3, sta_mac: $4, rssi: $5, session: $6.",
- "type": "Ap Event"
}, - {
- "definition": "Default",
- "description": "This trap shall be raised, when ever user gets failed.",
- "id": "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2900a07",
- "name": "apRadioFailure",
- "organization": "61022e46c1d1fa26ec05cb2a",
- "parameters": [
- {
- "description": "Channel used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$1",
- "name": "Channel"
}, - {
- "description": "SSID used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$2",
- "name": "SSID"
}, - {
- "description": "Vap used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$3",
- "name": "Vap"
}, - {
- "description": "Sta_Mac used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$4",
- "name": "Sta_Mac"
}, - {
- "description": "RSSI used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$5",
- "name": "RSSI"
}, - {
- "description": "Session used by the AP/Switch",
- "index": "$6",
- "name": "Session"
], - "severity": "Major",
- "synopsis": "Failure Trap: Channel: $1, SSID: $2, vap: $3, sta_mac: $4, rssi: $5, session: $6.",
- "type": "Ap Event"
This API allows to update multiple event definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of event definitions. |
{- "definitions": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "severity": "string",
- "synopsis": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event definitions have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "configurable": true,
- "definition": "Custom",
- "description": "If no License Server is configured or if the License Server is not reachable, this trap is raised periodically (every 24 hours) to alert the customer to configure the License Server (SILOS) and ensure the connectivity as well.",
- "family": "capability",
- "id": "0406e584-5ba2-410d-87fd-8de3d64414e5",
- "model": "8X",
- "name": "alaSWLICNoConnectivityAlert",
- "oid": "",
- "organization": "6597f26f638419ad1dd89541",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "synopsis": "",
- "trapId": 270,
- "type": "Switch Traps"
}, - {
- "configurable": true,
- "definition": "Custom",
- "description": "This trap is raised when the demo period is extended from 10 days to 30 days (after connecting to the License Server).",
- "family": "capability",
- "id": "9c2a4962-5c3c-4331-a848-c375f9f3f76a",
- "model": "8X",
- "name": "alaSWLICExtendDemoLicenseAlert",
- "oid": "",
- "organization": "6597f26f638419ad1dd89541",
- "severity": "Warning",
- "synopsis": "",
- "trapId": 271,
- "type": "Switch Traps"
This API allows to update an event definition.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
severity required | string Severity of event definition. |
synopsis required | string Synopsis of event definition. |
{- "severity": "string",
- "synopsis": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event definition has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "configurable": true,
- "definition": "Custom",
- "description": "This trap is sent in the event of SIP signalling messages getting lost due to rate-limiting",
- "family": "qos",
- "id": "a9d4d4af-0ae6-48a9-a33b-939607a6dead",
- "model": "8X",
- "name": "alaSIPSnoopingSignallingLost",
- "oid": "",
- "organization": "6597f26f638419ad1dd89541",
- "severity": "Minor",
- "synopsis": "Generated when SIP signalling messages getting lost due to rate-limiting: Physical Index: $1.",
- "trapId": 159,
- "type": "Switch Traps"
This API allows to reset event definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of event definitions. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event definitions have been successfully reseted",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b26a0982",
- "8ade35997ba0492a017ba04959930e50",
- "8ade35997ba0492a017ba04959540e1f"
This API allows to reset all event definitions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event definitions have been successfully reseted",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2960a23",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2980a2a",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b29a0a31",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b29c0a38",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b29d0a3f",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b29f0a46",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2a10a4d",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2a40a54",
- "8ade35997aed00c5017b0ae7b2a50a5a"
This API allows to create an event responder.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string A agent name that identifies the responder configuration. |
description | string The description of the event responder. |
isEnabled | boolean Event responder activation status. By default isEnabled parameter value is false. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing devices. If there are no devices to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing apGroups. If there are no apGroups to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing sites. If there are no sites to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
filterType required | string Enum: "Severity" "Custom" Type of the filter |
filterScope | string Enum: "ANY" "ALL" FilterScope allows to set the scope of whether all the selected filter should be applied on the event message for responder action or any one of the selected filter should suffice. The filterscope parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Custom'. |
Array of objects A JSON array containing filters. This filters parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Custom'. | |
severities | Array of strings A JSON array containing severities. The severities parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Severity'. |
required | object A JSON object containing the response action to be applied when the filter condition are satisfied by the event message. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "filterType": "Severity",
- "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filters": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "filterConditionScope": "string",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "have": "string",
- "attribute": "string",
- "operation": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "isEnabled": true
], - "isEnabled": true
], - "severities": [
- "string"
], - "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "recipients": [
- "string"
], - "subject": "string",
- "body": "string"
}, - "emailEnabled": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The event responder has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe4",
- "name": "Default Device group",
- "site": {
- "id": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "name": "Madras"
], - "description": "This responder is for Warning event in Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "618dfe70c26d395204dc205b",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:31:94:20"
}, - {
- "id": "618dfe6ec26d395204dc205a",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00"
], - "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filterType": "Custom",
- "filters": [
- {
- "description": "Filter for Warning Severity events.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ALL",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "severity",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "filterConditionId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f4a0585",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "equals",
- "value": "Warning"
], - "filterId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f4a0584",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Warning Filter"
}, - {
- "description": "Filter for Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ANY",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f4a0587",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "chennai"
}, - {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f4a0588",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "bang"
], - "filterId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f4a0586",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Site Filter"
], - "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Site Responder",
- "organization": "123456",
- "responderId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f49057e",
- "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "body": "This mail is regarding to inform that responder has caught $EventCount$ event(s) received to OVNG with Warning event in Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "emailObjId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f490580",
- "recipients": [
- ""
], - "subject": "OVNG has received $EventCount$ event(s)"
}, - "emailEnabled": true,
- "responseId": "8ade0c637ddbbfba017ddbc90f49057f"
}, - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "name": "Madras"
This API allows to get all event responder.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Event Responder have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe4",
- "name": "Default Device group",
- "site": {
- "id": "62026b356a3ed351b3b32373",
- "name": "Calabasas"
], - "description": "This responder is for Normal and Minor Severity events.",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "620a05546dc6e67ac1687c1a",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00"
], - "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filterType": "Custom",
- "filters": [
- {
- "description": "Filter for Warning Severity events.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ALL",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "severity",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c76812",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "equals",
- "value": "Warning"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c76811",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Warning Filter"
}, - {
- "description": "Filter for Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ANY",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c76814",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "Calabasas"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c76813",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Site Filter"
], - "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Normal Responder",
- "organization": "62025abc6a3ed3c342b322f4",
- "responderId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c7680c",
- "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "body": "This mail is regarding to inform that responder has caught $EventCount$ event(s) received to OVNG with Warning event in Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "emailObjId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c7680e",
- "recipients": [
- ""
], - "subject": "OVNG has received $EventCount$ event(s)"
}, - "emailEnabled": true,
- "responseId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f074814c7680d"
}, - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "62026b356a3ed351b3b32373",
- "name": "Calabasas"
}, - {
- "apGroups": [ ],
- "description": "This responder is for Normal and Minor Severity events.",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "620a05546dc6e67ac1687c1a",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00"
], - "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filterType": "Custom",
- "filters": [
- {
- "description": "Filter for Warning Severity events.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ALL",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "severity",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f075ed9ee68cf",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "equals",
- "value": "Warning"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f075ed9ee68ce",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Warning Filter"
}, - {
- "description": "Filter for Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ANY",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f075ed9ee68d1",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "chennai"
}, - {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f075ed9ee68d2",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "bang"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f075ed9ee68d0",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Site Filter"
], - "isEnabled": false,
- "name": "Normal Responder 1638",
- "organization": "62025abc6a3ed3c342b322f4",
- "responderId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f070346866509",
- "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "body": "This mail is regarding to inform that responder has caught $EventCount$ event(s) received to OVNG with Warning event in Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "emailObjId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f07034686650b",
- "recipients": [
- ""
], - "subject": "OVNG has received $EventCount$ event(s)"
}, - "emailEnabled": true,
- "responseId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f07034686650a"
}, - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "6124d46df190de7e702f24eb",
- "name": "Madras"
This API allows to delete multiple event responder identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of event responder |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Event Responder have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": [
- {
- "id": "8ade35997d0f2b4b017d125281c30b8e",
- "name": "responder_1"
}, - {
- "id": "8ade35997d138632017d21c012af0bd1",
- "name": "responder_2"
This API allows to update an event responder within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
responderId required | string This is a path param for responderId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string A agent name that identifies the responder configuration. |
description | string The description of the event responder. |
isEnabled | boolean Event responder activation status. By default isEnabled parameter value is false. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing devices. If there are no devices to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing apGroups. If there are no apGroups to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
required | Array of objects A JSON array containing sites. If there are no sites to be send as a request, then send an empty array. |
filterType required | string Enum: "Severity" "Custom" Type of the filter |
filterScope | string Enum: "ANY" "ALL" FilterScope allows to set the scope of whether all the selected filter should be applied on the event message for responder action or any one of the selected filter should suffice. The filterscope parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Custom'. |
Array of objects A JSON array containing filters. This filters parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Custom'. | |
severities | Array of strings A JSON array containing severities. The severities parameter should be used only when the filter type is 'Severity'. |
required | object A JSON object containing the response action to be applied when the filter condition are satisfied by the event message. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "macAddress": "string"
], - "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "site": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "sites": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "filterType": "Severity",
- "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filters": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "filterConditionScope": "string",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "have": "string",
- "attribute": "string",
- "operation": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "isEnabled": true
], - "isEnabled": true
], - "severities": [
- "string"
], - "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "recipients": [
- "string"
], - "subject": "string",
- "body": "string"
}, - "emailEnabled": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Event Responder has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "apGroups": [
- {
- "id": "6180dd583f722a1a041d9fe4",
- "name": "Default Device group",
- "site": {
- "id": "62026b356a3ed351b3b32373",
- "name": "Calabasas"
], - "description": "This responder is for Normal and Minor Severity events.",
- "devices": [
- {
- "id": "620a05546dc6e67ac1687c1a",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00"
], - "filterScope": "ANY",
- "filterType": "Custom",
- "filters": [
- {
- "description": "Filter for Warning Severity events.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ALL",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "severity",
- "caseSensitive": true,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827f063d27017f077c1e2a03c6",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "equals",
- "value": "Warning"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827f063d27017f077c1e2a03c5",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Warning Filter"
}, - {
- "description": "Filter for Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "filterConditionScope": "ANY",
- "filterConditions": [
- {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827f063d27017f077c1e2a03c8",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "chennai"
}, - {
- "attribute": "siteName",
- "caseSensitive": false,
- "filterConditionId": "2c9180827f063d27017f077c1e2a03c9",
- "have": "have",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "operation": "contains",
- "value": "bang"
], - "filterId": "2c9180827f063d27017f077c1e2a03c7",
- "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Site Filter"
], - "isEnabled": true,
- "name": "Normal Responder 1638",
- "organization": "62025abc6a3ed3c342b322f4",
- "responderId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f070346866509",
- "response": {
- "autoAcknowledgementEnabled": true,
- "email": {
- "body": "This mail is regarding to inform that responder has caught $EventCount$ event(s) received to OVNG with Warning event in Chennai & Bangalore sites.",
- "emailObjId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f07034686650b",
- "recipients": [
- ""
], - "subject": "OVNG has received $EventCount$ event(s)"
}, - "emailEnabled": true,
- "responseId": "2c9180827efb6b49017f07034686650a"
}, - "sites": [ ]
This API allows to get all event settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event settings have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8ade35997f4f24bb017f4f3c95c544b1",
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc",
- "parameter": "responder_max_trap_limit",
- "unit": "trap(s)",
- "value": "36"
}, - {
- "id": "8ade35997f4f24bb017f4f3c95cc44b2",
- "orgId": "611b401216ffdf4a54dae9cc",
- "parameter": "responder_max_time_limit",
- "unit": "minute(s)",
- "value": "40"
This API allows to update an event setting within an organization using JSON
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
event_absorption | string Enable/disable event absorption. |
absorption_period | string The amount of time, in seconds, Omnivista will 'absorb' similar events. |
days_before_purge | string Number of days to keep the events before delete. |
max_no_of_records | string Maximum number of events to keep before delete. |
responder_max_trap_limit | string The number of received events that will trigger a event responder e-mail.Limit(0-10000) |
responder_max_time_limit | string The Maximum time period, in minutes, that can elapse before a event responder e-mail is trigged.Limit(0-60) |
{- "event_absorption": "string",
- "absorption_period": "string",
- "days_before_purge": "string",
- "max_no_of_records": "string",
- "responder_max_trap_limit": "string",
- "responder_max_time_limit": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event settings has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "failure": [ ],
- "success": {
- "event_absorption": "disabled",
- "absorption_period": "60",
- "max_no_of_records": "100",
- "responder_max_trap_limit": "20",
- "days_before_purge": "30",
- "responder_max_time_limit": "100"
This API allows to get the wips policy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "agingTimeUnit": "day(s)",
- "agingTimeValue": "1",
- "friendlyMac": [
- "34:e7:0b",
- "dc:08:56"
], - "isDetectSSIDEnabled": true,
- "isDetectSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isDynamicClientBlocklistEnabled": false,
- "isFriendlyAPEnabled": true,
- "isPreventSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isRogueOUIEnabled": false,
- "isRogueSSIDEnabled": false,
- "isSignalStrengthThresholdEnabled": false,
- "maxAuthFailurePeriod": "60",
- "maxAuthFailureTimes": "10",
- "orgId": "609a251e0a07ec2b90794077",
- "rogueOUI": [ ],
- "rogueSSID": [ ],
- "signalStrengthThreshold": "70",
- "wirelessAttackDetection": [
- {
- "level": "low",
- "type": "AP attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "low",
- "type": "Client attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client"
This API allows to update wips policy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
orgId required | string Id of the organization. |
isSignalStrengthThresholdEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the signal strength threshold. True for enable and false for dissable. |
signalStrengthThreshold required | integer <int32> The value of the signal strength threshold. (Range = 50 - 95) |
isDetectSSIDEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the detect SSID. True for enable and false for dissable. |
isRogueSSIDEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the Rogue SSID. True for enable and false for dissable. |
rogueSSID required | Array of strings The array of rogue SSID. |
isRogueOUIEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the Rogue OUI. True for enable and false for dissable. |
rogueOUI required | Array of strings The array of rogue OUI. Ex:['aa:bb:cc'] |
isFriendlyAPEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the friendly AP. True for enable and false for dissable. |
friendlyMac required | Array of strings The array of friendly AP addresses. Ex:['aa:bb:cc','aa:bb:cc:dd','aa:bb:cc:dd:ee','aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'] |
isPreventSwitchEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the rogue AP containment. True for enable and false for dissable. |
isDetectSwitchEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the wireless detection. True for enable and false for dissable. |
required | Array of objects An array of wireless attack detection policies. |
isDynamicClientBlocklistEnabled required | boolean The enable/disable status of the dynamic client blocklist. True for enable and false for dissable. |
agingTimeValue required | string The value of the aging time. |
agingTimeUnit required | string The units of the aging time.(Ex: Day or Hour) |
maxAuthFailureTimes required | string The maximum value of the authentication failure. |
maxAuthFailurePeriod required | string The maximum period of the authentication failure. |
{- "orgId": "string",
- "isSignalStrengthThresholdEnabled": true,
- "signalStrengthThreshold": 0,
- "isDetectSSIDEnabled": true,
- "isRogueSSIDEnabled": true,
- "rogueSSID": [
- "string"
], - "isRogueOUIEnabled": true,
- "rogueOUI": [
- "string"
], - "isFriendlyAPEnabled": true,
- "friendlyMac": [
- "string"
], - "isPreventSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isDetectSwitchEnabled": true,
- "wirelessAttackDetection": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "level": "string",
- "values": [
- "string"
], - "isDynamicClientBlocklistEnabled": true,
- "agingTimeValue": "string",
- "agingTimeUnit": "string",
- "maxAuthFailureTimes": "string",
- "maxAuthFailurePeriod": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "agingTimeUnit": "day(s)",
- "agingTimeValue": "1",
- "friendlyMac": [
- "34:e7:0b"
], - "isDetectSSIDEnabled": true,
- "isDetectSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isDynamicClientBlocklistEnabled": false,
- "isFriendlyAPEnabled": true,
- "isPreventSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isRogueOUIEnabled": false,
- "isRogueSSIDEnabled": false,
- "isSignalStrengthThresholdEnabled": true,
- "maxAuthFailurePeriod": "60",
- "maxAuthFailureTimes": "10",
- "orgId": "61b9d3f00c0c5abd81de11b5",
- "rogueOUI": [ ],
- "rogueSSID": [ ],
- "signalStrengthThreshold": "80",
- "wirelessAttackDetection": [
- {
- "level": "low",
- "type": "AP attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "high",
- "type": "Client attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Omerta Attack",
- "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "Detect 802.11 40MHZ Intolerance Setting",
- "Detect Active 802.11n Greenfield Mode",
- "Detect DHCP Client ID",
- "Detect DHCP Conflict",
- "Detect DHCP Name Change",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client",
- "Detect Malformed Frame-Assoc Request",
- "Detect Long SSID At Client",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation"
This API allows to get the ap attack details.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The AP detection policy has been successfully fetched",
- "data": [
- {
- "level": "low",
- "methods": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "medium",
- "methods": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation",
- "Detect Adhoc networks using valid SSID",
- "Detect Long SSID"
}, - {
- "level": "high",
- "methods": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation",
- "Detect Adhoc networks using valid SSID",
- "Detect Long SSID",
- "Detect AP Impersonation",
- "Detect Adhoc Networks",
- "Detect Wireless Bridge",
- "Detect Null Probe Response",
- "Detect Invalid Address Combination",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "custom",
- "methods": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation",
- "Detect Adhoc networks using valid SSID",
- "Detect Long SSID",
- "Detect AP Impersonation",
- "Detect Adhoc Networks",
- "Detect Wireless Bridge",
- "Detect Null Probe Response",
- "Detect Invalid Address Combination",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation"
This API allows to get the client attack details.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The detection policy successfully fetched",
- "data": [
- {
- "level": "low",
- "methods": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client"
}, - {
- "level": "medium",
- "methods": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Omerta Attack",
- "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client",
- "Detect Malformed Frame-Assoc Request",
- "Detect Long SSID At Client"
}, - {
- "level": "high",
- "methods": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Omerta Attack",
- "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "Detect 802.11 40MHZ Intolerance Setting",
- "Detect Active 802.11n Greenfield Mode",
- "Detect DHCP Client ID",
- "Detect DHCP Conflict",
- "Detect DHCP Name Change",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client",
- "Detect Malformed Frame-Assoc Request",
- "Detect Long SSID At Client",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "custom",
- "methods": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Omerta Attack",
- "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "Detect 802.11 40MHZ Intolerance Setting",
- "Detect Active 802.11n Greenfield Mode",
- "Detect DHCP Client ID",
- "Detect DHCP Conflict",
- "Detect DHCP Name Change",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client",
- "Detect Malformed Frame-Assoc Request",
- "Detect Long SSID At Client",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication",
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation"
This API allows to get the aging time details.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Aging time successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "agingTimeUnit": [
- "day(s)",
- "hour(s)"
This API allows to reset wips policy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The policy has been successfully reset",
- "data": {
- "agingTimeUnit": "day(s)",
- "agingTimeValue": "1",
- "friendlyMac": [
- "34:e7:0b",
- "dc:08:56"
], - "isDetectSSIDEnabled": true,
- "isDetectSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isDynamicClientBlocklistEnabled": false,
- "isFriendlyAPEnabled": true,
- "isPreventSwitchEnabled": true,
- "isRogueOUIEnabled": false,
- "isRogueSSIDEnabled": false,
- "isSignalStrengthThresholdEnabled": false,
- "maxAuthFailurePeriod": "60",
- "maxAuthFailureTimes": "10",
- "orgId": "61b9d3f00c0c5abd81de11b5",
- "rogueOUI": [ ],
- "rogueSSID": [ ],
- "signalStrengthThreshold": "70",
- "wirelessAttackDetection": [
- {
- "level": "low",
- "type": "AP attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect AP Spoofing",
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication",
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation"
}, - {
- "level": "low",
- "type": "Client attack detection",
- "values": [
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation",
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client"
This API allows to get Interfering AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: SSID. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'SSID': 'BabbleNet-Free-Wifi'. ex: filter with object: {"SSID":{"contains":"BabbleNet"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Interfering AP BSSID. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Interfering AP BSSID":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "34:E7:0B:00:17:20". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Interfering APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apInfo": [
- {
- "apMac": "00:31:92:b0:96:96",
- "apName": "AP-96:96",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "bssid": "00:31:92:b0:96:96",
- "channel": 3,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "interference-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184a888920184a8b6ee81025d",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T07:01:04.135165Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "8770_Asset",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 12:30:42"
}, - {
- "apMac": "02:31:92:a0:96:96",
- "apName": "AP-96:96",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "bssid": "02:31:92:a0:96:96",
- "channel": 3,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "interference-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184a888920184acf29323255b",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T07:01:04.126781Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "signalStrength": -63,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 12:29:10"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get Friendly AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: SSID. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'SSID': 'BabbleNet-Free-Wifi'. ex: filter with object: {"SSID":{"contains":"Babble"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Friendly AP BSSID. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Friendly AP BSSID":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "34:E7:0B:00:17:20". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Friendly APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apInfo": [
- {
- "apMac": "00:a0:0a:24:6f:10",
- "apName": "AP-6F:10",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "bssid": "00:a0:0a:24:6f:10",
- "channel": 6,
- "connectedClients": 110,
- "deviceType": "friendly-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184a214fa0184a6aeb568026c",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-12-02T11:58:37.494238Z",
- "orgId": "632c0fe4d75414724ef80a0c",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:2F:71:00",
- "scanningApName": "AP-71:00",
- "signalStrength": -63,
- "siteId": "632c119ed75414403ff80a2e",
- "siteName": "Calabasas",
- "ssid": "JioPrivateNet",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-12-02 06:58:34"
}, - {
- "apMac": "dc:08:56:2c:59:9b",
- "apName": "AP-59:9B",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "dc:08:56:2c:59:9b",
- "channel": 40,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "friendly-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "open",
- "id": "ff80808184a888920184a90955b70262",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T07:16:29.343877Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:77:C3:80",
- "scanningApName": "AP-C3:80",
- "signalStrength": -44,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "ALE_GUEST",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 12:46:22"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get Rogue AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: SSID. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'SSID': 'BabbleNet-Free-Wifi'. ex: filter with object: {"SSID":{"contains":"Babble"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Rogue AP BSSID. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Rogue AP BSSID":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "34:E7:0B:00:17:20". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apInfo": [
- {
- "apMac": "dc:08:56:77:c3:81",
- "apName": "AP-C3:81",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "bssid": "dc:08:56:77:c3:81",
- "channel": 1,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184ac668e0184ad527893054e",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T11:05:36.766394Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "rogueReason": "Discovered a Rogue AP identified as rogue device type",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "signalStrength": -69,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "Madras",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 12:01:02"
}, - {
- "apMac": "dc:08:56:77:c3:a2",
- "apName": "AP-C3:A2",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "dc:08:56:77:c3:a2",
- "channel": 132,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184a85d420184a88e46e30258",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T11:12:40.172787Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "rogueReason": "Discovered a Rogue AP identified as rogue device type",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:54:23:E0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-23:E0",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "Naren",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 16:36:20"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get Client associated with Interfering AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: SSID. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'SSID': 'OnePlus 6T'. ex: filter with object: {"SSID":{"contains":"OnePlus"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Interfering Client Mac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Interfering Client Mac":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "22:33:44:56:78:99". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Clients Info connected to Interfering APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientInfo": [
- {
- "channel": 6,
- "clientMac": "4c:77:cb:8f:96:25",
- "connectedAPMac": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",
- "connectedBssid": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",
- "connectedSsid": "DIRECT-",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "open",
- "id": "ff80808184a85d420184a8800173025c",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T11:05:55.864456Z",
- "reason": "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "signalStrength": -73,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 16:16:10"
}, - {
- "channel": 12,
- "clientMac": "70:32:17:c7:9d:04",
- "connectedAPMac": "14:77:40:5b:9a:24",
- "connectedBssid": "14:77:40:5b:9a:24",
- "connectedSsid": "HUAWEI-9A24",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ff80808184ac668e0184ad6073430e02",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-25T11:05:47.861386Z",
- "signalStrength": -57,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-25 13:30:09"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get Client associated with Rogue AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: SSID. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'SSID': 'redmi'. ex: filter with object: {"SSID":{"contains":"redmi"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Rogue Client Mac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Rogue Client Mac":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "24:35:41:56:78:99". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Clients Info connected to Rogue APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientInfo": [
- {
- "channel": 0,
- "clientMac": "25:39:43:56:78:99",
- "connectedAPMac": "32:43:55:64:77:98",
- "connectedBssid": "38:43:55:64:77:98",
- "connectedSsid": "last",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": ">15m",
- "encryption": "wpa1",
- "id": "8ade359982ababb10182af8f98fd025f",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-08-18T06:06:39.875529Z",
- "signalStrength": -46,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-06-16 21:11:29"
}, - {
- "channel": 0,
- "clientMac": "24:35:41:56:78:99",
- "connectedAPMac": "31:47:50:64:77:98",
- "connectedBssid": "38:43:55:64:77:98",
- "connectedSsid": "redmi",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "8ade359982ababb10182af6acec6025e",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-08-18T05:26:28.81057Z",
- "signalStrength": -46,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-06-16 21:11:29"
}, - {
- "channel": 0,
- "clientMac": "23:32:41:56:78:99",
- "connectedAPMac": "38:43:55:64:77:98",
- "connectedBssid": "38:43:55:64:77:98",
- "connectedSsid": "one",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa",
- "id": "8ade359982ababb10182af5dc2bf025d",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-08-18T05:12:13.771023Z",
- "signalStrength": -46,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-06-16 21:11:29"
], - "total": 3,
- "totalFiltered": 3
This API allows to Move Interfering/Rogue AP to Friendly AP.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
aps required | Array of strings Array of AP macAdress, to be added as friendly AP |
{- "aps": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Friendly AP has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "friendlyMac": [
- "34:E7:0B:00:17:20",
- "00:0B:86:6D:37:2C",
- "00:0B:86:6D:37:2C"
This API allows to get Wireless Attacks Client details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: Client Attack Detection. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'Client Attack Detection': 'Detect DHCP Conflict'. ex: filter with object: {"Client Attack Detection":{"contains":"DHCP Conflict"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: Attack Client MAC. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"Attack Client MAC":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "34:E7:0B:00:17:20". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Interfering APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientInfo": [
- {
- "channel": 0,
- "clientMac": "26:7e:45:3e:d8:0f",
- "connectedAPMac": "00:31:92:b0:96:95",
- "connectedSsid": "8770_Asset",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "id": "ff80808183e3864b0183e9d830ce4392",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-10-18T07:16:43.099094Z",
- "reason": "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client",
- "signalStrength": -55,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-10-18 12:45:26"
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API allows to get Wireless Attacks AP details.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | string The number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: AP Attack Detection. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'AP Attack Detection': 'Detect Long SSID'. ex: filter with object: {"AP Attack Detection":{"contains":"Detect"}}. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: AP Attack BSSID. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"AP Attack BSSID":"ASC"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object, ex: search: "34:E7:0B:00:17:20". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Interfering APs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apInfo": [
- {
- "apMac": "dc:08:56:0d:33:89",
- "apName": "AP-33:89",
- "buildingId": "6322f4577ab1c46f459c9d46",
- "channel": 149,
- "connectedClients": 7,
- "deviceType": "interference-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "open",
- "floorId": "6322f4a9ca2f84664d9974af",
- "id": "ff80808183cad73a0183cbc3a5c30270",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-11-02T06:55:40.285459Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "rogueReason": "call the fbi for the attack",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:49:7C:A0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-7C:A0",
- "signalStrength": -25,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "ove_employee",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-11-02 12:11:13"
}, - {
- "apMac": "dc:08:56:2c:2c:31",
- "apName": "AP-2C:31",
- "buildingId": "6322f4577ab1c46f459c9d46",
- "channel": 11,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "interference-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "floorId": "6322f4a9ca2f84664d9974af",
- "id": "ff80808183cad73a0183cb96ba590260",
- "lastDetectTime": "2022-10-21T10:28:24.888321Z",
- "orgId": "6305b83a6ee5a84133694f7b",
- "rogueReason": "under attack alert ! alert !",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:54:21:E0",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "signalStrength": -69,
- "siteId": "63201b973a95d4b7e8a175e5",
- "siteName": "Madras",
- "ssid": "ALE-BYOD",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2022-10-21 15:50:42"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API allows to get Blocklisted client data.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Blocklisted client data has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "dynamicClients": 7,
- "staticClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T02:30:00Z",
- "totalClients": 7
}, - {
- "dynamicClients": 7,
- "staticClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T02:45:00Z",
- "totalClients": 7
}, - {
- "dynamicClients": 7,
- "staticClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T03:00:00Z",
- "totalClients": 7
}, - {
- "dynamicClients": 7,
- "staticClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T03:15:00Z",
- "totalClients": 7
This API allows to get Rogue AP and Client Analytics.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueAP": 8,
- "rogueClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T02:30:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueAP": 7,
- "rogueClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T02:45:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueAP": 7,
- "rogueClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T03:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueAP": 7,
- "rogueClients": 0,
- "time": "2022-11-15T03:15:00Z"
This API allows to get Top Attacks.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Top Attacks Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "Detect Too Many Auth Failure Client": 10,
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of De-authentication": 9,
- "Detect Valid Station Misassociation": 7,
- "Detect Active 802.11n Greenfield Mode": 4,
- "Detect AP Spoofing": 3,
- "Detect Reason Code Invalid of Disassociation": 2,
- "Detect Malformed Frame-Assoc Request": 0,
- "Detect DHCP Name Change": 0,
- "Detect AP Impersonation": 0,
- "Detect 802.11 40MHZ Intolerance Setting": 0,
- "Detect Unencrypted Valid Client": 0,
- "Detect Broadcast De-authentication": 0,
- "Detect DHCP Conflict": 0,
- "Detect Broadcast Disassociation": 0,
- "Detect Omerta Attack": 0,
- "Detect DHCP Client ID": 0,
- "Detect Adhoc networks using valid SSID": 0,
- "Detect Long SSID": 0,
- "Detect Null Probe Response": 0,
- "Detect Long SSID At Client": 0,
- "Detect Invalid Address Combination": 0
This API allows to get RogueAP Detected count.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueApCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T01:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueApCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T04:00:00Z"
This API allows to get RogueAP Detected List.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apMac": "9e:fa:98:5c:d3:e7",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "9e:fa:98:5c:d3:e7",
- "channel": 13,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "c0aedde6-7a0b-4aa9-aedc-b15e17ca9d19",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T07:29:39.852Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:A9:21:80",
- "signalStrength": -66,
- "siteId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df37",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "Mikey",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 12:55:25"
}, - {
- "apMac": "82:b1:75:6b:1d:b3",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "82:b1:75:6b:1d:b3",
- "channel": 12,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "a35c8e9c-67c4-45d3-a71c-cfe4f1262cf6",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T07:52:15.003Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:77:C3:80",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "652697c91250e13d41c8a7e8",
- "siteName": "ALE-Chennai-Site",
- "ssid": "Appu",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 13:15:01"
}, - {
- "apMac": "3e:56:ba:75:bd:62",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "3e:56:ba:75:bd:62",
- "channel": 13,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ec7858fe-01ed-4e97-ad6c-3da0c79e7aca",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T14:29:38.62Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:A9:21:80",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df37",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "Prem Controls",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 19:50:02"
This API allows to get RogueAP Prevented count.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueApCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T01:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueApCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T04:00:00Z"
This API allows to get RogueAP Prevented List.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "getRogueAPPreventedList": "9e:fa:98:5c:d3:e7",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.23Z",
- "bssid": "9e:fa:98:5c:d3:e7",
- "apName": "AP-96:96",
- "channel": 13,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "c0aedde6-7a0b-4aa9-aedc-b15e17ca9d19",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T07:29:39.852Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:A9:21:80",
- "signalStrength": -66,
- "siteId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df37",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "Mikey",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 12:55:25"
}, - {
- "apMac": "82:b1:75:6b:1d:b3",
- "apName": "AP-96:96",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "bssid": "82:b1:75:6b:1d:b3",
- "channel": 12,
- "createdAt": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.23Z",
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "a35c8e9c-67c4-45d3-a71c-cfe4f1262cf6",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T07:52:15.003Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:77:C3:80",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "652697c91250e13d41c8a7e8",
- "siteName": "ALE-Chennai-Site",
- "ssid": "Appu",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 13:15:01"
}, - {
- "apMac": "3e:56:ba:75:bd:62",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.23Z",
- "apName": "AP-96:96",
- "scanningApName": "AP-21:E0",
- "bssid": "3e:56:ba:75:bd:62",
- "channel": 13,
- "connectedClients": 0,
- "deviceType": "rogue-ap",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "ec7858fe-01ed-4e97-ad6c-3da0c79e7aca",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-11-01T14:29:38.62Z",
- "orgId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "rogueReason": "Signal Strength is Too Stronger, Reducing Network Performance",
- "scanningApLocation": "unknown_location",
- "scanningApMac": "DC:08:56:A9:21:80",
- "signalStrength": -65,
- "siteId": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df37",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "ssid": "Prem Controls",
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-11-01 19:50:02"
This API allows to get Rogue Client count.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T01:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T04:00:00Z"
This API allows to get Rogue Client List.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "channel": 1,
- "clientMac": "3e:f4:13:38:79:6b",
- "connectedAPMac": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedBssid": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedSsid": "Ags 12 floor",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "e94d5b6d-65fb-48de-a677-0aa332d3661d",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:29:39.629Z",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -67,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 10:55:00"
}, - {
- "channel": 11,
- "clientMac": "8e:93:24:79:f5:3a",
- "connectedAPMac": "a6:ec:7d:37:9e:58",
- "connectedBssid": "a6:ec:7d:37:9e:58",
- "connectedSsid": "Redmi Note 8 Pro",
- "deviceType": "blocking-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "17b5e69e-0089-4b4a-920f-4f9b006cf403",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:52:15.786Z",
- "reason": "Manually Added",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -62,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 11:18:47"
}, - {
- "channel": 1,
- "clientMac": "3e:f4:13:38:79:6b",
- "connectedAPMac": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedBssid": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedSsid": "Ags 12 floor",
- "deviceType": "blocking-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "3a5e6588-ea5e-490e-b7e1-8e7b64af14c9",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:52:15.773Z",
- "reason": "Manually Added",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -57,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 11:18:44"
}, - {
- "channel": 1,
- "clientMac": "86:cd:fe:19:5f:4d",
- "connectedAPMac": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedBssid": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedSsid": "Ags 12 floor",
- "deviceType": "blocking-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "e0ba98db-1f5c-4c17-9bd6-0ea3c1e22497",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:52:15.783Z",
- "reason": "Manually Added",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -64,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 11:15:24"
This API allows to get Block Client count.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T01:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T04:00:00Z"
This API allows to get Block Client List.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "channel": 1,
- "clientMac": "3e:f4:13:38:79:6b",
- "connectedAPMac": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedBssid": "0c:e0:dc:3b:30:70",
- "connectedSsid": "Ags 12 floor",
- "deviceType": "interference-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "e94d5b6d-65fb-48de-a677-0aa332d3661d",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:29:39.629Z",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -67,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 10:55:00"
}, - {
- "channel": 11,
- "clientMac": "8e:93:24:79:f5:3a",
- "connectedAPMac": "a6:ec:7d:37:9e:58",
- "connectedBssid": "a6:ec:7d:37:9e:58",
- "connectedSsid": "Redmi Note 8 Pro",
- "deviceType": "blocking-client",
- "distance": "0-15m",
- "encryption": "wpa2",
- "id": "17b5e69e-0089-4b4a-920f-4f9b006cf403",
- "lastDetectTime": "2023-10-31T05:52:15.786Z",
- "reason": "Manually Added",
- "scanningAPLocation": "unknown_location",
- "signalStrength": -62,
- "timestampFromScanningAp": "2023-10-31 11:18:47"
This API allows to get DeAuth Client count.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP and Client Analytics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T01:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "rogueClientCount": 1,
- "startingTime": "2023-11-02T04:00:00Z"
This API allows to get DeAuth Client List.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-10-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Rogue AP list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apMacAddress": "DC:08:56:A6:16:A0",
- "clientMac": "dc:08:56:77:c3:81",
- "connectedSsid": "Stellar-MESH",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.23Z",
- "orgId": "65a6328a3f053ab928e87354",
- "parameters": {
- "vap": "athap0",
- "date": "1707427902.240054",
- "ssid": "Stellar-MESH",
- "event": "deauth.send",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "wam",
- "reason": "authentication timeout",
- "result": "Not for roaming",
- "uptime": "2023924",
- "roaming": "0",
- "sta_mac": "dc:08:56:77:c3:81",
- "priority": "4"
}, - "reason": "Not for roaming",
- "siteId": "65a6328a3f053ab928e87361",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.23Z",
- "uploadTime": "2024-02-08T21:31:57.159Z"
This API is used to get the related events to a specific client identified by providing the client mac address
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, ex: 2021-09-22T04:30:00.000Z. |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
sort | string "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: eventName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"eventName":"ASC"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The event details have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "eventDetails": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.336Z",
- "definitionId": "4a6751d0-91c0-441d-a5a9-fc883dcd7064",
- "eventName": "dhcp.ack",
- "id": "ecb80b8dad0e44789c37627693b2f410",
- "ip": "",
- "ipv6": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "orgId": "6482d6020fd167f20e526120",
- "parameters": {
- "xid": "0xeda4a488",
- "date": "1690203507.736982",
- "event": "dhcp.ack",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "calog",
- "uptime": "2060271",
- "sta_mac": "9c:20:7b:d3:44:e3",
- "your-ip": "",
- "priority": "4",
- "server-id": "",
- "server-ip": "",
- "dns-server": ",",
- "lease-time": "28800",
- "subnet-mask": "",
- "default-gateway": ""
}, - "severity": "Normal",
- "siteId": "6482d7ad0fd1672cf2526133",
- "siteName": "Harrisburg School",
- "synopsis": "Dhcp Ack , ip $2, mac $3, server id $4",
- "type": "QoE-Analytics",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.336Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.988Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP DC:08:56:47:B2:E0)",
- "ip": "",
- "id": "64832f470fd167d5965261ca"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.335Z",
- "definitionId": "99e20d5d-4336-4ecb-b080-73ff8fe05d6a",
- "eventName": "dhcp.renew",
- "id": "a9a7cb421c054c70b0cb9855671a40db",
- "ip": "",
- "ipv6": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "orgId": "6482d6020fd167f20e526120",
- "parameters": {
- "xid": "0xeda4a488",
- "date": "1690203507.734917",
- "event": "dhcp.renew",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "calog",
- "uptime": "2060271",
- "sta_mac": "9c:20:7b:d3:44:e3",
- "priority": "4",
- "client-ip": "",
- "host-name": "201",
- "lease-time": "7776000"
}, - "severity": "Normal",
- "siteId": "6482d7ad0fd1672cf2526133",
- "siteName": "Harrisburg School",
- "synopsis": "Dhcp Renew sta mac $2 requested IP $3,server id $4",
- "type": "QoE-Analytics",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.335Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-07-24T12:58:34.988Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP DC:08:56:47:B2:E0)",
- "ip": "",
- "id": "64832f470fd167d5965261ca"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.466Z",
- "definitionId": "4a6751d0-91c0-441d-a5a9-fc883dcd7064",
- "eventName": "dhcp.ack",
- "id": "392c81584c4b4b7ca2571fddab5a2bfc",
- "ip": "",
- "ipv6": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "orgId": "6482d6020fd167f20e526120",
- "parameters": {
- "xid": "0xeda4a487",
- "date": "1690189108.105189",
- "event": "dhcp.ack",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "calog",
- "uptime": "2045871",
- "sta_mac": "9c:20:7b:d3:44:e3",
- "your-ip": "",
- "priority": "4",
- "server-id": "",
- "server-ip": "",
- "dns-server": ",",
- "lease-time": "28800",
- "subnet-mask": "",
- "default-gateway": ""
}, - "severity": "Normal",
- "siteId": "6482d7ad0fd1672cf2526133",
- "siteName": "Harrisburg School",
- "synopsis": "Dhcp Ack , ip $2, mac $3, server id $4",
- "type": "QoE-Analytics",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.466Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.204Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP DC:08:56:47:B2:E0)",
- "ip": "",
- "id": "64832f470fd167d5965261ca"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.464Z",
- "definitionId": "99e20d5d-4336-4ecb-b080-73ff8fe05d6a",
- "eventName": "dhcp.renew",
- "id": "01415333cf4a4ff8b2b13a65c7ea0940",
- "ip": "",
- "ipv6": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "orgId": "6482d6020fd167f20e526120",
- "parameters": {
- "xid": "0xeda4a487",
- "date": "1690189108.101322",
- "event": "dhcp.renew",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "calog",
- "uptime": "2045871",
- "sta_mac": "9c:20:7b:d3:44:e3",
- "priority": "4",
- "client-ip": "",
- "host-name": "201",
- "lease-time": "7776000"
}, - "severity": "Normal",
- "siteId": "6482d7ad0fd1672cf2526133",
- "siteName": "Harrisburg School",
- "synopsis": "Dhcp Renew sta mac $2 requested IP $3,server id $4",
- "type": "QoE-Analytics",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.464Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-07-24T08:58:34.204Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP DC:08:56:47:B2:E0)",
- "ip": "",
- "id": "64832f470fd167d5965261ca"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-24T04:58:34.575Z",
- "definitionId": "4a6751d0-91c0-441d-a5a9-fc883dcd7064",
- "eventName": "dhcp.ack",
- "id": "7f9a92bd705c459e8cc8a15aa8da3cab",
- "ip": "",
- "ipv6": "",
- "isAcknowledged": false,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "orgId": "6482d6020fd167f20e526120",
- "parameters": {
- "xid": "0xeda4a486",
- "date": "1690174708.460529",
- "event": "dhcp.ack",
- "group": "user",
- "module": "calog",
- "uptime": "2031471",
- "sta_mac": "9c:20:7b:d3:44:e3",
- "your-ip": "",
- "priority": "4",
- "server-id": "",
- "server-ip": "",
- "dns-server": ",",
- "lease-time": "28800",
- "subnet-mask": "",
- "default-gateway": ""
}, - "severity": "Normal",
- "siteId": "6482d7ad0fd1672cf2526133",
- "siteName": "Harrisburg School",
- "synopsis": "Dhcp Ack , ip $2, mac $3, server id $4",
- "type": "QoE-Analytics",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-24T04:58:34.575Z",
- "uploadTime": "2023-07-24T04:58:34.288Z",
- "device": {
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:47:B2:E0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP DC:08:56:47:B2:E0)",
- "ip": "",
- "id": "64832f470fd167d5965261ca"
], - "total": 68,
- "totalFiltered": 68
This API allows to register a new building in a given organization and site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the building. |
{- "name": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The building has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e41872f3e08sdff75e6a",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "name": "TEST",
- "site": "6422e67afd58465422sdfd74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba3sdfad749"
This API allows to fetch all buildings associated to a given organization and site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The buildings have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "id": "66e41872f3e0833e1dfsdfa",
- "name": "TEST",
- "site": "6422e67afd584654224asdf",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba3sdfd749"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-12-12T09:32:45.829Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-12T09:32:45.829Z",
- "id": "657828bd6f9c415c5dd7sdfcdc",
- "name": "liberty",
- "site": "6422e67afd584654224sdf74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5sdfa384ad749"
This API allows to fetch one building identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The building has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "id": "66e41872f3e0833esdff75e6a",
- "name": "TEST",
- "site": "6422e67afd58465422sdfad74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd58sdfba384ad749"
This API allows to update one building identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the building. |
{- "name": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The building has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:56:43.337Z",
- "id": "66e41872f3e0833e1df75e6a",
- "name": "TEST1111",
- "site": "6422e67afd58465422sdfsdf",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846bsdfg4ad749"
This API allows to delete a building identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The building has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "buildingId": "5f104c29b245362fe4ccfc96"
This API allows to fetch all buildings and the associated floors of a given site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The buildings have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "floors": [ ],
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T10:48:18.620Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T10:56:43.337Z",
- "id": "66e41872f3e0833e1dfsqsde6a",
- "name": "TEST1111",
- "site": "6422e67afd584654224qsdq74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd584qsd384ad749"
}, - {
- "floors": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-12-12T09:33:12.257Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-12T09:33:12.257Z",
- "id": "657828d86f9cqsdc5dd74cdf",
- "name": "Work",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "f5d363c8-1e92-4146-b554-08031effbd23.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.485133588314057,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.388865723189014
], - [
- -4.485125541687013,
- 48.38886216924792
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
], - [
- -4.486135,
- 48.391106
], - [
- -4.485277,
- 48.391341
], - [
- -4.484687,
- 48.390928
], - [
- -4.484837,
- 48.390415
], - [
- -4.486038,
- 48.389731
], - [
- -4.486864,
- 48.38956
], - [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
}, - "area": 22482,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "657828bd6qsd15c5dd74cdc",
- "site": "6422e67afd584654qsdd74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd584qsd4ad749"
], - "createdAt": "2023-12-12T09:32:45.829Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-12T09:32:45.829Z",
- "id": "657828bd6qsd5c5dd74cdc",
- "name": "liberty",
- "site": "6422e67afd584qsddd74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5qsd4ad749"
This API allows to register a new floor in a given organization, site and building.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the floor. Ex: Basement |
floorNumber required | integer <int32> The floor number. |
floorPlanUrl required | string The image location name where the floor plan image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
object The floor map coordinates, in geojson format. Must contain the latitude and longitude of the four floor map corners. Check response samples for expected format. | |
relativeAltitude required | number <double> The relative altitude of the floor. (in meters) |
required | object The lat/long coordinates of the area polygon, in geojson format. |
area required | number <double> The size of the area. |
areaUnit required | string Enum: "squareMeters" "squareFeets" The unit of the given area. Must be one of 'squareMeters', 'squareFeets'. |
buildingId required | string The building id where the floor is located. |
{- "name": "string",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "string",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- null
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- null
}, - "area": 0,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "buildingId": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The floor has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "66e42ead71682dadf2dfg55ba",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T12:23:09.825Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T12:23:09.825Z",
- "name": "sdfgsdfgs",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "f63685f2-4017-45ae-9c8b-edbc7c3cc101.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.48844611644745,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.48444426059723,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.48844611644745,
- 48.388865723189014
], - [
- -4.4844388961792,
- 48.38886216924792
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.48872,
- 48.389937
], - [
- -4.489278,
- 48.388199
], - [
- -4.484986,
- 48.389125
], - [
- -4.48872,
- 48.389937
}, - "area": 28571,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "66e41bfa764d2dfg82a3d458",
- "site": "6422e67afd5846542dfgad74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd58dfga384ad749"
This API allows to fetch all floors associated to a given building.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The floors have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T12:23:09.825Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T12:23:09.825Z",
- "id": "66e42ead71682dadf239sdfba",
- "name": "sdfgsdfgs",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "f63685f2-4017-45ae-9c8b-edbc7c3cc101.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.48844611644745,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.48444426059723,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.48844611644745,
- 48.388865723189014
], - [
- -4.4844388961792,
- 48.38886216924792
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.48872,
- 48.389937
], - [
- -4.489278,
- 48.388199
], - [
- -4.484986,
- 48.389125
], - [
- -4.48872,
- 48.389937
}, - "area": 28571,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "66e41bfa76sdffc82a3d458",
- "site": "6422e67afd58sdf224ad74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd584sdf384adsdf49"
This API allows to fetch one floor identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The floor has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-12-12T09:33:12.257Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-12T09:33:12.257Z",
- "id": "657828d86f9c4sdf5dd74cdf",
- "name": "Work",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "f5d363c8-1e92-4sd6-b554-08031effbd23.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.485133588314057,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.388865723189014
], - [
- -4.485125541687013,
- 48.38886216924792
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
], - [
- -4.486135,
- 48.391106
], - [
- -4.485277,
- 48.391341
], - [
- -4.484687,
- 48.390928
], - [
- -4.484837,
- 48.390415
], - [
- -4.486038,
- 48.389731
], - [
- -4.486864,
- 48.38956
], - [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
}, - "area": 22482,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "657828bd6f9c415sdf74cdc",
- "site": "6422e67afd58sdf224ad74b",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba3sdfad749"
This API allows to update one floor identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name | string The name of the floor. Ex: Basement |
floorNumber required | integer <int32> The floor number. |
floorPlanUrl required | string The image location name where the floor plan image has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
object The floor map coordinates, in geojson format. Must contain the latitude and longitude of the four floor map corners. Check response samples for expected format. | |
relativeAltitude required | number <double> The relative altitude of the floor. (in meters) |
required | object The lat/long coordinates of the area polygon, in geojson format. |
area required | number <double> The size of the area. |
areaUnit required | string Enum: "squareMeters" "squareFeets" The unit of the given area. Must be one of 'squareMeters', 'squareFeets'. |
buildingId required | string The building id where the floor is located. |
{- "name": "string",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "string",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- null
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- null
}, - "area": 0,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "buildingId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The floor has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-12-12T09:33:12.257Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T12:42:41.648Z",
- "id": "657828d86f9sdf5c5dd74cdf",
- "name": "Worksd",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "f5d363c8-1e92-4sdf-b554-08031effbd23.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.485133588314057,
- 48.38993441913692
], - [
- -4.487756788730622,
- 48.388865723189014
], - [
- -4.485168457031251,
- 48.38886216924792
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
], - [
- -4.486135,
- 48.391106
], - [
- -4.485277,
- 48.391341
], - [
- -4.484687,
- 48.390928
], - [
- -4.484837,
- 48.390415
], - [
- -4.486038,
- 48.389731
], - [
- -4.486864,
- 48.38956
], - [
- -4.487315,
- 48.390429
}, - "area": 22482,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "657828bsdff15c5dd74cdc",
- "site": "6422e67asdfff4654224ad74b",
- "organization": "6422sdfffd5846ba384ad749"
This API allows to delete a floor identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The floor has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "floorId": "5f16cc58c4c105305c7773be"
This API allows to get login history for the logged user.
limit | integer The numbers of items to return |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Login histories have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "failedTry": 0,
- "lockedUntilDate": 0,
- "lastLoginDate": "2024-09-13T07:13:42.508Z",
- "createdAt": "2023-10-17T07:01:07.802Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T07:13:42.512Z",
- "id": "652e3133esdffe7b82fea63b7",
- "firstname": "alex",
- "lastname": "guillouet",
- "email": "",
- "verified": true,
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "country": "FR",
- "closestRegion": "EMEA",
- "companyName": "Alcatel",
- "avatarLocation": "",
- "address": "",
- "city": "",
- "zipCode": "",
- "phoneNumber": "",
- "isTwoFAEnabled": false,
- "faMethod": "",
- "tempSecret": "",
- "secret": "",
- "enforcementPolicy": "WEAK",
- "accessLevelRole": "MSP_ADMIN",
- "msp": "6421b1sdfsdf6b6e64ad743"
This API allows to get user's settings for the logged user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user settings has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-04-06T13:46:43.432Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-06-24T11:28:57.690Z",
- "id": "642ecd437efcaa64eb5ceb",
- "isLoginHistoryEnabled": true,
- "eventsDisplay": "",
- "theme": "ALE",
- "chartColorScheme": "GENERIC",
- "severityColor": {
- "major": "#F64E60",
- "minor": "#8950FC",
- "warning": "#FFA800",
- "critical": "#212121",
- "normal": "#3699FF"
}, - "numberOfAttacks": 20,
- "tableDisplayMode": "SMALL",
- "gridDisplayMode": "LIST",
- "preferredDeviceNaming": "MESH_LABEL_AND_IP_ADDRESS",
- "user": "642ecd3875fcb50deb5cea"
This API allows to update user's settings for the logged user.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
isLoginHistoryEnabled | boolean Indicates if the user login's history is stored in database. |
theme | string Enum: "DEFAULT" "ALE" Selected theme assigned to the user profile. |
chartColorScheme | string Enum: "GENERIC" "BLUEGRADIENT" Preferred color for the display of chart, graph and bar. |
tableDisplayMode | string Enum: "MEDIUM" "SMALL" The preferred mode for the display of table. |
preferredDeviceNaming | string Enum: "IP_ADDRESS" "SYSTEM_NAME" "IP_ADDRESS_AND_SYSTEM_NAME" "SYSTEM_NAME_AND_IP_ADDRESS" "MAC_ADDRESS" The preferred way for the display of the device name. |
gridDisplayMode | string Enum: "CARD" "LIST" The preferred display mode of list items in the page in table or in card list. |
{- "isLoginHistoryEnabled": true,
- "theme": "DEFAULT",
- "chartColorScheme": "GENERIC",
- "tableDisplayMode": "MEDIUM",
- "preferredDeviceNaming": "IP_ADDRESS",
- "gridDisplayMode": "CARD"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The user settings has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-04-06T13:46:43.432Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-06-24T11:28:57.690Z",
- "id": "642ecd437efcaa64eb5ceb",
- "isLoginHistoryEnabled": true,
- "eventsDisplay": "",
- "theme": "ALE",
- "chartColorScheme": "GENERIC",
- "severityColor": {
- "major": "#F64E60",
- "minor": "#8950FC",
- "warning": "#FFA800",
- "critical": "#212121",
- "normal": "#3699FF"
}, - "numberOfAttacks": 20,
- "tableDisplayMode": "SMALL",
- "gridDisplayMode": "LIST",
- "preferredDeviceNaming": "MESH_LABEL_AND_IP_ADDRESS",
- "user": "642ecd3875fcb50deb5cea"
This API is used to get WLAN thresholds for a given site. Those thresholds are taken into account in the calculation of the WLAN Analytics data.
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Site thresholds has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-28T13:07:06.668Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-28T13:07:06.668Z",
- "id": "1122e67afd5846394c4ad74c",
- "timeToConnectThreshold": 2,
- "roamingThreshold": 0.2,
- "coverageThreshold": -66,
- "cpuAPThreshold": 50,
- "memoryAPThreshold": 50,
- "flashAPThreshold": 50,
- "availableCapacityThreshold": 20,
- "clientHealth2_4GThreshold": 60,
- "clientHealth5GThreshold": 60,
- "clientHealth6GThreshold": 60,
- "clientSNR2_4GThreshold": 15,
- "clientSNR5GThreshold": 15,
- "clientSNR6GThreshold": 15,
- "radioNoise2_4GThreshold": -92,
- "radioNoise5GThreshold": -92,
- "radioNoise6GThreshold": -92,
- "radioUtilization2_4GThreshold": 50,
- "radioUtilization5GThreshold": 50,
- "radioUtilization6GThreshold": 50,
- "radioInterference2_4GThreshold": 25,
- "radioInterference5GThreshold": 25,
- "radioInterference6GThreshold": 25,
- "retransmissionThreshold": 10,
- "errorThreshold": 5,
- "site": "1122e67afd584654224ad74b"
This API is used to update WLAN thresholds values for a given site. Those thresholds are then taken into account in the calculation of the WLAN Analytics data. Each threshold can be updated independently.
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
timeToConnectThreshold | number <double> Time to to connect thereshold. |
coverageThreshold | number <double> Coverage threshold. |
roamingThreshold | number <double> Roaming Threshold. |
cpuAPThreshold | integer <int32> CPU Usaged threshold for Access Point. |
memoryAPThreshold | integer <int32> Memory Usaged threshold for Access Point. |
flashAPThreshold | integer <int32> Flash memory Usaged threshold for Access Point. |
availableCapacityThreshold | number <double> Available Capacity threshold in percentage for Access Point. |
clientHealth2_4GThreshold | number <double> Client Health (2.4 GHz) threshold. |
clientHealth5GThreshold | number <double> Client Health (5 GHz) threshold. |
clientHealth6GThreshold | number <double> Client Health (6 GHz) threshold. |
clientSNR2_4GThreshold | number <double> Client SNR (2.4 GHz) threshold. |
clientSNR5GThreshold | number <double> Client SNR (5 GHz) threshold. |
clientSNR6GThreshold | number <double> Client SNR (6 GHz) threshold. |
radioNoise2_4GThreshold | number <double> Radio noise (2.4 GHz) threshold. |
radioNoise5GThreshold | number <double> Radio noise (5 GHz) threshold. |
radioNoise6GThreshold | number <double> Radio noise (6 GHz) threshold. |
radioUtilization2_4GThreshold | number <double> Radio utilization (2.4 GHz) threshold. |
radioUtilization5GThreshold | number <double> Radio utilization (5 GHz) threshold. |
radioUtilization6GThreshold | number <double> Radio utilization (6 GHz) threshold. |
radioInterference2_4GThreshold | number <double> Radio interference (2.4 GHz) threshold. |
radioInterference5GThreshold | number <double> Radio interference (5 GHz) threshold. |
radioInterference6GThreshold | number <double> Radio interference (6 GHz) threshold. |
retransmissionThreshold | number <double> Retransmission threshold. |
errorThreshold | number <double> Error threshold. |
{- "timeToConnectThreshold": 0,
- "coverageThreshold": 0,
- "roamingThreshold": 0,
- "cpuAPThreshold": 0,
- "memoryAPThreshold": 0,
- "flashAPThreshold": 0,
- "availableCapacityThreshold": 0,
- "clientHealth2_4GThreshold": 0,
- "clientHealth5GThreshold": 0,
- "clientHealth6GThreshold": 0,
- "clientSNR2_4GThreshold": 0,
- "clientSNR5GThreshold": 0,
- "clientSNR6GThreshold": 0,
- "radioNoise2_4GThreshold": 0,
- "radioNoise5GThreshold": 0,
- "radioNoise6GThreshold": 0,
- "radioUtilization2_4GThreshold": 0,
- "radioUtilization5GThreshold": 0,
- "radioUtilization6GThreshold": 0,
- "radioInterference2_4GThreshold": 0,
- "radioInterference5GThreshold": 0,
- "radioInterference6GThreshold": 0,
- "retransmissionThreshold": 0,
- "errorThreshold": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Site thresholds has been successfully updated",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-28T13:07:06.668Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-28T13:07:06.668Z",
- "id": "1122e67afd5846394c4ad74c",
- "timeToConnectThreshold": 2,
- "roamingThreshold": 0.2,
- "coverageThreshold": -66,
- "cpuAPThreshold": 50,
- "memoryAPThreshold": 50,
- "flashAPThreshold": 50,
- "availableCapacityThreshold": 20,
- "clientHealth2_4GThreshold": 60,
- "clientHealth5GThreshold": 60,
- "clientHealth6GThreshold": 60,
- "clientSNR2_4GThreshold": 15,
- "clientSNR5GThreshold": 15,
- "clientSNR6GThreshold": 15,
- "radioNoise2_4GThreshold": -92,
- "radioNoise5GThreshold": -92,
- "radioNoise6GThreshold": -92,
- "radioUtilization2_4GThreshold": 50,
- "radioUtilization5GThreshold": 50,
- "radioUtilization6GThreshold": 50,
- "radioInterference2_4GThreshold": 25,
- "radioInterference5GThreshold": 25,
- "radioInterference6GThreshold": 25,
- "retransmissionThreshold": 10,
- "errorThreshold": 5,
- "site": "1122e67afd584654224ad74b"
This API is used to get a summary of QoE metrics (Time-to-Connect, Coverage, Roaming, Successful Connects, Capacity) for each site that belongs to the specified organization. Those metrics are calculated based on the thresholds defined for each site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Organization summary metrics have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "capacity": null,
- "coverage": null,
- "overview": {
- "accessPointCount": 0,
- "userCount": 0
}, - "roaming": null,
- "siteId": "1122e67afd584654224ad74b",
- "successfulConnect": null,
- "timeToConnect": null,
- "siteName": "Brest Site"
}, - {
- "capacity": {
- "summary": {
- "averageAvailableCapacity": 75,
- "numberOfRecords": 24,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 24,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0
}, - "threshold": 34
}, - "coverage": {
- "summary": {
- "averageRSSI": -58,
- "averageSNR": 44,
- "numberOfRecords": 47,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 39,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 8
}, - "threshold": -66
}, - "overview": {
- "accessPointCount": 1,
- "userCount": 4
}, - "roaming": {
- "summary": null,
- "threshold": 0
}, - "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "successfulConnect": {
- "summary": {
- "nbConnectAttempts": 3,
- "nbSuccessfulConnects": 2
}, - "threshold": 0
}, - "timeToConnect": {
- "summary": {
- "averageTimeToConnect": 2.7888114,
- "numberOfRecords": 2,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 1
}, - "threshold": 2
}, - "siteName": "Alcatel"
This API is used to get the Time To Connect QoE attribute along with a split up of the times spent in Association, Authorization and DHCP applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Time-to-connect data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeToConnect": 2.7888114,
- "numberOfRecords": 2,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 1
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": null,
- "time": "2024-09-13T11:43:00.000Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "association",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0.051135,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "authorization",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0.598976,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "dhcp",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 4.277401,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "portalAuthorization",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
], - "metric": "time-to-connect",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": 2
}, - "summary": {
- "averageTimeToConnect": 2.7888114,
- "numberOfRecords": 2,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 1
This API is used to get the Time To Connect Classifiers QoE attribute along with a split up of the times spent in Association, Authorization and DHCP applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Time-to-connect classifiers data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "association",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0.051135,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "authorization",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0.598976,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "dhcp",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 4.277401,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "portalAuthorization",
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 0,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1
], - "consolidatedData": {
- "association": { },
- "authorization": { },
- "dhcp": {
- "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "assocTime": 0.010507,
- "authTime": 0.121368,
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 4.277401,
- "averageTimeToConnectForClassifiedFailedRecords": 4.409276,
- "dhcpTime": 4.277401,
- "nbClassifiedFailedRecords": 1,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 1,
- "portalTime": 0,
- "totalConnectTime": 4.409276
}, - "meta": {
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "clientIp": "",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11AC_VHT40",
- "deviceOS": "",
- "deviceType": "",
- "eventsTime": [
- "2024-09-13T11:36:14Z"
], - "hostname": "MobileHost",
- "ssid": "SSIDName",
- "wifiBand": "5GHz",
- "wifiChannel": "36"
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
}, - "portalAuthorization": { }
}, - "metric": "time-to-connect",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e8311d584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": 2
This API is used to get the number of Successful Connects and the classified failure reasons applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Successful Connects data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "nbConnectAttempts": 3,
- "nbSuccessfulConnects": 2
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": null,
- "time": "2024-09-13T11:43:00.000Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "association",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 1,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "authorization",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "dhcp",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "portal",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
], - "metric": "successful-connect",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686aead756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
}, - "summary": {
- "nbConnectAttempts": 3,
- "nbSuccessfulConnects": 2
This API is used to get the Successful Connections Classifiers QoE attribute along with a split up of the times spent in Association, Authorization and DHCP applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Successful Connects Classifiers data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "association",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 1,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "authorization",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "dhcp",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - {
- "classifier": "portal",
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 0,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
], - "consolidatedData": {
- "association": {
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "nbClassifiedFailedAttempts": 1,
- "nbFailedConnectAttempts": 1
}, - "meta": {
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "clientIp": "",
- "connectionMode": "",
- "deviceOS": "",
- "deviceType": "",
- "eventsTime": [
- "2024-09-13T11:36:12Z"
], - "failureCodes": [
], - "ssid": "SSID-01"
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
}, - "authorization": { },
- "dhcp": { },
- "portal": { }
}, - "metric": "successful-connect",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd58466ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
This API is used to get the Coverage RSSI signal and the classified failures reasons applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Coverage data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRSSI": -57,
- "averageSNR": 45,
- "downlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 7,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 6,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 1,
- "others": 1,
- "uplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "weakSignal": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRSSI": -57,
- "averageSNR": 46,
- "downlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "others": 0,
- "uplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "weakSignal": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:43:00.000Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "downlinkAsymmetry",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "uplinkAsymmetry",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "weakSignal",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "others",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 8,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
], - "metric": "coverage",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd58466ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": -66
}, - "summary": {
- "averageRSSI": -58,
- "averageSNR": 44,
- "numberOfRecords": 47,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 39,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 8
This API is use to get QoE Available Capacity of Access Points presented in a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "time": "string",
- "dataset": {
- "averageAvailableCapacity": 0,
- "clientUsage": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "others": 0,
- "clientCount": 0,
- "wifiInterference": 0
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "string",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 0
], - "summary": {
- "averageAvailableCapacity": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 0,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 0
}, - "metric": "string",
- "request": {
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "threshold": 0,
- "interval": 0,
- "scope": {
- "type": "string",
- "value": [
- null
This API is use to get the Available Capacity Classifiers QoE of AP devices and clients in an identified scope during a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Available Capacity Classifiers data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageAvailableCapacity": 75.29,
- "clientCount": 0,
- "clientUsage": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 7,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 7,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "others": 0,
- "wifiInterference": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": {
- "averageAvailableCapacity": 75.62,
- "clientCount": 0,
- "clientUsage": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "others": 0,
- "wifiInterference": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:43:00Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "wifiInterference",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 0
}, - {
- "classifier": "clientCount",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 0
}, - {
- "classifier": "clientUsage",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 0
}, - {
- "classifier": "others",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 0
], - "metric": "capacity",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": 34
}, - "topAPsAffected": {
- "clientCount": [ ],
- "clientUsage": [ ],
- "others": [ ],
- "wifiInterference": [ ]
}, - "topUsersAffected": {
- "clientCount": [ ],
- "clientUsage": [ ],
- "others": [ ],
- "wifiInterference": [ ]
This API is use to get QoE Roaming data applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Roaming data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoaming": 1.1,
- "numberOfRecords": 80,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 34,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 46
}, - "time": "2021-01-08T09:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoaming": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 120,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 100,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 20
}, - "time": "2021-01-08T18:00:00Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "slowStandardRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 0,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 0,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 0,
- "nbTotalFailedEvents": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 0
}, - {
- "classifier": "slow11rRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 21931.5,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 21931.5,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 87726,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 87726,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 2,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 2,
- "nbTotalFailedEvents": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 50
}, - {
- "classifier": "slowOkcRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 11040.75,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 11040.75,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 44163,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 44163,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 2,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 2,
- "nbTotalFailedEvents": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 50
], - "metric": "roaming",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": 0
}, - "summary": null
This API is used to get the Coverage Classifiers to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRSSI": -57,
- "averageSNR": 45,
- "downlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 7,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 6,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 1,
- "others": 1,
- "uplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "weakSignal": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z"
}, - {
- "dataset": {
- "averageRSSI": -57,
- "averageSNR": 46,
- "downlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "numberOfRecords": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsAboveThreshold": 8,
- "numberOfRecordsBelowThreshold": 0,
- "others": 0,
- "uplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "weakSignal": 0
}, - "time": "2024-09-13T11:43:00Z"
], - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "downlinkAsymmetry",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "uplinkAsymmetry",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "weakSignal",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
}, - {
- "classifier": "others",
- "dataset": {
- "numberClassifiedFailedRecords": 8,
- "numberFailedRecords": 8
], - "metric": "coverage",
- "request": {
- "endDate": "2024-09-13T12:33:00Z",
- "interval": 600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2024-09-13T11:33:00Z",
- "threshold": -66
}, - "topApsAffected": {
- "downlinkAsymmetry": [ ],
- "others": [
- {
- "affectedByDownlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "affectedByOtherReason": 8,
- "affectedByUplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "affectedByWeakSignal": 0,
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1201",
- "apVersion": "4.0.8",
- "averageRSSI": -58.47,
- "averageTxPower": 18.234043,
- "distinctClientCount": 4,
- "numberOfUserReports": 47,
- "numberOfUserReportsBelowThreshold": 8,
- "siteName": "ALE Site"
], - "uplinkAsymmetry": [ ],
- "weakSignal": [ ]
}, - "topUsersAffected": {
- "downlinkAsymmetry": [ ],
- "others": [
- {
- "affectedByDownlinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "affectedByOtherReason": 8,
- "affectedByUplinkAsymmetry": 0,
- "affectedByWeakSignal": 0,
- "averageAsymmetry": 7,
- "averageNoise": -102.09091,
- "averageRSSI": -69.91,
- "distinctAps": 1,
- "latestAuthType": "PSK_WPA2",
- "latestBand": "5GHz",
- "latestChannel": 36,
- "latestDeviceOS": "Windows",
- "latestDeviceType": "Mobile",
- "latestHostname": "Name phone",
- "latestMode": "802.11ac (5G VHT40)",
- "latestSSID": "SSID",
- "latestUsername": "",
- "numberOfUserReports": 11,
- "numberOfUserReportsBelowThreshold": 8,
- "staMac": "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF"
], - "uplinkAsymmetry": [ ],
- "weakSignal": [ ]
This API is use to get QoE Roaming Classifiers data applied to a given scope in a specified period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is ap. Note: when scope is ap, all the MAC Address shoud belong to the same site |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "QoE Romaing Classifiers data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "metric": "roaming",
- "request": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "60269eac49be0b184813fac9"
}, - "startDate": "2021-01-01T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "endDate": "2021-02-06T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "threshold": 0.81
}, - "consolidatedData": {
- "slow11rRoams": {
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 60,
- "nbRecordAboveThreshold": 1,
- "nbRecordClassifierTooLong": 0
}, - "meta": {
- "SSID": "SSID01",
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "deviceOS": "Windows",
- "connectionMode": "802.1x",
- "deviceType": "Laptop",
- "wifiBand": "5GHz",
- "hostname": "PC-Name",
- "wifiChannel": "9"
}, - "time": "2021-01-06T00:00:00Z"
}, - "slowOkcRoams": {
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 2679914.8,
- "nbRecordAboveThreshold": 1,
- "nbRecordClassifierTooLong": 0
}, - "meta": {
- "SSID": "SSID",
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11AC_VHT20",
- "deviceOS": "Android",
- "deviceType": "Mobile",
- "hostname": "android-381b94129c23283b",
- "wifiBand": "5GHz",
- "wifiChannel": "36"
}, - "time": "2021-01-08T00:00:00Z"
}, - "slowStandardRoams": {
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF": [
- {
- "dataset": {
- "averageTimeClassifierItem": 2679915.8,
- "nbRecordAboveThreshold": 0,
- "nbRecordClassifierTooLong": 0
}, - "meta": {
- "SSID": "SSID",
- "apMac": "DC:00:12:34:AB:CD",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11AC_VHT20",
- "deviceOS": "Android",
- "deviceType": "Mobile",
- "hostname": "android-381b94129c23283b",
- "wifiBand": "5GHz",
- "wifiChannel": "36"
}, - "time": "2021-02-08T00:00:00Z"
}, - "classifiers": [
- {
- "classifier": "slowStandardRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 0,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 0,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 0,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 0,
- "numberFailedRecords": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 0
}, - {
- "classifier": "slow11rRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 21931.5,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 21931.5,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 87726,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 87726,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 2,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 2,
- "numberFailedRecords": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 50
}, - {
- "classifier": "slowOkcRoams",
- "dataset": {
- "averageRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 11040.75,
- "averageRoamingTimeOfEventOfThisClassifier": 11040.75,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfAllEventsOfThisClassifier": 44163,
- "cumulatedRoamingTimeOfEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 44163,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierAboveThreshold": 2,
- "nbEventsOfThisClassifierBelowThreshold": 2,
- "numberFailedRecords": 4,
- "percentageOfEventOfThisClassifierConsideringEventsAboveThreshold": 50
This API is used to get the Link uptime/downtime of Access Points.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
devType required | string "devType" is the target: ap, switch_sn or all. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": [
- {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "time": "string",
- "dataset": {
- "averageUptime": 0,
- "rangeAllDevices": 0,
- "averagePercentUptime": 0,
- "nbDevicespDown": 0
], - "metric": "string",
- "request": {
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "interval": 0,
- "scope": {
- "type": "string",
- "value": [
- null
}, - "devType": "string"
}, - "summary": {
- "averageUptime": 0,
- "rangeAllDevices": 0,
- "averagePercentUptime": 0,
- "nbDevicespDown": 0
This API is used to request the activation of a susbcription for a given organization. Once the application has been submitted, it will be processed and approved or rejected. You will receive an e-mail when your request has been processed.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
aleRepresentativeNames required | Array of any An array of ALE representative names. At least one is required. |
aleRepresentativeEmails required | Array of any An array of ALE representative e-mail addresses. At least one is required. |
startDate required | string The start date expected of the subscription. (In format: YYYY-MM-DD , eg 2021-07-03). |
expectedDuration required | integer <int32> The expected duration of the subscription (Between 90 and 360 days). 90 days is the default value. In you want to request more, you will have to specific a business argument. |
partnerCRDID | string The CRD ID of the partner. (If known) |
partnerName | string The name of the partner. (If known) |
partnerContactName | string The contact name of the partner. (If known) |
partnerContactEmail | string The contact email of the partner. (If known) |
allowedDevices required | string The requested number of devices allowed to be managed inside the subscription (Between 20 and 10 000). 20 days is the default value. In you want to request more, you will have to specific a business argument. |
businessArgument | string A business argument. Mandatory if you change the default value of expectedDuration of allowedDevices properties. |
isRAPRequested | boolean The status to check the request allow organization is RAP or not |
{- "aleRepresentativeNames": [
- null
], - "aleRepresentativeEmails": [
- null
], - "startDate": "string",
- "expectedDuration": 0,
- "partnerCRDID": "string",
- "partnerName": "string",
- "partnerContactName": "string",
- "partnerContactEmail": "string",
- "allowedDevices": "string",
- "businessArgument": "string",
- "isRAPRequested": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The subscription request has been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "status": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "id": "66e44b81441cedb2cf8a7034",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "subRef": "TRIAL-20CB2D51",
- "type": "TRIAL",
- "licenseMode": null,
- "aleRepresentativeNames": {
- "list": [
- "name"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
}, - "partnerName": "21312321dsafds",
- "partnerCRDID": "namepartner",
- "partnerContactName": "John Doe",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2024-09-13",
- "endDate": "2024-12-12",
- "newEndDate": null,
- "expectedDuration": 90,
- "allowedDevices": 20,
- "newAllowedDevices": 20,
- "businessArgument": "",
- "plmNotes": "",
- "isRAPRequested": false,
- "isRAPApproved": false,
- "organization": "64fad0b6930fef0d55f72",
- "requestedBy": "642ecd38efcb50deb5cea",
- "approvalStatus": "WAITING_APPROVAL"
This API is used to get the subscription attached to a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The subscription has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "status": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "id": "66e44b81441cedb2cf8a7034",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "subRef": "TRIAL-20CB2D51",
- "type": "TRIAL",
- "licenseMode": null,
- "aleRepresentativeNames": {
- "list": [
- "name"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
}, - "partnerName": "21312321dsafds",
- "partnerCRDID": "namepartner",
- "partnerContactName": "John Doe",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2024-09-13",
- "endDate": "2024-12-12",
- "newEndDate": null,
- "expectedDuration": 90,
- "allowedDevices": 20,
- "newAllowedDevices": 20,
- "businessArgument": "",
- "plmNotes": "",
- "isRAPRequested": false,
- "isRAPApproved": false,
- "organization": "64fad0b6930fef0d55f72",
- "requestedBy": "642ecd38efcb50deb5cea",
- "approvalStatus": "APPROVED"
This API is used to request more device or request to extend the end date of an approved susbcription. Once the request has been sent, it will be processed and approved or rejected. You will receive an e-mail when your request has been processed.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
subId required | string This is a path param for subId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
newEndDate required | string The new expected end date for the subscription, if you don't want to extend it, send its current end date. (In format: YYYY-MM-DD , eg 2021-07-03). |
newAllowedDevices required | integer <int32> The new requested number of devices to be managed inside the subscription (Between the current number of allowedDevices and 10 000), if you don't want to extend it, send its current value. |
businessArgument required | string A business argument, explaining why do you want more device or extend the end date. |
isRAPRequested | boolean The status to check the request allow organization is RAP or not |
{- "newEndDate": "string",
- "newAllowedDevices": 0,
- "businessArgument": "string",
- "isRAPRequested": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The update subscription request has been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "status": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "id": "66e44b81441cedb2cf8a7034",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "subRef": "TRIAL-20CB2D51",
- "type": "TRIAL",
- "licenseMode": null,
- "aleRepresentativeNames": {
- "list": [
- "name"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
}, - "partnerName": "21312321dsafds",
- "partnerCRDID": "namepartner",
- "partnerContactName": "John Doe",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2024-09-13",
- "endDate": "2024-12-12",
- "newEndDate": null,
- "expectedDuration": 90,
- "allowedDevices": 20,
- "newAllowedDevices": 20,
- "businessArgument": "Business argument: text sample",
- "plmNotes": "",
- "isRAPRequested": false,
- "isRAPApproved": false,
- "organization": "64fad0b6930fef0d55f72",
- "requestedBy": "642ecd38efcb50deb5cea",
- "approvalStatus": "UPDATE_REQUESTED"
This API is used to request more devices or to request to extend the end date of an expired susbcription. Once the request has been sent, it will be processed and approved or rejected. You will receive an e-mail when your request has been processed.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
subId required | string This is a path param for subId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
newEndDate required | string The new expected end date for the subscription, if you don't want to extend it, send its current end date. (In format: YYYY-MM-DD , eg 2021-07-03). |
newAllowedDevices required | integer <int32> The new requested number of devices to be managed inside the subscription (Between the current number of allowedDevices and 10 000), if you don't want to extend it, send its current value. |
businessArgument required | string A business argument, explaining why do you want more device or extend the end date. |
{- "newEndDate": "string",
- "newAllowedDevices": 0,
- "businessArgument": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The update subscription request has been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "status": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "id": "66e44b81441cedb2cf8a7034",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:26:09.494Z",
- "subRef": "TRIAL-20CB2D51",
- "type": "TRIAL",
- "licenseMode": null,
- "aleRepresentativeNames": {
- "list": [
- "name"
}, - "aleRepresentativeEmails": {
- "list": [
- ""
}, - "partnerName": "21312321dsafds",
- "partnerCRDID": "namepartner",
- "partnerContactName": "John Doe",
- "partnerContactEmail": "",
- "startDate": "2024-09-13",
- "endDate": "2024-12-12",
- "newEndDate": "2025-12-12",
- "expectedDuration": 90,
- "allowedDevices": 20,
- "newAllowedDevices": 20,
- "businessArgument": "Business argument: text sample",
- "plmNotes": "",
- "isRAPRequested": false,
- "isRAPApproved": false,
- "organization": "64fad0b6930fef0d55f72",
- "requestedBy": "642ecd38efcb50deb5cea",
- "approvalStatus": "RENEWAL_REQUESTED"
This API is used to export activities for a given user between two dates
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Timestamp,Action,User,Organization,Site,Description Thu Nov 26 2020 14:59:36,Add Site 'ALE',,ALE,ALE NAME,Creation of a new site 'ALE NAME' Thu Nov 26 2020 14:59:53,Add Building 'Building West',,ALE,ALE NAME,Creation of a new building 'Batiment A' Thu Nov 26 2020 15:17:21,Add Floor '1st floor' inside Building 'Building West',,ALE,ALE NAME,Creation of a new floor 'Etage 1' Thu Nov 26 2020 15:59:04,Add Device 'switch R&D' into inventory,,ALE,ALE NAME,Creation of a new device '00:11:22:33:44:11 (OAW-OS6860E-U2)' Thu Nov 26 2020 15:59:15,Update Settings of the Device 'switch R&D',,ALE,ALE Paris,Update of the device '00:11:22:33:44:84 (OAW-U28)' Thu Nov 26 2020 16:00:10,Add Device 'switch Meeting Room 1',,ALE,ALE NAME,Creation of new devices: '18:64:72:CF:76:C1 (OAW-AP1201)', '00:0B:86:B5:85:07 (OAW-4030)', '00:0B:86:B5:78:37 (OAW-4030)', '00:0B:86:6D:37:2C (OAW-4704)', 'DC:08:56:00:34:B0 (OAW-AP1231)', '34:E7:0B:00:17:20 (OAW-AP1101)' Thu Nov 26 2020 16:09:26,,,Microsoft S.A.,-,Update of the organization 'Microsoft S.A.'
This API allows to fetch all wall types available in the solution. (The wall type id is required to create a new wall)
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Wall types have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.299Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.299Z",
- "id": "5e8301192fc7813aa1228cf4",
- "name": "CONCRETE_WALL",
- "description": "Concrete wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 16,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 20,
- "color": "#f7a733"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.554Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.554Z",
- "id": "5e8301192fc7813aa1228cf5",
- "name": "HOLLOW_BRICK_WALL",
- "description": "Hollow Brick Wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 5,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 18,
- "color": "#31f127"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.909Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:41.909Z",
- "id": "5e8301192fc7813aa1228cf6",
- "name": "GYPSUM_BOARD_WALL",
- "description": "Gypsum board wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 4,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 5,
- "color": "#d0defb"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.401Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.401Z",
- "id": "5e83011a2fc7813aa1228cf7",
- "description": "Regular Glass wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 3,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 7,
- "color": "#ccffcc"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.557Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.557Z",
- "id": "5e83011a2fc7813aa1228cf8",
- "description": "Coated Glass/Reflective Glass wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 13,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 20,
- "color": "#f2fa33"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.735Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.735Z",
- "id": "5e83011a2fc7813aa1228cf9",
- "name": "WOODEN_WALL",
- "description": "Wooden wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 4,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 6,
- "color": "#78a2f3"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.764Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-03-31T08:36:42.764Z",
- "id": "5e83011a2fc7813aa1228cfa",
- "name": "METAL_PLATE_WALL",
- "description": "Metal Plate wall",
- "rssiAttenuation2_4Ghz": 13,
- "rssiAttenuation5Ghz": 25,
- "color": "#f73c33"
This API allows to fetch all walls associated to a given site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The walls have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
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- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
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- -4.411965608596803,
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "id": "66b63bf39cb6cd09d37aa",
- "name": "Wall 02",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41206,
- 48.441684
], - [
- -4.412143,
- 48.441697
], - [
- -4.41219,
- 48.441537
], - [
- -4.412103,
- 48.441522
}, - "distance": 31,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844f46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building01",
- "organization": "6422e67a5846ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "64c7d2f836abbc77484084",
- "name": "Floor02",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "6d9c3-496c-4bce-8d59-15aaf381f661.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41240817308426,
- 48.44137181010037
], - [
- -4.412227123975755,
- 48.442072865264905
], - [
- -4.4121453166008004,
- 48.441338892297736
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.44203460996616
}, - "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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- -4.412253,
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], - [
- -4.411967,
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- -4.412123,
- 48.441439
], - [
- -4.412407,
- 48.441366
], - [
- -4.412253,
- 48.441968
}, - "area": 1314,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd5846ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422e67af846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd584681494ad73d"
This API allows to fetch all walls located in a given building.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The walls have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
], - [
- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.442043506549844
}, - "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
], - [
- -4.412002,
- 48.441923
], - [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "id": "66b63bf39cb6cd09d37aa",
- "name": "Wall 02",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41206,
- 48.441684
], - [
- -4.412143,
- 48.441697
], - [
- -4.41219,
- 48.441537
], - [
- -4.412103,
- 48.441522
}, - "distance": 31,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844f46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building01",
- "organization": "6422e67a5846ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "64c7d2f836abbc77484084",
- "name": "Floor02",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "6d9c3-496c-4bce-8d59-15aaf381f661.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41240817308426,
- 48.44137181010037
], - [
- -4.412227123975755,
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], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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- [
- -4.412253,
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], - [
- -4.411967,
- 48.442037
], - [
- -4.412123,
- 48.441439
], - [
- -4.412407,
- 48.441366
], - [
- -4.412253,
- 48.441968
}, - "area": 1314,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd5846ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422e67af846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd584681494ad73d"
This API allows to fetch all walls located in a given floor of a given building.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The walls have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-09T15:55:31.023Z",
- "id": "66b63bf39cb6cd09d37aa",
- "name": "Wall 02",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41206,
- 48.441684
], - [
- -4.412143,
- 48.441697
], - [
- -4.41219,
- 48.441537
], - [
- -4.412103,
- 48.441522
}, - "distance": 31,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844f46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building01",
- "organization": "6422e67a5846ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "64c7d2f836abbc77484084",
- "name": "Floor02",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "6d9c3-496c-4bce-8d59-15aaf381f661.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41240817308426,
- 48.44137181010037
], - [
- -4.412227123975755,
- 48.442072865264905
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- -4.4121453166008004,
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], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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], - [
- -4.411967,
- 48.442037
], - [
- -4.412123,
- 48.441439
], - [
- -4.412407,
- 48.441366
], - [
- -4.412253,
- 48.441968
}, - "area": 1314,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd5846ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422e67af846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd584681494ad73d"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
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], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
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- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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- -4.412002,
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- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
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- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
This API allows to cretae a new wall in a floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the wall. |
wallTypeId required | string A unique Id of a walltype identifying the material and the color of the wall. |
{- "name": "string",
- "wallTypeId": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The wall has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
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- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
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- -4.412142634391786,
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], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
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- -4.412259,
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], - [
- -4.412002,
- 48.441923
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- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
This API allows to fetch one wall identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
wallId required | string This is a path param for wallId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wall have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
], - [
- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.442043506549844
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- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
], - [
- -4.412002,
- 48.441923
], - [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
This API allows to delete a wall identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
wallId required | string This is a path param for wallId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wall has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "wallId": "5cdbc758a3fdd568537fb9be"
This API allows to update one wall identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
wallId required | string This is a path param for wallId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the wall. |
wallTypeId required | string A unique Id of a walltype identifying the material and the color of the wall. |
{- "name": "string",
- "wallTypeId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wall has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
], - [
- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.442043506549844
}, - "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
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- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
], - [
- -4.412002,
- 48.441923
], - [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
This API allows to update the geometry of one wall identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
wallId required | string This is a path param for wallId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the wall. |
wallTypeId required | string A unique Id of a walltype identifying the material and the color of the wall. |
required | object The lat/long coordinates of the line, in geojson format. |
distance required | integer <int32> The distance value of the wall. |
distanceUnit required | string Enum: "meters" "feets" The distance unit. |
{- "name": "string",
- "wallTypeId": "string",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "string",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- 0
}, - "distance": 0,
- "distanceUnit": "meters"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The wall has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T14:52:29.835Z",
- "id": "66e451a41cedb2cf8a7042",
- "name": "Name wall",
- "geometry": {
- "type": "LineString",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412162,
- 48.441844
], - [
- -4.412154,
- 48.441593
}, - "distance": 28,
- "distanceUnit": "meters",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fd46e8944ad75d",
- "name": "Building",
- "organization": "6422e67afd56ba384ad749"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "name": "FloorName",
- "floorNumber": 2,
- "floorPlanUrl": "cfbe05e2-2311-4015-9183-499078b7e9e6.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.412405490875245,
- 48.441375368780484
], - [
- -4.412228465080262,
- 48.442082651499504
], - [
- -4.412142634391786,
- 48.44133800262708
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.442043506549844
}, - "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
], - [
- -4.412002,
- 48.441923
], - [
- -4.412259,
- 48.441955
}, - "area": 1011,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "site": "6422e833fd4686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "wallType": "6421b121fd5809554ad73c"
This API is used to get the fingerprint heatmap of a floor identified by its id, or a set of devices identified by their MAC address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
deviceMACs | string The list of AP MAC address in this floor. If it is not provided, the fingerprint is calculated with all the AP in the floor, unless, the fingerprint only takes into account the heatmap of the provided APs. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Heatmap data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "count": -60,
- "lat": 48.441437,
- "lon": -4.4127507
}, - {
- "count": -58,
- "lat": 48.44169,
- "lon": -4.412669
}, - {
- "count": -60,
- "lat": 48.441437,
- "lon": -4.4127235
}, - {
- "count": -60,
- "lat": 48.44149,
- "lon": -4.412832
This API is used to get the estimated location of clients on a given floor of a given site. This includes location for connected clients (Clients that were connected on one SSID of the network) and unconnected clients (Clients that have been detected on the floor but not connected to any SSID of the network).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Heatmap data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clients": [
- {
- "lat": 48.43877792084578,
- "lon": -4.3932035375267535,
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:00:39:61"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.43882400002334,
- "lon": -4.3932566671255575,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:09:8A:23"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.441452,
- "lon": -4.3932566671255575,
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:00:39:69"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.43877792084578,
- "lon": -4.3932035375267535,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:09:8A:26"
This API is used to get the proximity, loyalty and dwell time analytics of one polygon area in an identified floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Dwell time data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "averageDwellTime": 813,
- "highestDwellTime": 4486,
- "lowDwellTime": 2,
- "totalClientCount": 33
This API is used to get the client heatmap of an identified floor at a moment in the past.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
time required | string The historic time where to calculate the client fingerprint, it is in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Heatmap data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clients": [
- {
- "lat": 48.43877792084578,
- "lon": -4.3932035375267535,
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:00:39:61"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.43882400002334,
- "lon": -4.3932566671255575,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:09:8A:23"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.43882400002334,
- "lon": -4.3932566671255575,
- "macAddress": "34:E7:0B:00:39:69"
}, - {
- "lat": 48.43877792084578,
- "lon": -4.3932035375267535,
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:09:8A:26"
], - "time": "2021-11-17T09:00:00Z[UTC]"
This API is used to get the status of the fingerprint generation process of an identified floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Heatmap status have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "progress": 100,
- "lastHeatmapGeneratedAt": "2021-11-15T09:00:00Z",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": "2021-11-17T09:00:00Z"
This API is used to send a demand to re-genreate the fingerprint heatmap of floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
buildingId required | string This is a path param for buildingId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Heatmap status have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "status": "WAITING",
- "progress": 0,
- "lastHeatmapGeneratedAt": "2021-11-15T09:00:00Z",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": "2021-11-17T09:00:00Z"
This API is used to get the distributed channel assignment
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Channel assignement data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "band": "2.4GHz",
- "channels": [
- {
- "channel": 4,
- "nbApsUsingThisChannelInBand": 2
}, - {
- "channel": 2,
- "nbApsUsingThisChannelInBand": 1
}, - {
- "channel": 9,
- "value": 2
], - "totalNbApsUsingThisBand": 5
}, - {
- "band": "5GHz",
- "channels": [
- {
- "channel": 34,
- "nbApsUsingThisChannelInBand": 23
}, - {
- "channel": 1,
- "nbApsUsingThisChannelInBand": 13
}, - {
- "channel": 3,
- "nbApsUsingThisChannelInBand": 21
], - "totalNbApsUsingThisBand": 25
This API is used to get the Health usage of the devices in the selected scope.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
devType | string "devType" is the target: ap, switch_sn or all. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
limit required | string the number of record to fetch from the total records, ex: 10. |
offset required | string The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record, ex: 0. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Devices Summary data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "SSZ210500913",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:54:A0:40",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "floorId": "659e581322e95716e235ab32",
- "model": "OAW-AP1311",
- "mem": 63,
- "cpu": 1,
- "validTill": "2023-12-20T08:20:06.943Z",
- "flash": 5,
- "nbWireless": 0,
- "nbWired": 0,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "name": "AP-6C:20",
- "id": "657c5111a53ac4f144c9fc79",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-6C:20)",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "type": "",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1321"
}, - {
- "serialNumber": "SSZ222501860",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:9D:6C:20",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "buildingId": null,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "floorId": null,
- "model": "OAW-AP1321",
- "mem": 39,
- "cpu": 9,
- "validTill": "2023-12-20T08:20:18.877Z",
- "flash": 0,
- "nbWireless": 0,
- "nbWired": 0,
- "name": "SW17_OS6560",
- "id": "6606bf01d2eb90e7d847bf39",
- "friendlyName": " (SW17_OS6560)",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "type": "",
- "modelName": "OS6560-P48Z16"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API is used to get the Power PoE Detail of an Access Point.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
apMac required | string This is a path param for apMac |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "WLAN Analytics data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apMac": "9A:07:BE:5D:12:C1",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1311",
- "msgInfo": "Low power mode: Disable USB & PSE",
- "poeLevel": "802.3af",
- "powerManage": false,
- "powerMode": "POE",
- "radios": [
- {
- "band": "5GHz",
- "radio": "wifi1",
- "timestamp": "2023-12-01T10:44:56.000Z",
- "txChainMask": 3
}, - {
- "band": "2.4GHz",
- "radio": "wifi0",
- "timestamp": "2023-12-01T10:44:56.000Z",
- "txChainMask": 3
This API is used to get the Radio Frequency Detail of an Access Point.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
apMac required | string This is a path param for apMac |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "WLAN Analytics data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:77:C0:00",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1451",
- "radios": [
- {
- "band": "2.4GHz",
- "bandwidth": 20,
- "channel": 6,
- "channelUtilization": 32,
- "noiseFloor": -104,
- "radio": "wifi0",
- "timestamp": "2023-12-01T11:15:18.000Z",
- "txChainMask": 3,
- "txPower": 5
}, - {
- "band": "5GHz",
- "bandwidth": 20,
- "channel": 56,
- "channelUtilization": 3,
- "noiseFloor": -107,
- "radio": "wifi1",
- "timestamp": "2023-12-01T11:15:18.000Z",
- "txChainMask": 255,
- "txPower": 14
], - "rfProfileID": 85,
- "rfProfileName": "20230328_01"
This API is used to get the CPU and Memory usage of AccessPoint in the selected scope.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
macAddress required | string This is the mac address of one device. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this device. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Access Point Health data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "cpu": 5,
- "flash": 5,
- "memory": 12,
- "time": "2023-07-20T23:57:36.558Z"
}, - {
- "cpu": 35,
- "flash": 5,
- "memory": 72,
- "time": "2023-07-21T02:33:00Z"
}, - {
- "cpu": 55,
- "flash": 51,
- "memory": 2,
- "time": "2023-07-21T05:33:00Z"
This API is used to get the channel utilization percentage.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Channel utilization data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "bands": [
- {
- "band": "2.4GHz",
- "channels": [
- {
- "averageUsage": 43.5,
- "channel": 1
}, - {
- "averageUsage": 44.17,
- "channel": 6
}, - {
- "averageUsage": 30.33,
- "channel": 11
], - "totalAverage": 41.13
}, - {
- "band": "5GHz",
- "channels": [
- {
- "averageUsage": 10.5,
- "channel": 40
}, - {
- "averageUsage": 2.67,
- "channel": 44
}, - {
- "averageUsage": 2,
- "channel": 48
}, - {
- "averageUsage": 2,
- "channel": 56
], - "totalAverage": 5.53
], - "request": {
- "endDate": "2023-12-20T07:53:10Z",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "scope": {
- "type": "site",
- "value": [
- "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756"
}, - "startDate": "2023-12-20T07:38:10Z",
- "interval": 300
This API is used to get the current neighbor Access Points and the current channel utilization for each AP in an identified floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Neighbor Access Point data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "pingTime": 1719837531,
- "createdAt": "2024-03-29T13:06:09.927Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-16T08:47:17.040Z",
- "id": "6606bcc1d2eb90e7d847bf1a",
- "name": "SW13_OS6860",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": " (SW13_OS6860)",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:CC:25:6D",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ222003001",
- "deviceFamily": "AOS",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Brest,",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.91.R04",
- "workingMode": null,
- "lastSeenTime": 1726476328,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "JSZ222003001",
- "calculatedMacAddress": "94:24:E1:CC:25:6D",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "group": null,
- "building": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "floor": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "license": null,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": null,
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "",
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "flashThreshold": 75,
- "memoryThreshold": 80,
- "cpuThreshold": 80,
- "bleMac": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": "",
- "txPower": "",
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "beaconMode": "",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": null,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-16T08:47:17.040Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 15,
- "chassisInfo": [
- {
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:CC:25:6D",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ222003001",
- "modelName": "OS6860E-P24",
- "role": "master",
- "partNumber": "904059-90",
- "vcName": "JSZ222003001 [1/1]"
], - "currentRunningDirectory": "working",
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceNaasMode": "CAPEX",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "master",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904059-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "94:24:e1:cc:25:6d",
- "upTime": 0,
- "changes": "Certified",
- "switchSynchronized": "synchronized",
- "featureIds": [
- "advanced"
], - "ipv4Address": "",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "8.9.91.R04",
- "lldpSwitch": false,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1726476436,
- "modelName": "OS6860E-P24",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-68",
- "ipv6Address": "",
- "workMode": "",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1726476436,
- "neighbors": [ ],
- "bands": [ ],
- "clientNumber": 0,
- "groupId": null
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2024-05-22T15:25:53.181Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-16T08:47:35.938Z",
- "id": "664e0e81c12bc4aff7d42905",
- "name": "AP-4B:40",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe2a:4b40",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-4B:40)",
- "macAddress": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ191500277",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- -4.412247,
- 48.441863
}, - "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVNG",
- "lastSeenTime": 1726476242,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "group": "659bcfb6a554f30cb9f80e9e",
- "building": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "floor": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "license": null,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": null,
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshIsRoot": true,
- "meshBand": "5G",
- "meshEssid": "Stellar-MESH",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "64",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "Unsupported",
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:2A:4B:5F",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 10240,
- "txPower": 1,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-16T08:47:35.938Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 5,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceNaasMode": "CAPEX",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904009-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "upTime": 240897,
- "meshLevel": 0,
- "meshMode": "Mesh",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "meshRole": "Root",
- "rootMacAddress": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "ipv4Address": "",
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1726235602,
- "channel": 7,
- "ipv6Address": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe2a:4b40",
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "version": "",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1726476455,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1201",
- "licenseCategory": "OVCX-APL",
- "workMode": "Mesh",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1726476455,
- "upgradeSchedule": {
- "id": 9,
- "scheduleName": "sadfa",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 21 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1721862000000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1726513200000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 1726513200000,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "clientNumber": 1,
- "groupId": "100",
- "neighbors": [
- {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:08:D3:D0",
- "apName": "FRBRENEAP-B23P",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe08:d3d0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:08:EF:D0",
- "apName": "FRBRENEAP-B24P",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe08:efd0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:08:F0:B0",
- "apName": "FRBRENEAP-B22P",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe08:f0b0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:08:FB:90",
- "apName": "FRBRENEAP-B21P",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe08:fb90",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:09:87:A0",
- "apName": "",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe09:87a0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "OFFLINE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:09:ED:10",
- "apName": "FRBRENEAP-B25P",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe09:ed10",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:13:8D:20",
- "apName": "AP-8D:20",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe13:8d20",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:26:66:40",
- "apName": "AP-66:40",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "::",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:30:71:A0",
- "apName": "AP-71:A0",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe30:71a0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:3F:9A:20",
- "apName": "AP-9A:20",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe3f:9a20",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "WIRELESS_AGEING"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:6A:44:80",
- "apName": "AP-44:80",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe6a:4480",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:79:23:C0",
- "apName": "AP-23:C0",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe79:23c0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
}, - {
- "apMac": "9A:07:BE:5D:12:C1",
- "apName": "AP-CD:A0",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe9b:cda0",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "lon": -4.412054,
- "lat": 48.44191,
- "floor": {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-31T15:27:52.982Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-09T15:51:57.759Z",
- "id": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "name": "B0",
- "floorNumber": 0,
- "floorPlanUrl": "6d5929c3-496c-4bce-8d59-15aaf381f661.png",
- "floorPlanImageCoordinates": {
- "type": "MultiPoint",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- -4.41240817308426,
- 48.44137181010037
], - [
- -4.412227123975755,
- 48.442072865264905
], - [
- -4.4121453166008004,
- 48.441338892297736
], - [
- -4.411965608596803,
- 48.44203460996616
}, - "relativeAltitude": 0,
- "areaGeometry": {
- "type": "Polygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- -4.412253,
- 48.441968
], - [
- -4.411967,
- 48.442037
], - [
- -4.412123,
- 48.441439
], - [
- -4.412407,
- 48.441366
], - [
- -4.412253,
- 48.441968
}, - "area": 1314,
- "areaUnit": "squareMeters",
- "building": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749"
}, - "building": {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-28T13:14:44.046Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-28T13:14:44.046Z",
- "id": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "name": "B",
- "site": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "organization": "6422e67afd5846ba384ad749"
}, - {
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:9D:6C:20",
- "apName": "AP-6C:20",
- "apVersion": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "fe80::de08:56ff:fe9d:6c20",
- "ovIp": "",
- "state": "ACTIVE"
], - "bands": [
- {
- "bandName": "2.4GHz",
- "channelAverageUsage": 42,
- "channelName": 3,
- "channelWidth": 20,
- "txPower": 16
}, - {
- "bandName": "5GHz",
- "channelAverageUsage": 25,
- "channelName": 36,
- "channelWidth": 40,
- "txPower": 19
This API is used to get Rogue/Interfering Access Points detected by all Access Points or by only one identified Access Points located in a floor.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
floorId required | string This is a path param for floorId |
apMac | string This is the mac address of one access point in the floor. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this access point, unless it is calculated by all access points in the floor. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Rogue/Interference Access Point data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apMac": "00:19:CB:52:79:9E",
- "apName": "AP-79:9E",
- "apType": "interference-ap",
- "black": 0,
- "chanchangeNum": 0,
- "channel": 11,
- "encrypt": null,
- "eventTime": "2021-11-29 11:23:50",
- "netType": "ap",
- "rssi": -71,
- "ssid": "INTERNET-OTC",
- "staMac": "",
- "staNum": 0,
- "lon": -4.412205,
- "lat": 48.441658
}, - {
- "apMac": "00:1E:2A:F6:7D:74",
- "apName": "AP-7D:74",
- "apType": "interference-ap",
- "black": 0,
- "chanchangeNum": 0,
- "channel": 11,
- "encrypt": null,
- "eventTime": "2021-11-29 11:23:09",
- "netType": "ap",
- "rssi": -64,
- "ssid": "NETGEAR",
- "staMac": "",
- "staNum": 0,
- "lon": -4.4121513,
- "lat": 48.44175
}, - {
- "apMac": "18:64:72:05:B4:10",
- "apName": "AP-B4:10",
- "apType": "interference-ap",
- "black": 0,
- "chanchangeNum": 0,
- "channel": 60,
- "encrypt": null,
- "eventTime": "2021-11-29 11:34:56",
- "netType": "ap",
- "rssi": -72,
- "ssid": "TSG-NET",
- "staMac": "",
- "staNum": 0,
- "lon": -4.412205,
- "lat": 48.441658
This API is used to get the list of connected clients in a given period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client List data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clients": [
- {
- "time": "2021-08-17T11:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": null,
- "numberOfWiredClients": null
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T12:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": null,
- "numberOfWiredClients": null
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T13:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": null,
- "numberOfWiredClients": null
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T14:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 12,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T15:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 80,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T16:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 40,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T17:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 17,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T18:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 0,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T19:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 9,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-09-17T20:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 23,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-10-17T21:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 55,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
}, - {
- "time": "2021-08-17T22:34:57.702Z",
- "numberOfClients": 10,
- "numberOfWiredClients": 30
], - "totalClients": 3,
- "totalWired": 1,
- "totalWireless": 2
This API is used to get the list of historical client sessions in period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap, sta. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client sessions have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "terminatedReason": "DISCONNECT_TICKET",
- "liveTime": null,
- "rxWifiRate": null,
- "apVersion": "",
- "downPackage": null,
- "rssi": null,
- "rxRate": null,
- "createdReason": "AUTH_REPORT",
- "clientMac": "13:76:D0:A1:90:8E",
- "radioId": null,
- "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-02T03:06:02.000Z",
- "auth8021xName": null,
- "channel": null,
- "upPackage": null,
- "deviceType": null,
- "ssid": "Stellar-MESH",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "rxBytes": null,
- "wlanId": null,
- "perDownRate": null,
- "signal": null,
- "wifiMode": "UNKNOWN",
- "vap": null,
- "band": null,
- "sessionDuration": 14,
- "apLocation": "78:24:59:0a:52:812/1/2",
- "rxError": null,
- "globalUnicastIpv6": null,
- "roamLastAp": null,
- "floorId": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "apSessionId": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10/13:76:D0:A1:90:8E/Stellar-MESH/1725246348357744",
- "upTime": null,
- "tunnelId": null,
- "mode": null,
- "clientIp": null,
- "lastEventReceivedAt": "2024-09-02T03:06:02.000Z",
- "apIp": "",
- "txBytes": null,
- "farEndIp": null,
- "vlanId": null,
- "deviceName": null,
- "osType": null,
- "terminated": true,
- "downRate": null,
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "clientSessionId": "13:76:D0:A1:90:8E/Stellar-MESH/1725246348357744",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1201",
- "portalUsername": null,
- "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-02T03:05:48.000Z",
- "authType": null,
- "arp": null,
- "apMac": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "pmf": null,
- "apName": "AP-5C:10",
- "perUpRate": null,
- "clientMacType": "UNIVERSAL",
- "txRate": null,
- "upRate": null,
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d"
}, - {
- "terminatedReason": "DISCONNECT_TICKET",
- "liveTime": null,
- "rxWifiRate": null,
- "apVersion": "",
- "downPackage": null,
- "rssi": null,
- "rxRate": null,
- "createdReason": "AUTH_REPORT",
- "clientMac": "13:76:D0:A1:90:8E",
- "radioId": null,
- "sessionEndTime": "2024-09-02T03:06:23.000Z",
- "auth8021xName": null,
- "channel": null,
- "upPackage": null,
- "deviceType": null,
- "ssid": "Stellar-MESH",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "rxBytes": null,
- "wlanId": null,
- "perDownRate": null,
- "signal": null,
- "wifiMode": "UNKNOWN",
- "vap": null,
- "band": null,
- "sessionDuration": 9,
- "apLocation": "78:24:59:0a:52:812/1/2",
- "rxError": null,
- "globalUnicastIpv6": null,
- "roamLastAp": null,
- "floorId": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "apSessionId": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10/13:76:D0:A1:90:8E/Stellar-MESH/1725246373776531",
- "upTime": null,
- "tunnelId": null,
- "mode": null,
- "clientIp": null,
- "lastEventReceivedAt": "2024-09-02T03:06:23.000Z",
- "apIp": "",
- "txBytes": null,
- "farEndIp": null,
- "vlanId": null,
- "deviceName": null,
- "osType": null,
- "terminated": true,
- "downRate": null,
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "clientSessionId": "13:76:D0:A1:90:8E/Stellar-MESH/1725246373776531",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1201",
- "portalUsername": null,
- "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-02T03:06:13.000Z",
- "authType": null,
- "arp": null,
- "apMac": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "pmf": null,
- "apName": "AP-5C:10",
- "perUpRate": null,
- "clientMacType": "UNIVERSAL",
- "txRate": null,
- "upRate": null,
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d"
This API is used to get the list of historical wired client sessions in period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap, sta. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "errorCode": 400,
- "errorMsg": "Bad Request",
- "errors": [
- {
- "type": "any.required",
- "field": "<AttributeName>",
- "errorMsg": "<AttributeName> is required"
This API is used to get the list of Online Wireless client's sessions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap, sta. |
scopeId[] required | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client sessions have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "terminatedReason": null,
- "clientIp": "",
- "apIp": "",
- "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-16T06:55:35.000Z",
- "apVersion": "",
- "farEndIp": "",
- "vlanId": 0,
- "deviceName": "Pixel-8-Pro",
- "osType": "",
- "createdReason": "AUTH_REPORT",
- "clientMac": "64:B9:4D:50:D1:AC",
- "sessionEndTime": null,
- "radioId": 1,
- "auth8021xName": null,
- "channel": 36,
- "terminated": false,
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "deviceType": "",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1201",
- "ssid": "ovng-dev-font",
- "portalUsername": null,
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "wlanId": 4,
- "authType": "PSK_WPA2",
- "arp": "arp__ovng-dev-font",
- "vap": "ef:19:64:7e:5c:22",
- "sessionDuration": 9162,
- "apMac": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "apLocation": "78:24:59:0a:52:812/1/2",
- "apName": "DEVICE-5C:10",
- "globalUnicastIpv6": "fe80::542d:6bff:fe21:f0cd",
- "roamLastAp": null,
- "floorId": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "band": "5GHz",
- "apSessionId": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10/64:B9:4D:50:D1:AC/ovng-dev-font/1726469735579256",
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "clientMacType": "PRIVATE",
- "wifiMode": "802.11ac (5G VHT40)",
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "mode": 18
}, - {
- "terminatedReason": null,
- "clientIp": "",
- "apIp": "",
- "sessionStartTime": "2024-09-16T07:22:10.000Z",
- "apVersion": "",
- "farEndIp": "",
- "vlanId": 0,
- "deviceName": "Pixel-5-C",
- "osType": "Windows",
- "createdReason": "AUTH_REPORT",
- "clientMac": "13:76:D0:A1:90:8E",
- "sessionEndTime": null,
- "radioId": 1,
- "auth8021xName": null,
- "channel": 36,
- "terminated": false,
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "deviceType": "Computer",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1311",
- "ssid": "ovng-dev-font",
- "portalUsername": null,
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "wlanId": 4,
- "authType": "PSK_WPA2",
- "arp": "arp__ovng-dev-font",
- "vap": "ef:19:64:7e:5c:c6",
- "sessionDuration": 7567,
- "apMac": "EF:19:64:7E:5C:10",
- "apLocation": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OAW-AP1201 eth0",
- "apName": "AP-5C:10",
- "globalUnicastIpv6": "fe80::d080:4ff:fe24:23d8",
- "roamLastAp": null,
- "floorId": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "band": "5GHz",
- "apSessionId": "9A:07:BE:5D:12:C1/13:76:D0:A1:90:8E/ovng-dev-font/1726471330027076",
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "clientMacType": "PRIVATE",
- "wifiMode": "802.11ac (5G VHT40)",
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "mode": 18
This API is used to get the summary of a wireless client.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Wireless client sessions summary has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "avgRssi": -74,
- "deviceName": "PC-openstack04",
- "nbDistinctAps": 1,
- "nbRoamings": 0,
- "nbSessions": 5,
- "pmf": true,
- "staMac": "00:1E:2A:C8:2F:DB",
- "totalRxBytes": 25249,
- "totalSessionsDuration": 4280,
- "totalTxBytes": 25398
This API is used to get the summary of a wired client.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Wired client sessions summary has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "hostname": "QKJTS device",
- "nbDistinctAps": 1,
- "nbDistinctPorts": 2,
- "nbSessions": 3,
- "staMac": "BF:00:00:00:00:0E",
- "totalRxBytes": 30738371,
- "totalSessionsDuration": 16992825,
- "totalTxBytes": 30779623
This API is used to get the throughput consumption (Rx/Tx).
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Throughput consumption have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "chronology": [
- {
- "time": "2024-02-16T11:36:00.000Z",
- "wired_rx": 0,
- "rx": 1073,
- "tx": 824,
- "wired_tx": 0
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-16T11:41:00.000Z",
- "wired_rx": null,
- "rx": null,
- "tx": null,
- "wired_tx": null
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-16T11:46:00.000Z",
- "wired_rx": 0,
- "rx": 22576,
- "tx": 7081,
- "wired_tx": 0
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-16T11:51:00.000Z",
- "wired_rx": 0,
- "rx": 14002,
- "tx": 19645,
- "wired_tx": 0
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-16T11:56:00.000Z",
- "wired_rx": 0,
- "rx": 487743,
- "tx": 9209145,
- "wired_tx": 0
This API is used to get TX power history of a given device by providing the device mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
macAddress required | string This is the mac address of one device. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this device. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Tx Power History of a given device have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "data": [
- {
- "txpower": 5,
- "bandGhz": "2.4GHz"
}, - {
- "txpower": 14,
- "bandGhz": "5GHz"
], - "time": "2023-07-20T23:33:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "data": [
- {
- "txpower": 5,
- "bandGhz": "2.4GHz"
}, - {
- "txpower": 14,
- "bandGhz": "5GHz"
], - "time": "2023-07-21T02:33:00.000Z"
This API is used to get the channel utilization of a given device by providing the device mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
macAddress required | string This is the mac address of one device. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this device. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Channel utilization of a given device have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 300,
- "series": [
- {
- "data": [
- {
- "usage": 1,
- "bandGhz": "2.4GHz"
}, - {
- "usage": 1,
- "bandGhz": "5GHz"
], - "time": "2023-07-21T12:35:00.000Z"
This API is used to get the channel in used of a given device by providing the device mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
macAddress required | string This is the mac address of one device. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this device. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Channel in used of a given device have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "data": [
- {
- "channel": 3,
- "new_bandwidth": 20,
- "new_channel": 3,
- "prev_bandwidth": 20,
- "prev_channel": 3,
- "reason": 0,
- "bandGhz": "2.4GHz"
}, - {
- "channel": 36,
- "new_bandwidth": 40,
- "new_channel": 36,
- "prev_bandwidth": 40,
- "prev_channel": 36,
- "reason": 0,
- "bandGhz": "5GHz"
], - "time": "2023-07-21T14:09:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "data": [
- {
- "channel": 3,
- "new_bandwidth": 20,
- "new_channel": 3,
- "prev_bandwidth": 20,
- "prev_channel": 3,
- "reason": 0,
- "bandGhz": "2.4GHz"
}, - {
- "channel": 36,
- "new_bandwidth": 40,
- "new_channel": 36,
- "prev_bandwidth": 40,
- "prev_channel": 36,
- "reason": 0,
- "bandGhz": "5GHz"
], - "time": "2024-09-02T00:00:00.000Z"
This API is used to get the RSSI values evolution of a given client by providing the client mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client RSSI have been successfully fetched",
- "data": {
- "interval": 300,
- "series": [
- {
- "time": "2023-03-13T11:11:05.000Z",
- "noisefloor": -17,
- "rssi": -30
}, - {
- "time": "2023-03-13T11:16:05.000Z",
- "noisefloor": null,
- "rssi": null
}, - {
- "time": "2023-03-13T11:16:05.000Z",
- "noisefloor": -1,
- "rssi": -10
This API is used to get the Physical Rate values evolution of a given client by providing the client mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client Phy Rate evolution have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 300,
- "series": [
- {
- "time": "2023-07-24T11:34:00.000Z",
- "rx_rate": 65000,
- "tx_rate": 65000,
- "rx_wifirate": 573500,
- "tx_wifirate": 573500
}, - {
- "time": "2023-07-24T11:39:00.000Z",
- "rx_rate": null,
- "tx_rate": null,
- "rx_wifirate": null,
- "tx_wifirate": null
}, - {
- "time": "2023-07-24T11:44:00.000Z",
- "rx_rate": 65000,
- "tx_rate": 65000,
- "rx_wifirate": 573500,
- "tx_wifirate": 573500
This API is used to get the throughput values evolution of a given client by his Mac address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
mode required | string This is a path param for mode |
mode required | string Type of client. Can be 'wireless' or 'wired' |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Throughput have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "time": "2024-09-30T16:47:00.000Z",
- "tx": null,
- "rx": null
}, - {
- "time": "2024-09-30T17:47:00.000Z",
- "tx": null,
- "rx": null
This API is used to get the client distribution across Access Points.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client distribution across AP has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apMacAddress": "DC:08:56:22:AA:BB",
- "clientCount": 5,
- "totalNbClient": 6,
- "wiredClientsCount": 1
}, - {
- "apMacAddress": "DC:08:56:11:CC:DD",
- "clientCount": 1,
- "totalNbClient": 3,
- "wiredClientsCount": 2
This API is used to get the client categorization in a period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client categorization has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "associatedSSID": "20200525",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "clientMac": "C5:74:A1:BE:02:B7",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11G",
- "count": -1,
- "deviceOS": "iOS",
- "deviceType": "Mobile",
- "health": "Excellent"
}, - {
- "associatedSSID": "20200525",
- "attachedBand": "2.4GHz",
- "clientMac": "C9:83:A6:B1:C2:44",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11G",
- "count": -1,
- "deviceOS": "Android",
- "deviceType": "Mobile",
- "health": "Poor"
}, - {
- "associatedSSID": "20200525",
- "attachedBand": "5GHz",
- "clientMac": "88:A2:42:86:2C:06",
- "connectionMode": "IEEE80211_MODE_11NA_HT20",
- "count": -1,
- "deviceType": "undetermined",
- "deviceOS": "undetermined",
- "health": "Poor"
This API is used to get a distribution of sessions based on a given groupBy label.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
groupBy required | string groupBy is used to group data and calculate sum of fields. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client session list distribution data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "avgSignal": 123,
- "bytesIn": 121,
- "bytesInPerClient": 223,
- "bytesInPerSession": 21,
- "bytesOut": 23,
- "bytesOutPerClient": 33,
- "bytesOutperSession": 22,
- "bytesUsed": 12445,
- "bytesUsedPerClient": 232,
- "bytesUsedPerSession": 23,
- "label": "SSID_name_1",
- "nbClients": 232,
- "nbSessions": 32,
- "percentBytesUsed": 23,
- "percentClients": 55,
- "pcercentSessions": 75,
- "percentTime": 63,
- "time": 12213
This API is used to get criteria trend by client
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
criteria required | string Criteria is client ranking to be returned. |
client-mac[] required | string "client-mac" is an array of client mac addresses. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Data client by criteria have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "dataset": [
- {
- "label": "2021-05-31T23:00:00.000Z",
- "value": 2400
}, - {
- "label": "2021-06-01T23:00:00.000Z",
- "value": 9000
This API is used to get information about the wireless user's connected duration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
limit | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Connected durations data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "band": "2.4GHz",
- "clientMac": "BB:00:00:00:00:03",
- "connectedDuration": 3600,
- "deviceName": "Jacques Apple MacBook Pro M1",
- "deviceType": "",
- "ip": "",
- "nbSessions": 3,
- "uptimePercentage": 98,
- "username": ""
}, - {
- "band": "5GHz",
- "clientMac": "BB:00:00:00:00:05",
- "connectedDuration": 3600,
- "deviceName": "Nicole iPhone 14",
- "deviceType": "Mobile",
- "ip": "",
- "nbSessions": 1,
- "uptimePercentage": 12.87,
- "username": "NicoleNicole"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API is used to get information about the wired user's connected duration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
limit | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Connected durations data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "result": [
- {
- "clientMac": "CC:11:00:00:00:1D",
- "connectedDuration": 3600,
- "deviceName": "Acatel device",
- "ip": "",
- "nbSessions": 3,
- "uptimePercentage": 100,
- "username": "Acatel"
], - "total": 1,
- "totalFiltered": 1
This API is used to get information about the average duration of clients sessions.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Connected durations data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "durationRange": "0_10",
- "totalClients": 1,
- "wiredClientsCount": 0,
- "wirelessClientsCount": 1
}, - {
- "durationRange": "30_60",
- "totalClients": 7,
- "wiredClientsCount": 0,
- "wirelessClientsCount": 7
}, - {
- "durationRange": "60_120",
- "totalClients": 36,
- "wiredClientsCount": 1,
- "wirelessClientsCount": 35
}, - {
- "durationRange": "120_",
- "totalClients": 2,
- "wiredClientsCount": 0,
- "wirelessClientsCount": 2
This API is used to get the number of devices used on average per user.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Number of devices used per user data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "devicesPerUser": 1,
- "numberOfUsers": 12
}, - {
- "devicesPerUser": 2,
- "numberOfUsers": 8
}, - {
- "devicesPerUser": 4,
- "numberOfUsers": 1
], - "totalNumberOfUsers": 21
This API is used to get the top N Domain names and URLs accessed by clients.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
top required | integer "top" is the top number of records to retrieve. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Top URLs domain data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "nbTotalAccessUrls": 463,
- "summary": [
- {
- "domain": "",
- "count": 98
}, - {
- "domain": "",
- "count": 32
}, - {
- "domain": "",
- "count": 23
], - "chronology": [
- {
- "domain": "",
- "dataset": [
- {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T13:47:13Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 14
}, - {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T17:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 18
}, - {
- "domain": "",
- "dataset": [
- {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T13:47:13Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 1
}, - {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T17:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 9
}, - {
- "domain": "",
- "dataset": [
- {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T13:47:13Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 19
}, - {
- "startDate": "2021-02-21T15:47:13.000Z",
- "endDate": "2021-02-21T17:47:13.000Z",
- "count": 88
This API is used to know the percentage of time in which connected clients experienced poor Client Health, poor Client SNR, High Noise, High Radio Utilization and High Radio Interferences.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
topN required | string topN is the number of N highest value for the orderBy value. topN and bottomN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either topN or bottomN. |
bottomN required | string bottomN is the number of N lowest value for the orderBy value. bottomN and topN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either bottomN or topN. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client Health data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "band": "combined",
- "siteId": "60269eac49be0b184813fac9",
- "timeHighNoise": 87,
- "timeHighRadioInterference": 87,
- "timeHighRadioUtillization": 66,
- "timePoorClientHealth": 9,
- "timePoorClientSNR": 12
}, - {
- "band": "5G",
- "siteId": "60269eac49be0b184813faf1",
- "timeHighNoise": 0,
- "timeHighRadioInterference": 76,
- "timeHighRadioUtillization": 16,
- "timePoorClientHealth": 19,
- "timePoorClientSNR": 21
This API is used to get the usage over time for a given SSID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
ssidName required | string "ssid" is the SSID name of one access point. When provided, the search of SSID name will be done only of this AP. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID usages data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 516,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 553,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 79,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 223,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T00:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 655,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 902,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 743,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 122,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T01:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 399,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 630,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 599,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 974,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T02:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 603,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 69,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 67,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 522,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T03:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 899,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 152,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 657,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 480,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T04:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 829,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 495,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 655,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 232,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T05:00:00.000Z"
}, - {
- "bitsPerSecInSsid": 827,
- "bitsPerSecOutSsid": 319,
- "totalBitsPerSecIn": 371,
- "totalBitsPerSecOut": 142,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T06:00:00.000Z"
This API is used to get the number of clients connected to a given SSID over time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
ssidName required | string "ssid" is the SSID name of one access point. When provided, the search of SSID name will be done only of this AP. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID clients data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "totalClient": 133,
- "nbClients": 35,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T00:00:00Z"
}, - {
- "totalClient": 127,
- "nbClients": 34,
- "ts": "2021-04-29T01:00:00Z"
This API is used to get access points radios in a given scope.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AP Radios data have been successfully fetched..",
- "data": [
- {
- "apLocation": "78:24:59:0A:52:812/1/2",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:26:64:E0",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1321",
- "avgChannelUtilization": 0.41,
- "avgNoiseFloor": -60,
- "channelChanges": 6,
- "crcErrors": 0.28,
- "micErrors": 0.98,
- "nbClients": 3,
- "nbInterferingDevices": 9,
- "organizationId": "5ff4aac9051aa5f34a4c2025",
- "radio": "2.4GHz",
- "radioId": "wifi0",
- "rxBytes": 25362,
- "rxPhyErrors": 49.1,
- "site": "ALE Brest",
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "txBytes": 446321,
- "txPowerChanges": 1,
- "usage": 0.7,
- "organization": "ALE Brest"
}, - {
- "apLocation": "",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:13:8D:20",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1321",
- "avgChannelUtilization": 0.2,
- "avgNoiseFloor": -102.3,
- "channelChanges": 0,
- "crcErrors": 0.43,
- "micErrors": 0,
- "nbClients": 72,
- "nbInterferingDevices": 7,
- "organizationId": "5ff4aac9051aa5f34a4c2025",
- "radio": "5GHz",
- "radioId": "wifi1",
- "rxBytes": 25362,
- "rxPhyErrors": 0.28,
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "site": "ALE Brest",
- "txBytes": 446321,
- "txPowerChanges": 3,
- "usage": 0,
- "organization": "ALE Brest"
This API is used to get access points ranking based on utilization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
orderBy required | string The attribute to be sort in ranking. ENUM "maxClients", "avgUsage", "totalData", "uniqueClients" |
topN required | string topN is the number of N highest value for the orderBy value. topN and bottomN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either topN or bottomN. |
bottomN required | string bottomN is the number of N lowest value for the orderBy value. bottomN and topN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either bottomN or topN. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Utilization ranking data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apLocation": "e8:e7:32:00:53:122/1/2",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:26:64:E0",
- "apName": "AP-64:E0",
- "avgUsage": 9273707619,
- "maxClients": 4,
- "rank": 1,
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "totalData": 111284491428,
- "uniqueClients": 12
}, - {
- "apLocation": "e8:e7:32:00:53:12",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:13:8D:20",
- "apName": "AP-8D:20",
- "avgUsage": 105135471699,
- "maxClients": 3,
- "rank": 2,
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "totalData": 1156490188696,
- "uniqueClients": 11
This API is used to get SSID usage detail
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
ssidName required | string "ssid" is the SSID name of one access point. When provided, the search of SSID name will be done only of this AP. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID Detail Usage have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "avgUsageIn": 12,
- "avgUsageOut": 33,
- "interval": "2021-02-12T12:30:00Z",
- "ssid": "SSID_1",
- "maxClients": 50,
- "totalClient": 50
}, - {
- "avgUsageIn": 29,
- "avgUsageOut": 60,
- "interval": "2021-02-12T12:35:00Z",
- "ssid": "SSID_1",
- "maxClients": 3,
- "totalClient": 3
This API is used to get the radios interferences.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string the radio band frequency, accepts either 2_4G or 5G or combined. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Radios interferences data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "ts": "Thu Apr 08 2021 22:15:12 GMT+0200",
- "highInterferenceAPsCount": 32,
- "lowInterferenceAPsCount": 84
}, - {
- "ts": "Mon Apr 26 2021 15:59:16 GMT+0200",
- "highInterferenceAPsCount": 59,
- "lowInterferenceAPsCount": 47
}, - {
- "ts": "Wed Apr 28 2021 04:57:03 GMT+0200",
- "highInterferenceAPsCount": 86,
- "lowInterferenceAPsCount": 57
}, - {
- "ts": "Tue Jan 19 2021 07:49:57 GMT+0100",
- "highInterferenceAPsCount": 62,
- "lowInterferenceAPsCount": 35
}, - {
- "ts": "Mon Jan 18 2021 08:00:54 GMT+0100",
- "highInterferenceAPsCount": 1,
- "lowInterferenceAPsCount": 87
This API is used to get Client session distribution
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
groupBy required | string The data is grouped by this attributes : ENUM "deviceType", "deviceOS", "band", "connectionMode", "apModel", "apVersion", "ssid", "channel", or "vlanId" |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Sessions distribution data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "label": "3",
- "value": 12
}, - {
- "label": "36",
- "value": 21
}, - {
- "label": "Unknown",
- "value": 66
This API is used to get trend of # of radios with Low/High utilisation
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Radios utilisation data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "highUtilizationAPsCount": 23,
- "lowUtilizationAPsCount": 0,
- "ts": "2021-02-12T12:30:00Z"
}, - {
- "highUtilizationAPsCount": 2,
- "lowUtilizationAPsCount": 9,
- "ts": "2021-02-12T13:00:00Z"
This API is used to get trend of # of Radios with Low/High Noise
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Radios noise successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "ts": "2021-02-12T12:30:00.000Z",
- "highNoiseAPsCount": 23,
- "lowNoiseAPsCount": 0
}, - {
- "ts": "2021-02-12T13:00:00.000Z",
- "highNoiseAPsCount": 2,
- "lowNoiseAPsCount": 9
This API is used to get Access Points ranking order by criteria.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
orderBy required | string The attribute to be sort in ranking, ENUM “avgNoiseFloor”, “nbInterferingDevices”, “avgChannelUtilization”, “micErrors”, “crcErrors”, “rxPhyErrors”, “txPhyErrors”, “channelChanges”, “txPowerChanges”, “clientSpeed” or “maxClients”. |
topN required | string topN is the number of N highest value for the orderBy value. topN and bottomN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either topN or bottomN. |
bottomN required | string bottomN is the number of N lowest value for the orderBy value. bottomN and topN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either bottomN or topN. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AP ranking by criteria data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "apLocation": "E8:E7:32:00:53:122/1/2",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:13:8D:20",
- "avgChannelUtilization": 20.8,
- "avgNoiseFloor": -103.4,
- "channelChanges": 3,
- "crcErrors": 3211,
- "micErrors": 2133,
- "nbClients": 11,
- "nbInterferingDevices": 13,
- "organizationId": "5ff4aac9051aa5f34a4c2025",
- "rank": 1,
- "rxPhyErrors": 2122,
- "site": "ALE Brest",
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "txPowerChanges": 2,
- "usage": 15099
}, - {
- "apLocation": "",
- "apMac": "DC:08:56:13:8D:21",
- "avgChannelUtilization": 12.6,
- "avgNoiseFloor": -109,
- "channelChanges": 10,
- "crcErrors": 12322,
- "micErrors": 212,
- "nbClients": 11,
- "nbInterferingDevices": 13,
- "organizationId": "5ff4aac9051aa5f34a4c2025",
- "rank": 2,
- "rxPhyErrors": 321,
- "site": "ALE Brest",
- "siteId": "6065c721ea0f530db3a80851",
- "txPowerChanges": 2,
- "usage": 15099
This API is used to get clients list ranking order by criteria
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
orderBy required | string The attribute to be sort in ranking, ENUM "signal", "rxRate", "txRate", "rxBytes", "txBytes" or "rxError". |
topN required | string topN is the number of N highest value for the orderBy value. topN and bottomN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either topN or bottomN. |
band required | string "band" is the radio band frequency, accepts either "2_4G" or "5G" or "combined". |
bottomN required | string bottomN is the number of N lowest value for the orderBy value. bottomN and topN attributes cannot be provided in the same request. Please provide either bottomN or topN. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client ranking by criteria data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "clientMac": "C8:B2:9B:72:42:1E",
- "rank": 1,
- "rxBytes": 2711,
- "rxError": 0,
- "rxRate": 2.711,
- "sessionsLength": 353123,
- "signal": 43,
- "txBytes": 2090,
- "txRate": 2.09
}, - {
- "clientMac": "DC:08:56:26:64:E1",
- "rank": 2,
- "rxBytes": 122,
- "rxError": 34,
- "rxRate": 98,
- "sessionsLength": 2111,
- "signal": 118,
- "txBytes": 99,
- "txRate": 121
This API is used to get the top clients based on usage
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, building, floor, ap, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
topN required | string topN is the number of N clients to be returned. |
orderBy required | string The attribute to be sort in ranking, ENUM "bytesUsed", "avgRateUsage", "totalSessionsTime" or "nbSession". |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Top clients by usage data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "avgRxUsage": 53294,
- "avgTxUsage": 52176,
- "avgUsage": 3632118,
- "bytesUsed": 61746007,
- "clientMac": "30:A8:DB:9A:BD:0D",
- "connectionModes": [
- "IEEE80211_MODE_11NG_HT20",
- "IEEE80211_MODE_11AC_VHT20",
- "IEEE80211_MODE_11AC_VHT80",
- "UNKN"
], - "deviceOSs": [
- "Android"
], - "deviceTypes": [
- "Mobile"
], - "ipv4Addresses": [
- ""
], - "ipv6Addresses": [
- "fe80::32a8:dbff:fe9a:bd0d"
], - "nbSessions": 19,
- "rank": 1,
- "rxBytes": 17683163,
- "totalSessionsTime": 49120727638,
- "txBytes": 44062844,
- "usernames": [ ]
}, - {
- "avgRxUsage": 10000,
- "avgTxUsage": 3000,
- "avgUsage": 1294170,
- "bytesUsed": 9059196,
- "clientMac": "88:19:08:8C:8F:A7",
- "connectionModes": [
- "IEEE80211_MODE_11NG_HT20",
- "UNKN"
], - "deviceOSs": [
- "iOS"
], - "deviceTypes": [
- "Mobile"
], - "ipv4Addresses": [
- ""
], - "ipv6Addresses": [
- "fe80::1c81:e98d:2aa0:94f"
], - "nbSessions": 9,
- "rank": 2,
- "rxBytes": 2863263,
- "totalSessionsTime": 1895181761,
- "txBytes": 6195933,
- "usernames": [ ]
This API is used to get the summary of one switch.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "LAN Analytics data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "certifyStatus": "certified",
- "startedAt": "2023-11-17T10:46:26.459Z",
- "runningVersion": "working"
This API is used to get the PoE Status on switch ports.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Slot interface switch data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "adminEnable": true,
- "ifindex": 1034,
- "portName": "1/1/34",
- "powerActual": 0,
- "powerMax": 95000,
- "powerPriority": "low",
- "powerStatus": "powerOff"
}, - {
- "adminEnable": true,
- "ifindex": 1047,
- "portName": "1/1/47",
- "powerActual": 0,
- "powerMax": 95000,
- "powerPriority": "low",
- "powerStatus": "powerOff"
This API is used to get the Port information of a Switch.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Slot interface switch data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "ports": [
- {
- "address": "94:24:E1:09:FD:74",
- "adminStatus": "up",
- "healthPortRx1DayAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRx1HrAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRx1MinAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1DayAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1HrAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1MinAvg": 0,
- "ifindex": 1001,
- "opeStatus": "down",
- "port": "1/1/1"
}, - {
- "address": "94:24:E1:09:FD:75",
- "adminStatus": "up",
- "healthPortRx1DayAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRx1HrAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRx1MinAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1DayAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1HrAvg": 0,
- "healthPortRxTx1MinAvg": 0,
- "ifindex": 1002,
- "opeStatus": "down",
- "port": "1/1/2"
This API is used to get the switch CMM utilization summary .
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "LAN Analytics data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "oneDayAverage": {
- "cpu": 42,
- "mem": 71,
- "rx": 0,
- "rxtx": 0
}, - "oneHourAverage": {
- "cpu": 43,
- "mem": 71,
- "rx": 0,
- "rxtx": 0
}, - "oneMinuteAverage": {
- "cpu": 42,
- "mem": 72,
- "rx": 0,
- "rxtx": 0
This API is used to get the CPU and Memory usage of a switch identified by its serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
chassisId required | string This is the chassis Id of the switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this chassis. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The health evolution has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T01:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T02:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T03:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T04:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T05:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T09:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T10:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T11:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
}, - {
- "rx": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T12:00:00Z",
- "tx": 0
This API is used to get the average of the rx & rxTx per day, minute and hour of a switch identified by its serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
chassisId | string This is the chassis Id of the switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this chassis. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Throughput have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "time": "2024-02-23T08:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": 22145779,
- "tx": 14322920
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-23T09:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": null,
- "tx": null
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-23T10:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": 29904376,
- "tx": 19726693
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-23T11:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": 22525359,
- "tx": 14956913
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-23T12:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": 15120520,
- "tx": 10143522
}, - {
- "time": "2024-02-23T13:54:00.000Z",
- "rx": 30479645,
- "tx": 20700282
This API is used to get the vlan port list of a switch identified by its serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "data": [
- {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:88",
- "slot": "2/1/1",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:38",
- "slot": "1/1/1",
- "taggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "qTagged",
- "vlanNumber": 702
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "qTagged",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "qTagged",
- "vlanNumber": 755
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "qTagged",
- "vlanNumber": 712
], - "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "bvpa",
- "vlanNumber": 4003
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "bvpa",
- "vlanNumber": 4000
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "bvpa",
- "vlanNumber": 4002
}, - {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "bvpa",
- "vlanNumber": 4001
], - "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8A",
- "slot": "2/1/3",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:39",
- "slot": "1/1/2",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3A",
- "slot": "1/1/3",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:89",
- "slot": "2/1/2",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3B",
- "slot": "1/1/4",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8C",
- "slot": "2/1/5",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8B",
- "slot": "2/1/4",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3C",
- "slot": "1/1/5",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3D",
- "slot": "1/1/6",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8E",
- "slot": "2/1/7",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "forwarding",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 710,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3E",
- "slot": "1/1/7",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 710
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8D",
- "slot": "2/1/6",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:3F",
- "slot": "1/1/8",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:90",
- "slot": "2/1/9",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:40",
- "slot": "1/1/9",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:8F",
- "slot": "2/1/8",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:41",
- "slot": "1/1/10",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
}, - {
- "bvpaVlans": [ ],
- "defaultVlan": 1,
- "physAddress": "78:24:59:0A:52:91",
- "slot": "2/1/10",
- "taggedVlans": [ ],
- "untaggedVlans": [
- {
- "status": "inactive",
- "type": "cfgDefault",
- "vlanNumber": 1
], - "status": 200,
- "message": "LAN Analytics data have been successfully fetched."
This API is used to get the evolution of the port rx & rxTx of a switch identified by its mac.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
port required | string Port on the switch on which we want to display the information ("1/1/1", "1/1/2"...) |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "data": {
- "interval": 3600,
- "series": [
- {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T01:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T02:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T03:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T04:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T05:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T09:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T10:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T11:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - {
- "max_in_octets": 0,
- "time": "2023-11-30T12:00:00Z",
- "max_out_octets": 0
}, - "message": "The health evolution has been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200
This API is used to get the evolution of the ethernet port rx & rxTx of a switch identified by its mac.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
switchMac required | string This is the mac address of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
port required | string Port on the switch on which we want to display the information ("1/1/1", "1/1/2"...) |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
This API is used to get the list of Interface port of Switch in the scope.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope | string "scope" is the target: site, building, floor, ap, sta. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor or ap |
serials[] | string "serials" is an array of device Serial Number if scope is switch_sn. It is required when scope is switch_sn |
limit | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Slot interface switch data have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "ifPhysicalAddress": "94:24:E1:7D:80:40",
- "ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable": true,
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T08:53:50.669Z",
- "ifOutOctets": 3339222755,
- "ifPromiscuousMode": true,
- "ifInUcastPkts": 1826849,
- "ifInMulticastPkts": 303973773,
- "ifIndex": 40000032,
- "ifOutDiscards": 0,
- "floorId": null,
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:7D:80:39",
- "ifOutErrors": 0,
- "ifSpeed": 4294967295,
- "buildingId": null,
- "ifDescription": "Dynamic Aggregate Number 32 ref 40000032 size 8",
- "ifName": "0/32",
- "portType": "copper",
- "ifOperStatus": "up",
- "ifAdminStatus": "up",
- "ifInBoadcastPkts": 438686889,
- "ifInOctets": 2734817285,
- "ifOutBoadcastPkts": 53397,
- "ifInDiscards": 0,
- "ifInErrors": 0
}, - {
- "ifPhysicalAddress": "94:24:E1:7D:80:39",
- "ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable": true,
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T08:53:50.669Z",
- "ifOutOctets": 2761783946,
- "ifPromiscuousMode": false,
- "ifInUcastPkts": 10333590,
- "ifInMulticastPkts": 0,
- "ifIndex": 13600002,
- "ifOutDiscards": 0,
- "floorId": null,
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:7D:80:39",
- "ifOutErrors": 0,
- "ifSpeed": 1000000000,
- "portType": "fiber",
- "buildingId": null,
- "ifDescription": "Net Management Lab",
- "ifName": "Net Management Lab",
- "ifOperStatus": "up",
- "ifAdminStatus": "up",
- "ifInBoadcastPkts": 0,
- "ifInOctets": 819597194,
- "ifOutBoadcastPkts": 0,
- "ifInDiscards": 0,
- "ifInErrors": 0
This API is used to get the summary of a UNP client.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
staMac required | string This is the mac address of a client. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "UNP client sessions summary has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "hostname": "Host Name",
- "nbDistinctPorts": 1,
- "nbDistinctSwitchs": 1,
- "nbSessions": 1,
- "totalSessionsDuration": 492101,
- "userMac": "40:6C:8F:31:D5:D8"
This API is used to get the list of current UNP and wired clients with an active session.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target:org, site, building, floor, ap, sta, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap" or an array of client MAC Address if scope is "sta". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor, ap or sta. |
serials[] | string "serials" is an array of device Serial Number if scope is switch_sn. It is required when scope is switch_sn |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "List of UNP and Wired users have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "sessions": [
- {
- "siteName": "Clement Simulated Organization",
- "serialNumber": null,
- "deviceMac": "CC:DD:AA:00:00:00",
- "category": "WIRED",
- "apIp": "",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1451",
- "apVersion": "",
- "clientMac": "BB:00:00:00:00:02",
- "apName": "KITCHEN",
- "accessRoleProfile": "ap311_arp_lan311",
- "accessAuthProfile": "ap311_aap_lan311",
- "authType": "OPEN",
- "clientIp": "",
- "deviceName": "LAB Alice Workstation",
- "globalUnicastIpv6": "",
- "localUnicastIpv6": "dead:beef:eb50:723e:b890:2df3:2b44:3a30",
- "username": "LAB",
- "port": 1,
- "rxBytes": 36122900,
- "txBytes": 36233300,
- "downPackage": 4409,
- "upPackage": 4423,
- "vlanId": 0,
- "sessionStartTime": "2023-11-03T08:35:30.747Z",
- "portName": "eth1",
- "sessionDuration": 6266
}, - {
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "serialNumber": "WHS225101349",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:04:01:31",
- "category": "UNP",
- "apIp": null,
- "apModel": null,
- "apVersion": null,
- "clientMac": "DC:08:56:2A:4B:40",
- "apName": null,
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "accessAuthProfile": null,
- "authType": "others",
- "clientIp": "AC:19:BE:16",
- "deviceName": null,
- "globalUnicastIpv6": null,
- "localUnicastIpv6": null,
- "username": "",
- "port": 101005,
- "rxBytes": 0,
- "txBytes": 0,
- "downPackage": 0,
- "upPackage": 0,
- "vlanId": 710,
- "sessionStartTime": "2023-11-20T07:50:38.524Z",
- "portName": "2/1/5",
- "sessionDuration": 1216093
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API is used to get the list of historical UNP and wired client sessions in period of time.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
scope required | string "scope" is the target:org, site, building, floor, ap, sta, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] | string "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the selected scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap" or an array of client MAC Address if scope is "sta". It is required when scope is org, site, building, floor, ap or sta. |
serials[] | string "serials" is an array of device Serial Number if scope is switch_sn. It is required when scope is switch_sn |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
search | object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "List of UNP and Wired users have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "sessions": [
- {
- "siteName": "Clement Simulated Organization",
- "serialNumber": null,
- "deviceMac": "CC:DD:AA:00:00:00",
- "category": "WIRED",
- "apIp": "",
- "apModel": "OAW-AP1451",
- "apVersion": "",
- "clientMac": "BB:00:00:00:00:02",
- "apName": "KITCHEN",
- "accessRoleProfile": "ap311_arp_lan311",
- "accessAuthProfile": "ap311_aap_lan311",
- "authType": "OPEN",
- "clientIp": "",
- "deviceName": "LAB Alice Workstation",
- "globalUnicastIpv6": "",
- "localUnicastIpv6": "dead:beef:eb50:723e:b890:2df3:2b44:3a30",
- "username": "LAB",
- "port": 1,
- "rxBytes": 36122900,
- "txBytes": 36233300,
- "downPackage": 4409,
- "upPackage": 4423,
- "vlanId": 0,
- "sessionStartTime": "2023-11-03T08:35:30.747Z",
- "sessionEndTime": "+55809-05-20T12:33:02.451Z",
- "portName": "eth1",
- "sessionDuration": 6266
}, - {
- "siteName": "ALE Brest",
- "serialNumber": "WHS225101349",
- "deviceMac": "78:24:59:04:01:31",
- "category": "UNP",
- "apIp": null,
- "apModel": null,
- "apVersion": null,
- "clientMac": "DC:08:56:2A:4B:40",
- "apName": null,
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "accessAuthProfile": null,
- "authType": "others",
- "clientIp": "AC:19:BE:16",
- "deviceName": null,
- "globalUnicastIpv6": null,
- "localUnicastIpv6": null,
- "username": "",
- "port": 101005,
- "rxBytes": 0,
- "txBytes": 0,
- "downPackage": 0,
- "upPackage": 0,
- "vlanId": 710,
- "sessionStartTime": "2023-11-20T07:50:38.524Z",
- "sessionEndTime": null,
- "portName": "2/1/5",
- "sessionDuration": 1216093
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API is used to obtain LLDP data for a given switch identified by its serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is the serial number of one switch. When provided, the analytics data is calculated only for this switch. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": [
- {
- "local": {
- "ifIndex": "string",
- "macAddress": "string",
- "port": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string"
}, - "remote": {
- "chassisId": "string",
- "enabledCapabilities": [
- "string"
], - "family": "AP",
- "ifIndex": "string",
- "managementAddresses": [
- {
- "address": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "name": "string",
- "port": "string",
- "portDesc": "string",
- "supportedCapabilities": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "string"
This API is used to get all default report templates.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The report templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "Daily Client Health Report",
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "Top 10 clients with most Rx Bytes",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listClientRankingByCriteria",
- "apiParameters": {
- "topN": 10,
- "orderBy": "rxBytes"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "columns": [
- "rank",
- "clientMac",
- "signal",
- "rxRate",
- "txRate",
- "rxBytes",
- "txBytes",
- "rxError"
], - "_id": "66bb4cb0d2a8b73b7e33c07c"
}, - {
- "title": "List Client Session Distribution By SSID",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listClientSessionDistribution",
- "apiParameters": {
- "groupBy": "ssid"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "columns": [
- "nbSessions",
- "nbClients",
- "percentClients",
- "time"
], - "_id": "66bb4cb0d2a8b73b7e33c07d"
], - "id": "6421a3ee4c57a7303ee71f81"
}, - {
- "name": "Daily SSID Summary Report",
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "Usage over time for SSID",
- "type": "line",
- "apiName": "trendSsidUsage",
- "apiParameters": {
- "ssidName": "SSID"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "columns": [ ],
- "_id": "66bb4cb0d2a8b73b7e33c089"
}, - {
- "title": "Clients over time for SSID",
- "type": "line",
- "apiName": "trendSsidClients",
- "apiParameters": {
- "ssidName": "SSID"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "columns": [ ],
- "_id": "66bb4cb0d2a8b73b7e33c08a"
}, - {
- "title": "Detailed Usage for SSID",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listSsidUsageDetail",
- "apiParameters": {
- "ssidName": "SSID"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 3,
- "columns": [
- "interval",
- "totalClient",
- "ssid",
- "maxClients",
- "maxUsageIn",
- "maxUsageOut"
], - "_id": "66bb4cb0d2a8b73b7e33c08b"
], - "id": "6421a3ee4c57a7303ee71f83"
This API is used to get the user's reports in an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The reports have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "_id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf41"
}, - "email": [
- ""
], - "scope": "org",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba84ad749",
- "scopeId": [
- "6422e67afd58ba384ad749"
], - "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "dateRange": "last24hours",
- "scheduler": null,
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "2_4G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table0",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfd"
}, - {
- "title": "List of AP radios 5 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "5G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table1",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfe"
], - "updatedAt": "2024-09-06T12:47:47.821Z",
- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API allows to create .
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
dateRange required | string Enum: "lasthour" "last24hours" "yesterday" "last7days" "last30days" "lastweek" "lastmonth" "custom" The time range filter for the widgets. The start and end date will be generated automatically, except for custom: the startDate and endDate are required to be specific the range. |
scope required | string Enum: "org" "site" "building" "floor" "ap" "switch_sn" The scope filter for the widgets. |
scopeId | Array of strings "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
serials | Array of strings "scopeId" is an array of device Serial Number if scope is "switch_sn". |
startDate | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. It is required if dateRange is custom. |
endDate | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. It is required if dateRange is custom. |
email required | Array of strings List of emails where to send the report. At least 1 email is required |
timeZone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" Timezone of the user. |
object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). | |
Array of objects The widgets of Analytics data. At least 1 widget has to be presented here. We can paste the list of widgets in a default report template | |
fileType | string Enum: "CSV" "PDF" "XLS" The export file type for analytic single file report. |
object The widget data for export analytic file report, required when sending fileType. | |
required | object By default, a report is an instant report, this scheduler is not required. If the scheduler is defined, the report will be generated and sent automatically starting from tomorrow based on the scheduler information. |
name required | string The name of report, to be used in generated file's name |
{- "dateRange": "lasthour",
- "scope": "org",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "serials": [
- "string"
], - "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "email": [
- "string"
], - "timeZone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "search": {
- "key": "auth8021xName",
- "value": "string"
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- {
- "columns": [
- null
], - "line": 0,
- "size": "50",
- "title": "string",
- "apiName": "topSitesBestClientHealth",
- "apiParameters": {
- "ssidName": "string",
- "band": "2_4G",
- "siteIds": [
- null
], - "groupBy": "string",
- "orderBy": "string",
- "topN": 0,
- "bottomN": 0
], - "fileType": "CSV",
- "widgetInFile": {
- "apiName": "wirelessCurrentClient",
- "apiParameters": {
- "siteIds": [
- null
}, - "columns": [
- null
}, - "scheduler": {
- "repeat": "daily",
- "dayInWeeks": 0,
- "hourInDay": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "dayInMonths": 0
}, - "name": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The report has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "_id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf41"
}, - "email": [
- ""
], - "scope": "org",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba84ad749",
- "scopeId": [
- "6422e67afd58ba384ad749"
], - "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "dateRange": "last24hours",
- "scheduler": null,
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "2_4G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table0",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfd"
}, - {
- "title": "List of AP radios 5 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "5G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table1",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfe"
], - "updatedAt": "2024-09-06T12:47:47.821Z",
- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API is used to delete multiples reports by a list of ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of report. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The reports have been successfully deleted",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "_id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf41"
}, - "email": [
- ""
], - "scope": "org",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba84ad749",
- "scopeId": [
- "6422e67afd58ba384ad749"
], - "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "dateRange": "last24hours",
- "scheduler": null,
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "2_4G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table0",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfd"
}, - {
- "title": "List of AP radios 5 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "5G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table1",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfe"
], - "updatedAt": "2024-09-06T12:47:47.821Z",
- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API is used to update an user's report content or to set scheduled generation by report's id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
reportId required | string This is a path param for reportId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
dateRange required | string Enum: "lasthour" "last24hours" "yesterday" "last7days" "last30days" "lastweek" "lastmonth" "custom" The time range filter for the widgets. The start and end date will be generated automatically, except for custom: the startDate and endDate are required to be specific the range. |
scope required | string Enum: "org" "site" "building" "floor" "ap" "switch_sn" The scope filter for the widgets. |
scopeId | Array of strings "scopeId" is an array of id corresponding to the scope, could be an array of device MAC Address if scope is "ap". |
serials | Array of strings "scopeId" is an array of device Serial Number if scope is "switch_sn". |
startDate | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. It is required if dateRange is custom. |
endDate | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. It is required if dateRange is custom. |
email required | Array of strings List of emails where to send the report. At least 1 email is required |
timeZone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" Timezone of the user. |
object The search applied to search only the value in a specific object field in record. The field name in search object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. The search correspond to pair (key, value). The key is a field : "auth8021xName", "clientIp", "clientMac", "portalUsername", "username". The value is the string to search in record. (e.g. :search with object: {key: "clientIp", value: ""} ). | |
Array of objects The widgets of Analytics data. At least 1 widget has to be presented here. We can paste the list of widgets in a default report template | |
fileType | string Enum: "CSV" "PDF" "XLS" The export file type for analytic single file report. |
object The widget data for export analytic file report, required when sending fileType. | |
required | object Send null for the scheduler to remove the scheduled generation. If the scheduler is defined, the report will be generated and sent automatically starting from tomorrow based on the scheduler information. |
name | string The name of report, to be used in generated file's name |
{- "dateRange": "lasthour",
- "scope": "org",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "serials": [
- "string"
], - "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "email": [
- "string"
], - "timeZone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "search": {
- "key": "auth8021xName",
- "value": "string"
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- {
- "columns": [
- null
], - "line": 0,
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- "title": "string",
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- "apiParameters": {
- "ssidName": "string",
- "band": "2_4G",
- "siteIds": [
- null
], - "groupBy": "string",
- "orderBy": "string",
- "topN": 0,
- "bottomN": 0
], - "fileType": "CSV",
- "widgetInFile": {
- "apiName": "wirelessCurrentClient",
- "apiParameters": {
- "siteIds": [
- null
}, - "columns": [
- null
}, - "scheduler": {
- "repeat": "daily",
- "dayInWeeks": 0,
- "hourInDay": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "dayInMonths": 0
}, - "name": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The reports have been successfully updated",
- "data": {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "_id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf41"
}, - "email": [
- ""
], - "scope": "org",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba84ad749",
- "scopeId": [
- "6422e67afd58ba384ad749"
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- "dateRange": "last24hours",
- "scheduler": null,
- "widgets": [
- {
- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "2_4G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 1,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table0",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfd"
}, - {
- "title": "List of AP radios 5 GHz",
- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
- "apiParameters": {
- "band": "5G"
}, - "size": "100",
- "line": 2,
- "htmlPrefixKey": "table1",
- "columns": [
- "apMac",
- "radio",
- "rxBytes"
], - "_id": "66c315a5a1ba32c621dfbcfe"
], - "updatedAt": "2024-09-06T12:47:47.821Z",
- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API is used to delete a user'report by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
reportId required | string This is a path param for reportId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The report has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
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- "type": "table",
- "apiName": "listApRadios",
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- "band": "5G"
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- "line": 2,
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- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API is used to get the user's reports in an organization by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
reportId required | string This is a path param for reportId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The reports have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
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- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
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- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API is used to send an user's report to the list of email and to update the receiver's emails list in report.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
reportId required | string This is a path param for reportId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
emails required | string List of emails where to send the report |
{- "emails": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The report has been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "name": "report_name",
- "user": {
- "id": "642ecd38751efcb50deb5cea",
- "preferredLanguage": "en",
- "_id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf41"
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- ""
], - "scope": "org",
- "organizationId": "6422e67afd5846ba84ad749",
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- "6422e67afd58ba384ad749"
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- "widgets": [
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- "title": "List of AP radios 2.4 GHz",
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- "htmlFileId": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf4a",
- "id": "66daf9f3a1ba32c621dfbf40"
This API allows you to get all SSIDs for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "accessRoleProfile": {
- "arpName": "tl_arp_1",
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- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
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- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
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- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
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- "enableAMsdu": true
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- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
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- "powerSaveControls": {
- "dtimInterval": 1
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- "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
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- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc67",
- "name": "default device group"
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- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc65",
- "name": "Site01"
This API allows you to create a new SSID for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object A JSON object of the SSID. |
object The Config Assignment of SSID. |
{- "ssid": {
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- "essid": "string",
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- "enhancedOpen": "disable",
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- "allowBand": "Band_24_50",
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- "mloBand": "Band_24_50",
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- "macAllowEap": "FAIL",
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- "gateway": "string"
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- "string"
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- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
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- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
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- "minute": 0
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{- "status": 201,
- "message": "SSID has been successfully created.",
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- "vlans": [
- "0"
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- "scheduleConfig": {
- "alwaysAvailable": true
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- "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
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- 3
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- "downlinks": [
- 4,
- 5
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- "downlinks": [
- 6,
- 7
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- "dscpMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 8,
- 16
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- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 24
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- "downlinks": [
- 32,
- 40
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- "downlinks": [
- 48,
- 56
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}, - "dscpMappingEnable": true
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- "roamingControls": {
- "e0211kStatus": false,
- "e0211vStatus": false,
- "fdbUpdateStatus": false,
- "l3Roaming": false
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- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "NONE"
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- "securityLevelUI": "guestNetworkCase",
- "uapsd": true,
- "useExistingAccessPolicy": false,
- "useExistingArp": true,
- "wepKeyIndex": 0
This API allows you to update an SSID for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object A JSON object of the SSID. |
Array of objects The Config Assignment of SSID. |
{- "ssid": {
- "name": "string",
- "essid": "string",
- "enableSSID": true,
- "enhancedOpen": "disable",
- "replaceGroup": false,
- "securityLevel": "Open",
- "uapsd": true,
- "allowBand": "Band_24_50",
- "mlo": true,
- "mloBand": "Band_24_50",
- "portalType": "NO",
- "encryptionType": "DYNAMIC_WEP",
- "preSharedKey": "string",
- "passphrase": "string",
- "wepKeyIndex": 0,
- "deviceSpecificPSK": "DISABLED",
- "privateGroupPSK": true,
- "ppskEntries": [
- {
- "ppskName": "string",
- "ppskPassphrase": "string",
- "ppskARPName": "string"
], - "dynamicPrivateGroupPSK": false,
- "dynamicVLAN": false,
- "authenticationStrategy": {
- "byPassStatus": true,
- "macAuthStatus": false,
- "macAllowEap": "FAIL",
- "radiusServer": "string"
}, - "useExistingAccessPolicy": true,
- "accessPolicyId": "string",
- "securityLevelUI": "guestNetworkCase",
- "guestPortal": false,
- "byodRegistration": true,
- "hideSSID": false,
- "security": {
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "string",
- "protectedManagementFrame": "DISABLED"
}, - "roamingControls": {
- "e0211kStatus": false,
- "e0211vStatus": false,
- "l3Roaming": false,
- "fdbUpdateStatus": false
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- "hotspot2Status": true,
- "operationName": "string",
- "venueName": "string",
- "venueType": {
- "venueGroupCode": 0,
- "venueTypeCode": 0,
- "description": "string"
}, - "networkType": {
- "value": 0,
- "description": "string"
}, - "domainList": [
- "string"
], - "roamingConsortiumOIList": [
- "string"
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- "e0211bStatus": true,
- "e0211gStatus": true,
- "maxClientsPerBand": 0
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- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate24G": 0,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 0,
- "minRate6GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 0
}, - "minMgmtRateControls": {
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate24G": 0,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 0,
- "minRate6GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 0
}, - "highThroughputControl": {
- "enableAMsdu": true,
- "enableAMpdu": true
}, - "powerSaveControls": {
- "dtimInterval": 0
}, - "frameControls802_11": {
- "advApName": true
}, - "qosSetting": {
- "bandwidthContract": {
- "upstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "downstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "upstreamBurst": 0,
- "downstreamBurst": 0
}, - "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
- "broadcastKeyRotation": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotationTimeInterval": 0,
- "broadcastFilterAll": false,
- "broadcastFilterARP": true,
- "multicastOptimization": true,
- "multicastChannelUtilization": 0,
- "clientsNumber": 0,
- "okcStatus": true,
- "e0211rStatus": true
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- "downlinks": [
- 0
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- "uplink": 0,
- "downlinks": [
- 0
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- "downlinks": [
- 0
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- "uplink": 0,
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- 0
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- "uplink": 0,
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- 0
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- "downlinks": [
- 0
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- "uplink": 0,
- "downlinks": [
- 0
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- "id": 0,
- "arpName": "string",
- "bandwidthControl": {
- "downstreamBandwidth": null,
- "downstreamBurst": null,
- "upstreamBandwidth": null,
- "upstreamBurst": null
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- "externalCaptivePortalConfigName": "string",
- "portalServer": "string",
- "redirectUrl": "string",
- "httpsRedirection": true,
- "aaaProfileName": "string"
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- "isClientSessionLoggingEnabled": true,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
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- "allowDomains": [
- "string"
], - "socialLoginVendor": [
- "string"
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- {
- "condition": {
- "l2Macs": {
- "srcMac": "string",
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- "mCastIpRange": "string"
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- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
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- "protocol": "NONE",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "svcName": "string",
- "svcGroup": "string"
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- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "action": {
- "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": 0,
- "peakInfoRate": 0
}, - "qos": {
- "disposition": "ACCEPT",
- "priority": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority802": 0
}, - "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
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- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
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- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
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- "year": 0,
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- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
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- true
], - "days": [
- true
], - "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "locationPolicy": {
- "name": "string",
- "systemName": "string",
- "systemLocation": "string",
- "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - "periodPolicy": {
- "scheduleMode": "DAYS_MONTHS",
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "startDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "timeZone": "gmt",
- "dayLightSavingTime": true
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": true,
- "policyList": {
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "string"
}, - "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "string"
}, - "useExistingArp": true
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "SSID",
- "groupId": "string",
- "groupName": "string",
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "string",
- "siteName": "string",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "VlanAndTunnel",
- "useExistingTunnel": true,
- "tunnel": {
- "mtu": 0,
- "tcpmss": 1250,
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "serverIP": "string",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "string",
- "netmask": "string",
- "gateway": "string"
], - "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 0,
- "childStatus": true
}, - "vlans": [
- "string"
}, - "scheduleConfig": {
- "alwaysAvailable": true,
- "customSchedule": {
- "fri": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "mon": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "sat": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "sun": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "thu": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "tue": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "wed": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "name": "string",
- "useExistingSchedule": true
}, - "isExtendScale": true,
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "SSID",
- "id": 815253,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - "scheduleConfig": {
- "alwaysAvailable": true
}, - "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": {
- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc65",
- "name": "Site01"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc67",
- "name": "default device group"
], - "ssid": {
- "accessRoleProfile": {
- "arpName": "tl_arp_1",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [ ],
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 808593,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "allowBand": "All",
- "mlo": false,
- "mloBand": "All",
- "authenticationStrategy": {
- "aaaProfileId": 0,
- "byPassStatus": false,
- "macAuthStatus": false
}, - "byodRegistration": false,
- "clientControls": {
- "e0211bStatus": true,
- "e0211gStatus": true,
- "maxClientsPerBand": 64
}, - "deviceSpecificPSK": "PREFER_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_PSK",
- "dynamicPrivateGroupPSK": false,
- "dynamicVLAN": false,
- "enableSSID": true,
- "enhancedOpen": "enable",
- "essid": "SSIDOffice",
- "frameControls802_11": {
- "advApName": false
}, - "guestPortal": false,
- "hideSSID": false,
- "highThroughputControl": {
- "enableAMpdu": true,
- "enableAMsdu": true
}, - "hotspot2": {
- "hotspot2Status": false
}, - "id": 815256,
- "minClientDataRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "minMgmtRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "name": "SSIDOffice",
- "portalType": "NO",
- "powerSaveControls": {
- "dtimInterval": 1
}, - "privateGroupPSK": false,
- "qosSetting": {
- "bandwidthContract": { },
- "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
- "broadcastFilterARP": false,
- "broadcastFilterAll": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotation": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotationTimeInterval": 15,
- "clientsNumber": 6,
- "e0211rStatus": false,
- "multicastChannelUtilization": 90,
- "multicastOptimization": true,
- "okcStatus": false
}, - "dot1pMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "uplink": 1
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 3
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 4,
- 5
], - "uplink": 4
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 6,
- 7
], - "uplink": 6
}, - "dot1pMappingEnable": true,
- "dscpMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 8,
- 16
], - "uplink": 8
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 24
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 32,
- 40
], - "uplink": 32
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 48,
- 56
], - "uplink": 48
}, - "trustOriginalDSCP": false
}, - "dscpMappingEnable": true
}, - "replaceGroup": false,
- "roamingControls": {
- "e0211kStatus": false,
- "e0211vStatus": false,
- "fdbUpdateStatus": false,
- "l3Roaming": false
}, - "security": {
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "NONE"
}, - "securityLevel": "Open",
- "securityLevelUI": "guestNetworkCase",
- "uapsd": true,
- "useExistingAccessPolicy": false,
- "useExistingArp": true,
- "wepKeyIndex": 0
This API allows you to get the number of SSIDs by group for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
groupId required | string This is a path param for groupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The number of SSIDs has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": 10
This API allows you to get SSID by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "ssid": {
- "accessRoleProfile": {
- "arpName": "tl_arp_1",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [ ],
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 808593,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "allowBand": "All",
- "mlo": false,
- "mloBand": "All",
- "authenticationStrategy": {
- "aaaProfileId": 0,
- "byPassStatus": false,
- "macAuthStatus": false
}, - "byodRegistration": false,
- "clientControls": {
- "e0211bStatus": true,
- "e0211gStatus": true,
- "maxClientsPerBand": 64
}, - "deviceSpecificPSK": "PREFER_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_PSK",
- "dynamicPrivateGroupPSK": false,
- "dynamicVLAN": false,
- "enableSSID": true,
- "enhancedOpen": "enable",
- "essid": "SSIDOffice",
- "frameControls802_11": {
- "advApName": false
}, - "guestPortal": false,
- "hideSSID": false,
- "highThroughputControl": {
- "enableAMpdu": true,
- "enableAMsdu": true
}, - "hotspot2": {
- "hotspot2Status": false
}, - "id": 815256,
- "minClientDataRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "minMgmtRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "name": "SSIDOffice",
- "portalType": "NO",
- "powerSaveControls": {
- "dtimInterval": 1
}, - "privateGroupPSK": false,
- "qosSetting": {
- "bandwidthContract": { },
- "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
- "broadcastFilterARP": false,
- "broadcastFilterAll": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotation": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotationTimeInterval": 15,
- "clientsNumber": 6,
- "e0211rStatus": false,
- "multicastChannelUtilization": 90,
- "multicastOptimization": true,
- "okcStatus": false
}, - "dot1pMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "uplink": 1
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 3
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 4,
- 5
], - "uplink": 4
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 6,
- 7
], - "uplink": 6
}, - "dot1pMappingEnable": true,
- "dscpMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 8,
- 16
], - "uplink": 8
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 24
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 32,
- 40
], - "uplink": 32
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 48,
- 56
], - "uplink": 48
}, - "trustOriginalDSCP": false
}, - "dscpMappingEnable": true
}, - "replaceGroup": false,
- "roamingControls": {
- "e0211kStatus": false,
- "e0211vStatus": false,
- "fdbUpdateStatus": false,
- "l3Roaming": false
}, - "security": {
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "NONE"
}, - "securityLevel": "Open",
- "securityLevelUI": "guestNetworkCase",
- "uapsd": true,
- "useExistingAccessPolicy": false,
- "useExistingArp": true,
- "wepKeyIndex": 0
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "SSID",
- "id": 815253,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - "scheduleConfig": {
- "alwaysAvailable": true
}, - "site": {
- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc65",
- "name": "Site01"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc67",
- "name": "default device group"
This API allows you to delete multiple ssid by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of the names which are removed. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSIDs have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "The information of the SSID deleted.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "ssid": {
- "accessRoleProfile": {
- "arpName": "tl_arp_1",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [ ],
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 808593,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "allowBand": "All",
- "mlo": false,
- "mloBand": "All",
- "authenticationStrategy": {
- "aaaProfileId": 0,
- "byPassStatus": false,
- "macAuthStatus": false
}, - "byodRegistration": false,
- "clientControls": {
- "e0211bStatus": true,
- "e0211gStatus": true,
- "maxClientsPerBand": 64
}, - "deviceSpecificPSK": "PREFER_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_PSK",
- "dynamicPrivateGroupPSK": false,
- "dynamicVLAN": false,
- "enableSSID": true,
- "enhancedOpen": "enable",
- "essid": "SSIDOffice",
- "frameControls802_11": {
- "advApName": false
}, - "guestPortal": false,
- "hideSSID": false,
- "highThroughputControl": {
- "enableAMpdu": true,
- "enableAMsdu": true
}, - "hotspot2": {
- "hotspot2Status": false
}, - "id": 815256,
- "minClientDataRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "minMgmtRateControls": {
- "minRate24G": 1,
- "minRate24GStatus": false,
- "minRate5G": 6,
- "minRate5GStatus": false,
- "minRate6G": 6,
- "minRate6GStatus": false
}, - "name": "SSIDOffice",
- "portalType": "NO",
- "powerSaveControls": {
- "dtimInterval": 1
}, - "privateGroupPSK": false,
- "qosSetting": {
- "bandwidthContract": { },
- "broadcastMulticastOptimization": {
- "broadcastFilterARP": false,
- "broadcastFilterAll": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotation": false,
- "broadcastKeyRotationTimeInterval": 15,
- "clientsNumber": 6,
- "e0211rStatus": false,
- "multicastChannelUtilization": 90,
- "multicastOptimization": true,
- "okcStatus": false
}, - "dot1pMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "uplink": 1
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 3
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 4,
- 5
], - "uplink": 4
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 6,
- 7
], - "uplink": 6
}, - "dot1pMappingEnable": true,
- "dscpMapping": {
- "background": {
- "downlinks": [
- 8,
- 16
], - "uplink": 8
}, - "bestEffort": {
- "downlinks": [
- 0,
- 24
], - "uplink": 0
}, - "video": {
- "downlinks": [
- 32,
- 40
], - "uplink": 32
}, - "voice": {
- "downlinks": [
- 48,
- 56
], - "uplink": 48
}, - "trustOriginalDSCP": false
}, - "dscpMappingEnable": true
}, - "replaceGroup": false,
- "roamingControls": {
- "e0211kStatus": false,
- "e0211vStatus": false,
- "fdbUpdateStatus": false,
- "l3Roaming": false
}, - "security": {
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "NONE"
}, - "securityLevel": "Open",
- "securityLevelUI": "guestNetworkCase",
- "uapsd": true,
- "useExistingAccessPolicy": false,
- "useExistingArp": true,
- "wepKeyIndex": 0
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "SSID",
- "groupId": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc67",
- "id": 0,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc65",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - "isExtendScale": false,
- "scheduleConfig": {
- "alwaysAvailable": true
}, - "groupName": "default device group"
This API allows you to get all External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "External Captive Portals have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 94136,
- "name": "test_5",
- "createTime": "2022-09-06T03:57:22Z",
- "description": "test external captive portal",
- "uploadFileName": "test_5.json"
This API allows you to get create External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the profile. |
description required | string The description of the profile. |
file required | string The file of the profile. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "External Captive Portal has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 94136,
- "name": "test_5",
- "description": "123ds",
- "file": [
- 123,
- 13,
- 125
], - "token": "db929809-12f1-428a-a859-b2eda30cd6c2",
- "uploadFileName": "template2.json"
This API allows you to get update External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
id required | integer <int32> The id of the profile. |
name required | string The name of the profile. |
description | string The description of the profile. |
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "External Captive Portal has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 94136,
- "name": "test_5",
- "createTime": "2022-09-06T03:57:22Z",
- "description": "test external captive portal",
- "uploadFileName": "test_5.json"
This API allows you to get delete multiple External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The names of the profiles. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "message": "External Captive Portal has been successfully removed.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 94136,
- "name": "test_5",
- "createTime": "2022-09-06T03:57:22Z",
- "description": "test external captive portal",
- "uploadFileName": "test_5.json"
This API allows you to get only names External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "External Captive Portal has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "test_6"
}, - {
- "name": "test_5"
This API allows you to get External Captive Portal by id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "External Captive Portal has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 94136,
- "name": "test_5",
- "createTime": "2022-09-06T03:57:22Z",
- "description": "test external captive portal",
- "uploadFileName": "test_5.json"
This API allows you to get only names External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "External Captive Portals have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- "6336924af5aa55d34c88d04a",
- "6333b49ad0211dc6c7f8c9b8",
- "6327e03f6ed99fffcf51a781"
This API allows you to download External Captive Portals for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The names of the profiles. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "data": ""
This API allows you to get all ARPs for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARP has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "arpName": "test",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 15561,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "664b1b57a34ff660c4d8b854",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - {
- "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "6652fa4bf4eb6d40603e60f0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860-hihi)",
- "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728"
], - "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "00:DF:A5",
- "A1:89:D4:FF:2D"
This API allows you to create a new ARP for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The attribute of the ARP. |
object The Config Assignment of ARP. |
{- "arp": {
- "arpName": "string",
- "useExistingPolicyList": true,
- "policyList": {
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- null
], - "policiesData": {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
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- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "serviceGroup": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "precedence": "string",
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endtoD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
}, - "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "aclAndQos": [
- {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
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- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
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- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
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- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
], - "mappingType": "NoMapping",
- "wcfProfile": {
- "name": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "action": "string"
}, - "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "locationPolicy": {
- "name": "string",
- "systemLocation": "string",
- "systemName": "string"
}, - "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "periodPolicy": {
- "scheduleMode": "DAYS_MONTHS",
- "name": "string",
- "startDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "timeZone": "string",
- "dayLightSavingTime": true,
- "daysOfWeek": [
- "string"
], - "monthsOfYear": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": true
}, - "bandwidthControl": {
- "downstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "downstreamBurst": 0,
- "upstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "upstreamBurst": 0
}, - "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "inactivityInterval": 0,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [
- "string"
], - "socialLoginVendor": [
- "string"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": true,
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "string",
- "externalCaptivePortalConfigName": "string",
- "portalServer": "string",
- "redirectUrl": "string",
- "httpsRedirection": true,
- "aaaProfileName": "string"
}, - "childStatus": true,
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "string",
- "groupName": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "siteName": "string",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "string",
- "useExistingTunnel": true,
- "tunnel": {
- "mtu": 0,
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "serverIP": "string",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "string",
- "netmask": "string",
- "gateway": "string"
], - "tcpmss": 0,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "childStatus": true
}, - "vlans": [
- "string"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "deviceSN": "string",
- "siteId": "string"
], - "mode": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "ARP has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "arp": {
- "arpName": "arp_1",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [ ],
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "loggingLevel": "ALL"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 808488,
- "locationPolicy": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "id": 808486,
- "name": "__arp_1",
- "systemLocation": "a",
- "systemName": "a",
- "saveAsDistinct": false
}, - "periodPolicy": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 12,
- "minute": 4,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 29,
- "month": 8,
- "year": 2024
}, - "id": 808487,
- "name": "__arp_1",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 11,
- "minute": 4,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 29,
- "month": 8,
- "year": 2024
}, - "timeZone": "nzst",
- "saveAsDistinct": false
}, - "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": false,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": false,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": false,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "664b1b57a34ff660c4d8b854",
- "groupName": "default device group",
- "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "siteName": "Unnamed site",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "deviceSN": "T2381728",
- "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "2"
This API allows you to update ARPs for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The attribute of the ARP. |
Array of objects The Config Assignment of ARP. |
{- "arp": {
- "arpName": "string",
- "useExistingPolicyList": true,
- "policyList": {
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- null
], - "policiesData": {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "serviceGroup": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
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- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "precedence": "string",
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endtoD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
}, - "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "aclAndQos": [
- {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
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- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
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- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "protocol": null,
- "startPort": null,
- "endPort": null
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
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- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endtoD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
], - "mappingType": "NoMapping",
- "wcfProfile": {
- "name": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "action": "string"
}, - "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "locationPolicy": {
- "name": "string",
- "systemLocation": "string",
- "systemName": "string"
}, - "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "periodPolicy": {
- "scheduleMode": "DAYS_MONTHS",
- "name": "string",
- "startDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "timeZone": "string",
- "dayLightSavingTime": true,
- "daysOfWeek": [
- "string"
], - "monthsOfYear": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": true
}, - "bandwidthControl": {
- "downstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "downstreamBurst": 0,
- "upstreamBandwidth": 0,
- "upstreamBurst": 0
}, - "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "inactivityInterval": 0,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [
- "string"
], - "socialLoginVendor": [
- "string"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": true,
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "string",
- "externalCaptivePortalConfigName": "string",
- "portalServer": "string",
- "redirectUrl": "string",
- "httpsRedirection": true,
- "aaaProfileName": "string"
}, - "childStatus": true,
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "string"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "groupName": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "siteName": "string",
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "string",
- "useExistingTunnel": true,
- "tunnel": {
- "mtu": 0,
- "saveAsDistinct": true,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "serverIP": "string",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "string",
- "netmask": "string",
- "gateway": "string"
], - "tcpmss": 0,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "childStatus": true,
- "port": null,
- "vpnProfileID": null
}, - "vlans": [
- "string"
}, - "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARP has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "arp": {
- "arpName": "arp",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE",
- "httpsRedirection": false
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientIsolationAllowedList": [ ],
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": true,
- "id": 15844,
- "locationPolicy": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 1302,
- "name": "location_policy_2",
- "systemLocation": "2",
- "systemName": "2",
- "saveAsDistinct": false
}, - "periodPolicy": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 15,
- "minute": 29,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 15,
- "month": 8,
- "year": 2024
}, - "id": 1316,
- "name": "location_policy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 14,
- "minute": 29,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 15,
- "month": 8,
- "year": 2024
}, - "timeZone": "nzst",
- "saveAsDistinct": false
}, - "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": false,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "ARP",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "groupId": "664b1b57a34ff660c4d8b854",
- "id": 121549,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - {
- "configType": "ARP",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "id": 121551,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728",
- "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "2"
This API allows you to delete multiple ARPs for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of the names of the ARP |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARPs have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "arpName": "tets",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "childStatus": false,
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 1113,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "00:DF:A5",
- "A1:89:D4:FF:2D"
}, - "message": "The Access Role Profile 'test' has been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get the ARP by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARP has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "arp": {
- "arpName": "test_arp",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 822718,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "00:DF:A5",
- "A1:89:D4:FF:2D"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ARP",
- "id": 122471,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "664b1b57a34ff660c4d8b854",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ARP",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "id": 122469,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "2"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "6652fa4bf4eb6d40603e60f0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860-hihi)",
- "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728"
], - "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "63564ae6a928c43749dcdfaf",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID"
], - "siteId": "63564ae6a928c45b8adcdfad"
This API allows you to get the ARP by Id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARP has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "arp": {
- "arpName": "test_arp",
- "bandwidthControl": { },
- "captivePortal": {
- "captivePortalType": "NONE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "clientSessionLogging": {
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": false,
- "loggingLevel": "NONE"
}, - "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "id": 822718,
- "saveAsDistinct": false,
- "useExistingAclAndQos": true,
- "useExistingLocationPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPeriodPolicy": true,
- "useExistingPolicyList": false,
- "walledGarden": {
- "allowDomains": [ ],
- "socialLoginVendor": [ ]
}, - "clientIsolationAllowedList": [
- "00:DF:A5",
- "A1:89:D4:FF:2D"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ARP",
- "id": 122471,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "0"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "664b1b57a34ff660c4d8b854",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ARP",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "id": 122469,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "vlanTunnelMapping": {
- "mappingType": "Vlan",
- "useExistingTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "2"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "6652fa4bf4eb6d40603e60f0",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6860-hihi)",
- "macAddress": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728"
], - "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "63564ae6a928c43749dcdfaf",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID"
], - "siteId": "63564ae6a928c45b8adcdfad"
This API allows you to get all ARP Device Configs for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "ARP Device Config has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "aaaProfileName": "test_aaa_profile",
- "allowDomains": [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
], - "captivePortalType": "EXTERNAL",
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "deviceMac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
- "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "entropyStatus": false,
- "externalCaptivePortalConfigName": "",
- "greServerIp": "",
- "httpsRedirection": false,
- "id": 11124,
- "localBreakOut": true,
- "locationPolicy": "__location_policy-test",
- "loggingLevel": "ALL",
- "mappingType": "VlanAndTunnel",
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "long-test",
- "periodPolicy": "__period_policy-test",
- "portalServer": "",
- "qosPolicyList": "__policy-test",
- "redirectUrl": "",
- "socialLoginVendor": [
- "Facebook",
- "Rainbow"
], - "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 64001,
- "tunnelType": "L2GRE",
- "useNATOverTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "33-44"
}, - {
- "aaaProfileName": "test_aaa_profile",
- "allowDomains": [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
], - "captivePortalType": "EXTERNAL",
- "clientSessionLoggingStatus": true,
- "deviceMac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
- "dhcpOption82Status": false,
- "entropyStatus": false,
- "externalCaptivePortalConfigName": "",
- "greServerIp": "",
- "httpsRedirection": false,
- "id": 11124,
- "localBreakOut": true,
- "locationPolicy": "__location_policy-test",
- "loggingLevel": "ALL",
- "mappingType": "VlanAndTunnel",
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "long-test",
- "periodPolicy": "__period_policy-test",
- "portalServer": "",
- "qosPolicyList": "__policy-test",
- "redirectUrl": "",
- "socialLoginVendor": [
- "Facebook",
- "Rainbow"
], - "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 64001,
- "tunnelType": "L2GRE",
- "useNATOverTunnel": false,
- "vlans": [
- "33-44"
This API allows you to get all client 802.1X certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client 802.1X certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 831562,
- "name": "client802.1x",
- "keyFileName": "ap_server.key",
- "serverFileName": "ap_server.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "client802.1x",
- "orgId": "66cd5a9a852beccc43d6580e",
- "site": {
- "id": "66cd5a9a852beccc43d65818",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "66cd5a9a852beccc43d6581a",
- "name": "default device group"
This API allows you to create client 802.1X certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string The name of the client 802.1X certificate. |
apCertificate required | string The CA file of the client 802.1X certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
privateKey required | string The private key file of the client 802.1X certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyPassword | string The key password of the client 802.1X certificate. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Client 802.1X certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 831562,
- "name": "client802.1x",
- "keyFileName": "ap_server.key",
- "serverFileName": "ap_server.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54",
- "keyPassword": "123456"
This API allows you to delete multiple client 802.1X certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings A list of client 802.1X certificate names to delete. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client 802.1X certificates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 831562,
- "name": "client802.1x",
- "keyFileName": "ap_server.key",
- "serverFileName": "ap_server.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54"
}, - "message": "The Client8021XCertificateAssignment has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get all client 802.1X certificate names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Client 802.1X certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "client1"
}, - {
- "name": "client802.1x"
This API allows you to download client 802.1X certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The client 802.1X certificate name needs to download. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get all Stellar BLE Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar BLE Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "certTest3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2024-08-29 08:52:51",
- "validityStopTime": "2298-06-13 08:52:51"
This API allows you to create Stellar BLE Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the Stellar BLE Certificate. |
caFile required | string The CA file of the Stellar BLE Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
serverFile required | string The server file of the Stellar BLE Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyFile required | string The key file of the Stellar BLE Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyPasswd | string The key password of the Stellar BLE Certificate. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Stellar BLE Certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "certTest3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2024-08-29 08:52:51",
- "validityStopTime": "2298-06-13 08:52:51",
This API allows you to delete multiple Stellar BLE Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings A list of Stellar Ble Certificate names to delete. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar BLE Certificates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "certTest3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2024-08-29 08:52:51",
- "validityStopTime": "2298-06-13 08:52:51"
}, - "message": "The Stellar BLE Certificate has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get Stellar BLE Certificate by id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar BLE Certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "certTest3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2024-08-29 08:52:51",
- "validityStopTime": "2298-06-13 08:52:51",
- "profiles": [
- "iotLocation1",
- "iotLocation2"
This API allows you to get all Stellar BLE certificate names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar BLE Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "client1"
}, - {
- "name": "client2"
This API allows you to download Stellar BLE Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The Stellar BLE Certificate name needs to download. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get all Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "RtlsCert3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
This API allows you to create Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate. |
caFile required | string The CA file of the Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
serverFile required | string The server file of the Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyFile required | string The key file of the Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyPasswd | string The key password of the Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "RtlsCert3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59",
This API allows you to delete multiple Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings A list of Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate names to delete. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "RtlsCert3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
}, - "message": "The Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate by id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 49202,
- "name": "RtlsCert3",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59",
- "profiles": [
- "iotLocation1",
- "iotLocation2"
This API allows you to get all Stellar WIFI RTLS certificate names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "RtlsCert1"
}, - {
- "name": "RtlsCert3"
This API allows you to download Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The Stellar WIFI RTLS Certificate name needs to download. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get all Syslog Over TLS Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Syslog Over TLS Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 37867,
- "name": "CertSyslog",
- "caFileName": "ca_syslog.pem",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54"
This API allows you to create Syslog Over TLS Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string The name of the Syslog Over TLS Certificate. |
caFile required | string The CA file of the Syslog Over TLS Certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Syslog Over TLS Certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 37867,
- "name": "CertSyslog",
- "caFileName": "ca_syslog.pem",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54",
- "md5": "f77dd2002f92ab2e0cd62249fc147add"
This API allows you to delete multiple Syslog Over TLS Certificates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings A list of Syslog Over TLS Certificate names to delete. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Syslog Over TLS Certificates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 37867,
- "name": "CertSyslog",
- "caFileName": "ca_syslog.pem",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54"
}, - "message": "The Syslog Over TLS Certificate has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get Syslog Over TLS Certificate by ID for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Syslog Over TLS Certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 37867,
- "name": "CertSyslog",
- "caFileName": "ca_syslog.pem",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "validityStartTime": "2022-08-29 09:44:54",
- "validityStopTime": "2032-05-28 09:44:54",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "CertSyslog",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "site": {
- "id": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012e",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "654464eefe6ed888929ea85b",
- "name": "Group01"
This API allows you to get all Syslog Over TLS certificate names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Syslog Over TLS Certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "CertSyslog01"
}, - {
- "name": "CertSyslog02"
This API allows you to download Syslog Over TLS Certificate for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The Syslog Over TLS Certificate name needs to download. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get all RF Templates for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
}, - {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to create RF Template for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the RF Template. Size: 1 - 32 characters. |
description | string The description of the RF Template. Size: 1 - 255 characters |
countryCode required | string The code of country where the site is located. Ex: VN |
bandSteering required | boolean An optimization option which can automatically steer clients connecting to a wireless network to the best frequency band available and supported |
bandSteeringForce5g required | boolean Force clients connecting to 5G band |
bandSteeringForce6g | boolean Force clients connecting to 6G band |
excludeMacOUILists | string List of MAC OUIs which are excluded by the band steering option. EX: 11:22:33 |
associationRSSIThreshold2 required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5A required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5L required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5H required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold6 | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
roamingRSSIThreshold2 required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5A required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5H required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5L required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold6 required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
dynamicLoadBalance required | boolean Enable or disable the Dynamic Load Balance |
backgroundScanning required | boolean Enable/Disable background scanning ability |
scanningInterval required | integer <int32> Configure the interval for scanning. Its value should be in [5 - 10800] |
scanningDuration required | integer <int32> The duration in each scanning time. Its value should be in [50 - 110] |
scanningChannel required | string Enum: "workChannel" "allChannels" Performance optimization option. This is to enable/disable airtime fairness for 2.4G and 5G bands |
voiceAndVideoAwareness required | boolean Enable or disable voice/video awareness |
defaultSetting required | boolean Disable to set custom bandwidth settings. Enable to reset bandwidth settings to default values. |
band2 required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 2.4G band radio is activated |
band5A required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the full band 5G radio on other AP series. |
band5H required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5.8G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the 5.8G radio on OAW AP-123x. |
band5L required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5.2G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the 5.2G radio on OAW AP-123x |
band6 required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. |
channelSetting2 required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. |
channelSetting5A required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in list's values: (5G Low + 5G High) |
channelSetting5H required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelSetting5L required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 |
channelSetting6 required | string The working channel of the radio. |
channelWidth2 required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20 |
channelWidth5A required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth5H required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as EX: 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth5L required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth6 | string The 6G Channel Width setting for the profile. |
powerSetting2 required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5A required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5H required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5L required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting6 | string The 6G Power setting for the profile. |
channelList5A required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelList5H required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelList5L required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 |
channelList6 | string The 6G Channel List for the profile. |
channelDRM5A required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM5H required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM5L required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM6 | boolean The channel DRM of RF Profile. |
shortGuardInterval2 required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 2.4G radio |
shortGuardInterval5A required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5G radio |
shortGuardInterval5L required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5.2G radio |
shortGuardInterval5H required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5.8G radio |
shortGuardInterval6 | boolean The short guard interval 6 of tha profile. |
minTXPower2 required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5A required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5L required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5H required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower6 | string The minimum transmit power for auto power setting, if configured. |
maxTXPower2 required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5A required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5L required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5H required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower6 | string The maximum transmit power for auto power setting, if configured. |
airtimeFairness2G required | boolean The administrative status of the Airtime Fairness feature for 2G band radio (On/Off) |
airtimeFairness5G required | boolean The administrative status of the Airtime Fairness feature for 5G band radio (On/Off) |
externalAntennasGain2 required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5A required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5L required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5H required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain6 | number <double> Configure the gain value of 6G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. |
clientAwareness2 required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5A required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5H required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5L required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness6 required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
muMimo2 required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5H required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5A required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5L required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo6 | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 6G radio. |
highEfficiency2 required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 2.4G radio |
highEfficiency5L required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5.2G radio |
highEfficiency5H required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5.8G radio |
highEfficiency5A required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5G radio |
highEfficiency6 required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 6G radio. This field value is always 'true' because this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled for the 6GHz band. |
beaconInterval2 required | integer <int32> The 2.4G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5A required | integer <int32> The 5G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5L required | integer <int32> The 5.2G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5H required | integer <int32> The 5.8G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval6 | integer <int32> The 6G radio Beacon Interval. |
csa2 | boolean The CSA 2 of the profile. |
csa5A | boolean The CSA 5A of the profile. |
csa5H | boolean The CSA 5H of the profile. |
csa5L | boolean The CSA 5L of the profile. |
csa6 | boolean The CSA 6 of the profile. |
csaCount2 | integer <int32> The CSA count 2 of the profile. |
csaCount5L | integer <int32> The CSA count 5L of the profile. |
csaCount5H | integer <int32> The CSA count 5H of the profile. |
csaCount5A | integer <int32> The CSA count 5A of the profile. |
csaCount6 | integer <int32> The CSA count 6 of the profile. |
drmInterval required | number <double> The DRM interval (in hours) for the channel reassignment (Range: 0.5 - 12). This field only accepts one decimal place. |
drmStartTime required | string The DRM start time for the channel reassignment. Format data is hh:mm (hh should be a full hour from 00 to 23 and mm should be a full minute from 00 to 59). |
drmTimeControl required | boolean Enable/disable the DRM Time Control function. |
Array of objects The array of Radio Settings for the specific AP models. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "bandSteering": true,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": true,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": true,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "string",
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": true,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "scanningInterval": 0,
- "scanningDuration": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true,
- "defaultSetting": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "channelSetting2": "string",
- "channelSetting5A": "string",
- "channelSetting5H": "string",
- "channelSetting5L": "string",
- "channelSetting6": "string",
- "channelWidth2": "string",
- "channelWidth5A": "string",
- "channelWidth5H": "string",
- "channelWidth5L": "string",
- "channelWidth6": "string",
- "powerSetting2": "string",
- "powerSetting5A": "string",
- "powerSetting5H": "string",
- "powerSetting5L": "string",
- "powerSetting6": "string",
- "channelList5A": "string",
- "channelList5H": "string",
- "channelList5L": "string",
- "channelList6": "string",
- "channelDRM5A": true,
- "channelDRM5H": true,
- "channelDRM5L": true,
- "channelDRM6": true,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "minTXPower2": "string",
- "minTXPower5A": "string",
- "minTXPower5L": "string",
- "minTXPower5H": "string",
- "minTXPower6": "string",
- "maxTXPower2": "string",
- "maxTXPower5A": "string",
- "maxTXPower5L": "string",
- "maxTXPower5H": "string",
- "maxTXPower6": "string",
- "airtimeFairness2G": true,
- "airtimeFairness5G": true,
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "beaconInterval2": 0,
- "beaconInterval5A": 0,
- "beaconInterval5L": 0,
- "beaconInterval5H": 0,
- "beaconInterval6": 0,
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 0,
- "csaCount5L": 0,
- "csaCount5H": 0,
- "csaCount5A": 0,
- "csaCount6": 0,
- "drmInterval": 0,
- "drmStartTime": "string",
- "drmTimeControl": true,
- "radioSetting": [
- {
- "band": [
- "2.4G"
], - "model": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "RF Template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to update RF Template for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the RF Template. Size: 1 - 32 characters. |
description | string The description of the RF Template. Size: 1 - 255 characters |
countryCode required | string The code of country where the site is located. Ex: VN |
bandSteering required | boolean An optimization option which can automatically steer clients connecting to a wireless network to the best frequency band available and supported |
bandSteeringForce5g required | boolean Force clients connecting to 5G band |
bandSteeringForce6g | boolean Force clients connecting to 6G band |
excludeMacOUILists | string List of MAC OUIs which are excluded by the band steering option. EX: 11:22:33 |
associationRSSIThreshold2 required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5A required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5L required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold5H required | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
associationRSSIThreshold6 | integer <int32> RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator. If the RSSI of the association request is lower than the threshold, it will be disassociated. Value in 0 - 100 |
roamingRSSIThreshold2 required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5A required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5H required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold5L required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
roamingRSSIThreshold6 required | integer <int32> if the RSSI of the client is lower than the threshold, it will be roamed. Value in 0 - 100. |
dynamicLoadBalance required | boolean Enable or disable the Dynamic Load Balance |
backgroundScanning required | boolean Enable/Disable background scanning ability |
scanningInterval required | integer <int32> Configure the interval for scanning. Its value should be in [5 - 10800] |
scanningDuration required | integer <int32> The duration in each scanning time. Its value should be in [50 - 110] |
scanningChannel required | string Enum: "workChannel" "allChannels" Performance optimization option. This is to enable/disable airtime fairness for 2.4G and 5G bands |
voiceAndVideoAwareness required | boolean Enable or disable voice/video awareness |
defaultSetting required | boolean Disable to set custom bandwidth settings. Enable to reset bandwidth settings to default values. |
band2 required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 2.4G band radio is activated |
band5A required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the full band 5G radio on other AP series. |
band5H required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5.8G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the 5.8G radio on OAW AP-123x. |
band5L required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. True if 5.2G band radio will be activated. It is used to set the 5.2G radio on OAW AP-123x |
band6 required | boolean Configure the working radio for the AP. |
channelSetting2 required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. |
channelSetting5A required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in list's values: (5G Low + 5G High) |
channelSetting5H required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelSetting5L required | string The working channel of the radio. This field must be in values as AUTO, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 |
channelSetting6 required | string The working channel of the radio. |
channelWidth2 required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20 |
channelWidth5A required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth5H required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as EX: 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth5L required | string Configures the channel width. This field must be in values as 0, 20, 40, 80 |
channelWidth6 | string The 6G Channel Width setting for the profile. |
powerSetting2 required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5A required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5H required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting5L required | string Configures the transmit power of the wireless radio. The PowerSetting in range 3..40 OR AUTO string value |
powerSetting6 | string The 6G Power setting for the profile. |
channelList5A required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelList5H required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165 |
channelList5L required | string If enabled, the available channel(s) that can be selected by DRM. This field must be in values as empty, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64 |
channelList6 | string The 6G Channel List for the profile. |
channelDRM5A required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM5H required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM5L required | boolean The Channel DRM administrative status (On/Off) |
channelDRM6 | boolean The channel DRM of RF Profile. |
shortGuardInterval2 required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 2.4G radio |
shortGuardInterval5A required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5G radio |
shortGuardInterval5L required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5.2G radio |
shortGuardInterval5H required | boolean Enables/Disables Short Guard Interval for 5.8G radio |
shortGuardInterval6 | boolean The short guard interval 6 of tha profile. |
minTXPower2 required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5A required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5L required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower5H required | string Specify the minimum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
minTXPower6 | string The minimum transmit power for auto power setting, if configured. |
maxTXPower2 required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5A required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5L required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower5H required | string Specify the maximum transmit power for auto power setting. The value in range 3..40 or empty. |
maxTXPower6 | string The maximum transmit power for auto power setting, if configured. |
airtimeFairness2G required | boolean The administrative status of the Airtime Fairness feature for 2G band radio (On/Off) |
airtimeFairness5G required | boolean The administrative status of the Airtime Fairness feature for 5G band radio (On/Off) |
externalAntennasGain2 required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5A required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5L required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain5H required | number <double> The gain value of 2.4G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. The value in range [1d..16d] |
externalAntennasGain6 | number <double> Configure the gain value of 6G band for the external antennas used by the APs mapping to this RF profile. |
clientAwareness2 required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5A required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5H required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness5L required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
clientAwareness6 required | boolean Client Aware Feature administrative status (On/Off) |
muMimo2 required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5H required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5A required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo5L required | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 2.4G radio |
muMimo6 | boolean The administrative status of the MU-MIMO feature for 6G radio. |
highEfficiency2 required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 2.4G radio |
highEfficiency5L required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5.2G radio |
highEfficiency5H required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5.8G radio |
highEfficiency5A required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 5G radio |
highEfficiency6 required | boolean The administrative status of the 'High Efficiency' feature for 6G radio. This field value is always 'true' because this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled for the 6GHz band. |
beaconInterval2 required | integer <int32> The 2.4G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5A required | integer <int32> The 5G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5L required | integer <int32> The 5.2G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval5H required | integer <int32> The 5.8G radio Beacon Interval. The value in range [60..500] |
beaconInterval6 | integer <int32> The 6G radio Beacon Interval. |
csa2 | boolean The CSA 2 of the profile. |
csa5A | boolean The CSA 5A of the profile. |
csa5H | boolean The CSA 5H of the profile. |
csa5L | boolean The CSA 5L of the profile. |
csa6 | boolean The CSA 6 of the profile. |
csaCount2 | integer <int32> The CSA count 2 of the profile. |
csaCount5L | integer <int32> The CSA count 5L of the profile. |
csaCount5H | integer <int32> The CSA count 5H of the profile. |
csaCount5A | integer <int32> The CSA count 5A of the profile. |
csaCount6 | integer <int32> The CSA count 6 of the profile. |
drmInterval required | number <double> The DRM interval (in hours) for the channel reassignment (Range: 0.5 - 12). This field only accepts one decimal place. |
drmStartTime required | string The DRM start time for the channel reassignment. Format data is hh:mm (hh should be a full hour from 00 to 23 and mm should be a full minute from 00 to 59). |
drmTimeControl required | boolean Enable/disable the DRM Time Control function. |
Array of objects The array of Radio Settings for the specific AP models. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "bandSteering": true,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": true,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": true,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "string",
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": true,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "scanningInterval": 0,
- "scanningDuration": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true,
- "defaultSetting": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "channelSetting2": "string",
- "channelSetting5A": "string",
- "channelSetting5H": "string",
- "channelSetting5L": "string",
- "channelSetting6": "string",
- "channelWidth2": "string",
- "channelWidth5A": "string",
- "channelWidth5H": "string",
- "channelWidth5L": "string",
- "channelWidth6": "string",
- "powerSetting2": "string",
- "powerSetting5A": "string",
- "powerSetting5H": "string",
- "powerSetting5L": "string",
- "powerSetting6": "string",
- "channelList5A": "string",
- "channelList5H": "string",
- "channelList5L": "string",
- "channelList6": "string",
- "channelDRM5A": true,
- "channelDRM5H": true,
- "channelDRM5L": true,
- "channelDRM6": true,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "minTXPower2": "string",
- "minTXPower5A": "string",
- "minTXPower5L": "string",
- "minTXPower5H": "string",
- "minTXPower6": "string",
- "maxTXPower2": "string",
- "maxTXPower5A": "string",
- "maxTXPower5L": "string",
- "maxTXPower5H": "string",
- "maxTXPower6": "string",
- "airtimeFairness2G": true,
- "airtimeFairness5G": true,
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "beaconInterval2": 0,
- "beaconInterval5A": 0,
- "beaconInterval5L": 0,
- "beaconInterval5H": 0,
- "beaconInterval6": 0,
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 0,
- "csaCount5L": 0,
- "csaCount5H": 0,
- "csaCount5A": 0,
- "csaCount6": 0,
- "drmInterval": 0,
- "drmStartTime": "string",
- "drmTimeControl": true,
- "radioSetting": [
- {
- "band": [
- "2.4G"
], - "model": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to remove RF Template by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of RF Template Names which are removed. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Templates have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "The 'RF Profile Config' have been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to get all RF Templates and Assignments for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Templates have been partially removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default RF Profile",
- "orgId": "644637585162d1976d43dbb8",
- "site": {
- "id": "646eda83a6376118d96878eb",
- "name": "site_long"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "646eda83a6376173a36878ed",
- "name": "default device group"
], - "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to get all RF Template (name only) for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "testRFProfile1"
}, - {
- "name": "testRFProfile2"
This API allows you to get an RF Template by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "RF Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 76248,
- "name": "TL",
- "airtimeFairness2G": false,
- "airtimeFairness5G": false,
- "assignments": null,
- "associationRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "associationRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "backgroundScanning": true,
- "band2": true,
- "band5A": true,
- "band5H": true,
- "band5L": true,
- "band6": true,
- "bandSteering": false,
- "bandSteeringForce5g": false,
- "bandSteeringForce6g": false,
- "beaconInterval2": 100,
- "beaconInterval5A": 100,
- "beaconInterval5H": 100,
- "beaconInterval5L": 100,
- "beaconInterval6": 100,
- "channelDRM5A": false,
- "channelDRM5H": false,
- "channelDRM5L": false,
- "channelDRM6": false,
- "channelList5A": "",
- "channelList5H": "",
- "channelList5L": "",
- "channelList6": "",
- "channelSetting2": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "channelSetting6": "AUTO",
- "channelWidth2": "0",
- "channelWidth5A": "0",
- "channelWidth5H": "0",
- "channelWidth5L": "0",
- "channelWidth6": "0",
- "clientAwareness2": true,
- "clientAwareness5A": true,
- "clientAwareness5H": true,
- "clientAwareness5L": true,
- "clientAwareness6": true,
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "csa2": true,
- "csa5A": true,
- "csa5H": true,
- "csa5L": true,
- "csa6": true,
- "csaCount2": 4,
- "csaCount5A": 4,
- "csaCount5H": 4,
- "csaCount5L": 4,
- "csaCount6": 4,
- "defaultSetting": false,
- "description": "",
- "drmInterval": 6,
- "drmStartTime": "00:00",
- "drmTimeControl": false,
- "dynamicLoadBalance": false,
- "excludeMacOUILists": "",
- "externalAntennasGain2": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5A": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5H": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain5L": 0,
- "externalAntennasGain6": 0,
- "highEfficiency2": true,
- "highEfficiency5A": true,
- "highEfficiency5H": true,
- "highEfficiency5L": true,
- "highEfficiency6": true,
- "isAPLinked": false,
- "maxTXPower2": "",
- "maxTXPower5A": "",
- "maxTXPower5H": "",
- "maxTXPower5L": "",
- "maxTXPower6": "",
- "minTXPower2": "",
- "minTXPower5A": "",
- "minTXPower5H": "",
- "minTXPower5L": "",
- "minTXPower6": "",
- "muMimo2": true,
- "muMimo5A": true,
- "muMimo5H": true,
- "muMimo5L": true,
- "muMimo6": true,
- "powerSetting2": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5A": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5H": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting5L": "AUTO",
- "powerSetting6": "AUTO",
- "profileType": "NORMAL",
- "radioSetting": [ ],
- "roamingRSSIThreshold2": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5A": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5H": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold5L": 0,
- "roamingRSSIThreshold6": 0,
- "scanningChannel": "workChannel",
- "scanningDuration": 50,
- "scanningInterval": 20,
- "shortGuardInterval2": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5A": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5H": true,
- "shortGuardInterval5L": true,
- "shortGuardInterval6": true,
- "voiceAndVideoAwareness": true
This API allows you to get all location policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Location Policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
}, - {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
This API allows you to create a new location policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The object of the location policy. |
{- "locationPolicy": {
- "name": "string",
- "systemLocation": "string",
- "systemName": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Location Policy has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "locationPolicy": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
This API allows you to update location policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The object of the location policy. |
{- "locationPolicy": {
- "name": "string",
- "systemLocation": "string",
- "systemName": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Location Policy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
This API allows you to remove location policy by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The names of Location Policies. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Location Policies have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
}, - "message": "The 'Location policy' has been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get location policy by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Location Policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
This API allows you to remove location policy by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Location Policies have been successfully removed.",
- "data": {
- "childStatus": true,
- "name": "test1",
- "systemLocation": "test1",
- "systemName": "test1",
- "id": 21
This API allows you to get all Tunnel for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Tunnel has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 811234,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "tunnel 2",
- "port": 111,
- "serverIP": "vpn",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 2155
This API allows you to create a Tunnel for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of the tunnel. |
{- "tunnel": {
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "name": "string",
- "serverIP": "string",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "string",
- "gateway": "string",
- "netmask": "string"
], - "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 0,
- "mtu": 0,
- "tcpmss": 1250,
- "port": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Tunnel has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "tunnel": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 811234,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "tunnel 2",
- "port": 111,
- "serverIP": "vpn",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 2155
This API allows you to update Tunnel for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of the tunnel. |
{- "tunnel": {
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "name": "string",
- "serverIP": "string",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "string",
- "gateway": "string",
- "netmask": "string"
], - "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 0,
- "mtu": 0,
- "tcpmss": 1250,
- "port": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Tunnel has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 811234,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "tunnel 2",
- "port": 111,
- "serverIP": "vpn",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 2155
This API allows you to delete multiple Tunnel by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings An array names of the tunnel. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Tunnel has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 811234,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "tunnel 2",
- "port": 111,
- "serverIP": "vpn",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 2155
This API allows you to get a Tunnel by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Tunnel has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 811234,
- "isAllowBreakout": true,
- "isSupportEntropy": true,
- "mtu": 500,
- "name": "tunnel 2",
- "port": 111,
- "serverIP": "vpn",
- "staticRoutes": [
- {
- "destination": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "netmask": ""
], - "tcpmss": 1250,
- "tunnelId": 0,
- "vpnProfileID": 2155
This API allows you to get all certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
}, - {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
This API allows you to update certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the certificate |
description | string The description of the certificate. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Certificate has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
This API allows you to create certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
file required | string The Pem file. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
password required | string The Private Key Password to use when generating the key file. |
description | string Enter a description for the certificate file. |
name required | string The name of the certificate file. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
This API allows you to delete multiple certificates by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of names of the certificates. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Certificates have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
}, - "status": 200,
- "message": "The APWebCertificate has been deleted successfully."
This API allows you to download certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the certificate. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get certificate by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 3024,
- "name": "test1",
- "description": "123",
- "fileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "format": "pem",
- "issuer": "C=VU,ST=VU1,L=HCM1,O=TMA1,OU=TMA1U,CN=OV1",
- "originalFileName": "6b519207-f4f7-44e8-8137-dc75f74f2fbb.pem",
- "password": "*",
- "serialNumber": "299922187273274762058121604492901252888233199704",
- "validityStartTime": "2021-09-23 03:01:34",
- "validityStopTime": "2021-10-23 03:01:34"
This API allows you to get all access auth profile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Access Auth Profiles have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "aaaProfileID": 808562,
- "aaaProfileName": "aaa",
- "bypassStatus": false,
- "bypassVlan": 2,
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": true,
- "defaultARPID": 742073,
- "defaultARPName": "accessAuthProfile",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "id": 816778,
- "macAllowEap": "NONE",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "name": "access _1",
- "trustTag": false,
- "usage": "MAC_E021X_AUTH"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "deviceMacs": [ ],
- "id": 31940,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "group": {
- "id": "62f5c3f19c2ec8430cfdbe6f",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "62f5c3f19c2ec8400dfdbe6d",
- "name": "site3"
This API allows you to update access auth profile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of access auth profile. |
Array of objects The Config Assignment of Access Auth Profile. |
{- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "string",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "e021xAuthPassProfileName": "string",
- "classificationStatus": true,
- "bypassVlan": 0,
- "bypassStatus": true,
- "macAllowEap": "PASS",
- "trustTag": "string",
- "usage": "OPEN_NETWORK",
- "passAltProfileID": 0,
- "aaaProfileName": "string",
- "aaaProfileID": 0,
- "defaultARPName": "string",
- "defaultARPID": 0,
- "clientIsolation": true
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "specificConfig": [
- "string"
], - "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "mode": "SITE",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Access Auth Profile has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "aaaProfileID": 281447,
- "aaaProfileName": "&ecirc;&aacute;",
- "bypassStatus": false,
- "classificationStatus": true,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "defaultARPID": 320599,
- "defaultARPName": "defaultWLANAccessProfile",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "id": 379072,
- "macAllowEap": "NONE",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "name": "Access Auth Profile",
- "trustTag": false,
- "usage": "MAC_E021X_AUTH"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "groupId": "665fe66390b14aa2894975da",
- "id": 379209,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "665fe66190b14aa2894975d8",
- "specificConfig": [
- "1"
}, - {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "id": 379073,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728",
- "siteId": "665fe66190b14aa2894975d8",
- "portType": "VLAN_PORT",
- "ports": [
- "1/1/3"
], - "bypassVlan": null
This API allows you to create access auth profile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of access auth profile. |
object The Config Assignment of Access Auth Profile. |
{- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "name": "string",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "macAuthPassProfileName": "string",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "e021xAuthPassProfileName": "string",
- "classificationStatus": true,
- "bypassVlan": 0,
- "bypassStatus": true,
- "macAllowEap": "PASS",
- "trustTag": "string",
- "usage": "OPEN_NETWORK",
- "passAltProfileID": 0,
- "aaaProfileName": "string",
- "aaaProfileID": 0,
- "defaultARPName": "string",
- "defaultARPID": 0,
- "clientIsolation": true
}, - "configAssignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "specificConfig": [
- "string"
], - "mode": "SITE"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Access Auth Profile has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "aaaProfileID": 808562,
- "aaaProfileName": "aaa",
- "bypassStatus": false,
- "bypassVlan": 2,
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": true,
- "defaultARPID": 742073,
- "defaultARPName": "accessAuthProfile",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "id": 816778,
- "macAllowEap": "NONE",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "name": "access _1",
- "trustTag": false,
- "usage": "MAC_E021X_AUTH"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "groupId": "65a9f827978863451f0183cb",
- "id": 4086838,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "65a9f827978863451f0183c9",
- "specificConfig": [
- "2"
This API allows you to delete multiple access auth profile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of integers The JSON array of the ids in Access auth profile |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Access Auth Profiles have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "The Access Auth Profile '[32184]' has been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "aaaProfileID": 281447,
- "aaaProfileName": "&ecirc;&aacute;",
- "bypassStatus": false,
- "classificationStatus": true,
- "clientIsolation": false,
- "defaultARPID": 320599,
- "defaultARPName": "defaultWLANAccessProfile",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "id": 379072,
- "macAllowEap": "NONE",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "name": "Access Auth Profile",
- "trustTag": false,
- "usage": "MAC_E021X_AUTH"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "groupId": "665fe66390b14aa2894975da",
- "id": 379209,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "665fe66190b14aa2894975d8",
- "specificConfig": [
- "1"
}, - {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "deviceMac": "2C:FA:A2:0C:AE:FF",
- "id": 379073,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "T2381728",
- "siteId": "665fe66190b14aa2894975d8",
- "portType": "VLAN_PORT",
- "ports": [
- "1/1/3"
This API allows you to get access auth profile by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Access Auth Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "accessAuthProfile": {
- "aaaProfileID": 808562,
- "aaaProfileName": "aaa",
- "bypassStatus": false,
- "bypassVlan": 2,
- "classificationStatus": false,
- "clientIsolation": true,
- "defaultARPID": 742073,
- "defaultARPName": "accessAuthProfile",
- "e021xAuthStatus": true,
- "id": 816778,
- "macAllowEap": "NONE",
- "macAuthStatus": true,
- "name": "access _1",
- "trustTag": false,
- "usage": "MAC_E021X_AUTH"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "ACCESS_AUTH_PROFILE",
- "deviceMacs": [ ],
- "id": 31940,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "group": {
- "id": "62f5c3f19c2ec8430cfdbe6f",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "62f5c3f19c2ec8400dfdbe6d",
- "name": "site3"
This API allows you to get all IOTLocationServerProfile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 13393,
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64940e048af8971f0759919f",
- "name": "GroupTest1"
}, - {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64d45ed8790b5a04d177d446",
- "name": "GroupTest2"
], - "certificate": null,
- "description": "Not Allowed To Be Deleted",
- "engineType": "AdvAnalytics",
- "host": "",
- "minimalReportingInterval": null,
- "port": 31123,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 3
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0.5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 6
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
], - "reportingInterval": null,
- "rssiFormat": null,
- "serverIp": null,
- "tlsSwitch": null,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": null,
- "uploadAdvType": null,
- "vendorPort": null
This API allows you to update IOT Location Server Profile for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
engineType required | string The engine type of the iot location. |
description | string An optional description for the Location Service Profile or IoT Profile. |
host | string The IP address or Host Name of the Location Engine, or IoT Zigbee Assa Abloy Server (Assa Abloy Visionline Zigbee Server). Default FQDN for Stellar Engine is |
vendorPort | integer <int32> The AP Listen Port (Range = 0 - 65535, Default = 1144). |
port | integer <int32> The server port number (Range = 0 - 65535, Default = 9093 for Stellar/OmniVista Cirrus WiFi RTLS/OmniVista Cirrus 10.1 and above, 443 for Assa Abloy). |
minimalReportingInterval | integer <int32> The interval (in seconds) for APs to report wireless scanning data to the Location Engine for location calculation (Default 30). |
unassociatedClientInfo | boolean If enabled (checked), when a client report is started, unassociated client information will be sent to the Location Engine. If disabled (unchecked), only associated client information will be sent. |
uploadAdvType | Array of strings The upload adv type of the iot location. |
rssiFormat | string The rssi format of the IOT location. |
name required | string The name of the Location Service Profile or IoT Profile. |
Array of objects The Qoe events of the Iot location. | |
reportingInterval | integer <int32> The reporting interval of the Iot location. |
tlsSwitch | boolean Enable/Disable the TLS. Required when creating/updating the IoT/Location Server Profile with the engine type: Stellar Asset Tracking or OmniVista Cirrus WiFi RTLS. |
certificate | string The name of the certificate used by the Iot location. |
{- "engineType": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "vendorPort": 0,
- "port": 0,
- "minimalReportingInterval": 0,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": true,
- "uploadAdvType": [
- "string"
], - "rssiFormat": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0
], - "reportingInterval": 0,
- "tlsSwitch": true,
- "certificate": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 13393,
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64940e048af8971f0759919f",
- "name": "GroupTest1"
}, - {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64d45ed8790b5a04d177d446",
- "name": "GroupTest2"
], - "certificate": null,
- "description": "Not Allowed To Be Deleted",
- "engineType": "AdvAnalytics",
- "host": "",
- "minimalReportingInterval": null,
- "port": 31123,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 3
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0.5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 6
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
], - "reportingInterval": null,
- "rssiFormat": null,
- "serverIp": null,
- "tlsSwitch": null,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": null,
- "uploadAdvType": null,
- "vendorPort": null
This API allows you to create IOT Location Server Profile for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
engineType required | string The engine type of the iot location. |
description | string An optional description for the Location Service Profile or IoT Profile. |
host | string The IP address or Host Name of the Location Engine, or IoT Zigbee Assa Abloy Server (Assa Abloy Visionline Zigbee Server). Default FQDN for Stellar Engine is |
vendorPort | integer <int32> The AP Listen Port (Range = 0 - 65535, Default = 1144). |
port | integer <int32> The server port number (Range = 0 - 65535, Default = 9093 for Stellar/OmniVista Cirrus WiFi RTLS/OmniVista Cirrus 10.1 and above, 443 for Assa Abloy). |
minimalReportingInterval | integer <int32> The interval (in seconds) for APs to report wireless scanning data to the Location Engine for location calculation (Default 30). |
unassociatedClientInfo | boolean If enabled (checked), when a client report is started, unassociated client information will be sent to the Location Engine. If disabled (unchecked), only associated client information will be sent. |
uploadAdvType | Array of strings The upload adv type of the iot location. |
rssiFormat | string The rssi format of the IOT location. |
name required | string The name of the Location Service Profile or IoT Profile. |
Array of objects The Qoe events of the Iot location. | |
reportingInterval | integer <int32> The reporting interval of the Iot location. |
tlsSwitch | boolean Enable/Disable the TLS. Required when creating/updating the IoT/Location Server Profile with the engine type: Stellar Asset Tracking or OmniVista Cirrus WiFi RTLS. |
certificate | string The name of the certificate used by the Iot location. |
{- "engineType": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "host": "string",
- "vendorPort": 0,
- "port": 0,
- "minimalReportingInterval": 0,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": true,
- "uploadAdvType": [
- "string"
], - "rssiFormat": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0
], - "reportingInterval": 0,
- "tlsSwitch": true,
- "certificate": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 13393,
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64940e048af8971f0759919f",
- "name": "GroupTest1"
}, - {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64d45ed8790b5a04d177d446",
- "name": "GroupTest2"
], - "certificate": null,
- "description": "Not Allowed To Be Deleted",
- "engineType": "AdvAnalytics",
- "host": "",
- "minimalReportingInterval": null,
- "port": 31123,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 3
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0.5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 6
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
], - "reportingInterval": null,
- "rssiFormat": null,
- "serverIp": null,
- "tlsSwitch": null,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": null,
- "uploadAdvType": null,
- "vendorPort": null
This API allows you to delete multiple IOT Location Server Profile by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The list names of the Iot location. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 13393,
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64940e048af8971f0759919f",
- "name": "GroupTest1"
}, - {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64d45ed8790b5a04d177d446",
- "name": "GroupTest2"
], - "certificate": null,
- "description": "Not Allowed To Be Deleted",
- "engineType": "AdvAnalytics",
- "host": "",
- "minimalReportingInterval": null,
- "port": 31123,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 3
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0.5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 6
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
], - "reportingInterval": null,
- "rssiFormat": null,
- "serverIp": null,
- "tlsSwitch": null,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": null,
- "uploadAdvType": null,
- "vendorPort": null
}, - "message": "The Iot Location Profile has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get all IOT Location Server Profile by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 13393,
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64940e048af8971f0759919f",
- "name": "GroupTest1"
}, - {
- "name": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "orgId": "6493c30f40f785abf15f9fb2",
- "site": {
- "id": "6493c30f40f785dc3e5f9fb4",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "64d45ed8790b5a04d177d446",
- "name": "GroupTest2"
], - "certificate": null,
- "description": "Not Allowed To Be Deleted",
- "engineType": "AdvAnalytics",
- "host": "",
- "minimalReportingInterval": null,
- "port": 31123,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "qoeEvents": [
- {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 3
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 0.5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 60
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 6
}, - {
- "event": "",
- "interval": 5
], - "reportingInterval": null,
- "rssiFormat": null,
- "serverIp": null,
- "tlsSwitch": null,
- "unassociatedClientInfo": null,
- "uploadAdvType": null,
- "vendorPort": null
This API allows you to get Kafka serverip/host and port for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "IOT Location Server Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "host": "",
- "port": "29092"
This API allows you to get all ldap certificates for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "LDAP certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 3039,
- "name": "test_ldap",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "Company1",
- "issueTo": "",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "123456",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
This API allows you to create ldap certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
ca-file required | string The CA file of the certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
server-file required | string The Server file of the certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
key-file required | string The Key file of the certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyPasswd required | string Enter a description for the certificate file. |
name required | string The name of the certificate file. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "LDAP certificate has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 3039,
- "name": "test_ldap",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "Company1",
- "issueTo": "",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "123456",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
This API allows you to delete multiple ldap certificates by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings The array of names of the certificates. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "LDAP certificates have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 3039,
- "name": "test_ldap",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "Company1",
- "issueTo": "",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "123456",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
}, - "message": "The 'LocalLDAPCertificate' have been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to download ldap certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the certificate. |
{- "name": "string"
This API allows you to get ldap certificate by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "LDAP certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 3039,
- "name": "test_ldap",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "Company1",
- "issueTo": "",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "123456",
- "serverFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
This API allows you to get all Local RadSec certificates for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Local RadSec has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 9942,
- "name": "test_local_radsec",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "clientFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59",
- "assignments": [
- {
- "name": "CertRadSec1",
- "orgId": "63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39",
- "site": {
- "id": "63da130709588532429cff97",
- "name": "Site 1"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "640b0e2a898049c4b73e34c3",
- "name": "Group 2"
This API allows you to create Local RadSec certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ca-file required | string The CA file of the Local RadSec certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
client-file required | string The Client file of the Local RadSec certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
key-file required | string The Key file of the Local RadSec certificate. When using REST API tools to send the request (Ex: Postman,...), we need to select a file for this field. |
keyPasswd required | string The key password of the Local RadSec certificate. |
name required | string The name of the Local RadSec certificate. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Local RadSec has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 9942,
- "name": "test_local_radsec",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "clientFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
This API allows you to delete multiple Local RadSec certificates by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of names of the certificates. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Local RadSec has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 9942,
- "name": "test_local_radsec",
- "caFileName": "ca.crt",
- "issueBy": "company1",
- "issueTo": "company2",
- "keyFileName": "client.key",
- "password": "*",
- "clientFileName": "client.crt",
- "validityStartTime": "2018-07-12 07:32:59",
- "validityStopTime": "2028-07-09 07:32:59"
}, - "message": "The 'LocalRadSecCertificate' have been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to download Local RadSec certificate for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
name required | string The name of the certificate. |
{- "name": "string"
This API is used to create a VPN Setting.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string Name for the vpn setting attribute. |
manageRapVpnServer required | string RAP Server IP. |
manageRapVpnServerPort required | string RAP VPN port. |
dataVpnServerIP required | string RAP VPN IP. |
ovEnterpriseServerIP required | string OmniVista Enterprise Server IP. |
tcpmss required | string This TCPMSS attribute can be used to control the maximum size of packets going out through a connection. |
ipAddressPoolOption required | string Enum: "shorthandMask" "ipRange" Client VPN IP Address Pool Option. |
networkIPAddress | string Network IP. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is shorthandMask |
networkIPLength | string Number of Network IP. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is shorthandMask |
startIPRange | string Start Network IP range. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
endIPRange | string End Network IP range. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
subnetMask | string Subnet Mask. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
{- "name": "string",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "string",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": "string",
- "dataVpnServerIP": "string",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "string",
- "tcpmss": "string",
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "shorthandMask",
- "networkIPAddress": "string",
- "networkIPLength": "string",
- "startIPRange": "string",
- "endIPRange": "string",
- "subnetMask": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The VPN Setting has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "id": 2,
- "name": "ov_vpn",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 9000,
- "dataVpnServerIP": "",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "",
- "tcpmss": 1350,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "ipRange",
- "networkIPAddress": null,
- "networkIPLength": 0,
- "startIPRange": "",
- "endIPRange": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": "gEWyjH3G+eiNuNkMD5UJrkcLO0Ns+1Dk5fvd98HC5Wg=",
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": "shyRAwSZxJHz9FHoBtQdyoFGqKEKfD6LFUnHsTJzQSs=",
- "orgId": "635b908e5771a601e573ce70",
- "sizeOfRange": 1,
- "remoteAps": [
This API is used to get all VPN Setting.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Setting(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "id": 2,
- "name": "ov_vpn",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 9000,
- "dataVpnServerIP": "",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "",
- "tcpmss": 1350,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "ipRange",
- "networkIPAddress": null,
- "networkIPLength": 0,
- "startIPRange": "",
- "endIPRange": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": "gEWyjH3G+eiNuNkMD5UJrkcLO0Ns+1Dk5fvd98HC5Wg=",
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": "shyRAwSZxJHz9FHoBtQdyoFGqKEKfD6LFUnHsTJzQSs=",
- "orgId": "635b908e5771a601e573ce70",
- "sizeOfRange": 1,
- "remoteAps": [
This API is used to delete VPN Settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of numbers The array of unique identifiers of roles mapping. |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Setting(s) has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "status": 200,
- "message": "Delete vpn-setting successfully.",
- "data": 5
This API is used to update a VPN Setting.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string Name for the vpn setting attribute. |
manageRapVpnServer required | string RAP Server IP. |
manageRapVpnServerPort required | string RAP VPN port. |
dataVpnServerIP required | string RAP VPN IP. |
ovEnterpriseServerIP required | string OmniVista Enterprise Server IP. |
tcpmss required | string This TCPMSS attribute can be used to control the maximum size of packets going out through a connection. |
ipAddressPoolOption required | string Enum: "shorthandMask" "ipRange" Client VPN IP Address Pool Option. |
networkIPAddress | string Network IP. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is shorthandMask |
networkIPLength | string Number of Network IP. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is shorthandMask |
startIPRange | string Start Network IP range. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
endIPRange | string End Network IP range. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
subnetMask | string Subnet Mask. It is required when the ipAddressPoolOption is ipRange |
{- "name": "string",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "string",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": "string",
- "dataVpnServerIP": "string",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "string",
- "tcpmss": "string",
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "shorthandMask",
- "networkIPAddress": "string",
- "networkIPLength": "string",
- "startIPRange": "string",
- "endIPRange": "string",
- "subnetMask": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Setting has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "id": 2,
- "name": "ov_vpn",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 9000,
- "dataVpnServerIP": "",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "",
- "tcpmss": 1350,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "ipRange",
- "networkIPAddress": null,
- "networkIPLength": 0,
- "startIPRange": "",
- "endIPRange": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": "gEWyjH3G+eiNuNkMD5UJrkcLO0Ns+1Dk5fvd98HC5Wg=",
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": "shyRAwSZxJHz9FHoBtQdyoFGqKEKfD6LFUnHsTJzQSs=",
- "orgId": "635b908e5771a601e573ce70",
- "sizeOfRange": 1,
- "remoteAps": [
This API is used to get a VPN Setting.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Setting(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-02-10T03:05:00.935+00:00",
- "id": 2,
- "name": "ov_vpn",
- "manageRapVpnServer": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 9000,
- "dataVpnServerIP": "",
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": "",
- "tcpmss": 1350,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": "ipRange",
- "networkIPAddress": null,
- "networkIPLength": 0,
- "startIPRange": "",
- "endIPRange": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": "gEWyjH3G+eiNuNkMD5UJrkcLO0Ns+1Dk5fvd98HC5Wg=",
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": "shyRAwSZxJHz9FHoBtQdyoFGqKEKfD6LFUnHsTJzQSs=",
- "orgId": "635b908e5771a601e573ce70",
- "sizeOfRange": 1,
- "remoteAps": [
This API is used to export a VPN Setting.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Certificate has been successfully downloaded.",
- "data": ""
This API allows you to get all VPN Servers for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Servers has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500,
- "vpnClientsVO": [
- {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "4HxsYgQDnu2aK4P1N2d+2hWBcEBt9jve4YprUlNCUmk=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "GyBztQ9XyvJtOPxqacrnTHpfSFm6s9yG30ZAwwM2MHE=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "ECL3FazsNifo4a+9hNZabIJsSWrZIj1+0to/MuExpGY=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4VeR3R9Dk12JfA/SGqOG1faIztiC/n+UnnFU0fE8oTg=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "6KutPabXnNZHk61AlQ7wueY+nuSHAAWS/x/lYYq8xX8=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "/o9XJzWrqSusD5V8Njs+roHNkOz0EIJGKpYIuTrmbCY=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LKp902K5+Qpg6WH+i7u9Z/y1/29//v9YjJSbocIznA=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4szEDg1Z/Kj3gp4ZsyNScVgIJiRRrYn4j6C+RYzdxys=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
], - "deviceGroups": [
- "65b0e6e2ae21e8d7d1b5b06f"
This API allows you to update VPN Server for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
id required | string The id of the profile. |
name required | string The name of the profile. |
autoPrivateKey | boolean The Automatically Generate Server's Private Key of the profile. |
autoPublicKey | boolean The Automatically Generate Server's Public Key of the profile. |
description | string The description of the profile. |
endIp | string The End IP of the profile. |
maskInt | string The IP Range option of the profile. Value in 1 - 30. |
maskString | string The Shorthand Mask Option of the profile. |
maskType | string Enum: "maskStr" "maskInt" The Mask Type of the profile. |
serverPrivateKey | string The Data VPN Server's private key used for secure communication between Data VPN Server and the client. |
serverPublicIp required | string The server public IP of the profile. |
serverPublicKey | string The Data VPN Server's public key used for secure communication between the Data VPN Server and the client. |
serverPublicPort required | string The server public port of the profile. Value in 1 - 65535. |
serverVpnIp required | string The server VPN IP of the profile. |
startIp required | string The start IP of the profile. |
tcpMss | string The TCPMSS of the profile. Value in 500 - 1460. |
{- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "string",
- "endIp": "string",
- "maskInt": "string",
- "maskString": "string",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "string",
- "serverPublicIp": "string",
- "serverPublicKey": "string",
- "serverPublicPort": "string",
- "serverVpnIp": "string",
- "startIp": "string",
- "tcpMss": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Server has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500
This API allows you to create VPN Server for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string The name of the profile. |
autoPrivateKey | boolean The Automatically Generate Server's Private Key of the profile. |
autoPublicKey | boolean The Automatically Generate Server's Public Key of the profile. |
description | string The description of the profile. |
endIp | string The End IP of the profile. |
maskInt | string The IP Range option of the profile. Value in 1 - 30. |
maskString | string The Shorthand Mask Option of the profile. |
maskType | string Enum: "maskStr" "maskInt" The Mask Type of the profile. |
serverPrivateKey | string The Data VPN Server's private key used for secure communication between Data VPN Server and the client. |
serverPublicIp required | string The server public IP of the profile. |
serverPublicKey | string The Data VPN Server's public key used for secure communication between the Data VPN Server and the client. |
serverPublicPort required | string The server public port of the profile. Value in 1 - 65535. |
serverVpnIp required | string The server VPN IP of the profile. |
startIp required | string The start IP of the profile. |
tcpMss | string The TCPMSS of the profile. Value in 500 - 1460. |
{- "name": "string",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "string",
- "endIp": "string",
- "maskInt": "string",
- "maskString": "string",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "string",
- "serverPublicIp": "string",
- "serverPublicKey": "string",
- "serverPublicPort": "string",
- "serverVpnIp": "string",
- "startIp": "string",
- "tcpMss": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "VPN Server has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500,
- "vpnClientsVO": [
- {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "4HxsYgQDnu2aK4P1N2d+2hWBcEBt9jve4YprUlNCUmk=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "GyBztQ9XyvJtOPxqacrnTHpfSFm6s9yG30ZAwwM2MHE=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "ECL3FazsNifo4a+9hNZabIJsSWrZIj1+0to/MuExpGY=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4VeR3R9Dk12JfA/SGqOG1faIztiC/n+UnnFU0fE8oTg=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "6KutPabXnNZHk61AlQ7wueY+nuSHAAWS/x/lYYq8xX8=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "/o9XJzWrqSusD5V8Njs+roHNkOz0EIJGKpYIuTrmbCY=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LKp902K5+Qpg6WH+i7u9Z/y1/29//v9YjJSbocIznA=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4szEDg1Z/Kj3gp4ZsyNScVgIJiRRrYn4j6C+RYzdxys=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
This API allows you to delete multiple VPN Servers by ids for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of numbers A JSON array of ids of the profile. |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Servers have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500
}, - "message": "The VPN Server has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to export VPN Server by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "data": "test.conf"
This API allows you to get VPN Server by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Servers has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500,
- "vpnClientsVO": [
- {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "4HxsYgQDnu2aK4P1N2d+2hWBcEBt9jve4YprUlNCUmk=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "GyBztQ9XyvJtOPxqacrnTHpfSFm6s9yG30ZAwwM2MHE=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "ECL3FazsNifo4a+9hNZabIJsSWrZIj1+0to/MuExpGY=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4VeR3R9Dk12JfA/SGqOG1faIztiC/n+UnnFU0fE8oTg=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "6KutPabXnNZHk61AlQ7wueY+nuSHAAWS/x/lYYq8xX8=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "/o9XJzWrqSusD5V8Njs+roHNkOz0EIJGKpYIuTrmbCY=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LKp902K5+Qpg6WH+i7u9Z/y1/29//v9YjJSbocIznA=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4szEDg1Z/Kj3gp4ZsyNScVgIJiRRrYn4j6C+RYzdxys=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
], - "deviceVpnInfo": [
- {
- "deviceGroupID": "6392170db6cea4667d2d86fa",
- "deviceInfo": [
- {
- "createdTime": "2024-03-05T08:26:42.153135Z[UTC]",
- "id": 675852,
- "modifiedTime": "2024-03-05T08:26:42.153136Z[UTC]",
- "apGroupID": "65e6d67b900c57caf9729c3a",
- "apPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "apPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "deviceVpnIP": "",
- "macAddress": "AA:FF:19:20:21:08",
- "orgId": "654c43e19e28e0c2d4ba1980",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "vpnProfileID": 675843,
- "vpnProfileName": "VPNServer02"
This API allows you to get the details VPN Server by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "VPN Server has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500,
- "vpnClientsVO": [
- {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "4HxsYgQDnu2aK4P1N2d+2hWBcEBt9jve4YprUlNCUmk=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "GyBztQ9XyvJtOPxqacrnTHpfSFm6s9yG30ZAwwM2MHE=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "ECL3FazsNifo4a+9hNZabIJsSWrZIj1+0to/MuExpGY=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4VeR3R9Dk12JfA/SGqOG1faIztiC/n+UnnFU0fE8oTg=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "6KutPabXnNZHk61AlQ7wueY+nuSHAAWS/x/lYYq8xX8=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "/o9XJzWrqSusD5V8Njs+roHNkOz0EIJGKpYIuTrmbCY=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LKp902K5+Qpg6WH+i7u9Z/y1/29//v9YjJSbocIznA=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4szEDg1Z/Kj3gp4ZsyNScVgIJiRRrYn4j6C+RYzdxys=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
], - "deviceVpnInfo": [
- {
- "deviceInfo": [
- {
- "createdTime": "2024-03-05T08:26:42.153135Z[UTC]",
- "id": 675852,
- "modifiedTime": "2024-03-05T08:26:42.153136Z[UTC]",
- "apGroupID": "65e6d67b900c57caf9729c3a",
- "apPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "apPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "deviceVpnIP": "",
- "macAddress": "AA:FF:19:20:21:08",
- "orgId": "654c43e19e28e0c2d4ba1980",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "vpnProfileID": 675843,
- "vpnProfileName": "VPNServer02"
], - "group": {
- "name": "GroupVPN",
- "id": "65e6d67b900c57caf9729c3a",
- "description": "",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2023-11-09T02:32:44.269Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-01-31T02:44:35.306Z",
- "id": "654c44cc9e28e0c2d4ba1996",
- "name": "Site01",
- "countryCode": "TH",
- "timezone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "address": "Huai Rai, 11, Ban Huai Lak Puen, Ban Nam Raem, Mae Chua, Phrae Province, Thailand",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "100.040450",
- "17.886012"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "654c43e19e28e0c2d4ba1980"
This API allows you to get all VPN Servers by groups for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
{- "6371f75990d7259f28f04866": [
- {
- "id": 675843,
- "name": "VPNServer01",
- "autoPrivateKey": true,
- "autoPublicKey": true,
- "description": "",
- "endIp": "",
- "maskInt": 0,
- "maskString": "",
- "maskType": "maskStr",
- "serverPrivateKey": "AOsxZ0Fr03K/2B7cnCEMH8l/0b0s+yDY7TUfwyrT0G0=",
- "serverPublicIp": "",
- "serverPublicKey": "SExDN2CsSc4GqlijPq7z/0BoBH3McpJvqu23E7vz9T4=",
- "serverPublicPort": 1,
- "serverVpnIp": "",
- "startIp": "",
- "tcpMss": 500,
- "vpnClientsVO": [
- {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LrE4/S0hwGythLMtCBwmCp5ijtjNaYv/a+r8Pr/5ms=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "5amRevhS8+Lqn4h3kMbWU75t2/F8f9y1x68fd5Tx9UA=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "4HxsYgQDnu2aK4P1N2d+2hWBcEBt9jve4YprUlNCUmk=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "GyBztQ9XyvJtOPxqacrnTHpfSFm6s9yG30ZAwwM2MHE=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "ECL3FazsNifo4a+9hNZabIJsSWrZIj1+0to/MuExpGY=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4VeR3R9Dk12JfA/SGqOG1faIztiC/n+UnnFU0fE8oTg=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "6KutPabXnNZHk61AlQ7wueY+nuSHAAWS/x/lYYq8xX8=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "/o9XJzWrqSusD5V8Njs+roHNkOz0EIJGKpYIuTrmbCY=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
}, - {
- "vpnClientIp": "",
- "vpnClientPrivateKey": "8LKp902K5+Qpg6WH+i7u9Z/y1/29//v9YjJSbocIznA=",
- "vpnClientPublicKey": "4szEDg1Z/Kj3gp4ZsyNScVgIJiRRrYn4j6C+RYzdxys=",
- "vpnServerId": 675843,
- "vpnServerName": "VPNServer01"
], - "createdTime": "2022-11-15T04:28:28.692Z[UTC]",
- "modifiedTime": "2022-11-15T04:28:28.692Z[UTC]"
This API allows to create Template in a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the template. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the template. |
{- "data": {
- "name": "string",
- "details": "string",
- "templateType": "INITIAL"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "details": "! If you wish to override the DHCP IP address of the switch with a Static IP address,\n! remove the dhcp-client ip interface and create an ip interface specifying \n! the Static IP address using the variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr \n! When you use this special variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr, special processing is done by OV, \n! to map the Switch to this new static IP.\n! Example: Have the following 2 lines in your config \n! no ip interface dhcp-client \n! ip interface $ip_interface_name address $switch_mgmt_ip_addr mask $switch_mgmt_ip_addr_mask vlan $vlan1 \n! For more details, check the Help page of this application\n$vlan\n\n\n",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "ConfigTemplate",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]"
This API allows to get all Templates from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "details": "! If you wish to override the DHCP IP address of the switch with a Static IP address,\n! remove the dhcp-client ip interface and create an ip interface specifying \n! the Static IP address using the variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr \n! When you use this special variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr, special processing is done by OV, \n! to map the Switch to this new static IP.\n! Example: Have the following 2 lines in your config \n! no ip interface dhcp-client \n! ip interface $ip_interface_name address $switch_mgmt_ip_addr mask $switch_mgmt_ip_addr_mask vlan $vlan1 \n! For more details, check the Help page of this application\n$vlan\n\n\n",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "ConfigTemplate",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]"
This API allows you to remove Templates by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings An array of names of the template. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Template(s) has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "details": "! If you wish to override the DHCP IP address of the switch with a Static IP address,\n! remove the dhcp-client ip interface and create an ip interface specifying \n! the Static IP address using the variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr \n! When you use this special variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr, special processing is done by OV, \n! to map the Switch to this new static IP.\n! Example: Have the following 2 lines in your config \n! no ip interface dhcp-client \n! ip interface $ip_interface_name address $switch_mgmt_ip_addr mask $switch_mgmt_ip_addr_mask vlan $vlan1 \n! For more details, check the Help page of this application\n$port\n\n\n",
- "name": "ConfigTemplate",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T04:50:25.773868Z[UTC]",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "valueMappings": [
- {
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "message": "Delete the Provisioning Template with the name ConfigTemplate successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows to assign Incremental Configuration in a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the template. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the template. |
{- "data": {
- "assignedDevices": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "valueMapping": "string"
], - "provisioningTemplate": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Incremental provisioning configuration has been successfully assigned.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "serialNumber": "SN4763221AH",
- "valueMapping": "value_mapping01"
}, - "message": "Assigned incremental configuration successfully",
- "status": 200
}, - {
- "data": {
- "serialNumber": "SN4763221BH",
- "valueMapping": "value_mapping01"
}, - "message": "Assigned incremental configuration successfully",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get Template by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "details": "! If you wish to override the DHCP IP address of the switch with a Static IP address,\n! remove the dhcp-client ip interface and create an ip interface specifying \n! the Static IP address using the variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr \n! When you use this special variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr, special processing is done by OV, \n! to map the Switch to this new static IP.\n! Example: Have the following 2 lines in your config \n! no ip interface dhcp-client \n! ip interface $ip_interface_name address $switch_mgmt_ip_addr mask $switch_mgmt_ip_addr_mask vlan $vlan1 \n! For more details, check the Help page of this application\n$vlan\n\n\n",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "ConfigTemplate",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "assignedDevices": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "SN716290AS",
- "valueMappingName": "ValueMapping005",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-23T08:39:09.133Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-23T08:52:28.341Z",
- "id": "66f1292df3d127315051c333",
- "name": "AOS device",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "23:09:24:FF:FF:01",
- "deviceFamily": "AOS",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Network device",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "8.10.38.R01",
- "workingMode": null,
- "lastSeenTime": null,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66b1c5390ed3c02a9d2c318a",
- "site": "66c2b4cb2e6a42a62285fc65",
- "group": null,
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "66f1292df3d127315051c332",
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "23:09:24:FF:FF:01",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": "",
- "txPower": "",
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "beaconMode": "",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": null,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "deviceManaged": true,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "8.10.38.R01",
- "lldpSwitch": null,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1727082164,
- "modelName": "OS6860E-P48",
- "licenseCategory": null,
- "deviceLocation": null,
- "workMode": "",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1727082164,
- "managementConnectivity": "OFF"
This API allows you to update Template for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the template. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the template. |
{- "data": {
- "details": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-22T02:46:26.515177Z[UTC]",
- "details": "! If you wish to override the DHCP IP address of the switch with a Static IP address,\n! remove the dhcp-client ip interface and create an ip interface specifying \n! the Static IP address using the variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr \n! When you use this special variable $switch_mgmt_ip_addr, special processing is done by OV, \n! to map the Switch to this new static IP.\n! Example: Have the following 2 lines in your config \n! no ip interface dhcp-client \n! ip interface $ip_interface_name address $switch_mgmt_ip_addr mask $switch_mgmt_ip_addr_mask vlan $vlan1 \n! For more details, check the Help page of this application\n$port\n\n\n",
- "name": "ConfigTemplate",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-22T04:50:25.773868Z[UTC]"
This API allows to create a new Value Mapping in a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Value Mapping. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Value Mapping. |
{- "data": {
- "name": "string",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "string"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "health_threshold_vlan",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]"
This API allows to get all Value Mapping from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "health_threshold_vlan",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]"
This API allows you to remove Value Mapping by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings An array names of the Value Mappings. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping(s) has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "health_threshold_vlan",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]"
}, - "message": "Delete the Value Mapping with the name value_mapping successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get Value Mapping by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "health_threshold_vlan",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]"
This API allows you to update Value Mapping for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Value Mapping. |
{- "data": {
- "params": {
- "vlan": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
}, - "provisioningTemplateName": "health_threshold_vlan",
- "updatedAt": "2023-08-04T09:11:16.633803Z[UTC]"
This API allows to get all Value Mapping from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
templateName required | string This is a path param for templateName |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Pre-provisioning Value Mapping(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "value_mapping",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "params": {
- "vlan": "123"
This API allows to get all Management User Template(s) from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Management User Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "mgmt_template1",
- "ftpCLIProfileUserName": "user123"
}, - {
- "name": "mgmt_template2",
- "ftpCLIProfileUserName": "user1234"
This API allows to create a new Management User Template in a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Management User Template. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Management User Template. |
{- "data": {
- "name": "string",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "confirmPassword": "string",
- "credentialsType": "CREATE_NEW"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Management User Template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "name": "mgmt_template1",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "64464cb4cbf976058c3f055b",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "username": "user123",
- "credentialsType": "CREATE_NEW"
}, - "createdAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00"
This API allows you to remove Management User Template(s) by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names | Array of strings An array name of the Management User Templates. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Management User Template(s) has been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "status": 200,
- "message": "Delete the Management User Template with the name mgmt_template9 successfully.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-12-22T03:11:24.299892Z[UTC]",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "credentialsType": "USE_EXISTING",
- "username": "1"
}, - "maxScope": "ORG",
- "name": "test1234",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-22T03:11:24.302653Z[UTC]"
This API allows you to get a Management User Template by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Management User Template(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "name": "mgmt_template1",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "64464cb4cbf976058c3f055b",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "username": "user123",
- "credentialsType": "CREATE_NEW"
}, - "createdAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00"
This API allows you to update a Management User Template for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Management User Template. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Management User Template. |
{- "data": {
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "confirmPassword": "string",
- "credentialsType": "CREATE_NEW"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Management User Template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "name": "mgmt_template1",
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "64464cb4cbf976058c3f055b",
- "ftpCLIProfile": {
- "username": "user123",
- "credentialsType": "CREATE_NEW"
}, - "createdAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2023-06-06T11:25:53.726+00:00"
This API allows you to get Provisioning Results for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Result provisioning configuration(s) has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "forceProv": "No",
- "lastProvisionMessage": "provisioning.results.lastProvisionMsg.succeeded",
- "lastUpdated": 1723794406380,
- "latestConfigSent": {
- "fileDetail": [
- {
- "directory": "/flash/working",
- "fileChecked": false,
- "fileName": "OV_provisioning_vcboot.cfg",
- "fileSize": 0
], - "name": "Config sent on Fri Aug 16 07:45:55 GMT 2024",
- "path": "data/file_server/provisioning/latestconfigsent/JSZ232900814/template_config/1967",
- "timeSent": "2024-08-16T07:45:55.167Z[UTC]"
}, - "mgmtUserTemplate": "Default Management User Template",
- "serialNumber": "JSZ232900814",
- "state": "PROVISIONED",
- "status": "SUCCEEDED",
- "switchError": null,
- "template": null,
- "templateType": "INITIAL",
- "valueMapping": null,
- "deviceName": "",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:37:B2:3D",
- "switchModel": "OS6860E-P24",
- "deviceLocation": "Unknown",
- "chassisList": [
- "JSZ232900814"
], - "ipAddress": ""
This API allows you to push a Provisioning Rule configuration to a matching switch the next time the switch contacts on the OmniVista Cirrus Server.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Force Provisioning. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Force Provisioning. |
{- "data": {
- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "forceState": "Forced"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Force provisioning configuration(s) has been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": "AOS1",
- "message": "Updated force provisioning successfully.",
- "status": 200
}, - {
- "data": "AOS2",
- "message": "Updated force provisioning successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get the latest Provisioning Configuration File contents was sent to the switch.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the getting Details Provisioning Configuration file. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the getting Details Provisioning Configuration file. |
{- "data": {
- "fileName": "string",
- "directory": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Latest Provisioning configuration file has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": "user password-size min 8\nuser password-history 0\nuser password-min-age 0\nuser password-expiration disable\nuser password-policy min-uppercase 1\nuser password-policy min-lowercase 1\nuser password-policy min-digit 1\nuser password-policy min-nonalpha 1\nuser password-policy cannot-contain-username enable\naaa authentication ftp local\n"
This API allows you to get the Pre Provisioning Setting for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Setting pre provisioning configuration has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "allowOnboardWithoutInitialConfig": true,
- "orgId": "org_test",
- "createdAt": "2023-07-07T06:49:46.6967321Z[UTC]",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-07T06:49:46.6967321Z[UTC]"
This API allows you to update the Pre Provisioning Setting for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON data of the Pre Provisioning Setting. |
meta | object The JSON metadata of the Pre Provisioning Setting. |
{- "data": {
- "allowOnboardWithoutInitialConfig": true
}, - "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Setting pre provisioning configuration has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "allowOnboardWithoutInitialConfig": true,
- "orgId": "org_test",
- "createdAt": "2023-07-07T06:49:46.6967321Z[UTC]",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-07T06:49:46.6967321Z[UTC]"
This API allows to get all Provisioning Templates from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
onlyDefault required | boolean True if you want to get only the default provisioning templates. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows you to get Default redirect server host for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The 'defaultRedirectProxyServerPort' have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": ""
This API allows to get all Provisioning Templates declared in one site
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows to create a new Provisioning Template in a given organization, site
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON of Provisioning Configuration. |
{- "provisioningTemplate": {
- "name": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "dayLightSaveTime": true,
- "ntpServerList": [
- "string"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "string",
- "logLevelSystem": "string",
- "logLevelSecurity": "string",
- "logLevelWireless": "string",
- "logLevelNetwork": "string",
- "logLevelUser": "string",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "eventConfigurationName": "string",
- "advertisingSwitch": true,
- "emissionFrequency": 0,
- "apuiPassword": "string",
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": true,
- "apuiSwitch": true,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": true,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "calledStationId": "string",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": true,
- "hostName": "string",
- "igmpSnooping": true,
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "syslogServerIp": "string",
- "sysLogServerPort": 0,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "string"
], - "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "nameSpace": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "logUploadPeriod": 0,
- "pmdSwitch": true,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "remotePath": "string",
- "rfProfileName": "string",
- "scanningInterval": 0,
- "scanningSwitch": true,
- "ouiAllowList": [
- "string"
], - "eddyStoneURL": "string",
- "serverIP": "string",
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "string",
- "snmpCommunity": "string",
- "snmpStatus": true,
- "sshSwitch": true,
- "sshSupportPassword": "string",
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": true,
- "sshRootPassword": "string",
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": true,
- "syslogServerIp": "string",
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": true,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": true,
- "tftpServer": "string",
- "timeZone": "string",
- "trapCommunity": "string",
- "trapServer": "string",
- "trapStatus": true,
- "txChannel": [
- 0
], - "txPower": 0,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "string",
- "userName": "string",
- "vlanId": "string",
- "virtualIPAddress": "string",
- "webServiceCertificate": "string",
- "externalPortalCertificate": "string",
- "localLdapCertificate": "string",
- "localRadSecCertificate": "string",
- "iotRadioMode": "string",
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": true,
- "trapVersion": "string",
- "trapUserName": "string",
- "trapPassword": "string",
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": true,
- "snmpVersion": "string",
- "snmpUserName": "string",
- "snmpPassword": "string",
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": true,
- "vpnServers": [
- "string"
], - "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "string",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 0,
- "redirectServerHost": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Provisioning Template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows to update Provisioning Template in a given organization, site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON of Provisioning Configuration. |
{- "provisioningTemplate": {
- "name": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "dayLightSaveTime": true,
- "ntpServerList": [
- "string"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "string",
- "logLevelSystem": "string",
- "logLevelSecurity": "string",
- "logLevelWireless": "string",
- "logLevelNetwork": "string",
- "logLevelUser": "string",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "eventConfigurationName": "string",
- "advertisingSwitch": true,
- "emissionFrequency": 0,
- "apuiPassword": "string",
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": true,
- "apuiSwitch": true,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": true,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "calledStationId": "string",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": true,
- "hostName": "string",
- "igmpSnooping": true,
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 0,
- "syslogServerIp": "string",
- "sysLogServerPort": 0,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "string"
], - "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "nameSpace": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "logUploadPeriod": 0,
- "pmdSwitch": true,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "remotePath": "string",
- "rfProfileName": "string",
- "scanningInterval": 0,
- "scanningSwitch": true,
- "ouiAllowList": [
- "string"
], - "eddyStoneURL": "string",
- "serverIP": "string",
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "string",
- "snmpCommunity": "string",
- "snmpStatus": true,
- "sshSwitch": true,
- "sshSupportPassword": "string",
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": true,
- "sshRootPassword": "string",
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": true,
- "syslogServerIp": "string",
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": true,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": true,
- "tftpServer": "string",
- "timeZone": "string",
- "trapCommunity": "string",
- "trapServer": "string",
- "trapStatus": true,
- "txChannel": [
- 0
], - "txPower": 0,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "string",
- "userName": "string",
- "vlanId": "string",
- "virtualIPAddress": "string",
- "webServiceCertificate": "string",
- "externalPortalCertificate": "string",
- "localLdapCertificate": "string",
- "localRadSecCertificate": "string",
- "iotRadioMode": "string",
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": "string",
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": true,
- "trapVersion": "string",
- "trapUserName": "string",
- "trapPassword": "string",
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": true,
- "snmpVersion": "string",
- "snmpUserName": "string",
- "snmpPassword": "string",
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": true,
- "vpnServers": [
- "string"
], - "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "string",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 0,
- "redirectServerHost": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows to get all Provisioning Template Names in a given organization, site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Templates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "name": "provisioningTemplate1"
This API allows you to get the Provisioning Template by Name for the site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Template has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows you to create a new Provisioning Template Default for the site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The JSON of Provisioning Configuration. |
{- "provisioningTemplate": {
- "timeZone": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Provisioning Template has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows to assign Provisioning Template for AP Group identified by deviceGroupId
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
siteId required | string This is a path param for siteId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The JSON of Provisioning Configuration. |
{- "assignment": {
- "deviceGroupId": "string",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Template has been successfully assigned.",
- "data": {
- "deviceGroupId": "625782150e3b8d4c28e8bbb8",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config"
This API allows to deletion of multiple Provisioning Templates by ids in a given organization or site.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of numbers The JSON array ids of Provisioning Configuration. |
sites required | Array of strings An array id of sites |
{- "ids": [
- 0
], - "sites": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Provisioning Templates have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "The 'Provisioning Template' have been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1818,
- "name": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "siteId": "635b908f5771a601e573ce73",
- "advancedAnalyticsIotLocationServerProfileName": "Default Advanced Analytics",
- "advancedAnalyticsSwitch": true,
- "advertisingProtocolMode": "iBeacon",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apuiPassword": "*",
- "apuiSwitch": false,
- "bleLbsIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "calledStationId": null,
- "cirrusWifiRTLSSwitch": false,
- "dayLightSaveTime": false,
- "description": null,
- "eddyStoneURL": "",
- "emissionFrequency": 200,
- "eventConfigurationName": null,
- "externalPortalCertificate": null,
- "hostName": null,
- "igmpSnooping": false,
- "iotRadioMode": "Disable",
- "ipv6L3ForwardingSwitch": false,
- "isAPUIPasswordChanged": false,
- "isClientBeTrackingPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHRootPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSSHSupportPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSnmpPasswordChanged": false,
- "isTrapPasswordChanged": false,
- "localLdapCertificate": null,
- "localRadSecCertificate": "RadSecCert",
- "systemLogDataList": [
- {
- "sysLogId": 226366,
- "syslogServerIp": "",
- "sysLogServerPort": 514,
- "sysLogTlsSwitch": true,
- "sysLogCertification": "SyslogCert"
], - "logLevelAPDebug": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelNetwork": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSecurity": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelSystem": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelUser": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logLevelWireless": "LOG_NOTICE",
- "logRemoteSwitch": true,
- "logUploadPeriod": 1,
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ntpServerList": [
- ""
], - "ouiAllowList": [ ],
- "password": "*",
- "pmdSwitch": false,
- "profileType": "DEFAULT",
- "redirectProxyServerPort": 1024,
- "redirectServerHost": "",
- "redirectServerIP": "",
- "redirectServerIPv6": "",
- "remotePath": null,
- "rfProfileName": "Default RF Profile",
- "scanningInterval": 100,
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "serverIP": null,
- "serverPort": 0,
- "serverType": "SFTP",
- "snmpCommunity": null,
- "snmpPassword": "*",
- "snmpStatus": false,
- "snmpUserName": null,
- "snmpVersion": null,
- "sshRootPassword": "*",
- "sshSupportPassword": "*",
- "sshSwitch": false,
- "syslogServerIp": null,
- "syslogServerPort": 0,
- "syslogSwitch": false,
- "tftpServer": null,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00)",
- "trapCommunity": null,
- "trapPassword": "*",
- "trapServer": null,
- "trapStatus": false,
- "trapUserName": null,
- "trapVersion": null,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "txPower": 4,
- "uploadToServerSwitch": false,
- "userName": null,
- "virtualIPAddress": "",
- "vlanId": null,
- "vpnServers": [ ],
- "webServiceCertificate": null,
- "wifiIotLocationServerProfileName": null,
- "supplicant8021x": true,
- "certificate8021x": "Cert8021X"
This API allows you to get all unified policy list and assignments for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "site": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c45b8adcdfad",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c43749dcdfaf",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "id": 63850
}, - {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "id": 63849,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "site": {
- "id": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "66472c936f76960e7f9a424f",
- "friendlyName": " (WHS20280006P_new_name_2)",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P"
], - "policyList": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 725,
- "name": "test_policy_list",
- "policies": [
- "test_unified-policy"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__test_unified-policyAct",
- "condition": "__test_unified-policyCdt",
- "id": 711,
- "name": "test_unified-policy",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__test_unified-policyPvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "saveAsDistinct": true
This API allows you to get all unified policy list for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "PolicyListVO"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__test1Act",
- "condition": "__test1Cdt",
- "id": 187515,
- "name": "test1",
- "precedence": 30007,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__test1Pvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "childStatus": false,
- "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "PolicyListVO"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__test1Act",
- "condition": "__test1Cdt",
- "id": 187515,
- "name": "test1",
- "precedence": 30007,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__test1Pvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "childStatus": false,
- "saveAsDistinct": true
This API allows you to update unified policies list for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Array of objects The config assignments of the unified policies list. | |
required | object The JSON object of policy list. |
{- "assignments": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "configType": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
], - "policyList": {
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "groupId": "660e263748fda2b8733a5b49",
- "id": 66006,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "660e263748fda2b8733a5b47",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
}, - {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "id": 95132,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P",
- "siteId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
}, - {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "groupId": "6606274c6895d19eea7a755c",
- "id": 66008,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "6606274c6895d19eea7a755a",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
], - "policyList": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 65923,
- "name": "p_list_1",
- "policies": [
- "uni",
- "uni1"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__uniAct",
- "condition": "__uniCdt",
- "id": 59746,
- "name": "uni",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__uniPvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
}, - {
- "action": "__uni1Act",
- "condition": "__uni1Cdt",
- "id": 64461,
- "name": "trungpham1",
- "precedence": 30009,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__uni1Pvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "saveAsDistinct": true
This API allows you to create unified policy list for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
object The Config Assignment of policy. | |
required | object The JSON object of policy list. |
{- "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "deviceSN": "string",
- "siteId": "string"
}, - "policyList": {
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "policyList": {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "PolicyListVO"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__test1Act",
- "condition": "__test1Cdt",
- "id": 187515,
- "name": "test1",
- "precedence": 30007,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__test1Pvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "childStatus": false,
- "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "site": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c45b8adcdfad",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c43749dcdfaf",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "id": 63850
}, - {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "id": 63849,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "site": {
- "id": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "66472c936f76960e7f9a424f",
- "friendlyName": " (WHS20280006P_new_name_2)",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P"
This API allows you to remove unified policy list for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of strings The ids of unified policy list |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy lists have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "Deleted Policy List successfully.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "policyList": {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "string",
- "policies": [
- "PolicyListVO"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__test1Act",
- "condition": "__test1Cdt",
- "id": 187515,
- "name": "test1",
- "precedence": 30007,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__test1Pvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "childStatus": false,
- "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "POLICY_LIST",
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "id": 95132,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P",
- "siteId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
This API allows you to get unified policy list by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "policyList": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 38776,
- "name": "test",
- "policies": [
- "test"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__testAct",
- "condition": "__testCdt",
- "id": 38771,
- "name": "test",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__testPvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "6369fd18b85e1b2c334081c4",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID",
], - "siteId": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdfcc"
This API allows you to get unified policy list by Id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy list has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "policyList": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "id": 38776,
- "name": "test",
- "policies": [
- "test"
], - "policiesData": [
- {
- "action": "__testAct",
- "condition": "__testCdt",
- "id": 38771,
- "name": "test",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "type": "NONE",
- "validityPeriod": "__testPvp",
- "validityPeriodType": "ALL_THE_TIME"
], - "saveAsDistinct": true
}, - "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "6369fd18b85e1b2c334081c4",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID",
], - "siteId": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdfcc"
This API allows you to get all unified policies and assignments for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "action": {
- "id": 712,
- "name": "__test_unified-policyAct",
- "qos": {
- "priority": 0
}, - "tcm": { }
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "NO",
- "enabled": "YES",
- "logMatches": "YES",
- "reflexive": "IGNORE",
- "save": "YES",
- "sendTrap": "IGNORE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "condition": {
- "id": 713,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "srcMac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcMacGroup": false
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": {
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingMCastIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": false
}, - "l4Services": { },
- "l7ApplicationVisibility": { },
- "name": "__test_unified-policyCdt"
}, - "id": 711,
- "name": "test_unified-policy",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "days": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "id": 714,
- "months": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "name": "__test_unified-policyPvp",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME"
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "site": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c45b8adcdfad",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "63564ae6a928c43749dcdfaf",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - {
- "site": {
- "id": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "664c16a4c8efbdd6aae57534",
- "friendlyName": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5 (WHS20280006P_new_name_2)",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P"
This API allows you to get all unified policies for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "action": {
- "id": 232,
- "name": "unified-policy",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "ACCEPT",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 10000,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": 0,
- "peakInfoRate": 0
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 233,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "45-67-85-32-45-68",
- "srcMac": "45-67-85-32-45-67"
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": { },
- "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "NONE",
- "srcPortRange": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "unified-policy"
}, - "id": 231,
- "name": "unified-policy-1",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "days": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "endDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "endToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "id": 234,
- "months": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "name": "unified-policy",
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - {
- "action": {
- "id": 232,
- "name": "unified-policy",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "ACCEPT",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 10000,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": 0,
- "peakInfoRate": 0
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 233,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "45-67-85-32-45-68",
- "srcMac": "45-67-85-32-45-67"
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": { },
- "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "NONE",
- "srcPortRange": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "unified-policy"
}, - "id": 231,
- "name": "unified-policy-1",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "days": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "endDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "endToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "id": 234,
- "months": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "name": "unified-policy",
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
This API allows you to update unified policy for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The JSON object of policy |
Array of objects or objects The config assignments of the unified policy. |
{- "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "pos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "serviceGroup": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endtoD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "configType": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "configType": "POLICY",
- "id": 74525,
- "groupId": "6391910afe88c139fc34e40e",
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "6391910afe88c11d9134e40c",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
}, - {
- "configType": "POLICY",
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "id": 74535,
- "mode": "DEVICE_MAC",
- "serialNumber": "WHS20280006P",
- "siteId": "6603a1396895d19eea7a748a",
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN"
], - "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 38750,
- "name": "__testAct",
- "qos": {
- "priority": 0
}, - "tcm": { }
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "NO",
- "enabled": "YES",
- "logMatches": "YES",
- "reflexive": "IGNORE",
- "save": "YES",
- "sendTrap": "IGNORE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "condition": {
- "id": 38751,
- "l2Macs": {
- "srcMac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcMacGroup": false
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": {
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingMCastIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": false
}, - "l4Services": { },
- "l7ApplicationVisibility": { },
- "name": "__testCdt"
}, - "id": 38749,
- "name": "test",
- "precedence": 30002,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "days": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "id": 38752,
- "months": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "name": "__testPvp",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME"
This API allows you to create a unified policy for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The JSON object of policy |
object The Config Assignment of policy. |
{- "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "pos": {
- "disposition": "string",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 0,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": "string",
- "peakInfoRate": "string"
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "string",
- "enabled": "string",
- "logMatches": "string",
- "reflexive": "string",
- "save": "string",
- "sendTrap": "string"
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 0,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "string",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": true,
- "dstMacGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "srcMac": "string",
- "srcMacGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3Ips": {
- "srcIpAddress": "string",
- "srcMask": "string",
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": true,
- "dstIpGroup": "string",
- "dstIpAddress": "string",
- "dstMask": "string",
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": true,
- "srcIpGroup": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "type": "MULTICAST",
- "ips": {
- "additionalProp1": "string",
- "additionalProp2": "string",
- "additionalProp3": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "mCastIpGroup": {
- "type": null,
- "properties": null
}, - "l3DscpTos": {
- "dscp": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "srcPortRange": "string",
- "service": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "serviceGroup": {
- "type": { },
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "service": [
- {
- "srcServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "dstServicePort": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "protocol": "N",
- "startPort": "string",
- "endPort": "string"
}, - "childStatus": "string"
], - "childStatus": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME",
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDate": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endtoD": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "months": [
- true
], - "days": [
- true
}, - "childStatus": true
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "string",
- "siteId": "string"
], - "devices": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "deviceSN": "string",
- "siteId": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "POLICY",
- "groupId": "67512be682318ba36e1489e6",
- "id": 37248,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "67512be682318ba36e1489e4"
], - "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 232,
- "name": "unified-policy",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "ACCEPT",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 10000,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": 0,
- "peakInfoRate": 0
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 233,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "45-67-85-32-45-68",
- "srcMac": "45-67-85-32-45-67"
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": { },
- "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "NONE",
- "srcPortRange": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "unified-policy"
}, - "id": 231,
- "name": "unified-policy-1",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "days": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "endDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "endToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "id": 234,
- "months": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "name": "unified-policy",
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
This API allows you to delete multiple unified policy by ids for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of numbers An array ids of the unified policy. |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policies have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 232,
- "name": "unified-policy",
- "qos": {
- "disposition": "ACCEPT",
- "dscp": 0,
- "maxOutput": 10000,
- "priority": 0,
- "priority802": 0,
- "tos": 0
}, - "tcm": {
- "comInfoRate": 0,
- "peakInfoRate": 0
}, - "condition": {
- "id": 233,
- "l2Macs": {
- "dstMac": "45-67-85-32-45-68",
- "srcMac": "45-67-85-32-45-67"
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": { },
- "l4Services": {
- "dstPortRange": "string",
- "protocol": "NONE",
- "srcPortRange": "string"
}, - "l7ApplicationVisibility": {
- "appGroup": "string",
- "appName": "string"
}, - "name": "unified-policy"
}, - "id": 231,
- "name": "unified-policy-1",
- "precedence": 0,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "allTheTime": true,
- "alwaysValid": true,
- "days": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "endDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "endToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "id": 234,
- "months": [
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true
], - "name": "unified-policy",
- "neverEnding": true,
- "periodic": true,
- "startDate": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "startToD": {
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "second": 0,
- "year": 0
}, - "assignments": [
- {
- "assignmentType": "ASSIGN",
- "configType": "POLICY",
- "groupId": "67512be682318ba36e1489e6",
- "id": 37248,
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "siteId": "67512be682318ba36e1489e4"
}, - "message": "Deleted policy '38749'.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get unified policy by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a custom param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "6369fd18b85e1b2c334081c4",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID",
], - "siteId": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdfcc"
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "inUseTypes": [
], - "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852"
], - "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 38733,
- "name": "__test_uniAct",
- "qos": {
- "priority": 0
}, - "tcm": { }
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "NO",
- "enabled": "YES",
- "logMatches": "YES",
- "reflexive": "IGNORE",
- "save": "YES",
- "sendTrap": "IGNORE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "condition": {
- "id": 38734,
- "l2Macs": {
- "srcMac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcMacGroup": false
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": {
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingMCastIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": false
}, - "l4Services": { },
- "l7ApplicationVisibility": { },
- "name": "__test_uniCdt"
}, - "id": 38732,
- "name": "test_uni",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "days": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "id": 38735,
- "months": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "name": "__test_uniPvp",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME"
This API allows you to get unified policy by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Unified policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "inUseAssignments": [
- {
- "deviceGroupId": "6369fd18b85e1b2c334081c4",
- "inUseTypes": [
- "SSID",
], - "siteId": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdfcc"
}, - {
- "deviceMac": "94:24:E1:2C:F3:E5",
- "inUseTypes": [
], - "siteId": "664b1b55a34ff660c4d8b852",
- "deviceId": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdf11"
], - "policy": {
- "action": {
- "id": 38733,
- "name": "__test_uniAct",
- "qos": {
- "priority": 0
}, - "tcm": { }
}, - "advancedOptions": {
- "defaultList": "NO",
- "enabled": "YES",
- "logMatches": "YES",
- "reflexive": "IGNORE",
- "save": "YES",
- "sendTrap": "IGNORE"
}, - "childStatus": false,
- "condition": {
- "id": 38734,
- "l2Macs": {
- "srcMac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "useExistingDstMacGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcMacGroup": false
}, - "l3DscpTos": { },
- "l3Ips": {
- "useExistingDstIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingMCastIpGroup": false,
- "useExistingSrcIpGroup": false
}, - "l4Services": { },
- "l7ApplicationVisibility": { },
- "name": "__test_uniCdt"
}, - "id": 38732,
- "name": "test_uni",
- "precedence": 30001,
- "validityPeriod": {
- "days": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "id": 38735,
- "months": [
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
], - "name": "__test_uniPvp",
- "type": "ALL_THE_TIME"
This API allows you to get SSID Schedule by SSID Id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
ssidId required | string This is a path param for ssidId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "message": "SSID Schedule has been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "scheduleConfig": [
- {
- "alwaysAvailable": false,
- "customSchedule": {
- "fri": [ ],
- "mon": [ ],
- "sat": [ ],
- "sun": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 30
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 17,
- "minute": 30
], - "thu": [ ],
- "tue": [ ],
- "wed": [ ]
}, - "name": "weekend_schedule"
], - "ssidId": 848692
This API allows you to create SSID Schedules for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ssidName | string The name of the ssid. |
Array of objects The schedule config of the profile. |
{- "ssidName": "string",
- "scheduleConfig": [
- {
- "alwaysAvailable": false,
- "customSchedule": {
- "fri": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "mon": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "sat": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "sun": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "thu": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "tue": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
], - "wed": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0
}, - "name": "string"
{- "message": "SSID Schedule has been successfully created.",
- "status": 201,
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "alwaysAvailable": false,
- "customSchedule": {
- "fri": [ ],
- "mon": [ ],
- "sat": [ ],
- "sun": [
- {
- "endTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 30
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 17,
- "minute": 30
], - "thu": [ ],
- "tue": [ ],
- "wed": [ ]
}, - "name": "weekend_schedule"
}, - "message": "The SSID Schedule 'weekend_schedule' in SSID 'SSIDGuest' has been successfully created.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to delete SSID Schedules for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ssidName required | string The name of the ssid. |
schedules required | Array of strings A list of schedules needs to be deleted from the SSID. |
{- "ssidName": "string",
- "schedules": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "SSID Schedules have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "createdTime": "2024-09-09T08:11:26.037601Z[UTC]",
- "id": 814979,
- "modifiedTime": "2024-09-09T08:11:26.037604Z[UTC]",
- "name": "office schedule",
- "orgId": "64acf4d60a5f69f3895e012d",
- "alwaysAvailable": false,
- "configAssignments": [ ],
- "scheduleFri": [ ],
- "scheduleMon": [
- "14:42-15:42",
- "15:43-16:43"
], - "scheduleSat": [ ],
- "scheduleSun": [
- "15:05-15:42",
- "15:43-16:43",
- "16:44-17:44"
], - "scheduleThu": [ ],
- "scheduleTue": [ ],
- "scheduleWed": [ ],
- "ssidName": "SSIDGuest"
}, - "message": "The SSID Schedule 'office schedule' in SSID 'SSIDGuest' has been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get all period policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
}, - {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
This API allows you to create period policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of Period policy. |
{- "periodPolicy": {
- "scheduleMode": "DAYS_MONTHS",
- "name": "string",
- "startDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "timeZone": "string",
- "dayLightSavingTime": true,
- "daysOfWeek": [
- "string"
], - "monthsOfYear": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": true
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully created.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
This API allows you to update period policy for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of Period policy. |
{- "periodPolicy": {
- "scheduleMode": "DAYS_MONTHS",
- "name": "string",
- "startDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endDateTime": {
- "year": 0,
- "month": 0,
- "day": 0,
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "startTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "endTime": {
- "hour": 0,
- "minute": 0,
- "second": 0
}, - "timeZone": "string",
- "dayLightSavingTime": true,
- "daysOfWeek": [
- "string"
], - "monthsOfYear": [
- "string"
], - "childStatus": true
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully updated.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
This API allows you to remove period policy by names for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings An array of policy names. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "message": "Period Policies have been successfully removed.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 46,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 28,
- "month": 11,
- "year": 2022
}, - "id": 837611,
- "name": "test_1",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 17,
- "minute": 46,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 28,
- "month": 11,
- "year": 2022
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
}, - "message": "Delete Period Policy test_1 successful.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get period policy by name for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string The name of the period policy. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
This API allows you to get period policy by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 17318,
- "childStatus": true,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 19,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "name": "testPeriodPolicy",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 18,
- "minute": 9,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 27,
- "month": 9,
- "year": 2021
}, - "timeZone": "nzst"
This API allows you to remove period policy by id for organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "message": "Period Policy has been successfully removed.",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "childStatus": false,
- "dayLightSavingTime": false,
- "endDateTime": {
- "hour": 15,
- "minute": 21,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 24,
- "month": 11,
- "year": 2022
}, - "id": 830230,
- "name": "gs",
- "scheduleMode": "DATE_TIME",
- "startDateTime": {
- "hour": 14,
- "minute": 21,
- "second": 0,
- "day": 24,
- "month": 11,
- "year": 2022
}, - "timeZone": "zm3"
This API allows you to get all AAA Profiles for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Profiles have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "aaaProfileName": "AAAProfile",
- "childStatus": false,
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "reAuthInterval": 3600,
- "reAuthSts": false,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "id": 710810,
- "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "openAdvancedSettings": false,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "None",
- "calledStnId": "AP_MAC_ADDRESS:SSID",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "calledStnIdSepar": ":",
- "callingStnDelim": "None",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "customCalledStnId": "",
- "nasIdentifier": "",
- "nasPortId": "",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "None",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "None"
This API allows you to update an AAA Profile for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of the AAA Profile. |
{- "aaaProfileVO": {
- "aaaProfileName": "string",
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": true,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 0,
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "sessionTimeout": true,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 0,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "reAuthInterval": 0,
- "reAuthSts": true,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": true,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 0,
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "sessionTimeout": true,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 0,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "string",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "callingStnDelim": "string",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "nasIdentifier": "string",
- "nasPortId": "string",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "string",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "string",
- "calledStnId": "string",
- "calledStnIdSepar": "string",
- "customCalledStnId": "string"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "string",
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "string",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "openAdvancedSettings": true
}, - "id": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Profile has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "aaaProfileName": "AAAProfile",
- "childStatus": false,
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "reAuthInterval": 3600,
- "reAuthSts": false,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "id": 710810,
- "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "openAdvancedSettings": false,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "None",
- "calledStnId": "AP_MAC_ADDRESS:SSID",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "calledStnIdSepar": ":",
- "callingStnDelim": "None",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "customCalledStnId": "",
- "nasIdentifier": "",
- "nasPortId": "",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "None",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "None"
This API allows you to create an AAA Profile for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The JSON object of the AAA Profile. |
{- "aaaProfileVO": {
- "aaaProfileName": "string",
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": true,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 0,
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "sessionTimeout": true,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 0,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "reAuthInterval": 0,
- "reAuthSts": true,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "string",
- "syslogIpAddress": "string",
- "syslogUpdPort": "string",
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": true,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 0,
- "interiumInterval": 0,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": true,
- "sessionTimeout": true,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 0,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": true
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "string",
- "secondaryServer": "string",
- "thirdServer": "string",
- "fourthServer": "string"
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "string",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "callingStnDelim": "string",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "nasIdentifier": "string",
- "nasPortId": "string",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "string",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "string",
- "calledStnId": "string",
- "calledStnIdSepar": "string",
- "customCalledStnId": "string"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "string",
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "string",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "openAdvancedSettings": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "AAA Profile has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "aaaProfileName": "AAAProfile",
- "childStatus": false,
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "reAuthInterval": 3600,
- "reAuthSts": false,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "id": 710810,
- "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "openAdvancedSettings": false,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "None",
- "calledStnId": "AP_MAC_ADDRESS:SSID",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "calledStnIdSepar": ":",
- "callingStnDelim": "None",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "customCalledStnId": "",
- "nasIdentifier": "",
- "nasPortId": "",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "None",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "None"
This API allows you to delete multiple AAA Profiles by names from a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings The names of the AAA Profile. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Profiles have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "aaaProfileName": "AAAProfile",
- "childStatus": false,
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "reAuthInterval": 3600,
- "reAuthSts": false,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "id": 710810,
- "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "openAdvancedSettings": false,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "None",
- "calledStnId": "AP_MAC_ADDRESS:SSID",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "calledStnIdSepar": ":",
- "callingStnDelim": "None",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "customCalledStnId": "",
- "nasIdentifier": "",
- "nasPortId": "",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "None",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "None"
}, - "message": "The AAA Profile has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get an AAA Profile by id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "aaaProfileName": "AAAProfile",
- "childStatus": false,
- "cpAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "cpAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "cpOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "e02d1xAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "e02d1xAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "e02d1xOpts": {
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "reAuthInterval": 3600,
- "reAuthSts": false,
- "reAuthTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "id": 710810,
- "macAccServer": {
- "callingStationIdType": "MAC",
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "syslogUpdPort": 514
}, - "macAuthOpts": {
- "inactivityLogout": false,
- "inactivityLogoutInterval": 600,
- "interiumInterval": 600,
- "interiumIntervalTrustRadStatus": false,
- "sessionTimeout": false,
- "sessionTimeoutInterval": 43200,
- "sessionTimeoutTrustRadStatus": false
}, - "macAuthServer": {
- "primaryServer": "UPAMRadiusServer"
}, - "quickOpts": {
- "openAdvancedSettings": false,
- "selectPrimaryAcc": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "selectPrimaryAuth": "UPAMRadiusServer",
- "useSelectPriAccFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAccForMac": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthFor8021x": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForCp": true,
- "useSelectPriAuthForMac": true
}, - "radOpts": {
- "calledStnDelim": "None",
- "calledStnId": "AP_MAC_ADDRESS:SSID",
- "calledStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "calledStnIdSepar": ":",
- "callingStnDelim": "None",
- "callingStnIdCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "customCalledStnId": "",
- "nasIdentifier": "",
- "nasPortId": "",
- "passwordCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "passwrdDelim": "None",
- "userNameCase": "UPPER_CASE",
- "userNameDelim": "None"
This API allows you to get all AAA Servers for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Servers have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
], - "meta": {
- "invalidRadiusNames ": [
- "RadiusServerHeadquarter",
- "RadiusServerOffice"
], - "invalidLdapNames": [
- "LDAPServerOffice",
- "LDAPServerGuess"
This API allows you to update the AAA Server for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The data of the AAA Server will be updated. |
{- "aaaServer": {
- "aaaServerName": "string",
- "accountingPort": "string",
- "authenticationPort": "string",
- "dnName": "string",
- "hostName": "string",
- "hostName2": "string",
- "isPasswordChanged": true,
- "isSecretChanged": true,
- "ipAddress": "string",
- "ipAddress2": "string",
- "onPremiseServer": true,
- "onRadiusServer": true,
- "origin": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "port": "string",
- "retries": "string",
- "searchBase": "string",
- "secret": "string",
- "ssl": "NS",
- "timeout": "string",
- "type": "LDAP",
- "preemption": true,
- "countDownTimer": true,
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE",
- "tls": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Server has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
This API allows you to create an AAA Server for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object The data of the AAA Server will be created. |
{- "aaaServer": {
- "aaaServerName": "string",
- "accountingPort": "string",
- "authenticationPort": "string",
- "dnName": "string",
- "hostName": "string",
- "hostName2": "string",
- "isPasswordChanged": true,
- "isSecretChanged": true,
- "ipAddress": "string",
- "ipAddress2": "string",
- "onPremiseServer": true,
- "onRadiusServer": true,
- "origin": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "port": "string",
- "retries": "string",
- "searchBase": "string",
- "secret": "string",
- "ssl": "NS",
- "timeout": "string",
- "type": "LDAP",
- "preemption": true,
- "countDownTimer": true,
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE",
- "tls": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "AAA Server has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
This API allows you to remove AAA Server by names from a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings The array of AAA Server's name. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Servers have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
}, - "message": "The AAA Server has been successfully deleted.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to get AAA Servers by type for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
type required | string This is a path param for type |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Server has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
This API allows you to get Invalid AAA Servers by the AAA Profile for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
aaaProfileName required | string The name of the AAA Profile that we want to get Invalid AAA Servers from. If the AAA Profile name does not exist, an empty array will be returned . |
meta | object The JSON metadata for getting Invalid AAA Servers by the AAA Profile. |
{- "aaaProfileName": "string",
- "meta": { }
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Invalid AAA Servers have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- "LdapServer",
- "RadiusServer"
This API allows you to get AAA Server by name for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
name required | string This is a path param for name. The URL path does not accept special characters so when using a 3rd party REST API tool (Ex: Postman,...), we need to encode special characters (if any) using the ASCII Encoding Reference table before putting them into the URL path (Ex: "@Name#01" will be encode to "%2540Name%252301"). |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "AAA Server has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "aaaServerName": "radius_headquarters",
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "countDownTimer": 600,
- "hostName": "",
- "hostName2": "",
- "id": 811897,
- "isPasswordChanged": false,
- "isSecretChanged": false,
- "onPremiseServer": false,
- "onRadiusServer": false,
- "preemption": true,
- "retries": 3,
- "secret": "*",
- "timeout": 2,
- "tls": false,
- "type": "RADIUS",
- "upamRadiusType": "NONE"
This API allows to get all pii requests performed on organization level.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
startDate | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
endDate | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Personal identifiable information requests have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T12:24:29.760Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-13T12:24:30.175Z",
- "id": "11e42efd441cedb2cf8a6fc6",
- "scope": "org",
- "scopeValue": "1122e67afd5846ba384ad749",
- "startedAt": "2024-09-13T12:24:29.759Z",
- "completedAt": "2024-09-13T12:24:30.174Z",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "requestType": "GET",
- "datasets": [
- "events"
], - "keyValues": null,
- "keyType": ""
This API allows to create Schedule to upgrade sofware Device.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scheduleName required | string The user-configured schedule name. |
cronExpression required | string The cron expression of the schedule. |
duration required | integer <int32> The time window for upgrading the devices in the schedule. Minimum should be 3600000~1h (measure is miliseconds). |
timezone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" The timezone of the schedule. |
scheduleType | string Enum: "PERIODICALLY" "NOW" The type of the schedule. |
siteId required | string The siteId of the devices and groups in the schedule. It is not required if 'scheduledDevices' and 'groups' are empty. |
required | Array of objects The devices will be upgrade version. |
required | Array of objects The devices in this groups will be upgrade version. |
startDate required | string The start date of the schedule. (measure is miliseconds) |
endDate required | string The end date of the schedule. (measure is miliseconds) |
fromApp required | string Enum: "DEVICE" "SCHEDULE" The name of app that create or update schedule upgrade |
enable | boolean If the schedule was disabled, set it to be enabled. |
{- "scheduleName": "string",
- "cronExpression": "string",
- "duration": 0,
- "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "scheduleType": "PERIODICALLY",
- "siteId": "string",
- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "deviceId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string"
], - "groups": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string"
], - "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "fromApp": "DEVICE",
- "enable": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The schedule has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:46.748+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:46.748+00:00",
- "id": 6,
- "scheduleName": "schedule 1",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727197200000,
- "endDate": 1727715599000,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "scheduleType": "PERIODICALLY",
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "deviceIdsUpgradeByExecution": [ ],
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727197200000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66dec75d6ec101f11c359e8b",
- "associationInfo": [
- {
- "id": "66e803c1d63b0a53a2a11ee7",
- "deviceId": "66e803c1d63b0a53a2a11ee7",
- "siteId": null,
- "groupId": null,
- "desiredSwVersion": "",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-16T10:09:05.113Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:31.333Z",
- "name": "AP-0D:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe73:d00",
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- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "apName": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "deviceManaged": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2024-09-19T08:26:31.333Z",
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "provisionMessage": null,
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- "rap": false,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "deviceNaasMode": "UNDECIDED CAPEX",
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904242-90",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "currentRunningDirectory": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "version": "",
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "encryptionType": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "chassisInfo": null,
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "deviceRole": "standalone",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1726727213,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "linkStatus": "LAG0 Down,ENET1 Down,ENET0 Up",
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "meshLevel": null,
- "rootMacAddress": null,
- "deviceLocation": "Tam Nguyen1/1/24",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1726734389,
- "managementConnectivity": "ON",
- "rfProfile": "Default RF Profile"
], - "groups": [
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- "deviceId": null,
- "siteId": null,
- "groupId": "66dec75f6ec101f11c359e90",
- "desiredSwVersion": "",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-09T10:01:03.161Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:01:03.490Z",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "Group is created with site, can not be modified",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "isExtendScale": false,
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-09T10:01:02.585Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:01:02.585Z",
- "id": "66dec75e6ec101f11c359e8e",
- "name": "Unnamed site",
- "countryCode": "TH",
- "timezone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "66dec75d6ec101f11c359e8b"
This API allows to delete mutiple schedules identified by there ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of schedules. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedules have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule upgrade has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2022-04-14T02:04:54.621+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2022-04-14T02:04:54.621+00:00",
- "id": 183,
- "scheduleName": "test_schedule",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 ? * 2",
- "startDate": 1649869200000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Antarctica/Davis",
- "duration": 82800000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1650214800000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "622b1a307456636d659a890d",
- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "pingTime": 1671700326,
- "createdAt": "2022-12-19T08:03:02.829Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-06T07:44:38.963Z",
- "id": "63a01ab6c6737714c1de080b",
- "name": "AP-D4:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe77:d400",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-D4:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:77:D4:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ222502133",
- "type": "",
- "version": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVCLOUD",
- "lastSeenTime": 1672991078,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "organization": "63564b0ba928c41796dcdfb8",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
- "id": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b9",
- "name": "ALE USA",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "isDefault": true,
- "timezone": "US/Michigan",
- "address": "",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
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- "48.441720"
}, - "zoom": 19,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "organization": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"
}, - "group": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "site": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "63a01ab6c67377ca82de080a",
- "managementConnectivity": "OFF",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "RF HVU",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "_modifiedTS": "2023-01-06T07:44:38.963Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 5,
- "deviceFeatures": [ ],
- "deviceNaasMode": "UNDECIDED CAPEX",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1451",
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1672903944,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "meshRole": "",
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:77:D4:1F",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:ae07",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "64",
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Down,ENET1 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "upTime": 13261,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1672907011,
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "beaconMode": "",
- "channel": null,
- "cpuThreshold": 51,
- "frequency": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "iotMode": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "ledMode": "blink",
- "memoryThreshold": 51,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "plainUrl": "",
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "txPower": "",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1672907011,
- "desiredSwVersion": ""
], - "groups": [
- {
- "id": "61d44f14466243014e85a39b",
- "deviceId": null,
- "siteId": null,
- "groupId": "61d44f14466243014e85a39b",
- "desiredSwVersion": "",
- "createdAt": "2022-01-04T13:43:48.151Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-04T13:43:48.151Z",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "testGroup3012",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "tesst 1",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-04T10:43:27.944Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-04T10:43:27.944Z",
- "id": "61d424cf18635839f63a23ae",
- "name": "site1",
- "countryCode": "DZ",
- "timezone": "Africa/Algiers",
- "address": "Ouled Achour, Aïn Beida Harriche, Ain Beida Harriche District, Mila, Algeria",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "5.889348",
- "36.426537"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "61cec08e2c68fd00a6a28576"
This API allows to update one schedule identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scheduledUpgradeId required | string This is a path param for scheduledUpgradeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
scheduleName required | string The user-configured schedule name. |
cronExpression required | string The cron expression of the schedule. |
duration required | integer <int32> The time window for upgrading the devices in the schedule. Minimum should be 3600000~1h (measure is miliseconds). |
timezone required | string Enum: "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bissau" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/El_Aaiun" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Sao_Tome" "Africa/Tripoli" "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek" "America/Adak" "America/Anchorage" "America/Araguaina" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca" "America/Argentina/Cordoba" "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja" "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan" "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman" "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Asuncion" "America/Bahia" "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados" "America/Belem" "America/Belize" "America/Boa_Vista" "America/Bogota" "America/Boise" "America/Cambridge_Bay" "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun" "America/Caracas" "America/Cayenne" "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua" "America/Ciudad_Juarez" "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Cuiaba" "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson" "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver" "America/Detroit" "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe" "America/El_Salvador" "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay" "America/Goose_Bay" "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Guatemala" "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana" "America/Halifax" "America/Havana" "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo" "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City" "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes" "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit" "America/Jamaica" "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville" "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/La_Paz" "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Maceio" "America/Managua" "America/Manaus" "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros" "America/Mazatlan" "America/Menominee" "America/Merida" "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton" "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo" "America/New_York" "America/Nome" "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah" "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga" "America/Panama" "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix" "America/Port-au-Prince" "America/Porto_Velho" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas" "America/Rankin_Inlet" "America/Recife" "America/Regina" "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco" "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago" "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Sitka" "America/St_Johns" "America/Swift_Current" "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule" "America/Tijuana" "America/Toronto" "America/Vancouver" "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Yakutat" "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis" "Antarctica/Macquarie" "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera" "Antarctica/Troll" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr" "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe" "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad" "Asia/Baku" "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul" "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek" "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka" "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta" "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd" "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Khandyga" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" "Asia/Kuching" "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Nicosia" "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral" "Asia/Pontianak" "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar" "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Sakhalin" "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei" "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Thimphu" "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar" "Asia/Urumqi" "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk" "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Asia/Yerevan" "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda" "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde" "Atlantic/Faroe" "Atlantic/Madeira" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "Atlantic/Stanley" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/Perth" "Australia/Sydney" "CET" "CST6CDT" "EET" "EST" "EST5EDT" "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT+1" "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11" "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3" "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5" "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7" "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9" "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-10" "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12" "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14" "Etc/GMT-2" "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4" "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6" "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8" "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/UTC" "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan" "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Chisinau" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Kyiv" "Europe/Lisbon" "Europe/London" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome" "Europe/Samara" "Europe/Saratov" "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Ulyanovsk" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd" "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zurich" "Factory" "HST" "Indian/Chagos" "Indian/Maldives" "Indian/Mauritius" "MET" "MST" "MST7MDT" "PST8PDT" "Pacific/Apia" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville" "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate" "Pacific/Fakaofo" "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Kanton" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae" "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue" "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea" "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau" "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Port_Moresby" "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Tahiti" "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu" "WET" The timezone of the schedule. |
scheduleType | string Enum: "PERIODICALLY" "NOW" The type of the schedule. |
siteId required | string The siteId of the devices and groups in the schedule. It is not required if 'scheduledDevices' and 'groups' are empty. |
required | Array of objects The devices will be upgrade version. |
required | Array of objects The devices in this groups will be upgrade version. |
startDate required | string The start date of the schedule. (measure is miliseconds) |
endDate required | string The end date of the schedule. (measure is miliseconds) |
fromApp required | string Enum: "DEVICE" "SCHEDULE" The name of app that create or update schedule upgrade |
enable | boolean If the schedule was disabled, set it to be enabled. |
{- "scheduleName": "string",
- "cronExpression": "string",
- "duration": 0,
- "timezone": "Africa/Abidjan",
- "scheduleType": "PERIODICALLY",
- "siteId": "string",
- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "deviceId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string"
], - "groups": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string"
], - "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "fromApp": "DEVICE",
- "enable": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:46.748+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:46.748+00:00",
- "id": 6,
- "scheduleName": "schedule 1",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1727197200000,
- "endDate": 1727715599000,
- "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "scheduleType": "PERIODICALLY",
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "deviceIdsUpgradeByExecution": [ ],
- "nextTriggerTime": 1727197200000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "66dec75d6ec101f11c359e8b",
- "associationInfo": [
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- "siteId": null,
- "groupId": null,
- "desiredSwVersion": "",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-16T10:09:05.113Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-19T08:26:31.333Z",
- "name": "AP-0D:00",
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- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe73:d00",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:73:0D:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ220200073",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": null,
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
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- "workingMode": "OVCLOUD",
- "lastSeenTime": 1726734215,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "",
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66dec75d6ec101f11c359e8b",
- "site": {
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- "name": "Unnamed site"
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- "name": "TamNguyen"
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- "floor": null,
- "license": "66e803c0d63b0a53a2a11ee6",
- "iotStatus": null,
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- "meshEssid": null,
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- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:b84d",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::220",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:73:0D:1F",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "Disable",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": 10240,
- "txPower": 1,
- "txChannel": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 4
], - "beaconMode": "iBeacon",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "0102030405060708090a",
- "instanceId": "060708080706",
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- "band5H": null,
- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1726734389,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1331",
- "licenseCategory": "OVC-C-ESS-M",
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "switchSynchronized": null,
- "featureIds": null,
- "changes": "Unsaved",
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- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "emitter": null,
- "channel": 7,
- "meshMcastRate": null,
- "vcMacAddress": "",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
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orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scheduledUpgradeId required | string This is a path param for scheduledUpgradeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
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This API allows to delete a schedule identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scheduledUpgradeId required | string This is a path param for scheduledUpgradeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "id": "345",
- "scheduleName": "SCHEDULETEST"
This API allows to execute one schedule identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scheduledUpgradeId required | string This is a path param for scheduledUpgradeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
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This API allows to deactivate multiple schedule upgrades identified by there ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of numbers The array of unique identifiers of schedules. |
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This API allows to deactivate multiple schedule upgrades identified by there ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of numbers The array of unique identifiers of schedules. |
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- "48.441720"
}, - "zoom": 19,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "organization": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"
}, - "group": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "site": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "63a01ab6c67377ca82de080a",
- "managementConnectivity": "OFF",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "RF HVU",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "_modifiedTS": "2023-01-06T07:44:38.963Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 5,
- "deviceFeatures": [ ],
- "deviceNaasMode": "UNDECIDED CAPEX",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1451",
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1672903944,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "meshRole": "",
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:77:D4:1F",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:ae07",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "64",
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Down,ENET1 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "upTime": 13261,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1672907011,
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "beaconMode": "",
- "channel": null,
- "cpuThreshold": 51,
- "frequency": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "iotMode": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "ledMode": "blink",
- "memoryThreshold": 51,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "plainUrl": "",
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "txPower": "",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1672907011,
- "desiredSwVersion": ""
], - "groups": [
- {
- "id": "61d44f14466243014e85a39b",
- "deviceId": null,
- "siteId": null,
- "groupId": "61d44f14466243014e85a39b",
- "desiredSwVersion": "",
- "createdAt": "2022-01-04T13:43:48.151Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-04T13:43:48.151Z",
- "name": "default device group",
- "description": "testGroup3012",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "tesst 1",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2022-01-04T10:43:27.944Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-01-04T10:43:27.944Z",
- "id": "61d424cf18635839f63a23ae",
- "name": "site1",
- "countryCode": "DZ",
- "timezone": "Africa/Algiers",
- "address": "Ouled Achour, Aïn Beida Harriche, Ain Beida Harriche District, Mila, Algeria",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "5.889348",
- "36.426537"
}, - "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": false,
- "zoom": 18,
- "organization": "61cec08e2c68fd00a6a28576"
This API allows to update Scheduled Devices of the Schedule identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scheduledUpgradeId required | string This is a path param for scheduledUpgradeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects The devices will be upgrade version. |
{- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string",
- "scheduleLevel": "DEVICE"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedules have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "pingTime": 1671700326,
- "createdAt": "2022-12-19T08:03:02.829Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-01-06T07:44:38.963Z",
- "id": "63a01ab6c6737714c1de080b",
- "name": "AP-D4:00",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe77:d400",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-D4:00)",
- "macAddress": "DC:08:56:77:D4:00",
- "serialNumber": "SSZ222502133",
- "type": "",
- "version": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "OV Managed",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "OVCLOUD",
- "lastSeenTime": 1672991078,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "organization": "63564b0ba928c41796dcdfb8",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T07:34:48.629Z",
- "id": "5f154918d0f89d17dc18c4b9",
- "name": "ALE USA",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "isDefault": true,
- "timezone": "US/Michigan",
- "address": "",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- "-4.412194",
- "48.441720"
}, - "zoom": 19,
- "imageUrl": "",
- "organization": "5f104b94b245362fe4ccfc90"
}, - "group": {
- "createdAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "updatedAt": "2020-07-20T13:29:13.049Z",
- "id": "5f159c296a2d704fd8078662",
- "name": "ALE Brest Group",
- "description": "ALE Brest Group",
- "provisioningTemplateName": "Default Provisioning Config",
- "site": "60a780bd647e27d33fdd3458"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "63a01ab6c67377ca82de080a",
- "managementConnectivity": "OFF",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "RF HVU",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "_modifiedTS": "2023-01-06T07:44:38.963Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 5,
- "deviceFeatures": [ ],
- "deviceNaasMode": "UNDECIDED CAPEX",
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1451",
- "bridgeApWebPassword": null,
- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "deviceCountryCode": "RW",
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1672903944,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "meshRole": "",
- "bleMac": "DC:08:56:77:D4:1F",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:ae07",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "64",
- "lacpStatus": "Enabled",
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Down,ENET1 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
- "upTime": 13261,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1672907011,
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "beaconMode": "",
- "channel": null,
- "cpuThreshold": 51,
- "frequency": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "iotMode": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "ledMode": "blink",
- "memoryThreshold": 51,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "plainUrl": "",
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "txPower": "",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "OV Managed",
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": true,
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1672907011,
- "desiredSwVersion": ""
This API allows to update desired sw versions for schedule.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects The devices will be upgrade version. |
{- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "groupId": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "desiredSwVersion": "string",
- "scheduleLevel": "DEVICE"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedules have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "scheduledDevices": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "DSVERSION1",
- "site": "63564b63a928c4829ddcdfcc",
- "desiredSwVersion": ""
This API allows to fetch the schedules by groups.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects The array of unique identifiers of groups. |
{- "groups": [
- {
- "groupId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "groupId": "629880b179366600b1bdc59e",
- "schedule": {
- "id": 372,
- "scheduleName": "SCHEDULETEST",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1654621200000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Antarctica/Davis",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1654794000000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": null,
- "orgId": "6294401a41cff37b29351dc4"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": ""
This API allows to fetch the schedules by devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects The array of unique identifiers of devices. |
{- "devices": [
- {
- "deviceId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule upgrade has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "deviceId": "6294810e911717578cf569c6",
- "schedule": {
- "id": 10,
- "scheduleName": "test33",
- "cronExpression": "0 0 0 * * ?",
- "startDate": 1641920400000,
- "endDate": -1,
- "timeZone": "Antarctica/Davis",
- "duration": 21600000,
- "state": "SCHEDULED",
- "nextTriggerTime": 1642006800000,
- "prevTriggerTime": 0,
- "maxScope": "ORG",
- "orgId": "61cec08e2c68fd00a6a28576"
}, - "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "DEVICE"
This API allows to update setting of callhome interval global.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object Settings for global call-home intervals. |
{- "callHomeIntervals": {
- "defaultInterval": 0,
- "registered": 0,
- "assigned": 0,
- "upgrading": 0,
- "upgradeFailed": 0,
- "vpnConfiguring": 0,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 0,
- "seen": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The callHomeIntervalSettingGlobal has been successfully updated",
- "data": {
- "callHomeIntervalSetting": {
- "defaultInterval": 15,
- "registered": 15,
- "assigned": 15,
- "upgrading": 15,
- "upgradeFailed": 15,
- "vpnConfiguring": 15,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 15,
- "seen": 15
This API allows to fetch alls setting of callhome interval global.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "callHomeIntervalSetting": {
- "defaultInterval": 15,
- "registered": 15,
- "assigned": 15,
- "upgrading": 15,
- "upgradeFailed": 15,
- "vpnConfiguring": 15,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 15,
- "seen": 15
This API allows to update setting of callhome interval.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object Settings for call-home intervals. |
useGlobalConfig | boolean Indicates whether to use the global configuration. |
{- "callHomeIntervals": {
- "defaultInterval": 0,
- "registered": 0,
- "assigned": 0,
- "upgrading": 0,
- "upgradeFailed": 0,
- "vpnConfiguring": 0,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 0
}, - "useGlobalConfig": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The callHomeIntervalSetting has been successfully updated",
- "data": {
- "callHomeIntervalSetting": {
- "defaultInterval": 15,
- "registered": 15,
- "assigned": 15,
- "upgrading": 15,
- "upgradeFailed": 15,
- "vpnConfiguring": 15,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 15
}, - "useGlobalConfig": false
This API allows to fetch alls setting of callhome interval.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "callHomeIntervalSetting": {
- "defaultInterval": 15,
- "registered": 15,
- "assigned": 15,
- "upgrading": 15,
- "upgradeFailed": 15,
- "vpnConfiguring": 15,
- "vpnConfigFailed": 15
This API is used to get networkId settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "networkId": "0xffe736cd2fc8844e099ce2ed3c8ce82dc7",
- "strictMode": false
This API is used to generate networkId settings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
method required | string Method is used to generate networkId. |
suppliedKey | string Property is used when method=UserSupplied |
{- "method": "string",
- "suppliedKey": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The networkId has been successfully created.",
- "data": "0xffb4f4ab81173447649f700ec8e14ea6a4"
This API is used to update strictMode.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
strictMode required | boolean value of strictMode which need to update. |
{- "strictMode": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The strictMode has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "strictMode": false
This API allows to get all assigned commands in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-19T04:07:03.156+00:00",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-19T04:07:03.156+00:00",
- "id": 43,
- "serialNumber": "SN719280AAH",
- "commandQueueNumber": 1,
- "commandTimeToNextCallHome": 2,
- "approximateTimeNextCallHome": "Manual / On Restart",
- "commandProcessState": "actionCommandQueued",
- "requires": [
- "destinationPath",
- "forceDirCreation"
], - "commandSendTimeStamp": null,
- "commandResultTimeStamp": null,
- "commandStatus": null,
- "orgId": "66dec5e76ec101f11c359e66",
- "actionCommandInfo": {
- "actionCommand": "copyFromToDirectory",
- "actionCommandNonce": null,
- "actionCommandArgs": {
- "sourcePath": "/working/cloudagent.cfg",
- "destinationPath": "/certified/cloudagent.cfg",
- "forceDirCreation": "true"
}, - "requires": [
- "destinationPath",
- "forceDirCreation"
}, - "username": "",
- "friendlyName": "DEVICE01"
This API allows to assign multiple troubleshooting commands in organization
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceSerialNumbers required | Array of any An array of serial number of devices. |
commandTimeToNextCallHome required | string The time of command to next callhome. |
object |
{- "deviceSerialNumbers": [
- null
], - "commandTimeToNextCallHome": "string",
- "troubleshootingCmd": {
- "actionCommand": "string",
- "actionCommandArgs": { },
- "requires": [
- null
{- "status": 202,
- "message": "The request to assign commands has been successfully sent."
This API allows to get all devices to assign commands in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-09T10:08:16.349Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:08:16.349Z",
- "id": "66dec9101ae8ab1882fed107",
- "name": null,
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "SN719280AAH",
- "macAddress": null,
- "serialNumber": "SN719280AAH",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Network Device.",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": null,
- "lastSeenTime": null,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "organization": "66dec5e76ec101f11c359e66",
- "site": "66dec5e86ec101f11c359e69",
- "group": "66dec5ea6ec101f11c359e6b",
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "66dec90f1ae8ab1882fed106",
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "id": "66dec8fd1ae8ab1882fed102",
- "name": "GuestGroup",
- "color": "#ff7123"
}, - {
- "id": "66dec9031ae8ab1882fed104",
- "name": "Office",
- "color": "#f1f1f4"
], - "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "",
- "switchForQoeRtls": null,
- "qoeSwitch": null,
- "rtlsSwitch": null,
- "flashThreshold": null,
- "memoryThreshold": null,
- "cpuThreshold": null,
- "bleMac": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": "",
- "txPower": "",
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "beaconMode": "",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": null,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": null,
- "lldpSwitch": null,
- "lastHeartBeat": null,
- "modelName": null,
- "licenseCategory": null,
- "deviceLocation": null,
- "workMode": "",
- "managementConnectivity": "",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "Default RF Profile",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true
This API allows to get all troubleshooting commands from DataPond.
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "objectId": "2vBmBNn3jj",
- "instanceid": null,
- "createDate": null,
- "modifiedDate": null,
- "lastUpdatedBy": null,
- "commandName": "copyFromToDirectory",
- "commandDescription": "Copies files from one directory to another.",
- "applicableDeviceCategory": "common",
- "requires": [
- "destinationPath",
- "forceDirCreation"
], - "commandDetails": [
- {
- "actionCommand": "copyFromToDirectory",
- "actionCommandArgs": {
- "sourcePath": "/working/cloudagent.cfg",
- "destinationPath": "/certified/cloudagent.cfg",
- "forceDirCreation": "true"
}, - "actionCommandNonce": null,
- "requires": null
], - "createdAt": "2019-02-22T08:47:37.891Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-07-10T09:43:27.946Z"
This API allows to get all of licenses following orderId.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
orderId required | string The id of order which managed the licenses. |
activationCode required | string The code is used to verify orderId. |
{- "orderId": "string",
- "activationCode": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "licenseId": "licenseId1",
- "duration": "12",
- "organization": "OVNG-625fe22c4ad5da81bc99c71f-EMEA",
- "startDate": "2022-04-21",
- "endDate": "2023-05-01",
- "state": "active",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M"
}, - {
- "licenseId": "licenseId2",
- "duration": "12",
- "organization": "OVNG-625fe22c4ad5da81bc99c71f-EMEA",
- "startDate": "2022-04-21",
- "endDate": "2023-05-01",
- "state": "active",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M"
This API allows to link all of licenses following orderId to the organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
orderId required | string The id of order which managed the licenses. |
activationCode required | string The code is used to verify orderId. |
{- "orderId": "string",
- "activationCode": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Import the licenses successfully.",
- "data": {
- "licenses": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.531Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.531Z",
- "id": "64102ea30b236a00f73ce658",
- "licenseId": "2cb59dfd-0e16-4929-b1ef-3e41d1fa3070",
- "state": "idle",
- "duration": 12,
- "startDate": "2022-01-17",
- "endDate": "2023-01-17",
- "gracePeriod": 30,
- "orderId": "OVC",
- "orgId": "OVNG-63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39-EMEA",
- "associateStatus": null,
- "order": "64102ea30b236a00f73ce657",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.531Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.531Z",
- "id": "44102ea30b236a00f73nk289",
- "licenseId": "8dsb59dfd-0e16-4929-b1ef-3e41d1fa2jk",
- "state": "idle",
- "duration": 12,
- "startDate": "2022-01-17",
- "endDate": "2023-01-17",
- "gracePeriod": 30,
- "orderId": "OVC",
- "orgId": "OVNG-63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39-EMEA",
- "associateStatus": null,
- "order": "64102ea30b236a00f73ce657",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M"
], - "createdAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.527Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-03-14T08:21:55.527Z",
- "id": "64102ea30b236a00f73ce657",
- "orderId": "OVC",
- "activationCode": "11-ee30-46aa-222-111111",
- "dateOfChange": 1678782115527,
- "importDate": "2023-03-14",
- "gracePeriodDuration": 0,
- "orgId": "OVNG-63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39-EMEA",
- "organization": "63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39"
This API allows to get all of licenses which imported organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
status | string "status" is the status of license, ex: "Unlicensed" |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "610a0fccf1ccd77b2189803d",
- "licenseId": "license01",
- "status": "Unlicensed",
- "state": "Idle",
- "duration": 12,
- "startDate": null,
- "endDate": null,
- "orderId": "order001",
- "order": "610a0fcdc974205d18070d33",
- "associateStatus": "UNBINDING_FAIL",
- "createdAt": "2024-03-29T10:46:32.810Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-01T07:29:33.419Z",
- "gracePeriod": 30,
- "importDate": "2024-03-29",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M",
- "orgId": "OVNG-64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2-EMEA",
- "remainingDuration": {
- "days": 5,
- "months": 33
}, - "device": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-08-03T04:03:23.477Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-20T07:20:18.194Z",
- "id": "66adac0b0ed3c02a9d2c308a",
- "name": "DEVICE-5C:7E",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "E8:E7:32:1E:5C:8E",
- "serialNumber": "R3281111",
- "deviceFamily": "AOS",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "System contact",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "LICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": "R328043P",
- "calculatedMacAddress": "11:11:11:1E:22:8E",
- "organization": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2",
- "site": {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-11T07:30:04.158Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-07-11T07:30:04.158Z",
- "id": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c4",
- "name": "Site",
- "countryCode": "AU",
- "timezone": "Antarctica/Macquarie",
- "address": "",
- "location": { },
- "imageUrl": "",
- "isDefault": true,
- "zoom": 4,
- "organization": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2"
}, - "group": null,
- "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": "66069c080301d17d234c71ca"
}, - {
- "id": "610a0fccf1ccd77b2189803e",
- "licenseId": "license02",
- "status": "Unlicensed",
- "state": "Idle",
- "duration": 24,
- "startDate": null,
- "endDate": null,
- "orderId": "order001",
- "order": "610a0fcdc974205d18070d33",
- "associateStatus": "UNBINDING_FAIL",
- "createdAt": "2024-03-29T10:46:32.810Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-01T07:29:33.419Z",
- "gracePeriod": 30,
- "importDate": "2024-03-29",
- "licenseType": "SS-M",
- "orgId": "OVNG-64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2-EMEA",
- "remainingDuration": {
- "days": 5,
- "months": 33
}, - "device": [ ]
This API allows to delete expired licenses in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings array of licensesids |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-24T10:43:53.447Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T01:46:26.591Z",
- "id": "66f297e9982888603864a38a",
- "licenseId": "e301a622-6bd3-491a-ab2d-1111111",
- "status": "EXPIRED",
- "state": "active",
- "duration": 24,
- "startDate": "2023-09-06",
- "endDate": "2025-09-30",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M",
- "gracePeriod": 0,
- "orderId": "OVC-22222",
- "orgId": "OVNG-64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2-EMEA",
- "associateStatus": "UNBINDING_FAIL",
- "order": "66f297e9982888603864a389"
This API allows to binding licenses to devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects Array of pair contain licenseId and serialNumber. |
{- "bindingLicenses": [
- {
- "licenseId": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string"
{- "status": "Request Succeeded.",
- "statusCode": 200,
- "data": {
- "haveFailBindings": false,
- "failActiveLicenses": [ ]
This API allows to unbinding licenses to devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings serialNumber of device |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "All Licenses have been successfully unbound to selected devices",
- "data": [
- {
- "licenseId": "",
- "serialNumber": "ANALYTIC002",
- "site": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c4"
This API allows to swap devices between 2 licenses
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "firstLicense": {
- "licenseId": "string"
}, - "secondLicense": {
- "licenseId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Swap devices between 2 licenses successfully.",
- "data": [
- {
- "licenseId": "e301a622-6bd3-491a-ab2d-11111",
- "device": "DEVICE003",
- "site": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c4"
}, - {
- "licenseId": "fb176cfa-0a04-434a-85d7-22222",
- "device": "DEVICE002",
- "site": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c4"
This API allows to reassign device to new license.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "reassignDevice": {
- "serialNumber": "string"
}, - "newLicense": {
- "licenseId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Reassign the devices successfully.",
- "data": {
- "licenseId": "a906a3ba-339d-42d4-8818-ab6147e755b9",
- "serialNumber": "DDEVICE41180001",
- "site": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c4"
This API allows to reassign licenses to devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | object |
required | object |
{- "reassignLicense": {
- "licenseId": "string"
}, - "newDevice": {
- "serialNumber": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Reassign the licenses successfully.",
- "data": {
- "failActiveLicenses": [
- "a906a3ba-339d-42d4-8818-ab6147e755b9"
This API allows to get the license mode which is used to auto-binding.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2023-07-11T09:37:54.444Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-08-16T03:31:07.633Z",
- "id": "64ad22f25eef8e37f9434322",
- "isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice": false,
- "licenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "SHOW_MESSAGE_AFTER_LOGIN",
- "organization": "64ad04fc0a5f69f3895e01c2"
This API allows to get association between licenses and devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
mode required | string Enum: "MANUAL_SELECTION" "AUTO_SELECTION" The mode in which the user wants the system auto-bind licenses. |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of serialNumbers. If mode = AUTO_SELECTION, the array is empty. |
licenseMode required | string Enum: "EXPIRE_LAST" "EXPIRE_FIRST" The priority about duration which the user wants system auto-bind licenses. |
{- "mode": "MANUAL_SELECTION",
- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "licenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "device": {
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-17T08:15:44.481Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-05-18T06:59:54.679Z",
- "id": "628359b023158031c1a4cf07",
- "name": "AP-00:95",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": "",
- "macAddress": "e8:e7:32:a4:00:95",
- "serialNumber": "DEVICEAP196",
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "type": "",
- "version": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "waitingForFirstContact",
- "currentSwVer": "",
- "workingMode": "",
- "lastSeenTime": 0,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNLICENSED",
- "autoChoosingLicenseMode": "EXPIRE_FIRST",
- "markPremium": false,
- "organization": "6272357dfa6ef5018379ed89",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "vcSerialNumber": null,
- "calculatedMacAddress": null,
- "site": {
- "id": "6272357dfa6ef503b079ed8b",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
}, - "group": {
- "id": "6272357dfa6ef54a1f79ed8c",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "building": null,
- "floor": null,
- "license": null,
- "deviceLabels": [
- {
- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
}, - "license": {
- "device": [ ],
- "createdAt": "2022-05-16T02:51:58.830Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-05-18T06:59:56.429Z",
- "id": "6281bc4f9cd4d18b0667786e",
- "licenseId": "fc00c1bf-f17b-4735-bde2-6ddd38a9e615",
- "status": "AVAILABLE_USED",
- "state": "active",
- "duration": 12,
- "startDate": "2022-05-16",
- "endDate": "2023-06-01",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M",
- "gracePeriod": 30,
- "orderId": "NaaS-202204000352",
- "orgId": "OVNG-6272357dfa6ef5018379ed89-EMEA",
- "associateStatus": "UNBINDING_FAIL",
- "order": "6281bc4e9cd4d15501677543",
- "remainingDuration": {
- "months": 12,
- "days": 13
}, - "importDate": "2022-05-16"
This API allows to get all of expired licenses from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit | integer The numbers of items to return |
offset required | string The offset in paging return |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in ISO8601 format. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-26T03:50:36.951Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T03:50:36.951Z",
- "id": "610a0fccf1ccd77b2189803d",
- "licenseId": "license01",
- "status": "EXPIRED",
- "state": "active",
- "duration": 12,
- "startDate": "2021-06-01",
- "endDate": "2022-06-01",
- "licenseType": "ESS-M",
- "gracePeriod": 0,
- "orderId": "order001",
- "order": "610a0fcdc974205d18070d33",
- "associateStatus": null,
- "importDate": "2024-09-26"
This API allows to get number of status in licenses from organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "ESS-M": {
- "notActivated": 0,
- "activated": 0,
- "boundInGracePeriod": 0,
- "boundInOperationPeriod": 0
}, - "OADV-M": {
- "notActivated": 0,
- "activated": 0,
- "boundInGracePeriod": 0,
- "boundInOperationPeriod": 0
This API allows to get auto assign license from ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-04-02T04:12:13.751Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-06-10T10:01:15.269Z",
- "id": "660b859d6895d19eea7a7743",
- "isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice": true,
- "licenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "NO_WARNING",
- "organization": "660b859d6895d19eea7a7742"
This API allows to update auto assign license from ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice required | boolean Unable if the user want to auto assign license for device. |
{- "isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-04-02T04:12:13.751Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-06-10T10:01:15.269Z",
- "id": "660b859d6895d19eea7a7743",
- "isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice": true,
- "licenseMode": "EXPIRE_LAST",
- "enforceStrongPassword": true,
- "enforceStrongPasswordNotifyType": "NO_WARNING",
- "organization": "660b859d6895d19eea7a7742"
This API allows to import subsricption license from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
subscriptionId required | string The id of subscription license. |
activationCode required | string The code is used to verify subscriptionId. |
isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice required | boolean Indicates whether the user has agreed to the Terms and Conditions. |
{- "subscriptionId": "string",
- "activationCode": "string",
- "isAutoAssignLicenseForNewDevice": true
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Import the licenses successfully.",
- "data": {
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": "2024-08-27T05:28:26.636Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:31:32.392Z",
- "id": "6662e83d57c0ad396f578653",
- "subscriptionId": "OVC-111111",
- "activationCode": "11-11c9-1-1-222",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "activationDate": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:10:22 GMT",
- "licenseType": "Premium",
- "isActive": false,
- "coterm": true,
- "orderedLicenses": [
- {
- "productId": "APL-1Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 1,
- "unitId": "APL"
], - "type": "addon"
], - "dlLicenses": [
- {
- "type": "initial",
- "duration": 36,
- "activationDate": 1724736497000,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "AP"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - {
- "type": "addon",
- "duration": 12,
- "activationDate": 1724749809000,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "ADV"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
], - "licenseConsumed": [
- {
- "consumed": {
- "AP": 0,
- "GA": 0,
- "BYOD": 0,
- "CORE": 0
], - "organization": "66626736ebc7ac76364180d9",
- "cloudLicenseAssetMap": {
- "AP": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 2,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ADV": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 1,
- "available": 1,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ESSENT": {
- "maxCount": 3,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 3,
- "productId": "ESSENT-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "GA": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "OVC-GA-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "BYOD": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "YOD-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "CORE": {
- "maxCount": 6,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 6,
- "productId": "CORE-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
This API allows to get all subsricption license from ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": "2024-08-27T05:28:26.636Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:31:32.392Z",
- "id": "6662e83d57c0ad396f578653",
- "subscriptionId": "OVC-111111",
- "activationCode": "11-11c9-1-1-222",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "activationDate": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:10:22 GMT",
- "licenseType": "Premium",
- "isActive": false,
- "coterm": true,
- "orderedLicenses": [
- {
- "productId": "APL-1Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 1,
- "unitId": "APL"
], - "type": "addon"
], - "dlLicenses": [
- {
- "type": "initial",
- "duration": 36,
- "activationDate": 1724736497000,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "AP"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - {
- "type": "addon",
- "duration": 12,
- "activationDate": 1724749809000,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "ADV"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
], - "licenseConsumed": [
- {
- "consumed": {
- "AP": 0,
- "GA": 0,
- "BYOD": 0,
- "CORE": 0
], - "organization": "66626736ebc7ac76364180d9",
- "cloudLicenseAssetMap": {
- "AP": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 2,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ADV": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 1,
- "available": 1,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ESSENT": {
- "maxCount": 3,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 3,
- "productId": "ESSENT-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "GA": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "OVC-GA-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "BYOD": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "YOD-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "CORE": {
- "maxCount": 6,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 6,
- "productId": "CORE-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
This API allows to update subsricption license from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceIdsToAssignLicense | Array of strings An array JSON of devices to assign licenses. |
deviceIdsToReleaseLicense | Array of strings An array JSON of devices to release licenses. |
{- "deviceIdsToAssignLicense": [
- "string"
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- "string"
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- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "2001:df4:2900:4:de08:56ff:fe54:24e0",
- "friendlyName": " (AP-24:E0)",
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- "serialNumber": "SSZ210400036",
- "type": "",
- "version": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (",
- "location": null,
- "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "connectedToOV",
- "currentSwVer": "",
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- "lastSeenTime": 1678093298,
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- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
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- "floor": null,
- "license": {
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- "updatedAt": "2023-03-02T10:04:15.863Z",
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- "status": "UNDER_TEASER",
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- "endDate": "2023-07-30",
- "gracePeriod": 0,
- "orderId": "",
- "orgId": "63d8ec6c0958857a199cfe39",
- "associateStatus": null,
- "order": null,
- "remainingDuration": {
- "months": 4,
- "days": 23
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- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": null,
- "meshIsRoot": null,
- "meshBand": null,
- "meshEssid": null,
- "meshPassphrase": null,
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
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- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "fe80::2efa:a2ff:fe0c:ae07",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "2001:df4:2900:2::220",
- "ledMode": null,
- "lacpStatus": "Disabled",
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 80,
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- "iotMode": null,
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- "band5L": null,
- "band6": null,
- "_modifiedTS": "2023-03-06T09:01:38.726Z",
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- "deviceFeatures": [ ],
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- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
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- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "modelName": "OAW-AP1301",
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "pkiUpdateStatus": "successful",
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": "2023-03-06T09:01:35.974Z",
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1678093271,
- "upTime": 277065,
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- "bridgeApWebSwitch": null,
- "bridgeDefault": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApIp": null,
- "bridgeFarEndApMac": null,
- "bridgeSshPassword": null,
- "bridgeSshSwitch": null,
- "bridgeWebCertName": null,
- "lastRegisterEpochSecondTime": 1678078447,
- "meshMode": "Disable",
- "meshParentNode": "",
- "meshRole": "",
- "linkStatus": "ENET0 Down,ENET1 Up",
- "registrationStatus": "AP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS",
- "registrationStatusReason": "NORMAL",
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- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "connectedToOV",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "",
- "lldpSwitch": false,
- "deviceLocation": "",
- "workMode": "Disable",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1678093271,
- "managementConnectivity": "UNKNOWN",
- "rfProfile": null,
- "rfProfileGroup": "long_rf",
- "useRfProfileGroup": true,
- "upgradeSchedule": { },
- "desiredSwVersion": "doNotUpgrade",
- "scheduleLevel": "SCHEDULE_GROUP",
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null,
- "deviceFamily": "AP",
- "deviceLabels": [
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- "id": "663da20b6a7498736f524f32",
- "createdAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T04:26:51.889Z",
- "name": "APFloor01",
- "color": "#f1f1f4",
- "organization": "6628d2e2708fce8f8794364e"
This API allows to get all subsricption license expiration from ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "expiredDate": 1810256685000,
- "expiredDaysLeft": 1064,
- "expiredDaysLeftMilis": 1064.8832375462962,
- "accessGraceDaysLeft": 1094,
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "extensionOrdered": false,
- "gracePeriodAssignLicense": 0
This API allows to reload subsricption license from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": "2024-08-27T05:28:26.636Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:31:32.392Z",
- "id": "6662e83d57c0ad396f578653",
- "subscriptionId": "OVC-111111",
- "activationCode": "11-11c9-1-1-222",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "activationDate": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:10:22 GMT",
- "licenseType": "Premium",
- "isActive": false,
- "coterm": true,
- "orderedLicenses": [
- {
- "productId": "APL-1Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 1,
- "unitId": "APL"
], - "type": "addon"
], - "dlLicenses": [
- {
- "type": "initial",
- "duration": 36,
- "activationDate": 1724736497000,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "AP"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - {
- "type": "addon",
- "duration": 12,
- "activationDate": 1724749809000,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "ADV"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
], - "licenseConsumed": [
- {
- "consumed": {
- "AP": 0,
- "GA": 0,
- "BYOD": 0,
- "CORE": 0
], - "organization": "66626736ebc7ac76364180d9",
- "cloudLicenseAssetMap": {
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- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 2,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ADV": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 1,
- "available": 1,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ESSENT": {
- "maxCount": 3,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 3,
- "productId": "ESSENT-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "GA": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "OVC-GA-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "BYOD": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "YOD-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "CORE": {
- "maxCount": 6,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 6,
- "productId": "CORE-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
This API allows to add on subsricption license from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": "2024-08-27T05:28:26.636Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:31:32.392Z",
- "id": "6662e83d57c0ad396f578653",
- "subscriptionId": "OVC-111111",
- "activationCode": "11-11c9-1-1-222",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "activationDate": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:10:22 GMT",
- "licenseType": "Premium",
- "isActive": false,
- "coterm": true,
- "orderedLicenses": [
- {
- "productId": "APL-1Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 1,
- "unitId": "APL"
], - "type": "addon"
], - "dlLicenses": [
- {
- "type": "initial",
- "duration": 36,
- "activationDate": 1724736497000,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "AP"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - {
- "type": "addon",
- "duration": 12,
- "activationDate": 1724749809000,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "ADV"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
], - "licenseConsumed": [
- {
- "consumed": {
- "AP": 0,
- "GA": 0,
- "BYOD": 0,
- "CORE": 0
], - "organization": "66626736ebc7ac76364180d9",
- "cloudLicenseAssetMap": {
- "AP": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 2,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ADV": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 1,
- "available": 1,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ESSENT": {
- "maxCount": 3,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 3,
- "productId": "ESSENT-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "GA": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "OVC-GA-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "BYOD": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "YOD-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "CORE": {
- "maxCount": 6,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 6,
- "productId": "CORE-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
This API allows to renew subsricption license from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "gracePeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": "2024-08-27T05:28:26.636Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-26T07:31:32.392Z",
- "id": "6662e83d57c0ad396f578653",
- "subscriptionId": "OVC-111111",
- "activationCode": "11-11c9-1-1-222",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "activationDate": "Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:10:22 GMT",
- "licenseType": "Premium",
- "isActive": false,
- "coterm": true,
- "orderedLicenses": [
- {
- "productId": "APL-1Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 1,
- "unitId": "APL"
], - "type": "addon"
], - "dlLicenses": [
- {
- "type": "initial",
- "duration": 36,
- "activationDate": 1724736497000,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "AP"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - {
- "type": "addon",
- "duration": 12,
- "activationDate": 1724749809000,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "units": [
- {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "elementProductId": "63-3Y",
- "unitId": "ADV"
], - "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
], - "licenseConsumed": [
- {
- "consumed": {
- "AP": 0,
- "GA": 0,
- "BYOD": 0,
- "CORE": 0
], - "organization": "66626736ebc7ac76364180d9",
- "cloudLicenseAssetMap": {
- "AP": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 2,
- "productId": "AP-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ADV": {
- "maxCount": 2,
- "currentCount": 1,
- "available": 1,
- "productId": "ADV-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "ESSENT": {
- "maxCount": 3,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 3,
- "productId": "ESSENT-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "GA": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "OVC-GA-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "BYOD": {
- "maxCount": 200,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 200,
- "productId": "YOD-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
}, - "CORE": {
- "maxCount": 6,
- "currentCount": 0,
- "available": 6,
- "productId": "CORE-3Y",
- "expiredDate": "Fri, 14 May 2027 01:04:45 GMT",
- "gracePeriod": 90
This API allows to get subsricption license validation from the ogranization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resources have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "unitId": "APL",
- "consumedCount": 3,
- "maxCount": 3,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "63",
- "consumedCount": 2,
- "maxCount": 2,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "69",
- "consumedCount": 1,
- "maxCount": 2,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "65",
- "consumedCount": 0,
- "maxCount": 1,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "68",
- "consumedCount": 0,
- "maxCount": 1,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "APH",
- "consumedCount": 0,
- "maxCount": 1,
- "outOfLicense": false
}, - {
- "unitId": "64",
- "consumedCount": 0,
- "maxCount": 2,
- "outOfLicense": false
This API is used to fetch all Dynamic Private Group PSK profiles inside a given Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: profileName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"profileName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key profileName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"profileName":"pskProfile"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"profileName":{"contains":"pskProfile"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profiles have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "9697ebcf-c528-47c4-94b5-5e62b8b89cb3",
- "profileName": "psk_1",
- "ssid": "psk_ssid_1",
- "persistencyDays": 1,
- "createAt": 1733314000838
}, - {
- "id": "6da30d50-d7d9-4caf-b274-d57bc4504b7c",
- "profileName": "psk_2",
- "ssid": "psk_ssid_2",
- "persistencyDays": 2,
- "createAt": 1733314370522
This API is used to create Dynamic Private Group PSK profile.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
profileName required | string The Dynamic Private group PSK profile name. |
persistencyDays required | integer <int32> The Number of Persistency days for the Dynamic Private group PSK profile (Range: 1 to 365). |
required | Array of objects An array of PSK entries for the profile. |
ssid required | string The SSID of the Dynamic Private group PSK profile. |
{- "profileName": "string",
- "persistencyDays": 0,
- "pskItems": [
- {
- "pskEntryName": "string",
- "pskPassphrase": "string",
- "arp": "string",
- "vlan": "string",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 0
], - "ssid": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profile have been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "40a467c7-021d-4be5-8742-1ab87351667d",
- "profileName": "testing",
- "ssid": "Test_ PSK",
- "persistencyDays": 6,
- "createdAt": 1728290966180,
- "pskItems": [
- {
- "operation": "Add",
- "entryId": "36fc4202-04fb-4076-9f8b-e8347d1e982f",
- "displayName": "test",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchCreate.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "36fc4202-04fb-4076-9f8b-e8347d1e982f",
- "pskEntryName": "test",
- "pskPassphrase": "12345678",
- "arp": "Test1",
- "vlan": "",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 2
This API is used to delete multiple Dynamic Private Group PSK profiles by it's IDs.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of Dynamic Private group PSK profiles to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profile have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "c25154e5-5b57-46a4-8404-6734afbb98c8",
- "displayName": "prof_2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchDelete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "c25154e5-5b57-46a4-8404-6734afbb98c8",
- "profileName": "prof_2",
- "ssid": "test",
- "persistencyDays": 4,
- "createAt": 1732613038724
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "e6d6c1cf-59ca-4987-b227-60a166b72657",
- "displayName": "test1",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchDelete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "e6d6c1cf-59ca-4987-b227-60a166b72657",
- "profileName": "test1",
- "ssid": "test_pra",
- "persistencyDays": 1,
- "createAt": 1733290827506
This API is used to fetch Dynamic Private Group PSK profile by it's ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
profileId required | string This is a path param for profileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profile have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "85b6f39c-7da7-42e8-b924-46ff106d9e05",
- "profileName": "Team-A-PSK-profiles",
- "ssid": "han-test-SSID",
- "persistencyDays": 30,
- "createAt": 1728885962107
This API is used to update the values of Dynamic Private Group PSK profile by ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
profileId required | string This is a path param for profileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
persistencyDays required | integer <int32> The Updated Number of Persistency days for the Dynamic Private group PSK profile (Range: 1 to 365). |
{- "persistencyDays": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profile have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "persistencyDays": "19",
- "profileName": "prof_1"
This API is used to update the values of Dynamic Private Group PSK Items.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
profileId required | string This is a path param for profileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deleteExistingItems | Array of strings The PSK entries to delete |
Array of objects The PSK entries to update | |
Array of objects The addition of new PSK entries |
{- "deleteExistingItems": [
- "string"
], - "updateExistingItems": [
- {
- "arp": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 0,
- "pskEntryName": "string",
- "pskPassphrase": "string",
- "vlan": "string"
], - "addNewItems": [
- {
- "arp": "string",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 0,
- "pskEntryName": "string",
- "pskPassphrase": "string",
- "vlan": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group PSK Profile have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "profileName": "psk1",
- "pskItems": [
- {
- "operation": "Update",
- "displayName": "prof_1",
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchUpdate.success",
- "entityData": {
- "pskEntryName": "prof_1",
- "pskPassphrase": "secretpassword123",
- "arp": "",
- "vlan": "9",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 62
}, - {
- "operation": "Update",
- "displayName": "prof_2",
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchUpdate.success",
- "entityData": {
- "pskEntryName": "prof_2",
- "pskPassphrase": "secretpassword456",
- "arp": "",
- "vlan": "5",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 64
This API is responsible to get PSK list under the Dynamic Private Group PSK profiles declared inside a given Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
profileId required | string This is a path param for profileId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: profileName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"profileName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key profileName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"profileName":"pskProfile"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"profileName":{"contains":"pskProfile"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "samp.server.getList.success",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "c7f00134-d1e1-4c5c-b710-9ac1026be69f",
- "pskEntryName": "psk1",
- "pskPassphrase": "presharedkey_111",
- "arp": "ARP_2",
- "vlan": "",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 3
}, - {
- "id": "670f0d11-fb21-43a5-b3d5-e369ab10e568",
- "pskEntryName": "psk2",
- "pskPassphrase": "presharedkey_222",
- "arp": "ARP_2",
- "vlan": "",
- "maxAllowedDevices": 3
This API is used to fetch all Dynamic Private Group MACs inside a given Organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: profileName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"profileName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key profileName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"profileName":"pskProfile"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"profileName":{"contains":"pskProfile"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group MAC Profiles have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 5,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "cff523eb-65e2-492b-b3a9-dbfa238b3d43",
- "clientMacAddress": "8A5D902B04E7",
- "ssid": "p_testing_vlan",
- "pskProfileName": "p_testing_vlan",
- "pskEntryName": "psk1",
- "expiryDate": 1728110518100,
- "createdAt": 1728024118100
}, - {
- "id": "670f0d11-fb21-43a5-b3d5-e369ab10e568",
- "clientMacAddress": "744CA1D825E3",
- "ssid": "p_testing_1",
- "pskProfileName": "p_testing_psk",
- "pskEntryName": "p_psk_6",
- "expiryDate": 1728128534082,
- "createdAt": 1728042134082
This API is used to delete multiple Dynamic Private Group MACs by it's IDs.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of Dynamic Private group MAC profiles to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group MAC Profile have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "c7f00134-d1e1-4c5c-b710-9ac1026be69f",
- "displayName": "8E2EF0B2B536",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.batchDelete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "c7f00134-d1e1-4c5c-b710-9ac1026be69f",
- "clientMacAddress": "8E2EF0B2B536",
- "ssid": "p_testing_vlan",
- "pskProfileName": "p_testing_vlan",
- "pskEntryName": "psk1",
- "expiryDate": 1728125047826,
- "createdAt": 1728038647826
This API is used to fetch Dynamic Private Group MAC by it's ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
uuid required | string This is a path param for uuid |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Dynamic Private Group MAC Profile have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "670f0d11-fb21-43a5-b3d5-e369ab10e568",
- "clientMacAddress": "744CA1D825E3",
- "ssid": "p_testing_1",
- "pskProfileName": "p_testing_psk",
- "pskEntryName": "p_psk_6",
- "expiryDate": 1728128534082,
- "createdAt": 1728042134082
This API is used to get all employee accounts within an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee accounts have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 7,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510911111",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459612629,
- "createdAt": 1653991731170,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnSmith",
- "telephone": "18510911145",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459615953,
- "createdAt": 1653991731171,
- "fullName": "John Smith",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Engineer",
- "description": "Engineer in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
This API is used to create an employee account.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
username required | string The user name for the employee account. |
telephone | string The optional telephone number of the employee. |
string The optional Email address of the employee. | |
password required | string The password for the employee account. |
fullName | string The full name of the employee. |
department | string The department of the employee. |
position | string The employee position in the company. |
description | string The description of this employee account. |
arpName | string The Access Role Profile that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. |
plName | string The Policy that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy.. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "username": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "position": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The employee account has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510911111",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459612629,
- "createdAt": 1653991731170,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Blocked",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
This API is used to delete multiple employee accounts by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of employee accounts. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee accounts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "John Doe",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510911111",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459612629,
- "createdAt": 1653991731170,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "John Wilson",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb000543",
- "username": "JohnWilson",
- "telephone": "18510911156",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459612629,
- "createdAt": 1653991731170,
- "fullName": "John Wilson",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
This API is used to get an employee account by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
employeeAccountId required | string This is a path param for employeeAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee account has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510911111",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627459612629,
- "createdAt": 1653991731170,
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
This API is used to update an employee account by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
employeeAccountId required | string This is a path param for employeeAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
telephone | string The optional telephone number of the employee. |
string The optional Email address of the employee. | |
password | string The password for the employee account. |
fullName | string The full name of the employee. |
department | string The department of the employee. |
position | string The employee position in the company. |
description | string The description of this employee account. |
arpName | string The Access Role Profile that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. |
plName | string The Policy that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy.. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "telephone": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "position": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee account has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510911111",
- "email": "",
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "Program Manager",
- "description": "Program Manager in R&D",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
This API allows to mass import employee accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects An array of employee accounts to be imported. |
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "username": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "position": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee accounts have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "username": "JohnDoe",
- "telephone": "18510916131",
- "email": "",
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "human resources",
- "description": "description",
- "accessRoleProfile": "",
- "policyList": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627526998642,
- "createdAt": 1653991731171,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ],
- "status": "Blocked"
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008d",
- "username": "JohnSmith",
- "telephone": "18510916131",
- "email": "",
- "fullName": "John Smith",
- "department": "ALE",
- "position": "human resources",
- "description": "description",
- "accessRoleProfile": "",
- "policyList": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1627526998642,
- "createdAt": 1653991731173,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ],
- "status": "Blocked"
This API is used to update status for multiple employee accounts by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
status | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" The employee account status. |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of employee accounts. |
{- "status": "ENABLED",
- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee accounts have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "John Doe",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success",
- "statusValue": "ENABLED"
}, - {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "John Smith",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success",
- "statusValue": "ENABLED"
This API is used to get employee accounts global configuration for a given organisation.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee account global configuration has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "passwordEnforcement": "STRONG",
- "usernamePolicy": "STRONG"
This API is used to update or set employee accounts global configuration for a given organisation.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
passwordEnforcement | string This is the password policy. There are two choices: STRONG (for a strong password) or WEAK (for weak password). |
usernamePolicy | string The username policy has two choices: STRONG (for a strong usename) or WEAK (for a weak username). |
{- "passwordEnforcement": "string",
- "usernamePolicy": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The employee account global configuration has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "passwordEnforcement": "STRONG",
- "usernamePolicy": "STRONG"
This API is used to create a role mapping.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string User-configured name for the mapping rule. |
priority required | integer <int32> Priority of the role mapping rule. |
action required | string Enum: "accept" "reject" Action for the mapping rule. Accept : Satisfy the condition to pass, reject:Satisfy the condition to reject directly. |
mappingARPName | string Access Role Profile applied to the user after matching the role mapping rule. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. |
mappingPLName | string Policy List applied to the user after matching the role mapping rule. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy.. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing conditions. | |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "name": "string",
- "priority": 0,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "string",
- "mappingPLName": "string",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "string"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The role mapping has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxiy",
- "name": "Role 1",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone"
This API is used to get all roles mappings.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The role Mappings have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxiy",
- "name": "Role 1",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "reject",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone"
}, - {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97896545",
- "name": "Role 2",
- "priority": 1,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "value": [
- "9645"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Equal 9645"
This API is used to delete multiple roles mappings by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of roles mapping. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The role mappings have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Role 1",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxiy",
- "name": "Role 1",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone",
- "createdAt": 1675754117867
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "Role 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxea",
- "name": "Role 2",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864
This API is used to get a role mapping by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
roleMappingId required | string This is a path param for roleMappingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The role mapping has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxiy",
- "name": "Role 1",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone"
This API is used to update a role mapping by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
roleMappingId required | string This is a path param for roleMappingId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
priority required | integer <int32> Priority of the role mapping rule. |
action | string Enum: "accept" "reject" Action for the mapping rule. Accept : Satisfy the condition to pass, reject:Satisfy the condition to reject directly. |
mappingARPName | string Access Role Profile applied to the user after matching the role mapping rule. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. |
mappingPLName | string Policy List applied to the user after matching the role mapping rule. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy.. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing conditions. | |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "priority": 0,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "string",
- "mappingPLName": "string",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "string"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The role mapping has been successfully updated."
This API allows to add a new radius server certificates.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string Identifier for the certificate in UPAM. |
cafiles required | string The CA Certificate file. |
certificateFileName required | string The certificate file in the RADIUS server. The Server File contains the contents of the Sever Certificate file and the Server Key file. |
serverKeyFile required | string The server key file. |
password required | string The password of the server key file. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The External Radius server has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be100b7",
- "name": "lastlast",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": 1676039714032,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1675950141000,
- "validityStopTime": 1983534141000
This API allows to Delete multiple radius server certificates.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radius server certificates. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The RADIUS server certificates have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "default_server",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be100b7",
- "name": "lastlast",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": null,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1522329455000,
- "validityStopTime": 1680096454000
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "default_server",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be10543",
- "name": "myradSec",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": null,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1522329455000,
- "validityStopTime": 1680096454000
This API allows to fetch all the radius server certificates.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The radius server certificates have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be100b7",
- "name": "lastlast",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": null,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1522329455000,
- "validityStopTime": 1680096454000
This API allows to fetch a radius server certificate.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
certificateId required | string This is a path param for certificateId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The radius server certificate has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be100b7",
- "name": "lastlast",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": null,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1522329455000,
- "validityStopTime": 1680096454000
This API allows to activate a radius server certificate.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
certificateId required | string This is a path param for certificateId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Radius server certificate has been successfully activated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69d4ff843d302f01843e3e1be100b7",
- "name": "lastlast",
- "type": "Radius Certificate",
- "issuedBy": null,
- "issuedTo": "alcatel-WF-DC1-CA",
- "keyPassword": null,
- "usingStatus": "IN_USE",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt",
- "createdAt": null,
- "certificateFileName": "wfdcCA - Copie.crt",
- "keyFileName": "upam_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1522329455000,
- "validityStopTime": 1680096454000
This API is used to get all registration profiles.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Registration Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "f6d8c493-0a79-4737-4444-e5726abe93e5",
- "profileName": "name",
- "description": "description",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "dataQuota": 96,
- "periodUnit": "Minute(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863752
}, - {
- "id": "f6d8c493-0a79-4737-8663-e5726abe93e5",
- "profileName": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": null,
- "dataQuotaStatus": "DISABLED",
- "dataQuota": null,
- "dataQuotaUrl": null,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "DISABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": null,
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": null,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": null,
- "blockedHours": null,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": null,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": null,
- "maxRememberedDevice": 5,
- "deviceRemember": "DISABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 30,
- "createdAt": 1674052593257
}, - {
- "id": "f6d8c493-0a79-4737-1123-e5726abe93e5",
- "profileName": "name2",
- "description": "description2",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 80,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Minute(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863752
}, - {
- "id": "f6d8c493-3123-4737-1123-e5726abe93e5",
- "profileName": "name3",
- "description": "description2",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 80,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Minute(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863752
}, - {
- "id": "f6d8c493-3123-2222-1123-e5726abe93e5",
- "profileName": "name4",
- "description": "description2",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 80,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Minute(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863752
This API allows to add a new Registration Profile.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
description | string The description of this registration profile. |
dataQuotaStatus required | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specifies whether the data quota is active or not. |
timeQuotaStatus required | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specifies whether the time quota is active or not. |
timeQuotaMode | string Specify the time quota per day ('PERDAY') or the time quota for certain of hours ('BYHOUR') then block user for some hours. |
hourQuotaPerDayAmount | integer <int32> Quota of the number of hours during which access will be allowed per day. |
hourQuotaBeforeBlocked | integer <int32> Number of hours during which access will be allowed before data is blocked. |
blockedHours | integer <int32> Time in hours during which the data will be blocked before returning to normal. |
maxRememberedDevice | integer <int32> Max Device Number Per Account. |
reducedUpBandwidth | integer <int32> The reduced up bandwidth. |
reducedDownBandwidth | integer <int32> The reduced down bandwidth. |
dataQuotaUrl | string The redirect URL to which the accessing device will be guided after the user reaches their data quota limitation. |
dataQuota | integer <int32> Maximum data quota not to be exceeded. |
periodUnit | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The unit used for the Account Validity Period Attribute (Days, Hours, Minutes). |
deviceRemember required | boolean Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specify whether to remember the device MAC address and make it valid after successful authentication (Enabled/Disabled). If the remembered device is valid, the MAC address check will be performed first and the device allowed access without re-authentication. |
deviceValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The length of time that the user device is valid. This value is entered based on the selected Period Unit. For example, if Days is selected, enter the number of days the user device is valid; if Hours is selected, enter the number of hours, etc. By default, Days = 30, Hours = 24, and Minutes = 60. |
profileName required | string The name of this registration profile. |
{- "description": "string",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "string",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 0,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 0,
- "blockedHours": 0,
- "maxRememberedDevice": 0,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 0,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 0,
- "dataQuotaUrl": "string",
- "dataQuota": 0,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 0,
- "profileName": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Registration Profile has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008b",
- "profileName": "name",
- "description": "description",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 123,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "DISABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863767
This API allows to Delete multiple Registration Profiles.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of access policies. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "string",
- "entryId": "string",
- "displayName": "string",
- "status": true,
- "entityData": {
- "id": "string",
- "profileName": "string",
- "createdAt": null,
- "maxRememberedDevice": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "string",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 0,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 0,
- "blockedHours": 0,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 0,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 0,
- "dataQuotaUrl": "string",
- "dataQuota": 0,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 0
}, - "message": "string"
This API is used to get registration profile by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
registrationProfileId required | string This is a path param for registrationProfileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Registration Profile has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008b",
- "profileName": "name",
- "description": "description",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 123,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "DISABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863767
This API allows to update a Registration Profile by its ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
registrationProfileId required | string This is a path param for registrationProfileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
description | string The description of this registration profile. |
dataQuotaStatus required | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specifies whether the data quota is active or not. |
timeQuotaStatus required | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specifies whether the time quota is active or not. |
timeQuotaMode | string Specify the time quota per day ('PERDAY') or the time quota for certain of hours ('BYHOUR') then block user for some hours. |
hourQuotaPerDayAmount | integer <int32> Quota of the number of hours during which access will be allowed per day. |
hourQuotaBeforeBlocked | integer <int32> Number of hours during which access will be allowed before data is blocked. |
blockedHours | integer <int32> Time in hours during which the data will be blocked before returning to normal. |
maxRememberedDevice | integer <int32> Max Device Number Per Account. |
reducedUpBandwidth | integer <int32> The reduced up bandwidth. |
reducedDownBandwidth | integer <int32> The reduced down bandwidth. |
dataQuotaUrl | string The redirect URL to which the accessing device will be guided after the user reaches their data quota limitation. |
dataQuota | integer <int32> Maximum data quota not to be exceeded. |
periodUnit | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The unit used for the Account Validity Period Attribute (Days, Hours, Minutes). |
deviceRemember required | boolean Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Specify whether to remember the device MAC address and make it valid after successful authentication (Enabled/Disabled). If the remembered device is valid, the MAC address check will be performed first and the device allowed access without re-authentication. |
deviceValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The length of time that the user device is valid. This value is entered based on the selected Period Unit. For example, if Days is selected, enter the number of days the user device is valid; if Hours is selected, enter the number of hours, etc. By default, Days = 30, Hours = 24, and Minutes = 60. |
{- "description": "string",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "string",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 0,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 0,
- "blockedHours": 0,
- "maxRememberedDevice": 0,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 0,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 0,
- "dataQuotaUrl": "string",
- "dataQuota": 0,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "deviceRemember": "ENABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Registration Profile has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008b",
- "profileName": "name",
- "description": "description",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 123,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuotaMode": "PERDAY",
- "hourQuotaPerDayAmount": 2,
- "hourQuotaBeforeBlocked": 4,
- "blockedHours": 5,
- "reducedUpBandwidth": 123,
- "reducedDownBandwidth": 123,
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "maxRememberedDevice": 123,
- "deviceRemember": "DISABLED",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 90,
- "createdAt": 1657723863767
This API is used to get external RADIUS Server by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
externalRadiusServerId required | string This is a path param for externalRadiusServerId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The external radius server has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serverName": "Default Server",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
This API allows to update a external RADIUS Server by its ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
externalRadiusServerId required | string This is a path param for externalRadiusServerId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
hostName required | string External Radius Server host name/IP address. |
backupHostName | string Back up external radius server host name/IP address. |
retries required | integer <int32> Number of times UPAM will attempt to reconnect to the External Radius Server when the connection timeout occurs before concluding that the External Radius Server is unreachable. |
timeout required | integer <int32> The amount of time, in seconds, that UPAM will attempt a connection to the External Radius Server before timing out. |
isRadSecServer required | boolean Enable/Disable Security for the RADIUS server. |
sharedSecret | string Shared key that UPAM uses to communicate with External Radius Server. |
confirmSecret | string The shared secret key confirmation. |
authenticationPort | integer <int32> TCP/UDP port used to perform authentication. It is required when isRadSecServer false. |
accountingPort | integer <int32> TCP/UDP port used to perform accounting. It is required when isRadSecServer false. |
isPreemptionEnabled required | boolean Enable/Disable Pre-emption. |
preemptionTimeout | integer <int32> The backup Server timeout in second. It is required when isPreemptionEnabled true. |
radSecCertificateId | string The RadSec certificate ID, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
radSecTrustCaId | string The RadSec CA ID, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
tlsPort | integer <int32> The TLS port, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
{- "hostName": "string",
- "backupHostName": "string",
- "retries": 0,
- "timeout": 0,
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "sharedSecret": "string",
- "confirmSecret": "string",
- "authenticationPort": 0,
- "accountingPort": 0,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 0,
- "radSecCertificateId": "string",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "string",
- "tlsPort": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The external radius server have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "serverName": "Default Server",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
This API is used to get all external RADIUS Servers.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The external radius server have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serverName": "Default Server",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
This API allows to add a new external RADIUS Server.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serverName required | string External Radius Server name. |
hostName required | string External Radius Server host name/IP address. |
backupHostName | string Back up external radius server host name/IP address. |
retries required | integer <int32> Number of times UPAM will attempt to reconnect to the External Radius Server when the connection timeout occurs before concluding that the External Radius Server is unreachable. |
timeout required | integer <int32> The amount of time, in seconds, that UPAM will attempt a connection to the External Radius Server before timing out. |
isRadSecServer required | boolean Enable/Disable Security for the RADIUS server. |
sharedSecret | string Shared key that UPAM uses to communicate with External Radius Server. |
confirmSecret | string The shared secret key confirmation. |
authenticationPort | integer <int32> TCP/UDP port used to perform authentication. It is required when isRadSecServer false. |
accountingPort | integer <int32> TCP/UDP port used to perform accounting. It is required when isRadSecServer false. |
isPreemptionEnabled required | boolean Enable/Disable Pre-emption. |
preemptionTimeout | integer <int32> The backup Server timeout in second. It is required when isPreemptionEnabled true. |
radSecCertificateId | string The RadSec certificate ID, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
radSecTrustCaId | string The RadSec CA ID, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
tlsPort | integer <int32> The TLS port, it is required if the isRadSecServer is true. |
{- "serverName": "string",
- "hostName": "string",
- "backupHostName": "string",
- "retries": 0,
- "timeout": 0,
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "sharedSecret": "string",
- "confirmSecret": "string",
- "authenticationPort": 0,
- "accountingPort": 0,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 0,
- "radSecCertificateId": "string",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "string",
- "tlsPort": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The external radius server has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serverName": "Default Server",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
This API allows to Delete multiple external RADIUS Servers.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of external radius servers. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The external radius servers have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Default Server",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serverName": "Default Server",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "Backup Server",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb000219d",
- "serverName": "Default Server2",
- "hostName": "",
- "backupHostName": null,
- "retries": 2,
- "timeout": 5,
- "sharedSecret": "123123",
- "confirmSecret": "123123",
- "authenticationPort": 1812,
- "accountingPort": 1813,
- "createdAt": 123123123,
- "tlsPort": 2083,
- "radSecCertificateId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "radSecTrustCaId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "isRadSecServer": true,
- "isPreemptionEnabled": true,
- "preemptionTimeout": 600
This API allows to get all Radsec Client Certificate.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The RadSec Client Certificats has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69d46484a018680184a7052fda2ff2",
- "name": "certificatdd",
- "type": "RadSec Client",
- "issuedBy": "ALE",
- "issuedTo": null,
- "keyPassword": null,
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "wfdcCA.crt >> radius_server.crt >> rootCA.pem",
- "createdAt": 1669249445849,
- "certificateFileName": "radius_server.crt",
- "keyFileName": "radius_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1669127900000,
- "validityStopTime": 1976711900000
This API is used to delete multiple RadSec Client certificates by providing in the body, a list of RadSec Client certificate ids
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radsec client CA. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The RadSec Client Certificats have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "8a69d4bb84f2291b0184f6bca8590065",
- "displayName": "server",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69d4bb84f2291b0184f6bca8590065",
- "name": "server",
- "type": "RadSec Client",
- "issuedBy": "ALE",
- "issuedTo": null,
- "keyPassword": "server",
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "rootCA.pem",
- "createdAt": 1670586869848,
- "certificateFileName": "radius_server.crt",
- "keyFileName": "radius_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1669127900000,
- "validityStopTime": 1976711900000
This API is used to upload all the RadSec client certificate files
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string The name of radsec certificate. |
certificateFileName required | string The serveur certificate file name. |
caFiles required | string The certificate of the radius server. |
password required | string The password of the radius server. |
keyFile required | string The key file of the radius server. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The RadSec Client Certificat has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69d4bb84f2291b0184f6bca8590065",
- "name": "server",
- "type": "RadSec Client",
- "issuedBy": "ALE",
- "issuedTo": null,
- "keyPassword": null,
- "isExpiryStatus": "UNEXPIRED",
- "caFileName": "rootCA.pem",
- "createdAt": 1670586869848,
- "certificateFileName": "radius_server.crt",
- "keyFileName": "radius_server.key",
- "relateFQDN": null,
- "validityStartTime": 1669127900000,
- "validityStopTime": 1976711900000
This API is used to download all the files (cAFiles, serverKeyFile , serverFile) of a certificate ziped.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
certificatId required | string This is a path param for certificatId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
This API is used to get Cloud Identity by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serverId required | string This is a path param for serverId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Cloud Identity has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c93808b89f8c4580189f8ca0754000f",
- "identityName": "Azure_AD",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "123321as-9e18-1677-6450-563b31fc3ab4",
- "identityClientSecret": "123321as-96b2-80a5-ae74-c1088ea21390",
- "identityTenantId": "123321as-b2dd-ddcc-3f35-5e20535b2586",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "",
- "description": "description text",
- "createdAt": 1692096137044
This API is used to update a Cloud Identity by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serverId required | string This is a path param for serverId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
identityName | string Cloud Identity name. |
identityProvider required | string Value: "Azure" Cloud Identity provider. |
identityClientId required | string Client ID of the provider. |
identityClientSecret required | string Client Secret of the provider. |
identityTenantId required | string Tenant ID of the provider. |
identityUsernameSuffix required | string Username suffix of the provider. |
description | string Cloud Identity description. |
{- "identityName": "string",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "string",
- "identityClientSecret": "string",
- "identityTenantId": "string",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Cloud Identity have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c93808b89f8c4580189f8ca0754000f",
- "identityName": "Azure_AD",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "123321as-9e18-1677-6450-563b31fc3ab4",
- "identityClientSecret": "123321as-96b2-80a5-ae74-c1088ea21390",
- "identityTenantId": "123321as-b2dd-ddcc-3f35-5e20535b2586",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "",
- "description": "description text",
- "createdAt": 1692096137044
This API allows to fetch all Cloud Identity.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Cloud Identity have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "2c93808b89f8c4580189f8ca0754000f",
- "identityName": "Azure_AD",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "123321as-9e18-1677-6450-563b31fc3ab4",
- "identityClientSecret": "123321as-96b2-80a5-ae74-c1088ea21390",
- "identityTenantId": "123321as-b2dd-ddcc-3f35-5e20535b2586",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "",
- "description": "description text",
- "createdAt": 1692096137044
}, - {
- "id": "2c93808b89f8c4580189f8ca0754123",
- "identityName": "Azure01",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "123321as-9e18-1677-6450-563b31fc3ab4",
- "identityClientSecret": "123321as-96b2-80a5-ae74-c1088ea21390",
- "identityTenantId": "123321as-b2dd-ddcc-3f35-5e20535b2586",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "",
- "description": "description text",
- "createdAt": 1692096133213
This API allows to add a new Cloud Identity.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
identityName required | string Cloud Identity name. |
identityProvider required | string Value: "Azure" Cloud Identity provider. |
identityClientId required | string Client ID of the provider. |
identityClientSecret required | string Client Secret of the provider. |
identityTenantId required | string Tenant ID of the provider. |
identityUsernameSuffix required | string Username suffix of the provider. |
description | string Cloud Identity description. |
{- "identityName": "string",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "string",
- "identityClientSecret": "string",
- "identityTenantId": "string",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Cloud Identity has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c93808b89f8c4580189f8ca0754000f",
- "identityName": "Azure_AD",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "123321as-9e18-1677-6450-563b31fc3ab4",
- "identityClientSecret": "123321as-96b2-80a5-ae74-c1088ea21390",
- "identityTenantId": "123321as-b2dd-ddcc-3f35-5e20535b2586",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "",
- "description": "description text",
- "createdAt": 1692096137044
This API allows to Delete multiple Cloud Identities.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of Cloud Identity. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "string",
- "entryId": "string",
- "displayName": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "identityName": "string",
- "identityProvider": "Azure",
- "identityClientId": "string",
- "identityClientSecret": "string",
- "identityTenantId": "string",
- "identityUsernameSuffix": "string",
- "description": "string"
This API is used to create an LDAP attribute.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string Name for the ldap attribute. |
{- "name": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The LDAP attribute has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "name": "LDAP Attribute 1",
- "createdAt": 1671097988594
This API is used to get all LDAP attributes.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The LDAP attributes have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 7,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "name": "LDAP Attribute 1",
- "createdAt": 1671097988594
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "name": "LDAP Attribute 2",
- "createdAt": 1671097988594
This API is used to delete multiple LDAP attribute by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of LDAP Attribute. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The LDAP attributes have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "LDAP Attribute 1",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc79897987aaaa1",
- "name": "ov",
- "createdAt": 2454543214863
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "LDAP Attribute 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc79897987aaaa2",
- "name": "ov",
- "createdAt": 2454543214864
This API is used to create many LDAP attributes by names.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
names required | Array of strings The array of unique name of LDAP Attribute. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The LDAP attributes have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Add",
- "entityId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "LDAP Attribute 1",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.add.success",
- "entityData": null
}, - {
- "operation": "Add",
- "entityId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "LDAP Attribute 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.add.success",
- "entityData": null
This API is used to get an LDAP attribute by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
ldapAttributeId required | string This is a path param for ldapAttributeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The LDAP attribute has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "name": "LDAP Attribute 1",
- "createdAt": 1671097988594
This API is used to get all guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572affb800005",
- "username": "ccaguest2",
- "fullName": "ccaguest2",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438794000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666413952,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438794000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666413952
This API is used to create a guest account.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
username required | string The guest account username. |
password required | string The guest account password. |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
company | string The guest account company. |
description | string The guest account description. |
string The guest account email. | |
fullName | string The guest account full name. |
telephone | string The guest account phone number. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620186125bffcc029c",
- "username": "username",
- "fullName": null,
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675345264587,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675345264587
This API is used to delete multiple guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of guest accounts to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "DeleteAccount",
- "entryId": "8a69cdc8866ee140018672df557e00dc",
- "displayName": "Peter",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdc8866ee140018672df557e00dc",
- "username": "Peter",
- "fullName": null,
- "company": null,
- "description": "tset for creating guest operator",
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1684740484456,
- "dateOfEffective": 1676964484456,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "BLABLA",
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1684740484456,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676964484460
This API is used to create guest accounts in batch mode.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
accountPrefix required | string The guest account name prefix. |
clientNumber required | integer <int32> The number of guest accounts to create. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level name. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
description | string The guest account description. |
{- "accountPrefix": "string",
- "clientNumber": 0,
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18e4580a1",
- "username": "username",
- "fullName": "Rosie",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1627722850761,
- "company": "Pancast",
- "description": "Curabitur commodo viverra.",
- "telephone": "873 0247 6962",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1628457859343,
- "expireTime": 1630575225100,
- "creator": "Admin-liwei",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default",
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstlogin ": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676910646974
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18e4580a2",
- "username": "rcaffey",
- "fullName": "Raisa",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1629100935586,
- "company": "VTGrafix",
- "description": "Vehicula ultricies el u donec velit cras.",
- "telephone": "278 2237 4413",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1629148321714,
- "expireTime": 1631409098421,
- "creator": "Admin-liwei",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default",
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstlogin ": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676910646979
This API is used to mass import guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of guest accounts to be created. |
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572affb800005",
- "username": "ccaguest2",
- "fullName": "ccaguest2",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438794000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666413952,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438794000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666413952
This API is used to get a guest account by id
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccountId required | string This is a path param for guestAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
This API is used to update a guest account by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccountId required | string This is a path param for guestAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
password | string The guest account password. |
company | string The guest account company. |
description | string The guest account description. |
string The guest account email. | |
fullName | string The guest account full name. |
telephone | string The guest account phone number. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "password": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
This API is used to update status for multiple guest accounts by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
status | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" The guest account status. |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of guest accounts. |
{- "status": "ENABLED",
- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "John Doe",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "John Smith",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success"
This API is used to extend guest accounts validity and data quota amount.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
idList required | Array of strings Ids of guest accounts to be extended |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "idList": [
- "string"
], - "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully extended.",
- "data": {
- "idList": [
- "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001"
This API is used to extend guest accounts validity and data quota amount for guest operators.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
idList required | Array of strings Ids of guest accounts to be extended |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "idList": [
- "string"
], - "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully extended.",
- "data": {
- "idList": [
- "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001"
This API is used to get guest access global configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access global configuration has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "582b9d46-c14a-45cf-9ec9-2f2d7af6dba8",
- "accountPrefix": "Guest",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 36,
- "batchCreation": "ENABLED",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "deletePolicy": 0,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "accessCodeLength": 6,
- "usernamePolicy": "STRONG",
- "passwordEnforcement": "WEAK"
This API is used to update guest access global configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
batchCreation | string The guest access account batch creation mode |
accountPrefix | string The guest access account prefix |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
periodUnit | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The period unit |
deletePolicy | integer <int32> The number of days after exipration before account should be deleted (-1=Never, 0=Account will be deleted immediately after expiration, 1-90=Number of days after expiration) |
effectiveFirstLogin | string The Values are DISABLED or ENABLED. DISABLED: Batch creation of GuestAccount/AccessCode is valid by default. ENABLED:Enabling batch creation of GuestAccount/AccessCode is valid for the first login. |
accessCodeLength | integer <int32> The length of accessCode used to create AccessCode in batches. the range is 6-16. |
passwordEnforcement | string This is the password policy. There are two choices: STRONG (for a strong password) or WEAK (for weak password). |
usernamePolicy | string The username policy has two choices: STRONG (for a strong usename) or WEAK (for a weak username). |
{- "batchCreation": "string",
- "accountPrefix": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "deletePolicy": 0,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "string",
- "accessCodeLength": 0,
- "passwordEnforcement": "string",
- "usernamePolicy": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access global configuration has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "582b9d46-c14a-45cf-9ec9-2f2d7af6dba8",
- "batchCreation": "DISABLED",
- "accountPrefix": "Guest",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "deletePolicy": "never",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "accessCodeLength": 6,
- "passwordEnforcement": "STRONG",
- "usernamePolicy": "STRONG"
This API is used by guest operator to get all guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 2,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572affb800005",
- "username": "ccaguest2",
- "fullName": "ccaguest2",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438794000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666413952,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438794000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666413952
This API is used by guest operator to create a guest account.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
username required | string The guest account username. |
password required | string The guest account password. |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
company | string The guest account company. |
description | string The guest account description. |
string The guest account email. | |
fullName | string The guest account full name. |
telephone | string The guest account phone number. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620186125bffcc029c",
- "username": "username",
- "fullName": null,
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675345264587,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675345264587
This API is used by guest operator to delete multiple guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of guest accounts to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "DeleteAccount",
- "entryId": "8a69cdc8866ee140018672df557e00dc",
- "displayName": "Peter",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdc8866ee140018672df557e00dc",
- "username": "Peter",
- "fullName": null,
- "company": null,
- "description": "tset for creating guest operator",
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1684740484456,
- "dateOfEffective": 1676964484456,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "BLABLA",
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1684740484456,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676964484460
This API is used by guest operator to get a guest account by id
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccountId required | string This is a path param for guestAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
This API is used by guest operator to update a guest account by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccountId required | string This is a path param for guestAccountId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
password | string The guest account password. |
company | string The guest account company. |
description | string The guest account description. |
string The guest account email. | |
fullName | string The guest account full name. |
telephone | string The guest account phone number. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "password": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest account has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
This API is used by guest operator to create guest accounts in batch mode.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
accountPrefix required | string The guest account name prefix. |
clientNumber required | integer <int32> The number of guest accounts to create. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required when serviceLevel is not set. |
serviceLevel | string The guest account service level name. It is required when registrationProfile is not set. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
description | string The guest account description. |
{- "accountPrefix": "string",
- "clientNumber": 0,
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18e4580a1",
- "username": "username",
- "fullName": "Rosie",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1627722850761,
- "company": "Pancast",
- "description": "Curabitur commodo viverra.",
- "telephone": "873 0247 6962",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1628457859343,
- "expireTime": 1630575225100,
- "creator": "Admin-liwei",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default",
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstlogin ": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676910646974
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18e4580a2",
- "username": "rcaffey",
- "fullName": "Raisa",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1629100935586,
- "company": "VTGrafix",
- "description": "Vehicula ultricies el u donec velit cras.",
- "telephone": "278 2237 4413",
- "email": "",
- "dateOfEffective": 1629148321714,
- "expireTime": 1631409098421,
- "creator": "Admin-liwei",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default",
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstlogin ": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1676910646979
This API is used by guest operator to mass import guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of guest accounts to be created. |
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572af92eb0004",
- "username": "ccaguest1",
- "fullName": "ccaguest1",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438741000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666387176,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438741000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666387176
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cd988571d744018572affb800005",
- "username": "ccaguest2",
- "fullName": "ccaguest2",
- "company": null,
- "description": null,
- "telephone": null,
- "email": null,
- "expireTime": 1680438794000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1672666413952,
- "creator": "Admin-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": null,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1680438794000,
- "deletePolicy": -1,
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1672666413952
This API is used to get all service levels.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The service levels have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 100,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008d",
- "serviceName": "TTT",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serviceName": "Test Level",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to create a service level.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
description | string The service level description. |
periodUnit required | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The period unit |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
deletePolicy required | integer <int32> The number of days after exipration before account should be deleted (-1=Never, 0=Account will be deleted immediately after expiration, 1-90=Number of days after expiration) |
registrationProfile required | string The registration profile name. |
arpName | string Access Role Profile defined for the Service Level |
plName | string Policy List defined for the Service Level |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. | |
serviceName required | string The service level name. |
{- "description": "string",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "deletePolicy": 0,
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
], - "serviceName": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The service level has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serviceName": "Test Level",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to delete multiple service levels.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of service levels to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The service levels have been partially deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "656433c5ddf1474d14e0c8962",
- "displayName": "Test Level",
- "status": false,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.failure",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008d",
- "serviceName": "TTT",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "684356c5ddf1474d14e0c8941",
- "displayName": "Test Level2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.failure",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008d",
- "serviceName": "TTT",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to get service level by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
servicelevelId required | string This is a path param for servicelevelId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The service levels names has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18e4580a1",
- "serviceName": "TTT",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hours(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 952,
- "rememberDevice": "DISABLED",
- "arpName": "Invitados",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "plName": "Guest home PL",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to get service levels names.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The service levels names has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- "service3",
- "Test tt Level2",
- "Test Level",
- "TTT",
- "Test tt Level2",
- "TTT",
- "service3",
- "service3",
- "Test tt Level2",
- "Test tt Level2",
- "Test Level",
- "service3"
This API is used to update a service level by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serviceLevelId required | string This is a path param for serviceLevelId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
description | string The service level description. |
periodUnit required | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The period unit |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest account validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
deletePolicy required | integer <int32> The number of days after exipration before account should be deleted (-1=Never, 0=Account will be deleted immediately after expiration, 1-90=Number of days after expiration) |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. |
arpName | string Access Role Profile defined for the Service Level |
plName | string Policy List defined for the Service Level |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "description": "string",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "deletePolicy": 0,
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The service level has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "serviceName": "Test Level",
- "description": "",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 90,
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "arpName": "",
- "plName": "",
- "otherAttributes": [ ],
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to get all guest access codes.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 100,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f1",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to create a guest access code.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
accessCode required | string The guest access code. |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
{- "accessCode": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to delete multiple guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of guest access codes to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "656433c5ddf1474d14e0c8962",
- "displayName": "Adam Li",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd0078",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "684356c5ddf1474d14e0c8941",
- "displayName": "Lucas Liu",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd3212",
- "accessCode": "dc9667",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 7",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to get guest access code by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccessCodeId required | string This is a path param for guestAccessCodeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to update a guest access code.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccessCodeId required | string This is a path param for guestAccessCodeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "Service Guest",
- "registrationProfile": "",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to mass import guest access codes.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of guest access codes to be created. |
{- "accessCodes": [
- {
- "accessCode": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190516",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck1",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to create guest access codes in batch mode.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
clientNumber required | integer <int32> Number of Access code to create. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "clientNumber": 0,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190516",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck1",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "Service Guest",
- "registrationProfile": "",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to update status for multiple guest access codes by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
status | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" The guest access code status. |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of guest access code. |
{- "status": "ENABLED",
- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "John Doe",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "updateStatus",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "John Smith",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.change.success"
This API is used to extend guest access codes validity period.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
idList required | Array of strings Ids of guest access codes to be extended |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "idList": [
- "string"
], - "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully extended.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Extend",
- "entryId": "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "displayName": "dc96ed",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.extend.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "operation": "Extend",
- "entryId": "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001",
- "displayName": "dc96ed",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.extend.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to extend guest access codes validity period.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
idList required | Array of strings Ids of guest access codes to be extended |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "idList": [
- "string"
], - "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully extended.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Extend",
- "entryId": "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "displayName": "dc96ed",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.extend.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c92808e7d27619c017d2767587a0000",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "operation": "Extend",
- "entryId": "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001",
- "displayName": "dc96ed",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.extend.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c92808e7d276eb1017d2771a3290001",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to get all guest access codes.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 100,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f1",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to get a guest access code by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
accessCode required | string The guest access code. |
accountValidityPeriod required | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
{- "accessCode": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0,
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to delete multiple guest accounts.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings Ids of guest access codes to delete |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest accounts have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "656433c5ddf1474d14e0c8962",
- "displayName": "Adam Li",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd0078",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 5",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "684356c5ddf1474d14e0c8941",
- "displayName": "Lucas Liu",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd3212",
- "accessCode": "dc9667",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "Guest Access Code 7",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to get guest access code by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccessCodeId required | string This is a path param for guestAccessCodeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620185f2a965fd00f9",
- "accessCode": "dc96ed",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1682600476000,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE",
- "expireTime": 1682600476000,
- "dateOfEffective": 1674813466088,
- "creator": "Admin-Mac Bob",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1674813466098,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to update a guest access code.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccessCodeId required | string This is a path param for guestAccessCodeId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access code has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "Service Guest",
- "registrationProfile": "",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to mass import guest access codes.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
required | Array of objects An array of guest access codes to be created. |
{- "accessCodes": [
- {
- "accessCode": "string",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190516",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck1",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used by guest operator to create guest access codes in batch mode.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serviceLevel | string The service level name. It is required if registrationProfile is not set. |
registrationProfile | string The registration profile name. It is required if serviceLevel in this section is not set. |
description | string The guest access code description. |
clientNumber required | integer <int32> Number of Access code to create. |
accountValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The guest access code validity period (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). |
{- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "clientNumber": 0,
- "accountValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access codes have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190516",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck1",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "",
- "registrationProfile": "Default Registration Profile",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cdaa85cfb26201862abb10190517",
- "accessCode": "MaiCheck2",
- "accountValidityPeriod": 1683526549356,
- "serviceLevel": "Service Guest",
- "registrationProfile": "",
- "description": "string",
- "expireTime": 1683526549356,
- "dateOfEffective": 1675754147864,
- "creator": "GuestOperator-John Doe",
- "status": "Active",
- "effectiveFirstLogin": "DISABLED",
- "createdAt": 1675754147864,
- "deletePolicy": -1
This API is used to get guest ticket template configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access global configuration has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "header": "header",
- "footer": "ffooter",
- "logoUrl": "adc3c91d-a4f7-481e-82cc-52350df946af.png",
- "organization": "62d65f2506af3feef8fec051"
This API is used to update guest ticket template configuration.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
header | string The header text of the pdf ticket |
footer | string The footer text of the pdf ticket |
logoUrl | string The image location name where the logo of the pdf ticket has been uploaded. Ex: 423c45b9-7396-4c09-8945-c7b3a8ed4940.png |
{- "header": "string",
- "footer": "string",
- "logoUrl": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access global configuration has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "header": "header",
- "footer": "ffooter",
- "logoUrl": "adc3c91d-a4f7-481e-82cc-52350df946af.png",
- "organization": "62d65f2506af3feef8fec051"
This API is used to get all guest access self registration requests.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: approver. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"approver":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of specific object fields in records. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: approver. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"approver":{"LIKE":"jhone"}, "and":"true"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "656433c5dd21474d14e0c8962",
- "accountName": "Guest_Rui",
- "password": "",
- "guestName": "Guest_Rui",
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "company": "ALE",
- "registerTime": 1628580830056,
- "employeeEmail": "",
- "employeeVisited": "",
- "employeePhoneNumber": "18510911111",
- "visitedReason": "",
- "status": "Unchecked",
- "approver": "Admin-Roe",
- "approvalTime": 1646393479,
- "email": "",
- "telephone": "+1851091614",
- "guestAccessStrategy": "Default Guest",
- "description": "Self registration request by Guest_Rui",
- "location": null,
- "token": "",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": null,
- "languageRegistration": null
This API is used to approve or reject guest access self registration requests by ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of self registration requests. |
status required | string Enum: "APPROVED" "REJECTED" The self registration request status. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
], - "status": "APPROVED"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Approve",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui1",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.update.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Approve",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui2",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009d",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.update.success"
This API is used to delete guest access self registration requests by ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of self registration requests. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui1",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui2",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009d",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API is used by guest operator to get all guest access self registration requests.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: approver. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"approver":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of specific object fields in records. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: approver. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"approver":{"LIKE":"jhone"}, "and":"true"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "656433c5dd21474d14e0c8962",
- "accountName": "Guest_Rui",
- "password": "",
- "guestName": "Guest_Rui",
- "fullName": "John Doe",
- "company": "ALE",
- "registerTime": 1628580830056,
- "employeeEmail": "",
- "employeeVisited": "",
- "employeePhoneNumber": "18510911111",
- "visitedReason": "",
- "status": "Unchecked",
- "approver": "Admin-Roe",
- "approvalTime": 1646393479,
- "email": "",
- "telephone": "+1851091614",
- "guestAccessStrategy": "Default Guest",
- "description": "Self registration request by Guest_Rui",
- "location": null,
- "token": "",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": null,
- "languageRegistration": null
This API is used by guest operator to delete guest access self registration requests by ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of self registration requests. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui1",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui2",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009d",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API is used by guest operator to approve or reject guest access self registration requests by ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of self registration requests. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The self registration requests have been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Approve",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui1",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.update.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Approve",
- "displayName": "Guest_Rui2",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009d",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.update.success"
This API allows to create collect support information for AP/Switch
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
macAddress required | string The MAC address of the device. |
siteId required | string Unique site identifier. |
type required | string Type of the device. It can be 'AP' or 'Switch'. |
serialNumber required | string The serial number of the device. |
required | object A JSON object containing the details of a switch and this can be used only when collect support information is done for switch and it is not applicable for AP. Thereby, this JSON Object is required only for switch |
{- "macAddress": "string",
- "siteId": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "serialNumber": "string",
- "switchDetails": {
- "deviceIp": "string",
- "isNeedSwLog": true,
- "isNeedCfgLog": true,
- "needTechSupportLog": [
- "tech-support"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Collect support info request have been successfully sent.",
- "data": {
- "message": "Collect Support Info request sent",
- "status": 200
This API allows to retrieve collect support information for AP/Switch.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Collect support info have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "createdAt": "2023-11-14T13:29:56.539Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T13:31:24.680Z",
- "id": "65537654647c7c0032656db3",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB",
- "token": "aafa1fac-2071-42b8-b6fd-4d21c222cc09",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "file": "ec00c0b6-aed4-47c4-a703-a7790d284f15.gz",
- "filename": "",
- "organization": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "friendlyName": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB (OS6860)"
}, - {
- "createdAt": "2023-11-20T06:42:34.539Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-11-20T06:42:57.695Z",
- "id": "655affdaa1781d8cb8e48570",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB",
- "token": "ac2dd037-1365-4492-9d49-590eb16d0e81",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "file": "06d174c8-9475-404c-abc4-3c10ec734006.gz",
- "filename": "",
- "organization": "6513dd76b36885e345a3df2a",
- "friendlyName": "78:24:59:05:4A:FB (OS6860)"
This API allows to delete collect support information for AP/Switch.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
ids required | Array of strings "ids" is an array of ids corresponding to the collect support info ids to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Collect support info request have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": {
- "ids": [
- "655aec6b938a1befb2a1c134",
- "655afff8a1781d8cb8e48571"
This API is used to get all access policies.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The access policies have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 5,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "2c9380907c30dd9a017c347275be000c",
- "strategyName": "Access policy strategy Test",
- "conditionDemo": 0,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
}, - {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
], - "condition": " IF SSID Equals employee AND IF Authentication Type Contains MAC",
- "priority": 5,
- "authenticationAgainst": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "OVNGTEST-12076",
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "guestStrategy": "",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ],
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "childStatus": false,
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
This API is used to create an access policy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
strategyName required | string The access policy name. |
authenticationAgainst required | string Enum: "None" "Local Database" "External Radius" "Cloud-Identity" The source of the user profile (Account/Password). The user profile can reside on different servers and it is required to specify where so that UPAM is able to obtain the user profile for authentication. |
serverName | string The name of external RADIUS server. It is required if authenticationAgainst is External Radius or Cloud-Identity |
priority required | integer <int32> Access Policy Priority. A user requesting authentication may match several access policies and the one with highest priority will take effect after passing the authentication. |
required | Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing conditions. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. | |
object A JSON object containing Mac Check Enforcement attributes. | |
conditionDemo required | integer <int32> The condition demo |
guestStrategy | string The access strategy for guest users.. |
byodStrategy | string the access strategy for employee users with BYOD devices. |
webAuthentication required | string Enum: "Guest" "BYOD" "Guest or BYOD" "None" The Web Authentication Strategy used (None, Guest, BYOD, Guest or BYOD). |
defaultARPName | string Default Access Role Profile for the authentication strategy. |
defaultPLName | string Default Access Policy for the authentication strategy. |
eapTypeRestriction | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable to restricted the EAP method defined in the eapType |
eapType | Array of strings Items Enum: "EAP-TLS" "EAP-PEAP" An array of string of allowed EAP methods. |
{- "strategyName": "string",
- "authenticationAgainst": "None",
- "serverName": "string",
- "priority": 0,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "string"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
], - "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "DISABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "string",
- "macCheckPl": "string",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "conditionDemo": 0,
- "guestStrategy": "string",
- "byodStrategy": "string",
- "webAuthentication": "Guest",
- "defaultARPName": "string",
- "defaultPLName": "string",
- "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The access policy has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c9380907c30dd9a017c347275be000c",
- "strategyName": "Access policy strategy111",
- "authenticationAgainst": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "",
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "guestStrategy": "",
- "priority": 5,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
}, - {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
], - "conditionDemo": 0,
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
], - "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ],
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "childStatus": false,
- "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
This API is used to delete multiple access policies.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of access policies. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The access policies have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Guest strategy 22",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9380907c30dd9a017c347275be000c",
- "strategyName": "Access policy strategy 30",
- "conditionDemo": 0,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
}, - {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
], - "condition": " IF SSID Equals employee AND IF Authentication Type Contains MAC",
- "priority": 5,
- "authenticationAgainst": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "OVNGTEST-12076",
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "guestStrategy": "",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ],
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "childStatus": false,
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "restev 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9380907c30dd9a017c347275be0534",
- "strategyName": "Access policy strategy 34",
- "conditionDemo": 0,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
}, - {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
], - "condition": " IF SSID Equals employee AND IF Authentication Type Contains MAC",
- "priority": 5,
- "authenticationAgainst": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "OVNGTEST-12077",
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "guestStrategy": "",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ],
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "childStatus": false,
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
This API is used to update an access policy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
accessPolicyId required | string This is a path param for accessPolicyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
authenticationAgainst required | string Enum: "None" "Local Database" "External Radius" "Cloud-Identity" The source of the user profile (Account/Password). The user profile can reside on different servers and it is required to specify where so that UPAM is able to obtain the user profile for authentication. |
serverName | string The name of external RADIUS server. It is required if authenticationAgainst is External Radius or Cloud-Identity |
priority required | integer <int32> Access Policy Priority. A user requesting authentication may match several access policies and the one with highest priority will take effect after passing the authentication. |
required | Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing conditions. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. | |
object A JSON object containing Mac Check Enforcement attributes. | |
conditionDemo required | integer <int32> The condition demo |
guestStrategy | string The access strategy for guest users.. |
byodStrategy | string the access strategy for employee users with BYOD devices. |
webAuthentication required | string Enum: "Guest" "BYOD" "Guest or BYOD" "None" The Web Authentication Strategy used (None, Guest, BYOD, Guest or BYOD). |
defaultARPName | string Default Access Role Profile for the authentication strategy. |
defaultPLName | string Default Access Policy for the authentication strategy. |
eapTypeRestriction | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable to restricted the EAP method defined in the eapType |
eapType | Array of strings Items Enum: "EAP-TLS" "EAP-PEAP" An array of string of allowed EAP methods. |
{- "authenticationAgainst": "None",
- "serverName": "string",
- "priority": 0,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "string"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
], - "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "DISABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "string",
- "macCheckPl": "string",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
}, - "conditionDemo": 0,
- "guestStrategy": "string",
- "byodStrategy": "string",
- "webAuthentication": "Guest",
- "defaultARPName": "string",
- "defaultPLName": "string",
- "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The access policy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "strategyName": "Access policy updated",
- "authenticationAgainst": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "",
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "guestStrategy": "",
- "priority": 5,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
}, - {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
], - "conditionDemo": 0,
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
], - "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
}, - "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ]
This API is used to get an access policy by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
accessPolicyId required | string This is a path param for accessPolicyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The access policy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "strategyName": "Access policy strategy111",
- "authenticationAgainst": "External Radius",
- "serverName": "",
- "webAuthentication": "BYOD",
- "byodStrategy": "Default BYOD",
- "guestStrategy": "",
- "priority": 5,
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "Authentication Type",
- "operator": "Contains",
- "value": [
- "MAC"
}, - {
- "key": "SSID",
- "operator": "Equals",
- "value": [
- "employee"
], - "conditionDemo": 0,
- "defaultARPName": "arp",
- "defaultPLName": "pl",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
], - "eapTypeRestriction": "DISABLED",
- "eapType": [ ],
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "childStatus": false,
- "macCheckEnforcement": {
- "enableMacCheck": "ENABLED",
- "macCheckArp": "Arp2",
- "macCheckPl": "Pl2",
- "macCheckOtherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "3000"
This API is used to get guest access strategies.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategies have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb11118c",
- "strategyName": "Strategy_name",
- "redirectionStrategy": "DefaultPortal",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "Guest Database",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "ENABLED",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "locationSite": "ENABLED",
- "registeredBy": "User Name",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "Manually",
- "adminApproved": null,
- "emailRestriction": "Suffix",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [ ],
- "requiredAttributions": "User Name;Password;Employee Email ID",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [ ],
- "successNotification": "ENABLED",
- "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "Age"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Guest_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ]
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "url": "",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [ ],
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "id": "b095c670-d55f-4fe1-bd72-daddab6cd297",
- "socialProfileName": "Strategy_name",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "DISABLED",
- "networkIdentifier": ""
This API is used to create a guest access strategy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
strategyName required | string The guest access strategy name. |
redirectionStrategy required | string The captive portal page template used for guest user login. |
protocolMode required | string Enum: "HTTPS" "HTTP" The http protocol used to redirect the captive portal page (https or http). |
fqdnMode required | string Enum: "FQDN" "IP" The displayed URL format for redirection to the captive portal page (FQDN or IP). |
authenticationResource required | string The guest user profile database. |
required | object Data associated with the self-registration attributes for guest user login. |
required | object Data associated with the post portal authentication enforcement. |
object Data associated with the guest user login. | |
required | object Data associated with the social guest user login. |
wifi4EUSwitch | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable or disable the use of the WiFi4EU feature. |
selfTestModus | string The WiFi4EU portal self-test mode. |
networkIdentifier | string The network identifier received from the WiFi4EU portal as part of installation report. |
{- "strategyName": "string",
- "redirectionStrategy": "string",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "string",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "DISABLED",
- "locationSite": "DISABLED",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "registeredBy": "string",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "manually",
- "adminApproved": "Disabled",
- "emailRestriction": "string",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [
- "string"
], - "requiredAttributions": "string",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [
- "string"
], - "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "successNotification": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "string"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "string",
- "fixedPolicyList": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to fixed URL",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED",
- "url": "string",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [
- "string"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "socialProfileName": "string",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "facebookOAuthClientID": "string",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthClientID": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthToken": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthClientID": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthTenantId": "string"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "string",
- "networkIdentifier": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The guest access strategy has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Guest backup",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "Guest Database",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "DISABLED",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "locationSite": "ENABLED",
- "registeredBy": "User Name",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "Manually",
- "adminApproved": "Approved By Employee Sponsor",
- "emailRestriction": "Suffix",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [ ],
- "requiredAttributions": [
- "User Name",
- "Password"
], - "allowedEmailSuffix": [
- ""
], - "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "successNotification": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "Name",
- "NewName"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Guest_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 43200
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "successRedirectUrl": "none",
- "url": "",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "SMS&EMAIL",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [
- "firstname",
- "nickname"
], - "facebookOAuthorizedOrigins": "",
- "rainbowOAuthorizedOrigins": "",
- "microsoftOAuthorizedOrigins": ""
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "id": "8a69d486847f5bcf018484c29cb706b4",
- "socialProfileName": "strategyforvero02",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "ENABLED",
- "facebookOAuthClientID": "EAACEdE...",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "ENABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthClientID": "ca7e17c03ed911ed8e8d59c068...",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "ENABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthClientID": "c4010d9a-294d-4d37-8be3-22f22e1...",
- "microsoftOAuthToken": "asdasdas...",
- "microsoftOAuthTenantId": "default"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "DISABLED",
- "networkIdentifier": null
This API is used to delete multiple guest access strategies by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of guest access strategies identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategies have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae16cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Guest Strategy Backup",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb11118c",
- "strategyName": "Strategy_name",
- "redirectionStrategy": "DefaultPortal",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "Guest Database",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "ENABLED",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "locationSite": "ENABLED",
- "registeredBy": "User Name",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "Manually",
- "adminApproved": null,
- "emailRestriction": "Suffix",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [ ],
- "requiredAttributions": "User Name;Password;Employee Email ID",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [ ],
- "successNotification": "ENABLED",
- "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "Age"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Guest_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ]
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "url": "",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [ ],
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "id": "b095c670-d55f-4fe1-bd72-daddab6cd297",
- "socialProfileName": "Strategy_name",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "DISABLED",
- "networkIdentifier": ""
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "50bf33dffc13ae16cb000423",
- "displayName": "Guest Strategy for team 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb11118c",
- "strategyName": "Strategy_name2",
- "redirectionStrategy": "DefaultPortal",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "Guest Database",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "ENABLED",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "locationSite": "ENABLED",
- "registeredBy": "User Name",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "Manually",
- "adminApproved": null,
- "emailRestriction": "Suffix",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [ ],
- "requiredAttributions": "User Name;Password;Employee Email ID",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [ ],
- "successNotification": "ENABLED",
- "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "Age"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Guest_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ]
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "url": "",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [ ],
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "id": "b095c670-d55f-4fe1-bd72-daddab6cd297",
- "socialProfileName": "Strategy_name",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "DISABLED",
- "networkIdentifier": ""
This API is used to get a single guest access strategy indetified by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestAccessStrategyId required | string This is a path param for guestAccessStrategyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategy has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb11118c",
- "strategyName": "Strategy_name",
- "redirectionStrategy": "DefaultPortal",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "Guest Database",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "ENABLED",
- "serviceLevel": null,
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "locationSite": "ENABLED",
- "registeredBy": "User Name",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "Manually",
- "adminApproved": null,
- "emailRestriction": "Suffix",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [ ],
- "requiredAttributions": "User Name;Password;Employee Email ID",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [ ],
- "successNotification": "ENABLED",
- "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "Age"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Guest_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "registrationProfile": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf123212",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ]
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "url": "",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [ ],
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "id": "b095c670-d55f-4fe1-bd72-daddab6cd297",
- "socialProfileName": "Strategy_name",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "DISABLED",
- "networkIdentifier": ""
This API is used to update a guest access strategy by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestStrategyId required | string This is a path param for guestStrategyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
redirectionStrategy required | string The captive portal page template used for guest user login. |
protocolMode required | string Enum: "HTTPS" "HTTP" The http protocol used to redirect the captive portal page (https or http). |
fqdnMode required | string Enum: "FQDN" "IP" The displayed URL format for redirection to the captive portal page (FQDN or IP). |
authenticationResource required | string The guest user profile database. |
required | object Data associated with the self-registration attributes for guest user login. |
required | object Data associated with the post portal authentication enforcement. |
object Data associated with the guest user login. | |
required | object Data associated with the social guest user login. |
wifi4EUSwitch | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable or disable the use of the WiFi4EU feature. |
selfTestModus | string The WiFi4EU portal self-test mode. |
networkIdentifier | string The network identifier received from the WiFi4EU portal as part of installation report. |
{- "redirectionStrategy": "string",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "authenticationResource": "string",
- "selfRegistrationStrategy": {
- "enableSelfRegistration": "DISABLED",
- "locationSite": "DISABLED",
- "serviceLevel": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "registeredBy": "string",
- "passwordCreationMethod": "manually",
- "adminApproved": "Disabled",
- "emailRestriction": "string",
- "allowedEmailAddress": [
- "string"
], - "requiredAttributions": "string",
- "allowedEmailSuffix": [
- "string"
], - "authorizeVerificationCode": "DISABLED",
- "successNotification": "DISABLED",
- "selfRegisterCustomAttrList": [
- "string"
}, - "postAuthenticationEnforcement": {
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "string",
- "fixedPolicyList": "string",
- "registrationProfile": "string",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
}, - "loginStrategy": {
- "loginBy": "Username & Password",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to fixed URL",
- "resetPasswordPolicy": "DISABLED",
- "url": "string",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [
- "string"
}, - "socialLoginProfileVo": {
- "socialProfileName": "string",
- "facebookOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "facebookOAuthClientID": "string",
- "rainbowOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "rainbowOAuthClientID": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthStatus": "DISABLED",
- "microsoftOAuthToken": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthClientID": "string",
- "microsoftOAuthTenantId": "string"
}, - "wifi4EUSwitch": "DISABLED",
- "selfTestModus": "string",
- "networkIdentifier": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "orgId": "5ff4aac9051aa5f34a4c2025",
- "guestStrategyId": "612f3db802202a2de426da6c"
This API is used to get all SMS or Email template guest access strategy requests.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
type | string Choice the type of template ("SMS" or "EMAIL") to select |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategy email or sms templates has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "templateName": "RejectAccount",
- "status": "ENABLED",
- "description": "Self-Registration Rejected Notification",
- "subList": [
- {
- "id": "0e11f198-dded-4601-8836-18f618a5dedf",
- "language": "en",
- "content": "Your registration request has been rejected, contact a staff member if you have any question.",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "Self-Registration Rejected Notification",
- "aliSyncTime": null
}, - {
- "id": "26370607-ed54-4ce3-963b-0710af38cd56",
- "language": "cn",
- "content": "您的注册申请已经被拒绝,如果您有任何问题,请与工作人员联系。",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "您的注册申请已经被拒绝",
- "aliSyncTime": null
}, - {
- "id": "f9fa5218-18c6-4c94-8a9f-f257e195afb8",
- "language": "fr",
- "content": "Votre demande d'inscription a été refusée, veuillez contacter le personnel si vous avez des questions. ",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "Notification d'échec de la demande d'auto-inscription",
- "aliSyncTime": null
}, - {
- "templateName": "CreateOperatorAccount",
- "status": "ENABLED",
- "description": "Guest Operator Account Created Notification",
- "subList": [
- {
- "id": "a5ef269e-874c-4e7c-87cc-d9f6cdaf824e",
- "language": "en",
- "content": "A guest operator account has been created for you - Username: ${username}, Password: ${password}",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "Guest Operator Account Created Notification",
- "aliSyncTime": null
}, - {
- "id": "3ce3c4fb-b0ab-4fea-b573-48bd102b38c7",
- "language": "cn",
- "content": "成功为您创建了一个访客操作员账户 - 账户名称: ${username}, 密码: ${password}",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "创建访客管理员账户通知",
- "aliSyncTime": null
}, - {
- "id": "fd529e02-b25a-4c7d-b791-fba66f6deff8",
- "language": "fr",
- "content": "Un compte d'opérateur invité a été créé avec succès pour vous - nom du compte : ${username}, le mot de passe : ${password}",
- "aliTempCode": "",
- "type": "SMS",
- "remark": "Créer une notification de compte d'administrateur invité",
- "aliSyncTime": null
This API is used to get one SMS or Email template guest access strategy by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
templateId required | string This is a path param for templateId |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategy email or sms template has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "a5ef269e-874c-4e7c-87cc-d9f6cdaf824e",
- "templateName": "CreateOperatorAccount",
- "type": "SMS",
- "language": "en",
- "code": "",
- "content": "A guest operator account has been created for you - Username: ${username}, Password: ${password}",
- "remark": "Guest Operator Account Created Notification",
- "status": "ENABLED",
- "syncTime": null
This API is used to update a SMS or a Email template guest access strategy by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
templateType required | string This is a path param for templateType |
templateId required | string This is a path param for templateId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
content | string The content of 'sms' or 'email'. |
{- "content": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest access strategy email or sms template has been successfully updated.",
- "data": null
This API is used to get all company properties.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order fields of each record object. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any Object of the specific fields from the record object to filter the list of records. The field name corresponds to the key of the record object, for example: for the key strategyName, to filter with the same value, use the object {"strategyName":"strategy"}, to filter the records containing a value, use the object {"strategyName":{"contains":"strategy"}}. To filter by more attributes, add more fields in the object. If no filter applied, send an empty object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The company properties have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 7,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of John",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "status": "Offline",
- "employeeAccount": "John",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "ENABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "123123123",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": null
}, - {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008d",
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of Jane",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "status": "Online",
- "employeeAccount": "Jane",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "ENABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "123123123",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": null,
- "createdAt": "1654236812"
This API is used to create a company property.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceFamily | string Enum: "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise" "Apple" "Samsung" "Huawei" "Microsoft" "LG" "Lenovo" "HP" "IBM" "Nokia" "MI" "HTC" "Sony" "Blackberry" "Others" The family of the company device. |
deviceCategory | string Enum: "Computer" "Mobile" "Tablet" "Game console" "Digital media receiver" "Others" The category of the company device. |
deviceName | string The system name of the comapny device. |
deviceOS | string Enum: "Linux" "Windows" "MacOS" "Android" "IOS" "Others" The operation system of the company device. |
employeeAccount | string The emmployee account to which the company device is associated. |
arpName | string The Access Role Profile that is bound to the company device. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. Send an empty string to remove it. |
plName | string The Policy that is bound to the company device. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy. Send an empty string to remove it. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. | |
enableDeviceSpecificPSK required | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable or Disable the Device Specific PSK for the company property. |
deviceSpecificPassphrase | string The Device Specific PSK for the device. It is auto-removed when enableDeviceSpecificPSK is DISABLED |
expireFlag required | string Enum: "Never" "Custom" Always or limit period for Device Specific PSK of the company property. |
pskValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The PSK validity period for the PSK in Custom case. |
deviceMac required | string The MAC address of the company device |
{- "deviceFamily": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise",
- "deviceCategory": "Computer",
- "deviceName": "string",
- "deviceOS": "Linux",
- "employeeAccount": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
], - "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "DISABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "string",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": 0,
- "deviceMac": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The company property has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of John",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "employeeAccount": "John",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "status": "Offline",
- "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": "Custom",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "123123123",
- "pskValidityPeriod": 1669082460000,
- "createdAt": "1654236812"
This API is used to delete multiple company properties by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of company properties. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The company properties have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "F8:CA:B8:18:E6:65",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "q0hnp7ylyf0kwb97maxiy",
- "name": "Role 1",
- "priority": 7,
- "action": "accept",
- "mappingARPName": "Invitados",
- "mappingPLName": "Guest home PL",
- "conditions": [
- {
- "key": "myLdapAttr",
- "operator": "Contains(Ignore case)",
- "value": [
- "fullname",
- "phone"
], - "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "bandwidthMaxUp",
- "value": 51200
}, - {
- "key": "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID",
- "value": 11
], - "condition": "IF myLdapAttr Contains(Ignore case) fullname, phone",
- "createdAt": 1675754117867
This API is used to get a company property by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
companyPropertyId required | string This is a path param for companyPropertyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The company property has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of John",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "status": "Offline",
- "employeeAccount": "John",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "ENABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "123123123",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": null,
- "createdAt": "1654236812"
This API is used to update a company property by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
companyPropertyId required | string This is a path param for companyPropertyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
deviceFamily | string Enum: "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise" "Apple" "Samsung" "Huawei" "Microsoft" "LG" "Lenovo" "HP" "IBM" "Nokia" "MI" "HTC" "Sony" "Blackberry" "Others" The family of the company device. |
deviceCategory | string Enum: "Computer" "Mobile" "Tablet" "Game console" "Digital media receiver" "Others" The category of the company device. |
deviceName | string The system name of the comapny device. |
deviceOS | string Enum: "Linux" "Windows" "MacOS" "Android" "IOS" "Others" The operation system of the company device. |
employeeAccount | string The emmployee account to which the company device is associated. |
arpName | string The Access Role Profile that is bound to the company device. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy. Send an empty string to remove it. |
plName | string The Policy that is bound to the company device. It is prior to the Policy configured in an Authentication Strategy. Send an empty string to remove it. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. | |
enableDeviceSpecificPSK required | string Enum: "DISABLED" "ENABLED" Enable or Disable the Device Specific PSK for the company property. |
deviceSpecificPassphrase | string The Device Specific PSK for the device. It is auto-removed when enableDeviceSpecificPSK is DISABLED |
expireFlag required | string Enum: "Never" "Custom" Always or limit period for Device Specific PSK of the company property. |
pskValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The PSK validity period for the PSK in Custom case. |
{- "deviceFamily": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise",
- "deviceCategory": "Computer",
- "deviceName": "string",
- "deviceOS": "Linux",
- "employeeAccount": "string",
- "arpName": "string",
- "plName": "string",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
], - "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "DISABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "string",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The company property has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of John",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "status": "Offline",
- "employeeAccount": "John",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "ENABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": "123123123",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": null
This API is used to Send the QR code to the Employee account's email configured in the company property.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of company properties. |
ssid required | string Unique SSID identifier. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
], - "ssid": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Company Propertie PSK QR Code have been successfully sent.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Send",
- "entryId": "8a69d4ff83c6a96c0183c799e04a013e",
- "displayName": "AAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.sendEmail.success"
This API allows to mass import company properties.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
Array of objects An array of company properties to be created. |
{- "companyProperties": [
- {
- "deviceFamily": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise",
- "deviceCategory": "Computer",
- "deviceName": "string",
- "deviceOS": "Linux",
- "employeeAccount": "string",
- "deviceMac": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The company properties have been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "arpName": "Default ARP",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceFamily": "Apple",
- "deviceMac": "86:40:61:88:03:47",
- "deviceName": "Device of John",
- "deviceOs": "IOS",
- "employeeAccount": "John",
- "otherAttributes": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": "500"
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1000"
], - "plName": "Default PL",
- "enableDeviceSpecificPSK": "DISABLED",
- "deviceSpecificPassphrase": null,
- "status": "Offline",
- "expireFlag": "Never",
- "pskValidityPeriod": null,
- "createdAt": "1654236812"
This API is used to get all NAS clients.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "NAS Clients list have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb001100",
- "nasName": "All Managed Devices",
- "startNasIP": "",
- "endNasIP": "",
- "description": "All Devices Managed By SAMP",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "createdAt": 1652859697386
This API is used to create a NAS client.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
nasName | string The name of the NAS Client. |
startNasIP | string The starting IP of the NAS Client segment. |
endNasIP | string The ending IP of the NAS Client segment. |
shareSecurity | string The shared secret used by the NAS client to communicate with the Authentication Server. |
description | string An optional description for the NAS Client. |
dmAttributes | Array of strings The DM message is used to disconnect subscriber sessions in the system from a RADIUS server. The DM request message should contain necessary attributes (User-Name/Calling-Station-Id) to identify the subscriber session |
coaAttributes | Array of strings The COA message is used to disconnect subscriber sessions in the system from a RADIUS server. The COA request message should contain necessary attributes (User-Name/Calling-Station-Id) to identify the subscriber session |
{- "nasName": "string",
- "startNasIP": "string",
- "endNasIP": "string",
- "shareSecurity": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "string"
{- "status": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "nasName": "string",
- "startNasIP": "string",
- "endNasIP": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "createdAt": 0
This API is used to delete multiple NAS clients by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of NAS clients. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The NAS clients have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "F8:CA:B8:18:E6:65",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb001432",
- "nasName": "NAS 23",
- "startNasIP": "",
- "endNasIP": "",
- "description": "7 Devices Managed By OV",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "createdAt": 1652859697386
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "70bf33dffc45ae18cb00008z",
- "displayName": "F9:CB:B7:14:E5:65",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb001162",
- "nasName": "NAS 54",
- "startNasIP": "",
- "endNasIP": "",
- "description": "4 Devices Managed By OV",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "createdAt": 1652859697386
This API is used to get a NAS client by Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
nasClientId required | string This is a path param for nasClientId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The NAS Client has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb001100",
- "nasName": "All Managed Devices",
- "startNasIP": "",
- "endNasIP": "",
- "description": "All Devices Managed By OV",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "createdAt": 1652859697386
This API is used to update a NAS client by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
nasClientId required | string This is a path param for nasClientId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
description | string An optional description for the NAS Client. |
shareSecurity | string The shared secret used by the NAS client to communicate with the Authentication Server. |
dmAttributes | Array of strings The DM message is used to disconnect subscriber sessions in the system from a RADIUS server. The DM request message should contain necessary attributes (User-Name/Calling-Station-Id) to identify the subscriber session |
coaAttributes | Array of strings The COA message is used to disconnect subscriber sessions in the system from a RADIUS server. The COA request message should contain necessary attributes (User-Name/Calling-Station-Id) to identify the subscriber session |
{- "description": "string",
- "shareSecurity": "string",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "NAS Client has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "nasName": "All Managed Devices",
- "startNasIP": "",
- "endNasIP": "",
- "description": "All Devices Managed By OV",
- "dmAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
], - "coaAttributes": [
- "User-Name",
- "Calling-Station-Id"
This API is used to get BYOD access strategies.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Byod access strategies have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 32,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "External Radius",
- "serverName": "External server",
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
This API is used to create a BYOD access strategy.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
strategyName required | string The BYOD access strategy name. |
url | string The BYOD access strategy URL. |
redirectionStrategy | string The captive portal page template used for BYOD user login. |
successRedirectUrl | string The redirect URL option after the BYOD user passes captive portal authentication (none, go to initial URL, go to fixed url). |
authenticationSource required | string Enum: "Local Database" "On-Premise LDAP" "External Radius" The BYOD user profile database. |
serverName | string The name of external RADIUS server. It is required if authenticationSource is External Radius |
fixedAccessRoleProfile | string The access role profile assigned to the Byod user after passing authentication. |
fixedPolicyList | string The policy List assigned to the Byod user after passing authentication. |
enableRoleMapping | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Enable or disable the use of the Role Mapping. |
protocolMode | string Enum: "HTTPS" "HTTP" The http protocol used to redirect the captive portal page (https or http). |
fqdnMode | string Enum: "FQDN" "IP" The displayed URL format for redirection to the captive portal page (FQDN or IP). |
portalUrl | string The portal URL. |
periodUnit | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The period unit |
rememberDevice | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Enable or disable remembering user devices. |
expireFlag | string The BYOD access strategy expire setting (1: device never expired, 0: customized device expiry period). |
deviceValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The length of time that the user device is valid. This value is entered based on the selected Period Unit. |
maxDeviceNumberPerAccount | integer <int32> Maximum number of devices that can access the network with one single guest account. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "strategyName": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "redirectionStrategy": "string",
- "successRedirectUrl": "string",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "string",
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "string",
- "fixedPolicyList": "string",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalUrl": "string",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": "string",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 0,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 0,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Byod access strategy has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": null,
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
This API is used to delete multiple BYOD access strategies by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of BYOD access strategies identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Byod access strategies have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae16cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Byod Strategy Backup",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "serverName": null,
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "50bf33dffc13ae16cb00008d",
- "displayName": "Byod Strategy for team 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": null,
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
This API is used to get a BYOD access strategy by its ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
byodAccessStrategyId required | string This is a path param for byodAccessStrategyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Byod access strategy have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cf00008c",
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": null,
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
This API is used to update a BYOD access strategy by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
byodAccessStrategyId required | string This is a path param for byodAccessStrategyId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
url | string The BYOD access strategy URL. |
redirectionStrategy | string The captive portal page template used for BYOD user login. |
successRedirectUrl | string The redirect URL option after the BYOD user passes captive portal authentication (none, go to initial URL, go to fixed url). |
authenticationSource required | string Enum: "Local Database" "On-Premise LDAP" "External Radius" The BYOD user profile database. |
serverName | string The name of external RADIUS server. It is required if authenticationSource is External Radius |
fixedAccessRoleProfile | string The access role profile assigned to the Byod user after passing authentication. |
fixedPolicyList | string The policy List assigned to the Byod user after passing authentication. |
enableRoleMapping | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Enable or disable the use of the Role Mapping. |
protocolMode | string Enum: "HTTPS" "HTTP" The http protocol used to redirect the captive portal page (https or http). |
fqdnMode | string Enum: "FQDN" "IP" The displayed URL format for redirection to the captive portal page (FQDN or IP). |
portalUrl | string The portal URL. |
periodUnit | string Enum: "Day(s)" "Hour(s)" "Minute(s)" The period unit |
rememberDevice | string Enum: "ENABLED" "DISABLED" Enable or disable remembering user devices. |
expireFlag | string The BYOD access strategy expire setting (1: device never expired, 0: customized device expiry period). |
deviceValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The length of time that the user device is valid. This value is entered based on the selected Period Unit. |
maxDeviceNumberPerAccount | integer <int32> Maximum number of devices that can access the network with one single guest account. |
Array of objects An array of JSON objects containing other attributes. |
{- "url": "string",
- "redirectionStrategy": "string",
- "successRedirectUrl": "string",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": "string",
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "string",
- "fixedPolicyList": "string",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalUrl": "string",
- "periodUnit": "Day(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": "string",
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 0,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 0,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The BYOD access strategy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "strategyName": "Default Byod backup",
- "url": "",
- "redirectionStrategy": "Palani-Test",
- "successRedirectUrl": "Go to success page",
- "authenticationSource": "Local Database",
- "serverName": null,
- "fixedAccessRoleProfile": "Byod_Profile_Phase1",
- "fixedPolicyList": "",
- "enableRoleMapping": "ENABLED",
- "protocolMode": "HTTPS",
- "fqdnMode": "FQDN",
- "portalURL": "",
- "periodUnit": "Hour(s)",
- "rememberDevice": "ENABLED",
- "expireFlag": 0,
- "deviceValidityPeriod": 24,
- "maxDeviceNumberPerAccount": 5,
- "createdAt": 1661931417609,
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "value": 1200
}, - {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "13300"
This API is used to get all radius attributes of a given scope whithin an organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string This is a path param for scope |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The radius attributes have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 4,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": 124,
- "name": "Session-Timeout",
- "vendorId": -1,
- "vendorName": "IETF",
- "typeCode": 27,
- "valueType": "integer",
- "availableValues": [ ],
- "syncToRadius": 1,
- "accessPolicy": 0,
- "authEnforcement": 1,
- "dm": 0
}, - {
- "id": 128,
- "name": "Acct-Interim-Interval",
- "vendorId": -1,
- "vendorName": "IETF",
- "typeCode": 85,
- "valueType": "integer",
- "availableValues": [ ],
- "syncToRadius": 1,
- "accessPolicy": 0,
- "authEnforcement": 1,
- "dm": 0
}, - {
- "id": 134,
- "name": "WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up",
- "vendorId": 14122,
- "vendorName": "WISPr",
- "typeCode": 7,
- "valueType": "integer",
- "availableValues": [ ],
- "syncToRadius": 1,
- "accessPolicy": 0,
- "authEnforcement": 1,
- "dm": 0
}, - {
- "id": 135,
- "name": "WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down",
- "vendorId": 14122,
- "vendorName": "WISPr",
- "typeCode": 8,
- "valueType": "integer",
- "availableValues": [ ],
- "syncToRadius": 1,
- "accessPolicy": 0,
- "authEnforcement": 1,
- "dm": 0
This API is used to get all online BYOD Devices.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The BYOD Device(s) has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "total": "10",
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "deviceMac": "",
- "deviceType": "",
- "username": "",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": "null",
- "sessionStart": "2021-01-01T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "sessionStop": "2021-02-06T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "sessionTime": "",
- "terminateReason": null,
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "MAC",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "None",
- "networkType": "",
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "deviceIpv4": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "001332104630",
- "ssid": "",
- "accessPolicy": "admin-byod-web",
- "webAccessPolicy": null,
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": ""
This API is used to Kick multiple BYOD devices offline by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of BYOD devices identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The BYOD device(s) have been successfully kicked off.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Kickoff",
- "displayName": "D89E61AF2246",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.kickOff.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Kickoff",
- "displayName": "D89E61AF2257",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.kickOff.success"
This API is used to get all BYOD remember record list.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: deviceMac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"deviceMac":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object fields in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: deviceMac. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"deviceMac":{"LIKE":"143CC32CF77A"}, "and":"true"}] |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The BYOD remember record list has been successfully fetched..",
- "data": {
- "total": "10",
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "2c96808886c0bd260186c3e4d4db0079",
- "account": "zhangrui",
- "deviceMac": "F8C39E80947F",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceOS": "Android 1.x",
- "deviceFamily": "Unknown",
- "deviceName": null,
- "expireTime": 1680915799217,
- "rememberedTime": 1678323799217,
- "accessRoleProfile": "Default",
- "policyList": null,
- "rememberType": "BYOD",
- "browserType": "Chrome Mobile",
- "lastAuthenticationTime": null,
- "lastAccessLocation": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceMAC": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceName": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceSSID": null,
- "authResource": "External LDAP",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [
- {
- "key": "Session-Timeout",
- "value": "1727988"
}, - {
- "key": "Termination-Action",
- "value": "RADIUS-Request"
], - "strategyName": "test-yao",
- "description": null,
- "rememberMethod": "Auto",
- "activeStatus": "Actived",
- "timeQuotaStatus": null,
- "dataQuotaStatus": null,
- "dataQuota": null,
- "timeQuota": null,
- "timeQuotaPerDay": null,
- "timeQuotaByHour": null,
- "blockedHours": null,
- "dataQuotaThreshold": null,
- "redirectUrl": null,
- "upBandwidth": null,
- "downBandwidth": null,
- "exhaustionDataTime": null
This API is used to delete multiple BYOD remember devices by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of BYOD remember devices identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The BYOD remember device(s) have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "D461DA9B03FF",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "D461DA9B031D",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API is used to get all online guest devices list.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Guest devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "deviceMac": "025B34212C16",
- "deviceType": "Guest",
- "username": "025B34212C16",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": null,
- "sessionStart": 1629936000000,
- "sessionStop": null,
- "sessionTime": "32D 3H 28Min 5s",
- "terminateReason": null,
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "MAC",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "None",
- "networkType": null,
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "34E70BDDDD10",
- "ssid": "101.68-SAMP-Auth",
- "accessPolicy": "mac_Leon",
- "webAccessPolicy": "",
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": ""
This API is used to Kick multiple guest devices offline by their MAC addresses.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of guest devices mac addresses to be kicked offline. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest devices have been successfully kicked off.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Kickoff",
- "entryId": "92445D125E29",
- "displayName": "92445D125E29",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.kickOff.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Kickoff",
- "entryId": "025B34212C16",
- "displayName": "",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.kickOff.success"
This API is used to create a Guest Remember Device.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
account required | string Name of the guest remember device. |
deviceMac required | string MAC of the guest remember device. |
deviceCategory | string Category of the device. |
deviceOS | string Operation System of the device. |
deviceFamily | string Family of the device. |
description | string Description of the guest remember device. |
{- "account": "string",
- "deviceMac": "string",
- "deviceCategory": "string",
- "deviceOS": "string",
- "deviceFamily": "string",
- "description": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Guest remembered device have been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": 2,
- "account": "tom",
- "deviceMac": "34E70BCCCC60",
- "deviceCategory": "Computer",
- "deviceOS": "Linux",
- "deviceFamily": "Alcatel-lucent",
- "deviceName": null,
- "expireTime": 1687945424370,
- "rememberedTime": 1685353424370,
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "policyList": null,
- "rememberType": "Guest",
- "browserType": null,
- "authResource": "Local Database",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ],
- "strategyName": null,
- "description": "SDSDS",
- "rememberMethod": "Static",
- "timeQuotaPerDay": null,
- "timeQuotaByHour": null,
- "dataQuotaThreshold": null,
- "redirectUrl": null,
- "upBandwidth": null,
- "downBandwidth": null,
- "exhaustionDataTime": 1685353424370,
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 0,
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "timeQuota": 0,
- "blockedHours": null
This API is used to get all guest remembered records list.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: deviceMac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"deviceMac":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object fields in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: deviceMac. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"deviceMac":{"LIKE":"143CC32CF77A"}, "and":"true"}] |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Guest remembered devices have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8eff44a9a5dc4d7d8f790c6bfa98c3ad",
- "account": "alcatel",
- "deviceMac": "00:B0:D0:63:C2:26",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceOS": "Others",
- "deviceFamily": "Others",
- "deviceName": null,
- "expireTime": 1723207439712,
- "rememberedTime": 1720615439712,
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "policyList": null,
- "rememberType": "Guest",
- "browserType": "Others",
- "lastAuthenticationTime": null,
- "lastAccessLocation": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceMAC": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceName": null,
- "lastAccessDeviceSSID": null,
- "authResource": "Local Database",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ],
- "strategyName": null,
- "description": "",
- "rememberMethod": "Static",
- "activeStatus": "Inactived",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "DISABLED",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "DISABLED",
- "dataQuota": null,
- "timeQuota": null,
- "timeQuotaPerDay": null,
- "timeQuotaByHour": null,
- "blockedHours": null,
- "dataQuotaThreshold": null,
- "redirectUrl": null,
- "upBandwidth": null,
- "downBandwidth": null,
- "exhaustionDataTime": null
This API is used to delete multiple guest remembered devices by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of guest remembered devices identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest remembered devices have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API is used to reset Time Data Quota of a guest remembered device by its Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestDeviceId required | string This is a path param for guestDeviceId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
dataQuotaThreshold | integer <int32> Maximum data quota not to be exceeded. |
timeQuotaPerDay | integer <int32> Quota of the number of hours during which access will be allowed per day. |
timeQuotaByHour | integer <int32> Number of hours during which access will be allowed before data is blocked. |
blockedHours | integer <int32> Time in hours during which the data will be blocked before returning to normal. |
{- "dataQuotaThreshold": 0,
- "timeQuotaPerDay": 0,
- "timeQuotaByHour": 0,
- "blockedHours": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Guest remembered device Quota have been successfully reseted.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c97808586544bd00186544cb4d10004",
- "account": "test",
- "deviceMac": "F8C39E80947F",
- "deviceCategory": "Mobile",
- "deviceOS": "Android 1.x",
- "deviceFamily": "Unknown",
- "deviceName": null,
- "expireTime": 1684227558273,
- "rememberedTime": 1676451558273,
- "accessRoleProfile": null,
- "policyList": null,
- "rememberType": "Guest",
- "browserType": "Chrome Mobile",
- "authResource": "Local Database",
- "otherAttributesVOs": [ ],
- "strategyName": "test4",
- "description": null,
- "rememberMethod": "Auto",
- "timeQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuotaStatus": "ENABLED",
- "dataQuota": 0,
- "timeQuota": null,
- "timeQuotaPerDay": null,
- "timeQuotaByHour": 0.2,
- "blockedHours": 0.2,
- "dataQuotaThreshold": 50,
- "upBandwidth": null,
- "downBandwidth": null,
- "exhaustionDataTime": null
This API is used to get all authentication records list.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: deviceMac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"deviceMac":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object fields in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: deviceMac. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"deviceMac":{"LIKE":"143CC32CF77A"}, "and":"true"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Authentication records have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "deviceMac": "143CC32CF77A",
- "deviceType": "BYOD",
- "username": "John Hoe",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": "Invalid Username or Password",
- "sessionStart": "1609894618939",
- "sessionStop": "1609894665770",
- "sessionTime": "46s",
- "terminateReason": "User-Error",
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "MAC",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "None",
- "networkType": "",
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "001332104630",
- "ssid": "BYOD",
- "accessPolicy": "admin-web",
- "webAccessPolicy": null,
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": ""
This API is used to create the DSPSK for the history authentication records by device MAC.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
macs required | Array of strings The array of the record's device MAC. |
pskValidityPeriod | integer <int32> The validity period of the PSK (in Unix timestamp format to the accuracy of milliseconds ex: 1654500839000). If this field is not sent, the PSK is always valid . |
generatePskMode | string Enum: "DISTINCT" "NORMAL" Generate the same PSK for all the devices or distinct PSK for each devices. |
{- "macs": [
- "string"
], - "pskValidityPeriod": 0,
- "generatePskMode": "DISTINCT"
{- "errorCode": 400,
- "errorMsg": "Bad Request",
- "errors": [
- {
- "type": "any.required",
- "field": "<AttributeName>",
- "errorMsg": "<AttributeName> is required"
This API is used to get the history of authentication records.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: deviceMac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"deviceMac":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object fields in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: deviceMac. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"deviceMac":{"LIKE":"143CC32CF77A"}, "and":"true"}] |
startDate required | string "startDate" is the start date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 |
endDate required | string "endDate" is the end date of the period in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+HH:mm which include the timezone, ex: 2021-03-28T00:00:00+01:00. |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Authentication records history has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 1,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "deviceMac": "143CC32CF77A",
- "deviceType": "BYOD",
- "username": "John Hoe",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": "null",
- "sessionStart": "2021-01-01T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "sessionUpdate": null,
- "sessionStop": "2021-02-06T09:21:00.227Z[UTC]",
- "sessionTime": "46s",
- "terminateReason": null,
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "MAC",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "None",
- "networkType": "",
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "001332104630",
- "ssid": "BYOD",
- "accessPolicy": "admin-web",
- "webAccessPolicy": null,
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": "",
- "deviceIpv4": ""
This API is used to delete multiple authentication records by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids | Array of strings An array of authentication records identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The authentication records have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API is used to get the detail of history authentication record by record Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
recordId required | string This is a path param for recordId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Authentication records history detail has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "4028d08f80d5ed840180d660eb72003c",
- "deviceMac": "AAFFF6D61EAA",
- "deviceType": "BYOD",
- "username": "AAFFF6D61EAA",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": null,
- "sessionStart": 1652863976521,
- "sessionStop": 1652864117606,
- "sessionTime": "2Min 21s",
- "terminateReason": null,
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "PORTAL",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "Local Database",
- "networkType": "Wireless",
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "DC11662AD4A0",
- "ssid": "152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "accessPolicy": "BYOD Access",
- "webAccessPolicy": "BYOD Access",
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": null,
- "serviceType": "Call-Check",
- "accessDeviceSsid": "152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "portDesc": "1501145926553616386",
- "nasIdentifier": "1501145926553616386",
- "nasPortId": "wifi-5G",
- "nasPortType": "Wireless",
- "nasPort": "3",
- "framedMtu": "1400",
- "alcatelDeviceMac": "DC11662AD4A0",
- "alcatelDeviceName": "RLAP",
- "calledStationId": "DC11662AD4A0:152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "authenticationMethod": "pap",
- "alcatelDeviceLocation": null,
- "alcatelAPGroup": null,
- "slotPort": null,
- "roamingInformation": null,
- "alcatelRedirectUrl": "",
- "alcatelRedirectIpb6Url": "",
- "sessionTimeout": null,
- "terminationAction": null,
- "policyList": null,
- "filterId": null,
- "acctInterimInterval": null,
- "wisprBandwidthMaxUp": null,
- "wisprBandwidthMaxDown": null,
- "acctStatusType": "Start",
- "tunnelPrivateGroupID": "100",
- "acctAuthentic": "RADIUS",
- "framedIPAddress": "",
- "framedIPV6Address": null,
- "finalfilterId": "DefaultAccessRoleProfile",
- "acctSessionId": null,
- "acctInputPackets": null,
- "acctOutputPackets": null,
- "acctInputOctets": null,
- "acctOutputOctets": null,
- "acctInputGigawords": null,
- "acctOutputGigawords": null,
- "acctTerminateCause": null,
- "acctMultiSessionId": null
This API is used to get the detail of online authentication record by client MAC address.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
mac required | string This is a path param for mac |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Authentication records history detail has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "4028d08f80d5ed840180d660eb72003c",
- "deviceMac": "AAFFF6D61EAA",
- "deviceType": "BYOD",
- "username": "AAFFF6D61EAA",
- "authResult": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "rejectReason": null,
- "sessionStart": 1652863976521,
- "sessionStop": 1652864117606,
- "sessionTime": "2Min 21s",
- "terminateReason": null,
- "sessionId": "",
- "multiSessionId": "",
- "authType": "PORTAL",
- "authMethod": "pap",
- "authResource": "Local Database",
- "networkType": "Wireless",
- "nasIpAddress": "",
- "nasSourceIp": "",
- "nasDeviceMac": "DC11662AD4A0",
- "ssid": "152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "accessPolicy": "BYOD Access",
- "webAccessPolicy": "BYOD Access",
- "finalAccessRoleProfile": null,
- "serviceType": "Call-Check",
- "accessDeviceSsid": "152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "portDesc": "1501145926553616386",
- "nasIdentifier": "1501145926553616386",
- "nasPortId": "wifi-5G",
- "nasPortType": "Wireless",
- "nasPort": "3",
- "framedMtu": "1400",
- "alcatelDeviceMac": "DC11662AD4A0",
- "alcatelDeviceName": "RLAP",
- "calledStationId": "DC11662AD4A0:152_SAMP_BYOD",
- "authenticationMethod": "pap",
- "alcatelDeviceLocation": null,
- "alcatelAPGroup": null,
- "slotPort": null,
- "roamingInformation": null,
- "alcatelRedirectUrl": "",
- "alcatelRedirectIpb6Url": "",
- "sessionTimeout": null,
- "terminationAction": null,
- "policyList": null,
- "filterId": null,
- "acctInterimInterval": null,
- "wisprBandwidthMaxUp": null,
- "wisprBandwidthMaxDown": null,
- "acctStatusType": "Start",
- "tunnelPrivateGroupID": "100",
- "acctAuthentic": "RADIUS",
- "framedIPAddress": "",
- "framedIPV6Address": null,
- "finalfilterId": "DefaultAccessRoleProfile",
- "acctSessionId": null,
- "acctInputPackets": null,
- "acctOutputPackets": null,
- "acctInputOctets": null,
- "acctOutputOctets": null,
- "acctInputGigawords": null,
- "acctOutputGigawords": null,
- "acctTerminateCause": null,
- "acctMultiSessionId": null
This API allows you to get all classifications for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Classification has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "macHighAddr": "33:33:33:33:33:33",
- "macLowAddr": "22:22:22:22:22:22",
- "name": "__test1__3",
- "ruleType": "MAC_Range"
This API allows you to delete multiple classifications by names for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
names required | Array of strings The array of the names which are removed. |
{- "names": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Classifications have been successfully removed.",
- "data": [
- {
- "data": {
- "macHighAddr": "33:33:33:33:33:33",
- "macLowAddr": "22:22:22:22:22:22",
- "name": "__test1__3",
- "ruleType": "MAC_Range"
}, - "message": "Delete AccessClassification __test1__3 success.",
- "status": 200
This API allows you to create classifications for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The object of the classification. |
object The assignment of the profile. |
{- "accessClassification": {
- "name": "string",
- "ruleType": "ESSID",
- "ssidValue": "string",
- "macAddr": "string",
- "macOuiAddr": "string",
- "macLowAddr": "string",
- "macHighAddr": "string",
- "accessRoleProfile": "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "mode": "string",
- "sites": [
- "string"
], - "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "siteId": "string",
- "deviceGroupId": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The classification has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "accessClassification": {
- "accessRoleProfile": "dasd",
- "id": 23638,
- "macAddr": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "macHighAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:71",
- "macLowAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:70",
- "macOuiAddr": "aa:bb: cc",
- "name": "MAC_Range6",
- "ruleType": "MAC_Range",
- "ssidValue": "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "message": "",
- "status": 200,
- "group": {
- "id": "62cfe950bb01a103cf56a7b4",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "62cce30bca09a9976b5cf56e",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
], - "deviceMacs": { },
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "sites": [ ]
This API allows you to update classifications for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
required | object The object of the classification. |
object The assignment of the profile. |
{- "accessClassification": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "ruleType": "ESSID",
- "ssidValue": "string",
- "macAddr": "string",
- "macOuiAddr": "string",
- "macLowAddr": "string",
- "macHighAddr": "string",
- "accessRoleProfile": "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "mode": "string",
- "sites": [
- "string"
], - "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "siteId": "string",
- "deviceGroupId": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The classification has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "accessClassification": {
- "accessRoleProfile": "dasd",
- "id": 23638,
- "macAddr": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "macHighAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:71",
- "macLowAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:70",
- "macOuiAddr": "aa:bb: cc",
- "name": "MAC_Range6",
- "ruleType": "MAC_Range",
- "ssidValue": "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "message": "",
- "status": 200,
- "group": {
- "id": "62cfe950bb01a103cf56a7b4",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "62cce30bca09a9976b5cf56e",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
], - "deviceMacs": { },
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "sites": [ ]
This API allows you to get classifications by id for a given organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Classification has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "accessClassification": {
- "accessRoleProfile": "dasd",
- "id": 23638,
- "macAddr": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
- "macHighAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:71",
- "macLowAddr": "DC:08:56:0A:30:70",
- "macOuiAddr": "aa:bb: cc",
- "name": "MAC_Range6",
- "ruleType": "MAC_Range",
- "ssidValue": "string"
}, - "assignment": {
- "deviceGroups": [
- {
- "group": {
- "id": "62cfe950bb01a103cf56a7b4",
- "name": "default device group"
}, - "site": {
- "id": "62cce30bca09a9976b5cf56e",
- "name": "Unnamed site"
], - "deviceMacs": { },
- "mode": "DEVICE_GROUP",
- "sites": [ ]
This API is used to get list of Guests operators.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of records. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: strategyName. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"strategyName":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of specific object fields in records. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: strategyName. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"strategyName":{"LIKE":"strategy"}, "and":"true"}] |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The list of Guests operators have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "8a69cda585c55d080185c8eefef5001e",
- "username": "JasonHiggins",
- "telephone": "+33611111111",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": 1674117784644,
- "description": null,
- "location": "",
- "fullName": "Madeleine Smit",
- "createdAt": 1674113384177
}, - {
- "id": "8a69cda585c55d080185c940fa1f002a",
- "username": "DarrellPace",
- "telephone": null,
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": null,
- "description": null,
- "location": "",
- "fullName": "Michelle White",
- "createdAt": 1674118756893
This API is used to create new guest operator.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
username required | string The user name for the guest operator. |
fullName required | string The full name of the guest operator. |
telephone | string The telephone number of the guest operator. |
password required | string The password for the guest operator. |
email required | string The Email address of the guest operator. |
description | string The description of this guest operator. |
location | string The location of the guest operator. |
{- "username": "string",
- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string"
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Guest operator has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cda585c55d080185c972d9aa002b",
- "username": "string",
- "telephone": null,
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": null,
- "description": null,
- "location": null,
- "fullName": "string",
- "createdAt": 1674122025383
This API is used to delete multiple guests operators by Ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings An array of guests operators identifiers to be deleted. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Guests operators has been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "8a69cd9e85964a80018597977aea006d",
- "displayName": "ccagop",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cd9e85964a80018597977aea006d",
- "username": "ccagop",
- "password": "ENC(8ZvIrEqcYlEmuwJSjQmI4Q==)",
- "telephone": "",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": 1673341932420,
- "description": null,
- "location": "Brest",
- "fullName": "CCA GOP",
- "loginURL": null,
- "createdAt": 1673285565158
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "8a69cda585c55d080185c8eefef5001e",
- "displayName": "test",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "8a69cda585c55d080185c8eefef5001e",
- "username": "test",
- "password": "ENC(bkfYesp/Q3q367RBNMsTza7rAs53Srsj)",
- "telephone": "+33611772253",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": 1674117784644,
- "description": null,
- "location": "",
- "fullName": "test",
- "loginURL": null,
- "createdAt": 1674113384177
This API is used to get guest operator by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestOperatorId required | string This is a path param for guestOperatorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Guest operator have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "id": "8a69cda585c55d080185c8eefef5001e",
- "username": "JasonHiggins",
- "telephone": "+33611111111",
- "email": "",
- "status": "Active",
- "lastLoginTime": 1674117784644,
- "description": null,
- "location": "",
- "fullName": "Madeleine Smit",
- "createdAt": 1674113384177
This API is used to update a guest operator by id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
guestOperatorId required | string This is a path param for guestOperatorId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
fullName | string The optional full name of the guest operator. |
telephone | string The optional telephone number of the guest operator. |
password | string The optional password for the guest operator. |
string The optional Email address of the guest operator. | |
description | string The optional description of this guest operator. |
location | string The optional location of the guest operator. |
{- "fullName": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "location": "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest operator has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "location": "location",
- "username": "testaccount",
- "id": "8a69cd9e85964a8001859ad86bbd0082",
- "telephone": "+33630190889",
- "email": "",
- "description": null,
- "fullName": "name",
- "createdAt": 1673340152759
This API is used to get the guest operator list of locations.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The guest operators locations have been successfuly fetched.",
- "data": [
- "Beijing",
- "Paris"
This API is used to get all captive portal access records.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: deviceMac. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"deviceMac":"ASC"}] |
filters | Array of any The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object fields in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in the record, for example: deviceMac. If no filter applied, send an empty Array. The name of this query is an enum of: LIKE, EQUAL. ex: filter : [{"deviceMac":{"LIKE":"143CC32CF77A"}, "and":"true"}] |
search | string The search is applied to filter all the fields in the object. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The captive portal access records have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 7,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "8a67af320e127b0643ac701",
- "authResult": "Access-Reject",
- "deviceFamily": "Dell",
- "browserType": "Sushi Browser",
- "deviceOS": "IOS",
- "deviceCategory": "Tablette",
- "associationSSID": "SSID_OVNG",
- "deviceMac": "00:47:27:96:67:43",
- "username": "Finn",
- "recordTime": 1628154727415,
- "userAgent": "Agent1",
- "portalType": "Guest",
- "portalPage": "At.",
- "successRedirect": "",
- "rejectReason": "Parameters too long!",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [
- {
- "name": "email",
- "value": ""
}, - {
- "name": "AccountName",
- "value": "john"
}, - {
- "id": "8a67af320e127b0643ac702",
- "authResult": "",
- "deviceFamily": "GigaByte",
- "browserType": "UC Browser",
- "deviceOS": "IOS",
- "deviceCategory": "Portable PC",
- "associationSSID": "SSID_3",
- "deviceMac": "36:30:86:44:90:00",
- "username": "Garling",
- "recordTime": 1631441456064,
- "userAgent": "Darrell",
- "portalType": "BYOD",
- "portalPage": "Augue nam.",
- "successRedirect": "",
- "rejectReason": "Parameters wrong!",
- "loginCustomAttrList": [ ]
This API is used to delete multiple captive portal access records by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of captive portal access records. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The captive portal access records have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00008c",
- "displayName": "Captive Portal Access Records 1",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "60bf33dffc13ae18cb00009z",
- "displayName": "Captive Portal Access Records 2",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success"
This API allows to update global policy
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
accountLockoutThreshold required | integer <int32> Account lockout threshold can set a value from 3 through 999 for failed sign-in attempts, or we can specify that the account will never be locked by setting the value to 0. Default = 5. |
accountLockoutDuration required | integer <int32> Account lockout threshold is set to a number greater than zero, Account lockout duration can be set from 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 18000 seconds (5 hours), with default = 900 (15 minutes). It's a number of minutes expressed in seconds. |
{- "accountLockoutThreshold": 0,
- "accountLockoutDuration": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The global policy has been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2022-06-21T16:39:13.409Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-06-22T13:40:36.789Z",
- "id": "62b1f431a6bd123c649012fd",
- "accountLockoutThreshold": 5,
- "accountLockoutDuration": 1800
This API allows to get global policy
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The resource has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2022-06-21T16:39:13.409Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-06-22T12:05:18.207Z",
- "id": "62b1f431a6bd123c649012fd",
- "accountLockoutThreshold": 5,
- "accountLockoutDuration": 1800
This API allows to create new radsec CA in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string The name of radsec CA. |
file required | string The name of the uploaded CA file. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The RadSec CA has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c0001",
- "name": "test",
- "fileName": "test.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "clientca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
This API allows to get all RadSecs CA of organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The RadSec CAs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 3,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000b",
- "name": "clientca",
- "fileName": "clientca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "clientca2",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
}, - {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000c",
- "name": "clientca1",
- "fileName": "clientca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "clientca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
}, - {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000e",
- "name": "clientca3",
- "fileName": "clientca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "issuedTo": "clientca",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
This API allows to delete multiple RadSecs CA identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radsecs CA. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The RadSec CAs have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c0001",
- "displayName": "clientca22",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c0001",
- "name": "clientca22",
- "fileName": "clientca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "clientca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c0001",
- "displayName": "clientca23",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c0001",
- "name": "clientca23",
- "fileName": "clientca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "clientca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radsec"
This API allows to download a radsec CA identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
caId required | string This is a path param for caId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
This API allows to create new radius trust CA in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string multipart/form-data |
name required | string The name of radius CA. |
file required | string The name of the uploaded CA file. |
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The Radius CA has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413d03c018413e4b19c00012",
- "name": "testName",
- "fileName": "testName.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
This API allows to get all Radius CA of organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Radius CAs have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "total": 3,
- "list": [
- {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000b",
- "name": "caRadius1",
- "fileName": "caRadius1.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "caRadius1",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
}, - {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000c",
- "name": "caRadius2",
- "fileName": "caRadius2.cer",
- "issuedBy": "caRadius2",
- "issuedTo": "caRadiusé",
- "status": "Trust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
}, - {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000e",
- "name": "caRadius3",
- "fileName": "caRadius3.cer",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "issuedBy": "caRadius3",
- "issuedTo": "caRadius3",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666778977856,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
This API allows to delete multiple Radius trust CA identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radius CA. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Radius CAs have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f0007",
- "displayName": "radiusclient",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f0005",
- "name": "radiusclient21",
- "fileName": "radiusclient.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusclient",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
}, - {
- "operation": "Delete",
- "entryId": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f0006",
- "displayName": "radiusclient",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.delete.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f0006",
- "name": "radiusclient22",
- "fileName": "radiusclient.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusclient",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
This API allows to download a radius CA identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
caId required | string This is a path param for caId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
This API allows to trust Radius Certification identified by their ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radius CA. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Radius CA has been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "Trust",
- "entryId": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620186308d29921231",
- "displayName": "oldCert",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.inTrust.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000a",
- "name": "radiusca1",
- "fileName": "radiusca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
}, - {
- "operation": "Trust",
- "entryId": "8a69cdaa85cfb2620186308d29912329",
- "displayName": "newCert",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.inTrust.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000b",
- "name": "radiusca2",
- "fileName": "radiusca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
This API allows to untrust Radius Certification Authority by Id
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The identifiers of the radius CA. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Radius CA has been successfully updated.",
- "data": [
- {
- "operation": "UnTrust",
- "entryId": "8a69cdaa85cfb262018627277883044a",
- "displayName": "testCert",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.inUntrust.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000b",
- "name": "radiusca2",
- "fileName": "radiusca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
}, - {
- "operation": "UnTrust",
- "entryId": "8a69cdaa85cfb262018627277812334a",
- "displayName": "testCert",
- "status": true,
- "message": "samp.server.batch.inUntrust.success",
- "entityData": {
- "id": "2c9e80838413bf12018413c4d65f000c",
- "name": "radiusca3",
- "fileName": "radiusca.cer",
- "issuedBy": "ca",
- "issuedTo": "radiusca",
- "status": "UnTrust",
- "validityStartTime": 1665730360000,
- "createdAt": 1666781065606,
- "validityStopTime": 1752130360000,
- "type": "radius"
This API allows to get all Backup Schedulers.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule backup(s) have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
This API allows to delete mutiple Backup Schedulers identified by there ids.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of scheduler. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule backup(s) have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "entityId": "753520-8337-43f0-a63c-c6e7c3588287",
- "message": "Successfull deletion",
- "operation": "Delete",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "1111-c60a-4775-868c-beb51bcd0354",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "13",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "4"
], - "description": "Backup description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 16,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "name",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726063200,
- "organizationId": "64227afd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-11T15:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-11T05:59:21.027Z",
- "scope": "switch_sn",
- "scopeId": [
- "J22003001"
}, - {
- "entityId": "bfb25183-576d-4172-b7db-09fe404b4114",
- "message": "Successfull deletion",
- "operation": "Delete",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": false,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
This API is used to create a Backup Scheduler
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string Name of the backup job. |
description required | string Description of the backup job. |
includeSecurityFiles required | boolean Whether security files are included in the backup. |
paused required | boolean Whether the backup job is paused. |
scope required | string Enum: "site" "switch_sn" "floor" Type of the scope. |
scopeId required | Array of strings Array of scope ID. If scope is switch_sn, it is the array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
repeat required | string Enum: "daily" "weekly" "monthly" Frequency of the backup job. |
startDate required | string Start date of the backup job in ISO format. |
endDate required | string End date of the backup job in ISO format. |
dayInWeeks required | Array of strings Days of the week when the backup job is scheduled to run, represented as numbers from '1' (Monday) to '7' (Sunday). |
dayInMonths required | Array of strings Days of the month when the backup job is scheduled to run, numbers range from '1' to '31'. |
hourInDay required | integer <int32> Hour of the day when the backup job is scheduled to start, represented as an hour in 24-hour format. |
minute required | integer <int32> Minute of the hour when the backup job is scheduled to start. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "paused": true,
- "scope": "site",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "repeat": "daily",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "dayInWeeks": [
- "string"
], - "dayInMonths": [
- "string"
], - "hourInDay": 0,
- "minute": 0
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The schedule backup has been successfully created.",
- "data": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
This API allows to fetch one Backup Scheduler identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
backupId required | string This is a path param for backupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule backup(s) have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
This API allows to update one schedule backup identified by its id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
backupId required | string This is a path param for backupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
name required | string Name of the backup job. |
description required | string Description of the backup job. |
includeSecurityFiles required | boolean Whether security files are included in the backup. |
paused required | boolean Whether the backup job is paused. |
scope required | string Enum: "site" "switch_sn" "floor" Type of the scope. |
scopeId required | Array of strings Array of scope ID. If scope is switch_sn, it is the array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
repeat required | string Enum: "daily" "weekly" "monthly" Frequency of the backup job. |
startDate | string Start date of the backup job in ISO format. If the job started already, it is not modifiable. |
endDate | string End date of the backup job in ISO format. |
dayInWeeks required | Array of strings Days of the week when the backup job is scheduled to run, represented as numbers from '1' (Monday) to '7' (Sunday). |
dayInMonths required | Array of strings Days of the month when the backup job is scheduled to run, numbers range from '1' to '31'. |
hourInDay required | integer <int32> Hour of the day when the backup job is scheduled to start, represented as an hour in 24-hour format. |
minute required | integer <int32> Minute of the hour when the backup job is scheduled to start. |
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "paused": true,
- "scope": "site",
- "scopeId": [
- "string"
], - "repeat": "daily",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "dayInWeeks": [
- "string"
], - "dayInMonths": [
- "string"
], - "hourInDay": 0,
- "minute": 0
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The schedule backup(s) have been successfully updated.",
- "data": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
This API allows to deactivate multiple backup schedulers by their id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of scheduler. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The deactivation of schedule backup(s) have been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "entityId": "75353420-8337-43f0-a63c-c6e7c3588287",
- "message": "Successfull update",
- "operation": "Update",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "1111-c60a-4775-868c-beb51bcd0354",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "13",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "4"
], - "description": "Backup description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 16,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "name",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726063200,
- "organizationId": "64227afd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-11T15:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-11T05:59:21.027Z",
- "scope": "switch_sn",
- "scopeId": [
- "J22003001"
}, - "name": "Name 01"
}, - {
- "entityId": "bfb25183-576d-4172-b7db-09fe404b4114",
- "message": "Successfull update",
- "operation": "Update",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": true,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
}, - "name": "Name 01"
This API allows to activate multiple backup schedulers identified by their id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of unique identifiers of scheduler. |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The activation of schedule backup(s) have been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "entityId": "75353420-8337-43f0-a63c-c6e7c3588287",
- "message": "Successfull update",
- "operation": "Update",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "1111-c60a-4775-868c-beb51bcd0354",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "13",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "4"
], - "description": "Backup description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 16,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "name",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726063200,
- "organizationId": "64227afd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": false,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-11T15:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-11T05:59:21.027Z",
- "scope": "switch_sn",
- "scopeId": [
- "J22003001"
}, - "name": "backupPK"
}, - {
- "entityId": "bfb25183-576d-4172-b7db-09fe404b4114",
- "message": "Successfull update",
- "operation": "Update",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupId": "2cc572c8-556d-4c7b-a8-5b80e954acf0",
- "dayInMonths": [
- "1",
- "5",
- "17"
], - "dayInWeeks": [
- "1",
- "2",
- "4"
], - "description": "Description",
- "endDate": null,
- "hourInDay": 18,
- "includeSecurityFiles": true,
- "minute": 0,
- "name": "Name 02",
- "nextExecutionDateTimeStampToUpdate": 1726329600,
- "next_execution": "2024-09-14T16:00:00.000Z",
- "organizationId": "6422eafd5846ba384ad749",
- "paused": false,
- "repeat": "weekly",
- "scheduled": true,
- "startDate": "2024-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
- "timeZone": "Europe/Paris",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-09T15:44:09.526Z",
- "scope": "floor",
- "scopeId": [
- "64c7df836dcac77484084"
}, - "name": "Name 01"
This API is used to get the list of configuration backups created by scope.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] required | string Array of id corresponding to the selected scope. If the switch is in a VC, it should be the serial number of the Master in switch's VC. |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
latestBackupByDevice | boolean Option to distinct the backup by device, by default all backups are fetched. |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The configuration backup(s) have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "devices": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "ssssdsqdf",
- "id": "c1f518f8-adaf-4ea0-accc-e33ea171fsd5",
- "partNumber": "904059-90",
- "macAddress": "94:24:56:CC:77:99",
- "type": "OS6860E-P24",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.91.R04",
- "status": "FAILED",
- "status_reason": "CONNECTION_ISSUE",
- "running_directory": "working",
- "nbFiles": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "security_files": false,
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T11:58:02.009Z",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "description": "Created by alex guillouet at 2024-09-13T11:58:00.998Z",
- "friendlyName": " (SW13_OS6860)",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd588556ae4ad756"
}, - {
- "serialNumber": "qsfqdsdf",
- "id": "1d9b5f8b-6d84-4eea-8b9a-824sdf95d0d42",
- "partNumber": "904044-90",
- "macAddress": "94:24:E1:77:FD:6D",
- "type": "OS6560-P48Z16",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.221.R03",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "status_reason": null,
- "running_directory": "working",
- "nbFiles": 15,
- "size": 17036,
- "security_files": false,
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T11:56:40.077Z",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "description": "Created by Admin OVNG at 2024-09-13T11:56:39.040Z",
- "friendlyName": " (OS6560)",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd5845856ae4ad756"
], - "total": 2,
- "totalFiltered": 2
This API is used to delete multiple configuration backups by providing a list of ids in the body
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
ids required | Array of strings The array of backup identifiers |
{- "ids": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The configuration backup(s) have been successfully deleted.",
- "data": [
- {
- "entityId": "dfaf0b70-0d77-41e7-b21b-78d873sdf1d6",
- "message": "Successfull deletion",
- "operation": "Delete",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupName": null,
- "buildingId": null,
- "createdAt": "2024-09-12T13:30:12.710539",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.221.R03",
- "endAt": "2024-09-12T13:31:11.370Z",
- "floorId": null,
- "id": "dfaf0b70-0d77-41e7-b21b-78d873a321d6",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "macAddress": "94:24:87:09:FD:6D",
- "partNumber": "904044-90",
- "runningDirectory": "working",
- "scheduled": null,
- "securityFiles": true,
- "serialNumber": "Y2182493",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4a87756",
- "startAt": "2024-09-12T13:30:05.988Z",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "status_reason": null,
- "type": "OS6560-P48Z16"
}, - {
- "entityId": "d6d565a1-09ec-4234-9f77-cc978cd9ea99",
- "message": "Successfull deletion",
- "operation": "Delete",
- "status": true,
- "entity": {
- "backupName": null,
- "buildingId": "6422e844fd584665944ad75d",
- "createdAt": "2024-09-12T13:30:14.123516",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.226.R03",
- "endAt": "2024-09-12T13:31:13.951Z",
- "floorId": "659e581322e957166555ab32",
- "id": "d6d565a1-09ec-4234-9f77-cc994cd9ea99",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "macAddress": "78:24:60:04:01:31",
- "partNumber": "904306-90",
- "runningDirectory": "working",
- "scheduled": null,
- "securityFiles": true,
- "serialNumber": "WHS225101349",
- "siteId": "6422e833fd68786ae4ad756",
- "startAt": "2024-09-12T13:30:05.988Z",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "status_reason": null,
- "type": "OS6360-P10"
This API is used to create Instant Backup for multiple devices
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
description required | string Description of the instant backup. Null allowed. |
isSecurityFiles required | boolean Whether security files are included in the backup. |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "description": "string",
- "isSecurityFiles": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The configuration backup has been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "serialNumber": "SSSSSSERIE",
- "description": null
This API is used to get the details (including file list) of a given backup by its ID.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
backupId required | string This is a path param for backupId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The configuration backup has been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2024-09-13T09:37:58Z",
- "files": [
- {
- "filename": "/flash/working/cloudagent.cfg",
- "id": "ae57f592-4b4c-4b0c-84aa-23f177c0db2d",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 179,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-03-22T10:56:12Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/working/vcboot.cfg",
- "id": "25aa2d26-97f9-472d-9ee5-6e2438106261",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 13809,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-12T18:11:11Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/working/vcsetup.cfg",
- "id": "5fbd323e-b995-4be2-91f8-78b4fe6672b3",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 519,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-12T18:11:10Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/captive_portal/release_files/templates/qmr_quarantined.html",
- "id": "b8b94719-ffea-413b-b187-b0b448d2f159",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 824,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:26:07Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/captive_portal/release_files/templates/error404.html",
- "id": "b8d0add4-0544-42fa-8e1c-5e202a2106fc",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 657,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:26:07Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/captive_portal/release_files/templates/cportal_login.html",
- "id": "1523affa-0273-4e64-bcd1-2a9aa997f80f",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 3546,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:26:07Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/pre_banner.txt",
- "id": "389c161d-8f77-4bfa-aca3-fe72b391b8d2",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 0,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2022-12-17T05:00:16Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/captive_portal/release_files/templates/cportal_redirect.html",
- "id": "db8f1092-b9ea-4f3c-abb1-5f4a871d9567",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 1336,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:26:07Z"
}, - {
- "filename": "/flash/switch/captive_portal/release_files/templates/cportal_status.html",
- "id": "92fd3f6f-6680-431d-a965-bde70a3a4be6",
- "permissions": "rw-r--r--",
- "security": false,
- "size": 1278,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updatedAt": "2024-09-02T15:26:07Z"
], - "id": "fb611b34-25c8-474c-901e-9417519cd2e5",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "macAddress": "78:24:59:70:01:31",
- "nbFiles": 14,
- "serialNumber": "WHS225108749",
- "size": 37261,
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "type": "OS6360-P10",
- "version": "8.9.226.R03",
- "deviceId": "6524dbd5cfc196qsdqsd0e023"
This API is used to get get files of configuration backup by backup ID and file Id.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
backupId required | string This is a path param for backupId |
fileId required | string This is a path param for fileId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The configuration backup have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": "Activation Server URL: \nHTTP Proxy Server: \nHTTP Proxy Port:\nHTTP Proxy User Name: \nHTTP Proxy Password:\nActivation Server Port:"
This API is used to download a zip file of a Configuration backup.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
id required | string This is a path param for id |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
This API is used to enable audit configuration for multiple devices
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The request to activate Golden configuration(s) have been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "Audit has been enabled.",
- "operation": "updateAuditEnabled",
- "success": true,
- "serialNumber": "JSZ2SDF03001"
}, - {
- "message": "Audit has been enabled.",
- "operation": "updateAuditEnabled",
- "success": true,
- "serialNumber": "WHSSDF1349"
This API is used to disable audit configuration for multiple devices
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The request to deactivate Golden configuration(s) have been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "Audit has been disabled.",
- "operation": "updateAuditEnabled",
- "status": true,
- "serialNumber": "Y2182sdf93"
}, - {
- "message": "Audit has been disabled.",
- "operation": "updateAuditEnabled",
- "status": true,
- "serialNumber": "Y2sdf24"
This API is used to delete audit configuration for multiple devices
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The request to delete Golden configuration(s) have been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "Sent a request to delete golden config for this device.",
- "operation": "delete",
- "success": true,
- "vcSerialNumber": "Y2qsd493",
- "serialNumber": "Y21qsd93"
This API is used to Mark Golden configuration and schedule Audit of multiples switches
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
isSaveConfig required | boolean Flag to save the running configuration. |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "isSaveConfig": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The request to Golden configuration has been successfully registered.",
- "data": [
- {
- "entity": {
- "auditEnabled": true,
- "firmwareVersion": "",
- "ip": "",
- "lastAuditRequestTimestamp": 0,
- "lastAuditStatus": 4,
- "lastAuditTimestamp": 0,
- "lastSuccessfulAuditTimestamp": 0,
- "mac": "94:24:E1:CC:25:6D",
- "mappingBuildingId": "6422e844fd5846e8944ad75d",
- "mappingFloorId": "64c7d2f836dcabbc77484084",
- "mappingLabels": "",
- "mappingSiteId": "6422e833fd584686ae4ad756",
- "md5": "",
- "preferredAuditHour": 907,
- "runningDirectory": "",
- "synchronizedStatus": "",
- "timestamp": 1726232568,
- "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
- "vcSerialNumber": "sdfsdfsdfsdf"
}, - "message": "Configuration record created in database, and queued golden config setup.",
- "operation": "setup",
- "status": true,
- "serialNumber": "JSZ2sdfsdf22003001"
This API is used to get all golden configs in organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
scope required | string "scope" is the target: org, site, switch_sn. |
scopeId[] required | string Array of id corresponding to the selected scope. If the switch is in a VC, it should be the serial number of the Master in switch's VC. |
limit required | integer The number of records to fetch from the total records. |
offset required | integer The start position of the records to fetch over the total number of record. |
sort | Array of any "sort" is an array of sort order for each field of object in the record. The field name corresponds to the field in one record, ex: clientIp. Its value is enum of ASC, DESC (ascending or descending order). If no sorting applied, send an empty array. ex: sort: [{"clientIp":"ASC"}] |
filters | object The filter applied to filter the value of a specific object field in record. The field name in filter object corresponds to the field in one record, for example: clientIp. If no filter applied, send an empty JSON. The name of this query is an enum of: contains, !=, startsWith, endsWith. If you want to find the exact value of this field, send a string instead an object for this fieldName, ex: 'clientMac': '00:1B:2A:3C:4D:5F'. ex: filter with object: {"clientMac":{"contains":"00:1B"}} |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Golden configuration(s) have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": [
- {
- "version": "",
- "pingTime": 1705938116,
- "createdAt": "2023-10-10T05:06:29.193Z",
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-26T13:34:06.564Z",
- "id": "6524dbd5cqsd64d98d0e023",
- "name": "SW15_OS6360",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "ipAddressV6": "",
- "friendlyName": " (SW15_OS6360)",
- "macAddress": "78:11:59:04:01:31",
- "serialNumber": "qsdqsdqsdqsd",
- "deviceFamily": "AOS",
- "type": "",
- "physicalLocation": "",
- "description": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OS6360-P10 8.9.62.R03 Development, June 17, 2023.",
- "systemContact": "Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise,",
- "location": {
- "type": "Point",
- "coordinates": [
- -4.412712,
- 48.442048
}, - "floorElevation": 0,
- "deviceStatus": "connectedToOV",
- "currentSwVer": "8.9.62.R03",
- "workingMode": null,
- "lastSeenTime": 1702916012,
- "imageLocation": "",
- "licenseStatus": "UNDER_TEASER",
- "markPremium": true,
- "managementMode": "FullManagement",
- "isRap": false,
- "vpnSettingName": null,
- "isAutoRegistered": false,
- "calculatedMacAddress": "78:24:59:04:01:31",
- "organization": "6422e67afqsdqsdad749",
- "site": {
- "id": "6422e833fd58qsdqsdae4ad756",
- "name": "ALE Brest"
}, - "group": null,
- "building": {
- "id": "6422e844fqsdqsd6e8944ad75d",
- "name": "B"
}, - "floor": {
- "id": "64c7d2f8qsdqsdcabbc77484084",
- "name": "sfadsa"
}, - "license": "6524dbqsdqsd964d98d0e022",
- "deviceLabels": [ ],
- "iotStatus": "Disable",
- "ipMode": "dhcp",
- "meshEnable": false,
- "meshRole": "",
- "meshIsRoot": false,
- "meshBand": "",
- "meshEssid": "",
- "meshPassphrase": "",
- "ipv4Netmask": "",
- "ipv4Gateway": "",
- "ipv4DeviceDNS": "",
- "ipv6Prefixlen": "",
- "ipv6Gateway": "",
- "ipv6DeviceDNS": "",
- "ledMode": "default_mode",
- "lacpStatus": "",
- "switchForQoeRtls": false,
- "qoeSwitch": false,
- "rtlsSwitch": false,
- "flashThreshold": 50,
- "memoryThreshold": 50,
- "cpuThreshold": 50,
- "bleMac": "",
- "iotPrivateSwitch": false,
- "iotMode": "",
- "advertisingSwitch": false,
- "frequency": "",
- "txPower": "",
- "txChannel": [ ],
- "beaconMode": "",
- "plainUrl": "",
- "nameSpace": "",
- "instanceId": "",
- "scanningSwitch": false,
- "scanningInterval": "",
- "ouiWhiteList": [ ],
- "deviceCountryCode": null,
- "apRadioConfigSwitch": false,
- "band2": false,
- "band5A": false,
- "band5H": false,
- "band5L": false,
- "band6": false,
- "_modifiedTS": "2023-12-18T16:25:19.488Z",
- "callHomeInterval": 15,
- "chassisInfo": [
- {
- "macAddress": "78:24:11:04:01:31",
- "serialNumber": "41414141414141",
- "modelName": "OS6360-P10",
- "role": "master",
- "partNumber": "904306-90"
}, - {
- "macAddress": "78:24:44:0A:52:81",
- "serialNumber": "WHS230700109",
- "modelName": "OS6360-P10",
- "role": "slave",
- "partNumber": "904306-90"
], - "currentRunningDirectory": "working",
- "dataVpnServerIP": null,
- "deviceFeatures": null,
- "deviceNaasMode": "CAPEX",
- "devicePrivateKey": null,
- "devicePublicKey": null,
- "deviceRole": "master",
- "deviceVpnIP": null,
- "endIpAddress": null,
- "ipAddressPoolOption": null,
- "lengthIpAddress": null,
- "manageRapVpnServer": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPort": 0,
- "manageRapVpnServerPrivateKey": null,
- "manageRapVpnServerPublicKey": null,
- "networkIpAddress": null,
- "ovEnterpriseServerIP": null,
- "partNumber": "904306-90",
- "pkiUpdateStatus": null,
- "pkiUpdateTimestamp": null,
- "rap": false,
- "startIpAddress": null,
- "subnetMask": null,
- "tcpMss": null,
- "provisionMessage": "",
- "upTime": 1142270,
- "vcMacAddress": "78:24:11:04:01:31",
- "changes": "Unsaved",
- "_insertedTS": null,
- "activationStatus": "connectedToOV",
- "currentRunningSoftwareVersion": "8.9.62.R03",
- "lldpSwitch": false,
- "lastHeartBeat": 1702916719,
- "modelName": "OS6360-P10",
- "licenseCategory": null,
- "deviceLocation": "Unknown",
- "workMode": "",
- "lastEventReceivedAt": 1702916719,
- "managementConnectivity": "OFF",
- "numberOfLicensesUsed": 2,
- "rootMacFriendlyName": null,
- "lastAuditRequestTimestamp": 1726233799,
- "firmwareVersion": "8.9.226.R03",
- "lastAuditStatus": 1,
- "lastAuditTimestamp": 1726233803,
- "synchronizedStatus": "Not Found",
- "runningDirectory": "WORKING",
- "auditEnabled": true,
- "timestamp": 1726232276,
- "backupVer": "8.9.226.R03",
- "backupDate": "2024-09-13T09:37:58.298Z"
This API is used to get the golden configuration of a device identified by its serial number.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
serialNumber required | string This is a path param for serialNumber |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Golden configuration(s) have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "auditEnabled": false,
- "firmwareVersion": "8.9.221.R03",
- "ip": "",
- "lastAuditRequestTimestamp": 1726232722,
- "lastAuditStatus": 0,
- "lastAuditTimestamp": 1726232726,
- "lastSuccessfulAuditTimestamp": 1726232726,
- "mac": "94:24:E1:10:FD:6D",
- "mappingBuildingId": "",
- "mappingFloorId": "",
- "mappingLabels": "",
- "mappingSiteId": "",
- "md5": "fd1a87b443c86fca0f59086sdfgc4e28",
- "preferredAuditHour": 0,
- "runningDirectory": "WORKING",
- "synchronizedStatus": "SYNCHRONIZED",
- "timestamp": 1726232616,
- "timezone": null,
- "configurationSnapshot": "! Chassi",
- "serialNumber": "sdfsdfsdf"
This API is used to request an instant audit of multiples switches
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
serialNumbers required | Array of strings The array of Master serial number if the device is in VC. Unless, it is the serial number of the device |
isSaveConfig required | boolean Flag to save the running configuration. |
{- "serialNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "isSaveConfig": true
{- "status": 201,
- "message": "The instant audit has been successfully created.",
- "data": [
- {
- "message": "Audit has been requested.",
- "operation": "instantAudit",
- "success": true,
- "serialNumber": "sdfgherth",
- "vcSerialNumber": "sdfsdfsdf"
This API allows to fetch all Personal Identifiable Information (PII) that were stored in OmniVista Cirrus. Using this API, you well get all PII data from all Access Points that have been declared at least one time in this organization.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Personal identifiable information have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientDeviceNames": [
- "Galaxy-A0",
- "Android OS"
], - "clientIPs": [
- "",
- ""
], - "clientMacs": [
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:EF",
- "00:12:34:AB:CD:E1"
], - "clientUserNames": [
- "username1",
- "username2"
This API allows to delete all Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for a given list of clients. Important: When this request is performed, please note that the next data retrieved for the list of provided clients will no more stored in the system. For enabling the data to be stored again for these clients, you should call the cancel API for them.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
keyType required | string The type of the key used to delete. |
keyValues required | Array of strings The value of keys used to delete. |
{- "keyType": "string",
- "keyValues": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Delete PII Keys request has been taken into account and being processed.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2021-03-25T22:41:39.935Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-25T22:41:39.935Z",
- "id": "605d11a3b92f322314707791",
- "scope": "SITE",
- "scopeValue": "5ff4783204f52e1208b2eb8b",
- "startedAt": "2021-03-25T22:41:39.893Z",
- "completedAt": "2021-03-25T22:41:39.934Z",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "requestType": "DELETE",
- "datasets": [
- "events"
], - "keyType": "MAC",
- "keyValues": [
- "34:E7:0B:12:17:20"
This API allows to enable again the storage of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for a given list of clients.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
keyType required | string The type of the key used to delete. |
keyValues required | Array of strings The value of keys used to delete. |
{- "keyType": "string",
- "keyValues": [
- "string"
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "Cancel Delete PII request Keys request has been taken into account and being processed.",
- "data": {
- "createdAt": "2021-03-25T22:41:39.935Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-25T00:41:39.935Z",
- "id": "605d11a3b92f322314707791",
- "scope": "SITE",
- "scopeValue": "5ff4783204f52e1208b2eb8b",
- "startedAt": "2021-03-25T23:41:39.893Z",
- "completedAt": "2021-03-25T00:41:39.934Z",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "requestType": "CANCEL_DELETE",
- "datasets": [
- "events"
], - "keyType": "MAC",
- "keyValues": [
- "34:E7:0B:12:17:20"
This API allows to fetch all Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for one Access Point. Using this API, you will get all PII data for all clients that have been connected on this Access Point.
orgId required | string This is a path param for orgId |
apMac required | string This is a path param for apMac |
Authorization required | string Bearer {{access_token}} |
{- "status": 200,
- "message": "The Personal identifiable information have been successfully fetched.",
- "data": {
- "clientMacs": [
- "aa:22:00:66:11:55",
- "2c-54-91-88-c9-e3"
], - "clientIPs": [
- "",
- ""
], - "clientDeviceNames": [
- "jacobs_iphone",
- "Mary_Android"
], - "clientUserNames": [
- "jacobs",
- "Mary"